Monday, January 23, 2006

Name pill used on kimkin diet program? -

I am interested in the suppliment that the weight loss program KIMKIN is using. I went to the website but it cost $ to join and to find out. I heard it on MANDJ morning show. I beleive its something like CATOSISUS but that isnt not the correct spelling or word. Its the closest I could get to it. Thank you for your help. HAVE A GREAT DAY

This is all a scam, Kim the founder of this diet is a 350 pound women making a ton of money off people and risking there health also. Just drink alot of water and eat when your hungry not just because... Try going onto or to both of these site can help you ount and control your eating. Hope this helps you! Luck to you.

I have heard of that...and you are smart to join that KIMKIN diet, ....I had looked extensively into that some time ago and its a joke , its really no different than some of the others ....Just some woman who started making money off her own story.i ll see if i can find name of pill,.....and add to answer here if i find...i have looked..but cant find either. Have you seen all the negativity about this woman and her diet, please ..find something else...and dont be quick to take any diet pills, they are not safe. Go to an all natural store, and talk to someone there, ..i have 2 that really do curb the appetite, safely, if you need that, ...the hoodia gord. is one, ...but be careful of the brand, the other is chromium pocalinate, (check spell, )...both are safe and chemical free, no heart damage!...good luck to you

Hydroxycut...? -

i eat healthy and i run as well but i wanna add hydroxycut to my weight loss program to speed it up...any suggestions as to which one i should use hydroxycut 24 or hardcore?..please no anti-diet pill answers....ive heard em all n i am aware of dem....yes i do take multivit daily and lots of water..

How much weight do you want to lose? I was always against diet pills I thought they didn t work and blah,blah,blah.. My best friend started losing weight and she was looking really good so I asked what her secret was and she told me she went to a diet clinic and saw a doctor and he gave her a diet pill called phentramine . I ve never taken a diet pill and I m a diabetic and i have high blood pressure so I was thinking I couldn t take it but I went and talked to the doctor anyway . Turns out it was no problem for me to take it The first month I lost 22lbs now I did exercise and I watched what I ate the pill just helps you not feel Hungary there is no magic pill that will shrink the fat away . I have exercised before and not lost weight so far I m down about 40lbs after the first month your weight loss slows down and the norm for the first month is usually about 10lbs I have told all my friends about it and some have tried it everyone I know has lost with it if you only want to lose 10 or 15 lbs I don t suggest it. But it has helped me before I was takingg 3 diabetic pills 3 times a day and 2 blood pressure pills now I m only takin 1 diabetic pill 1 time a day and 1 blood pressure pill. It hasn t given me any bad side affects I did feel a little jittery the first few days but not now I just feel so much more energetic I have a husband and a 3 year old plus I work full time so that can wear you down . There were some days before I couldn t make myself go to the gym I don t have those probs now plus if you are like me it is hard to stick with a diet and exercise unless you see results with this I started seeing them within a couple of days .. good luck

I would use the original formula...they also have one without the caffiene. You shouldn t get the hardcore until you know how well you would tolerate it. Just be careful and watch your dosage, take the smallest amount(1pill) to start to see how you react, no soda or products containing caffiene. I used this and it worked but one day I took one dose in the morning and forgot then took another before I went to work and passed out at work from it. Just be careful......

Hydroxycut Hardcore maybe, but still not worth it.Muscle Tech corp is a garbage company, over charge their products and full out liars.Look into other companies such as Anabolic Xtreme (stim X),Ergopharm (Amp), IBE (X-Force). I have used these fat burning stims before, I say for certain that these will help you to a certain degree if you got your diet,sleep and nutrients in check.

u obviously want answerers who will say it is great. try it.i would say the new drug alli looks more promising.consult a doc first

Hydroxycut is a caffeine pill. It will make your wallet lighter for sure and give you a first class case of jitters Nothing more...good luckActually they tell me they now have a caffeine free version you won t even get the jitters for your hard earned money...If any of these things really worked we d all be taking them...If you read the label you ll see that it says when combined with proper diet and exercise.. so any weight loss will be from the diet and exercise part rather than the pills.