Saturday, February 16, 2008

How to lose weight quick and the health way..? -

I have been working out for well over 6 months and I can t seem to lose weight. I also tried the no carb thing for a month and I couldn t fight the carvings anymore, so I gave in. I started taking Slim Quick and I lose on 5 pounds. Is there better way to lose weight other than starving myself and depriving my self of the foods I love to eat?

Losing weight could be easy if you know what you are doing and have the right attitude and motivation. Below are some of the fastest way to lose weight! that will help you.1) before you start at all, you have got to to ask yourself these questions (A) Is weight loss your top priority? B) Is dieting right for you? C) Do you have the right motivation? D) Are you able to devote 20-30% of your time to your body? E) Would you accept the things you can not change? F) Do your family and friends support you?If your answers are YES to all the above questions then you are ready.2: Never ever skip breakfast : Most people who are trying to lose weight skip breakfast which is the biggest mistake any one intending to lose weight can make. Make sure you don t miss any breafast as it is the major source of energy for the day and missing it will do you no good but harm. You should also make sure you don t miss your lunch and dinner too as you don t loss weight skipping meals but instead skipping meals makes you look ugly and it does not help your self esteem.3. Accept the fact that weight loss will not be easy and learn to be disciple. You must realise the fact that to loss weight you must do some researches on what works and what does not. You should also learn to keep records of your intake and body weight as often as you can.4. Let your brain understand the fact that you now have a new lifestyle and that you will not eat just any how again until you have the appetite to do so. You need to know that your mind is subconcious. It will believe whatever we make it to believe and will adapt easily with time. That is why you need to keep remaining your mind about your plans to loss weight and to do it real very fast.5. Workout smartlyDo you know you can actually lose more weight keep your metabolism fired up longer by doing 3-to-4 shorter 10-minute workouts instead of 1 big 30-to-40-minute cardio workout?A research study at the university of Pittsburgh found that women who split up their 40 minute cardio workouts into 4 separate 10 minute cardio workout sessions during the day LOST 20 pounds while the group of women who did one big 40 minute cardio workout only lost 14 pounds.The reason why more shorter workouts are better is because you never give your fat burning metabolism a chance to slow down.Read the rest of the article at��

6 months and no weight are definately doing something wrong. You need to do cardio for 45 minutes every day or at least 4-5 times a week. I do 45 minutes cardio every day 7 days a week and eat 1300 calories and lost 45 pounds in 3 months. Make sure your work out puts your heart rate very high, at least 150 or higher for the full duration of your cardio workout. I do elliptical mostly and interval training on the treadmill.

If you re looking to lose weight, then before you get suckered into any fad diets, diet pills schemes or any of the gimmicks, I highly recommend you download the free guide at http://www.dietreportzone.comIt shows you the healthiest and quickest way to get thin (and how to easily maintain that weight). The book is 100% free and is a big eye-opener to you if you re looking to drop some pounds.The book is 100% free - you just type your name and email in to the site to download it.

Actually what you really need is proper diet, not starvation.=)I was just like you few weeks ago until I found the product with the most ideal dieting technique.In case you want to know more, I wrote a review about this product at you can check this out because it has worked for me, it might work for you too!

Add vegetables to your diet. Avoid quick fixes or short cuts, they usually end up screwing your metabolism up. Try the Fat X diet, it s healthy and easy to follow.

