Sunday, July 22, 2007

I need some weight loss tips? -

I am 5 4 and weigh 147 pounds. I would like to be 125. I try to walk on my treadmill some, but i have a 5 month old daughter and its very hard for me to find time to exercise.

You could do treadmill with your daughter on your back.Also have you tried this:http://www.bestinternetfind.solutionsart��

If you can do LISS(low intensity steady state), early morning easy walking, even on a treadmill for 40mins on an empty stomach, you will burn fat, while holding onto your LBM(lean body mass), which is the key for you to burning fat. Always remember, if you do cardio and weights correctly, you will hold onto LBM, so you can burn fat. If you do things like run on a day you lift weights, you will burn up muscle, a no no, so always choose LISS early morning and 20mins after weights. If you want to run, or do run intervals,only run on days you don t lift again, you hold onto muscle.For meals, you should be eating 5-6meals per day, protein/carbs/healthy fats(I wonder why you cut out complex carbs?) They are what supports energy building for LBM, along with protein and healthy you boost your metabolism all day. You need to have the proper ratios to support LBM. Eat things like lean steak, grilled chicken breast, tuna, 1-yolk with 2 whites, toast, oatmeal, potatoes, cheerios, olive oil lightly drizzeled over your salad, 4 walnuts, danon light yogurt....with these choices, you can form 5-6 small meals or 2 as snacks easily!If you can eat properly to support LBM, and ignore the scale weight, you will look terrific! The above are some of the rules and tips I use for my clients for success! With all my clients, they learn that the scale moves slowly or not at all, or sometimes they gain, but that is because their muscle to fat ratio is so high, and muscle weighs more, but they lose inches and feel great, and need to buy new clothes!1 Dietary control and exercise. It��s true what they say - all you need to do is watch what you eat, and expend more energy than you consume. It��s really that simple. You can quit reading this list now, you now know everything you need to know and didn��t need to fork over $500 for the privilege of me telling you the secret of losing weight. You don��t need to read a 4,000 page book, you don��t have to buy a tape series, you don��t need to stay up late at night to watch infomercials to understand this basic premise. It��s 100% true.2 Change your lifestyle. If you��re calling this a ��diet,�� then you��re going to gain all the weight back (and more) within a few months of losing it. Diets do not work. Diets are temporary. When you change your dietary lifestyle, however, you��re changing your habits - and you��re putting yourself on track for long-term / continued success and weight maintenance. Don��t ever tell anybody you��re on a diet - ever. I��m speaking from experience, here - a reformed low-carber. Worked out well for a while, but ultimately failed because my entire lifestyle didn��t change (permanently).3 Join an online support group. In my case, I created my own - FatBlasters. It��s essential that you not feel alone, and reaching out to friends (new or old) is typically a smart move. I just heard about PeetTrainer, but didn��t know about it when I began down the road to weight loss. You have to know that others are out there for moral support - they know things that you couldn��t possibly know, and they��ve probably been ��in your shoes�� at some point in the past (or present). Share stories, laughter, tears, successes, and failures - share them. There are thousands of communities out there, so keep looking until you find the one that fits you.4 Take before and after photos. I know it sucks to see yourself as a chunky monkey (sorry, that��s what I called myself - if only to get myself motivated to meet my weight loss goal). However, there��s no easier way to illustrate your progress. The ��after�� photos are far more fun to capture and share, admittedly. Find yourself on Flickr! It��s good to see yourself how others see you. Do you like how you look? In many ways, Flickr helped me lose weight.5 Hire a substitute teacher. Don��t reach for the brands you know and love immediately - or without thinking first. Eggs are ��good�� for you, but consider using egg substitutes instead (in fact, many restaurants will let you order lower calorie foods). There are countless ��lower�� alternatives for you to try. If something different doesn��t taste good, by all means - find a better substitute, or eat less of the original. In some cases, the substitute may be worse for you than the regular version of the product. The good news is, healthier choices are silently replacing their ��normal�� counterparts - and they taste just as nice.6 Start reading labels. I know it sucks, but you have to do it - and there��s no way to avoid this tip. If you don��t know what you��re putting in your mouth, you��re flying blind. Don��t assume, either - triple-check the ingredients list and serving sizes. You must rely on yourself for this; nobody else is going to be able to lose the weight or do the math for you. It��s not that complicated a task, but it will require effort. If nothing else, just pay attention to the calorie count.7 What��s so funny about bovines? If you like cheese, you must buy