There s only ONE WAY to lose fat - and that is to create a calorie deficit. However, there are two ways to create a calorie deficit - one is to decrease your food intake so you are eating less than you burn, the other is to increase your exercise and activity so you are burning more than you eat.Of the two ways to create a calorie deficit, burning the fat is far superior to starving it. You see, cutting calories too much causes weight loss at first, but it also causes muscle loss and it eventually leads to a decrease in metabolism, so the weight loss stops. This is very common on conventional diets, right? You lose weight in the beginning, but then you hit a plateau that you just can t break through. Cutting calories even more at this point only digs you even into a deeper metabolic hole. Eating more of the right foods (up to a certain point) actually increases your metabolic heat like putting wood on a fire. Food is energy; food is fuel, and it produces (metabolic) heat.Exercise burns calories and creates a calorie deficit, but the real advantage of exercise over diet is that exercise increases your metabolism, dieting slows it down. Exercise also has major health benefits, while starvation can only create health problems.So if you eat more (healthy foods) and exercise more, you get a double increase in metabolism. If you eat less and exercise less you get a double decrease in metabolism. That makes complete sense doesn t it?The IDEAL exercise program for fat loss has a combination of cardiovascular (aerobic) training and strength training. But ultimately, you re not likely to stick with exercise long term unless you choose activities you enjoy - so pick something you enjoy, even if it doesn t follow the guidelines of traditional fat loss programs. It s better to do something than nothing, and all exercise counts.Some people may have orthopedic problems which limit the type of exercise they can do. But nearly everyone can walk. So if you can walk, then walk. And almost everyone can do some type of strength training. Instead of focusing on what you can t do or what you don t like to do, direct your attention to what you CAN do and what you would like to do.Maybe you don t like being couped up inside all the time. Maybe you d prefer hiking or jogging outside. Or maybe boxing or martial arts sounds cool to you. Maybe you like basketball or tennis. Maybe you d enjoy classes, or yoga or pilates. Your options are nearly unlimited, but you have to do something or your body will begin to deteriorate.As you increase your lean muscle mass, you ll also get a permanent increase in your resting metabolic rate. Muscle is what drives your metabolism, keeps you young and makes you look more physically attractive. Others will notice how good you look, and you ll feel better about yourself too. Yes, you may lose weight from diet alone, but you re likely to end up a skinny fat person with a slow metabolism and very little lean body mass (not to mention, you ll probably gain back all the fat)Last, but not least, be careful what you say to yourself over and over because that tends to program your subconscious mind and create your self image. If you ve been repeating to yourself for years, I m not big on exercise or I m not an exercise person , that eventually becomes a part of your identity. You always tend to behave in alignment with your identity in order to stay true to yourself. Maybe when you look in the mirror after just a few weeks and see your body start to change you ll begin to like enjoy exercise a LOT. It can get addictive, you know. The endorphins that are released when you exercise are like opiates. Ever hear of runners HIGH? Ever hear of an exercise addict? What would YOU rather be hooked on? Forget about popping pills, Your body is the most exquisite pharmacy on the planet. Exercise is a better fat burner, health creator, energy producer and anti-depressant than any man-made drug will EVER be. Exercise can be fun and FEEL GOOD too.Human beings were meant to move. Bodies don t lose their function by being used too much and wearing out , they lose their function by not being used enough and rusting out. So if the positive benefits of exercise don t motivate you enough, then just picture yourself 10, 20 years from now and imagine what will happen to you if you DON T start exercising today.Check out my website, where I have reviewed the top weight loss products.��I hope this is beneficial to you reaching your goals!

How to Lose Weight While Training for a Triathlon? -

I m in the process of training for a triathalon and want to loose some weight. I m 18, 5 5 , and weigh 122 pounds. I love the swimming part of the triathalon, but I m not much for the biking and running. I want to loose weight, but in a healthy way. How can I go about doing this? I always eat granola bars before a workout.

The best way is to just not worry about it. You ll naturally get toned as you continue training. Also, you don t have to be super thin or lose alot of weight to be a strong triathlete. Many triathletes find that if they focus on maintaining or losing weight, they re performance suffers. Your body needs lots of energy to be able to finish a tri and if you re forcing yourself to lose weight your body is burning more energy than you are putting into it on a daily basis which will not help you at all come race day. When I started doing tri s last year I thought I had to lose weight to get better, but after a month of training and rapid weight loss, I always felt weak and i wasn t getting any faster. I started eating more, especially immediatley following my workouts. I ve found a good post workout meal to be a bagel (preferably whole grain), some yogurt (get whatever brand has the most protein, around here its Hy-Vee store brand yogurt), and maybe some plain grilled chicken. Ideally, as you train your body will naturally find it s balance between strength and weight. You might even gain weight, but you ll be more toned than you ve ever been before and thats what counts!

Training for a triathalon will be enough to bring about weight loss. The running and biking parts will give you the best results as they are apparently the parts you do not like and probably do not do as much.

Easy xD just train monitored by a trainer and eat a well-balanced diet made by a professional in a constant way

How to lose weight and/or tone the legs belly and bum? -

Ok, well im 14 and about 5ft 3-4 im just below average and i hate my body. i look at other girls and wish that i had their bodies.has anybody got any good tips on losing weight or toning their bodies? my biggest problems are my legs, bum and belly. i hate them.whats the fastest and most successful way of losing weight and looking better?ESPECIALLY on your thighs? Anything will be much appreciated. -amy x

My sister and I have recently started a fitness programme, drink lots of liquids especially before you eat, it acts as an appetite suppressant,Keep an eye on your calorie intake, remember take in less than you re using...but don t go over board.And the best exercise is water aerobics! You re weightless so no strain and you lose looooads of calories :DOh and it s fun as well...maybe you could go with a friend?Good luck!Meerkat x

Your body will mature with time. Just keep the fat off it. I use the wu tea diet, it will keep you slim. Stay active get a physical job, thats the best you get paid. Or do lots of chores around the house, my parents always made.

To lose weight (fat), include more fibrous slow digesting carbs, as opp. to the fast digesting ones. No white breads, fast foods, sodas (not even diet) no ketchups, sugar, only skim milk, not 2%, skim and whole grain non sweet (sugary) cereal, whole wheat bread, maybe buy some soy or whey protein.Include lean meats like ham, and other sources of protein. Avoid red meats. Take a multivitamin, calcium and vitamin d every 2 days, one or two V8s a day (or every other day). Don t starve, eat small healthy meals. A lot of small meals opposed to a few bigger ones-- make sure is has at least 8-10 or more g of protein, not too much protein because the body can only digest a certain amount at a time; and avoid too many fruits, carbs and sugars. Fibrous veggies, greens (no starches or potatoes) are good, and no BBQ sauce (unless used sparingly) and not too much (if any) salad dressing. Before bed (2 hrs), eat something with protein, don teat many carbs before bed. Eat some of that good cereal in the morning, you need quality carbs, just not too much, and the slow digesting ones.Do slow crunches until you can not do anymore, jog stairs (be safe though), warm up first and do sprints, short bursts of intense activity is very effective compared to long weak activity, just don t over do it. Also include some slow but long endurance jogging. Be active!Jog stairs ;and also do some lunges until it burns, do this every day or 2 days, keep going and don t give up, same with eating, you need some fat, so one or two fish oils daily.Eat fish (not fried, be careful, very careful for bones) Peanut butter on whole wheat (no jelly), which has protein, and don��t worry about the fat in that. Avocados, has fat, good fat; eat it when your hunger cravings get you. When you do crunches, also twist on some to work your sides, keep tension on your abs. Need more info, go to

swimming, jump roping, hoola hooping, ice skating, running, racing, pogo sticks, scooters, bike riding, bad mitton, volleyball, football, any other sport. Hop scotch, watching Tv and doing sit ups, dancing, dancing, dancing? hahaand umm:--- toning up ----It is possible. i think. if you REALLY try at it. just dont let any extra pounds get in the way.. just try light weights maybe..-- losing weight ---in the morning if you can wake up pretty early, thats when you have the most energy! drink a bottle of water plug in your ipod or whatever and listen to music as you run! -- thats my first step.Then you go home, eat a really healthy breakfast like fruit salad or something thats nutritonal. After that you pretty much clean the house or whatever maybe take a walk while its cool, walk your pet dog, if you have one, i like to spend the morning doing that while its not so hot outside!After that you wait a few hours being active as can be, then you relax a little and do some sit ups and lift weights to your own schedule... and your own statistics like weight height goals.. or whatever.. thats what i usually do! And then i like to stretch at the beginning of the day.. hahaMORE TIPS: chew gum - sugar free. It makes you not snack because if you chew it, you dont want to snack because then you will have to spit out your gum! works for me.. thats my trick tip - now read the losing weight 411EXTRA: breathing for an hour burns 60 calories, so thats a little lift off your chest hahaand sleeping is the same rate :)excersise at least 60 minutes a day if you can :)-------hey, you know what? The most unexpensive weight loss thing to do, is to try to burn more calories than you eat, dont eat unhealthy like a 500 calorie diet! All that will do is make you sick, you NEED to be healthy to lose weight properly. Im trying to lose weight too! So basically here are some tips to speed up your metabolism: Drink 1-3 glasses of green tea a dayTry and eat Chilli peppers somehow, ((chilli DUH )) they help. 8 classes of water a daythe more active you are, the faster your metabolism will grow to be. did you know that breathing for an hour burns 60 calories all on its own? And SLEEP is very important, try to go to sleep on time and get your ages average amount of sleep,. ask your doctor what a healthy weight for you is, and then after you have reached that goal do sit ups and crutches - among many other core excersises, Run to slim out, and make sure you burn more calories than you eat - had to repeat that!Fruits and veggies are REALLY low in calories and FULL of nutrition. If you like Tacos? Ditch the hard shell, maybe try a taco salad.. without the shell of course! Lettuce with meat is good, but PLEASE try mixing it with turkey and beef so that it isnt all fat. Chicken salad is good, you want the protein but you dont want fried anything really, once in a while if fine but remember - YOU HAVE TO BURN OFF THOSE EXTRA CALORIES. Excersises excersise excersise. Dont over do it - dont starve yourself, be moderate and stay active. GOOGLE: 100 ways to burn 100 calories, their are some pretty cool things you can do! Stay away from starchy and high carb foods - mostly white things. Bread is a bad, so try to stick to thin, HIGH in fiber, slices :) you can google all the stuff and before you know it you will feel so good about it all and IM actually excited to start working out and all that, just because I know what it will do for me!