Hey,I was 16, and was 260 pounds. It was embarassing to be a fat, and it is hard to lose weight. I asked friends and all, tried camps and things, but nothing worked. So I decided to try some things on the internet, but EVERYTHING FAILED! Then I came across decided to try it and it worked great. I used its exercise techniques and diets for about 2 months and lost over 80 pounds.Try it

Hi !A few tips I have learned along the way from 275 pounds, to 150 pounds are; make half of your plate veggies take the skin off of meats honey/granola/fruit is good for you if you are wanting something sweet drink water before and while you eat you have to burn more calories than you eat make your portions smaller and eat these small meals 5-6 times a day beware of how you cook your food; try to bake and not fry order healthy options at fast food/dine-in restaurants play time is exercise time

I highly recomend Interval Training. It is very similar to circuit training. It combines cardio(for fat burning) and resistance training(for building lean muscle tissue) into one workout. These are very fast and effective workouts that don t have you spending hours in the gym. Most of them you can do at home! No fancy equip-ment needed.For example, pick 6 exercises. Complete each one for 30 seconds without rest in between. That equals 1 round. After each round rest 60-90 seconds then repeat whole circuit 3-5 more times. I like to do a bodyweight circuit(no added weights, just your bodyweight used as resistance) = squats, push-ups, planks, lunges, pull-ups mountain climbers. Three rounds of those 6 exercises is an AWESOME workout and it only takes me 12 minutes!!!! hope this helps!

exercise does not guarantee could lose your weight, what you need is the right program and safe to lose weight quickly, my wife had followed the program from the dr. bryan after the , pregnant until now her body was slender and attractive, he s got it all without doing exerciseread this site so you can follow her too

Well i know a good one that my girl found out on the OPRAH show, she tried it and she lost weight fast. This product is especially designed for women. I got the link for you below give it a shot it might work for you.

How much could I safely lose? -

So I m a little over 5 8 and I weigh 150. My ultimate goal is to get down to 135-140. Prom is coming up and I m working out a little bit more but I want to know how much I could safely lose in the next month and some helpful weight loss tips would be great too =]thanks! =D

I have a set of exercises that work real well. Just ask and I ll relay them..Oh Wait I already did. LOL

In one month maybe 12-15lbs, exercise is great but remember it will add muscle which will make it harder to actually loose weight but it is the best way to go. My tried and true diet is smaller portions 9 do not starve yourself and a good brisk walk of at least 30 minutes each day . You will see the pounds come off. ( Also stay away from junk during this time for sure )

2-3 lbs a week is safe. a great exercise for thighs is lunges. you can even add hand weights for quicker results (not too heavy, 10lb weights at most), also walking or running on an incline will help tone them up. for your abs... try putting a weight (once again, not too heavy) on your chest when you do crunches... it works!!

i think 20. atleast.

Safely, 1-3lbs per week.How: Drink lots of water. Eat every few hours...a meal only as big as your hand. These are tips you can carry out forever...not just when you re dieting. Workouts: Jogging will help cut the fat as well as tone. When you jog, try to keep your abs tight...that ll work wonders. Go buy a set of weights...10-15lbs. Do squats at home...or even if you could get to your school weight room that d be better. Do lunges. Those will make your thighs buuuurn. You ll probably be sore the next day. Also, don t do weights every single day. Let your muscles rest. Crunches are okay to do everyday. Crunches. Put your back flat against the ground. Raise your legs so it s like you re sitting in a chair (although you re on your back). Hold them up at 45 degrees, don t let them hang. Put your hands just behind your ears. Use your core muscles - not your neck. Bring your knees toward your elbows. Concentrate on pushing your bellybutton toward your knees. That is how to do an effective crunch.Oh yeah - have fun at prom!!!