Despite what you may think, losing weight isn t a mysterious process. In fact, weight loss doesn t even have to involve strange diets, special exercises or even the magic of pills or fitness gadgets. Want the secret to weight loss? Make small changes each and every day and you ll slowly (but surely) lose those extra pounds.Rules of Weight LossTo lose one pound, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. Whew...that sounds impossible doesn t it? Here s how it works. 1. Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Your BMR is what your body needs to maintain normal functions like breathing, digestion, etc. 2. Calculate your activity level. Use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day. 3. Keep track of how many calories you eat. Use a food journal to add up what you eat and drink during the day. If you re eating less calories than you re burning, you ll lose weight. Example:Mary s BMR is 1400 calories and she burns 900 calories in daily activity. To maintain her weight, she should be eating 2300 calories but, after keeping a food journal, Mary finds that she s eating 2550 calories every day. By eating 250 more calories than her body needs, Mary will gain one pound every 2 weeks.This example shows how easy it is to gain weight without even knowing it. But it s also easy to lose weight. In fact, you can start losing weight right now by making a few simple changes. If you can burn an extra 500 calories each day, you ll lose a pound a week and you won t even have to change your clothes. Try these ideas:Instead of.... Do this...Having an afternoon Coke Drink a glass of water. (calories saved: 97)Eating an Egg McMuffin Eat a small whole wheat bagel +1 tbls of peanut butter (calories saved: 185)Using your break to catch up on work or eat a snack Walk up and down a flight of stairs for 10 minutes (calories burned: 100)Hitting the snooze button Get up 10 minutes early and go for a brisk walk (calories burned: 100)Watching television after work Do 10 minutes of yoga (calories burned: 50)Total Calories Saved: 532 (based on a 140-lb person)Focusing on daily changes is the best way to reach your goals. No, you won t lose weight overnight but isn t it better to permanently change your life for the better? Say it with me: My Health Is More Important Than My Appearance. Repeat that 10 times a day and you re on your way to better health.

How to lose weight and NOT gain muscle? -

How do you gain weight and become toned without becoming bulky? My goal is to lose 50 pounds in 6 months and become slim, not buff. Any ideas? Thanks!

You can t get toned without gaining muscle, as that s what toning is. Being toned is being all muscle. However, to lose just weight then change your diet, lower your caloric intake, it will take longer if you don t exercise, but you will still lose weight, just not as fast.

Losing weight and gaining muscles are done exactly the same way.Cardio: lose fat weightWeight training: gain muscle weightYou do both if you want to either lose weight or gain muscles. No exceptions.The factor that determines if you your workout will either lose weight or gain muscles is food.Example:More food = gain muscle weight/size, fat weight stays the sameLess food = muscle weight/size stays the same, lose fat weightSo if you eat to lose weight, your muscles aren t going to grow (there is nothing to grow on :P)If you want to know how much you can eat to lose weight, go here:��If you don t believe me, visit any gym. There is always a couple of guys who have been working out like bodybuilder for years and haven t change a bit (they are not eating enough). And the problem is they still don t want to listen :PHope this helps :)

Females cannot bulk up from any basic workout routine. The ones that you see that are bulky are doing some intense weight training and taking testosterone to promote the bulking up of their muscles. Without the testosterone they would simply be very toned...our bodies do not produce enough naturally to bulk up like men do.

well who every recommended Catabolic Training isn t very educated. Training catabolic will lower your metabolism and slow protein synthesis. just try some intense CardioSkippingSprintsBike Ridingand DO re-fuel after workouts

The only way to loose weight fast is by eating healthier or eating less. Exercising doesn t even help you loose much weight, it basically just gives you muscle. Your weight depends on what you eat.


try the Lil jack workolut��it really helps

first you really need to start eating better, cut ALL junk food off, lots of salads and home made meals insead of store bought or going out eat. Go walking or biking ect. Good luck!

catabolic exercise. run, bike fast. dont re-fuel after.

How to lose weight please help? -

i would like to lose weight, i am not over weight or anything. what are some exercises i can do and good food i can eat for breakfast, lunch,and diner. And what should i do? and what should i not eat, and how much should i eat.

I know this sounds weird, but using a smaller plate lessens your portions and, when combined with exercise, helps you lose weight. Hope this helps!

There are many ways to lose weight. It s easy to do (without medicines/drugs), here are:1. Exercise Physical activity.========================There are Six Reasons to Exercise. Here: can choose activity, like here: Watch your portions==================Strategies to help portion control? You can visit here: all. I wish they are helpfully.

Weight loss tips? -

Diet + cardio = burn body fat

How to lose weight as a teenager? -

I am 16 years old 210 lband am 5 7 I have started playing soccer (right back) for a year now, and haven t lost weight. My parents have hassled me for a couple of years now, but nothing has made me change. Finally I want to, and now need helpI ve been to the doctor, but they have given me no real helpI really want to change, but I don t know what types of foods to eat, and what type of exercises to do

When I was 16, I was on the wrestling team and was fit and didn t think I could lose an ounce. But the I started running starting 2 -3 miles a day and worked up to 5. In a few months, I lost 10% of my previous body weight. I would suggest some easy running. It is a sport you should be able to enjoy for the rest of your life. The pace you should run at one that is comfortable enough for you to talk to someone if they were next to you.Also just by stopping drinking sodas with all the corn syrup and junk food-anything with corn syrup. Things should go a lot easier for you.Parents nagging you is just plain weak if they do not offer up a plan-running, if you are dedicated will absolutely do it

Eat organic grapefruits all dayRemember the grapefruit diet? Well, it appears that there actually is an enzyme in grapefruits that burns fat. Eating grapefruits all day, as many and as often as you desire, will speed the fat burning process.Eat a huge salad at lunch dinnerI don��t care if your lunch is a cheeseburger, French fries, and a pint of ice cream, add to it a big, huge salad and eat that first. You��ll be amazed that you lose weight. The salad can contain anything you like as long as it is only vegetables and they are organic. The salad dressing should be organic olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice, or organic vinegar. If you really want to speed the weight loss process use organic apple cider vinegar. Add some organic sea salt, fresh ground pepper, or some garlic for taste. Use organic apple ciderThis has some magical property which helps eliminate fat cells from the body. Take a couple of teaspoons before each meal and you will be amazed at how your clothes will become bigger in no time.For more tips on how to lose weight go to my site there is a link to it in my profile.

Exercises like being on the Treadmill for 20 min starting out would help,walking around 1/2 -mile and gradually working yourself up to a mile then 2 miles per day would help you a lot.if you have an exercise bike or a regular bike that you could ride that would help. jumping jacks,toe touches,sit ups they all help. if you have some stairs you can climb somewhere climb a few flights of stairs that really helps and gives you a good cardio work-out. go to your local park and walk your dog if you have one or go by yourself. Diet pills are not the answer I have tried all kinds myself and found out that there a lie and do not help only harm the body,I reacted to one and ended up in the hospital for ffour days it had Ephedren in it which is dangerous.

first off, athletic sports help, but they really can t fix the problem. I know people who do nothing but work out for foot ball, some can lift hundreds of pounds, but they all still have fat.There are two parts to the problem. The food intake and the physical output. For the first part I would talk to either a nutritionist or take some own time to learn about food and how they work and how they effect your body. The first could take money but will ease the burden on you. The second will allow you to create your own diet plan, and give you an increase on your own body knowledge.The next part is physical activity. My first suggestion would be to get the boyscout hand book on physical fitness. This is an easy guide to help you and will teach you a lto that you will want to know. Next, find an activity, like biking, roller blading, skating, running, swimming, that you like. right up a schedule and STICK TO IT! you should find changes in about six weeks.

i would really try to go to the gym and work out for like 1-2 hours a day. or if u have a treadmill at ur house, go on that and run for a hour or more. or just run down the highway or ur road a couple of times. it really works. tell me the results if u lose anything or not.

trying doing other exercises like jogging or weight lifting. the key thing in aerobic or cardio - exercise is to do it for an extended period of time and then you will lose weight or should i say body fat.

I dont know if you eat well but let me tell you a story about myself.A few years ago, I was 5 7 as well..and 16 too. I was 155 pounds, which was noticable in my face and body as well. Then I started working, picking up litter, I walked 8 hours a day at this job, lost about 5 pounds and felt great! This was durring the summer... any way, so I quit that job after a month or being there, leaving my last month of summer. I became obssessed with losing weight. I ate those oatmeal poutches, the little minute things. I had one a day at 5 for supper. I only ate one a day for a month, and on top of that I exercised everyday for an hour. I worked out more than I ate. I never felt better, never got sick. Was confident, always wanted to leave the house and wear tight close, because I lost 30 pounds that month.... one a day... I looked so thin tho that my parents were concerned... but it felt so nice... I m still 130 pounds to this day......anyway, I guess my point it, if you want something bad enough, you will do whatever you feel it takes.... The thing with eating once a day, was eventually I started feeling really hungry, and started eating junk, now I m trying to stop. It was easy when I really wanted to get thin....A start. if you eat or drink this. No pop, no chips... thats the biggest thing. Only drink milk or water, it s hard. drink juices or chocolate milk. Don t starve yourself. You have to work out. Sports give you muscles wich way more, so you ll get heavier, it s stupid I know. I lost all my weight on a stationnary bike... Just keep your legs in motion. that will do alot. The problem is, you wont notice a change for a while, others will, but you ll lose hope, dont, you re change is happening, it s just not noticable in your own eyes. But once you start to feel lighter and healthier, you ll know it s paying off... Good luck, I will be joinning you, just know others are trying to lose weight too. It s better to work out alone. Listen to a full CD as you go. All it takes is will, and you ll reach your goals. Good luck.

How to lose weight off your butt and hips? -

hey! i really need to lose a little only around the butt and hips and thigh area! only 1 little problem, i need to lose as much as possible in 1 week!! so what should i eat/ not eat? and squats aren t helping me any! i just did 200 yesterday, and still can t fit in the jeans! thanks!!

Try the Lil Jack Workout��

lol, one day of exercise is not enough, what planet are you on. just keep doing what your doing.

Use the sauna belt.It s really effective.U can even turn 2 dieting.

Hi there,I think you might be getting a little mixed up with what you want exactly. You say that you want to lose weight but that means you might want to get rid of some muscle too. You then say that you d like to shape (I d call it tone) your body a little which implies you want to build some muscle. I m not trying to pick at your question - I just want to clarify the point for you.To answer it in the best way, I am going to look at it as if you want to get rid of fat AND build muscle at the same time. If you re looking to trim and tone your body, and espectially because you suggest you are not that overweight, I would suggest you start performing more intensive aerobic exercises such as jogging. I wouldn t think you need to change the whole way you eat or go on a diet because if you re wanting to build muscles - it s better to do it all with exercise.Exercises like jogging won t exactly build your muscles on your stomach but they will help reduce the extra fat around there. Depending on how fit you are, you should go on daily or bi-daily jogs of around a mile. To build muscles, you should concentrate on anaerobic exercises such as sit-ups to help build muscles.These muscle-building exercises will give your muscles the toning and training they need to grow and become more prominent. To start to see a real difference with sit-ups, you should be looking to do no more than 100 every day (more than that will often hurt your muscles).If you stick to doing those two forms of exercise - jogging and sit-ups, you should see real improvements in a week or two. Remember, you should do them as often as you can (I.E every single day).How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!search : lr= newwindow=1 as_qdr=all btnG=Search

How to lose weight without hitting the gym? -

I am tired of being overweight but with me going to school and doing my job search activities nothing seems to work. What should I do? I am on the shot (pregnancy prevention).c (Please do not answer saying this has nothing to do with food. After all food got me in this situation lol....)

run or bike to school

Running is the best way. Run a few miles every few days. You will lose weight real quick.

The phrase overweight means different things to different individuals. It s a good idea to start at the beginning, and ascertain whether you are actually overweight for your size or not, by calculating your BMI (Body Mass Index). You can understand how to do it at the web portal in the box below, they have loads of guidance, I lost 9 pounds by taking their advice.

On some occasions dieting and working out just isn t enough, cos there can be surplus weight just lying around in the pipes. It s not body fat, so it cannot be melted off, nevertheless it can be rinsed out, just by taking a diet supplement. has a risk free offer available right now, I gave it a try and melted away 17 lbs!! Who says there s no magic bullett? LOL!!!

Well I would suggest doing excersises at home on your free time. If you have money i would suggest buying a Wii and the Wii fit, it really is an amazing work out and it keeps track so well and really motivates you.If not I would suggest doing sit ups, palying your favorite music and just dancing around for cardio. Maybe buy some belly dancing ll make you feel sexy and it s fun and your carb intake, cut out red meats, and drink lots and lots of water the min. of 8 cups a day.

:) ok some of my family is over weight and they have tryed tons of different diets but none of them have worked untill they tryed weight wachers i have notised big changes in there bodys and they can eat normal food that they want but it is just smaller portions so i think that is a fast easy safer way to diet and see results :) hope i could help

The phrase overweight spells out different things to different people. It s a good idea to start at the beginning, and ascertain if you are actually overweight for your size or not, by computing your BMI (Body Mass Index). To be honest, the sole method which clearly worked for me was wu-yi tea, it can be checked out in the resource box below, they have a handful of free trials left, it has been reported in Reader s Digest and USA Today. I shed twenty five pounds, it clearly does work!

yer, just eat a genral healthy deit, an try not to be taken in by those little snacks between meals... also you could go on a nice brisk walk every now and again (its not hard work and it is suprisingly a good way to loose weight)

Would a fat guy ever have a chance with a really cute girl? -

my friend is a little chubby 171 pounds and only 13 he wants to know if he would ever get a chance with a cute girl he likes any tips ? the girl knows he likes her but she says she doesnt like anyone we dont think so though any tips would be helpful weight loss tips how to get the girl to like him it would be extremely helpful so please and thank you for answering but for the weight loss things no like diet things he cant do at school something like only drinking water does that actually work?

Only if he becomes rich

Teenage girls are really shallow just like guys, If hes only 13 then he has years to go before he has to worry about a serious relationship, your gonna like alot of different girls and your gonna have your heart broken more than a few times but thats just life. Once you get older you ll realize this and once you get into college you ll meet tons of girls that like bigger guys. Also your not fat! once you grow into your body you ll realize that, just get into the gym and start to work out a little bit even if you have to use girls as motivation!!

personality is all that matters.. more then lookshowever im a girl and i can tell you this.ALL GIRLS no matter what they say will judge on looks first even guys do this. we all do this without actually knowing we do this.but for most girls its personality over looks!as long as hes funny, confident sweet etcif he wants to lose weight, he should eat right, cut junk food and exercise everyday. dont do anything extreme without going to a doctor first. eat more fruits and veges? it kinda turns most girls off when a guy is like really fat. not saying i get turned off... but most girls are. its the truth.and as long as his personality is like really funny, (i mean... REALLY funny) and he s REALLY sweet, (NOT CREEPY like i ll do anything for you in the world i love you kind of creepy) and if he has good hygiene (i m saying... like takes a shower... has a good haircut.... doesn t stink)it might make up for the fatness.but yeah he sounds cool.