people will say, ooohhh, you don t need to lose weight, you re perfect/lucky/special/whatever. If you sit down and can t see the top of your pants, you re out of shape. nothing against you! if you feel that you are REASONABLY not in peak physical condition, then excersize, quit drinking soda/vitamin water/juice and eat healthy foods. DO NOT starve yourself! I think ten lbs in a month is healthy, un-obsessive, and if you re doing it through good eating habits, keeping yourself hydrated, and aerobic excersize, you will be fine. oh, and do silly-looking things like dancing while brushing your teeth, you can *without being noticed* squeeze your tummy muscles while sitting at your desk, and your butt also. it all helps, and no matter how little it seems, you ll feel it the next day. GOOD EXCERSIZE lie on your back with your hands behind your head, cross your legs and lift them up halfway, like you re pointing your toes at the corner of the ceiling, hold for a second, and then bring them down. Do ten reps with each leg on top of the other. You won t believe how easy it is on your lower back compared to sit-ups, and it also tones your chest and the back of your thighs and inner thighs so you won t get saggy boobs or cellulite lol! Believe me, I m 5 1 and was 148 after I had my daughter, and got down to 114 in two and a half months without going hungry or counting calories.

Well I am assuming since you are going to a prom, that you are still a teenager.For teenagers, who are still developing, it is unhealthy to want to lose more than 2 lbs a week. So probably 8-10 lbs would be pretty healthy.As for the exercises, I would recommend doing lots of cardio, in forms of running, walking, swimming, playing sports, doing something to get your heart rate going.Do weight training, for arms, I would recommend doing triceps, biceps, and shoulders.For your legs, to really tone your thighs I would suggest doing heel raises (stand on your feet, and just raise your body, probably around 2 sets of 100, every other day), plies (point feet out a little and do like a squat straight down, 2 sets of 50), wall sits (works quads, find a wall and sit down straight up on it like you are sitting on a chair, 3 sets of a minute daily). Also it would be a good idea to incorporate some ab workouts into this, crunches, situps etc.Good luck. Hopefully everything works out for you.

1. Drink plenty of water2. Eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables3. Eat high protien foods4. Make sure you eat breakfast5. Do cardio and resistence training 3 times per week6. Follow a weight loss program and diet plan to lose weight. I use one by Australian Lifestyle Fitness

Yeah prom s coming up for me as well. I m a little stump and I m 5,3 and 130.I m not sure about a safe way of getting to that goal in a month all i can say is exercise your *** off. Have you ever seen that show the biggest loser? Well just in case you haven t its this show basically about a bunch of overweight people trying to lose the most weight by the end of the week. You see those people eating right and literally working there asses off. like nothing else matters but working out and some of them only lose about a pound a week. And if you ever see those commercials like Jenny Craig losing weight commercials they lose like 20 pounds in 3-4 months and its crazy. It feels like your working out so much and you think your losing so much weight and you feel good but the numbers don t shed that fast.Anyways. I would suggest eating really good. They say if you cut Pop/Soda out of your died for a year you can lose up to 15 pounds just by that. which is good. but a year is a long time. Eat your veggies and go for jogs. People say burn as many calories as you eat so if you go to a gym they say the amount of calories your using. Oh yeah, also drink a ton of water at LEAST 8 glasses A DAY. ridiculous i found but apparently it works.Hope I helped. Have fun burning those calories.and of course i hope you look amazing at prom!

about 7 pounds dont lose more than that in a month. keep working out =]

Heres some things:5 - 6 small meals a day. This boosts your metabolism because your body thinks your giving it more and more food. The less food you eat the less your going to lose meaning if you only ate one meal a day your body thinks your not going to feed it for a while so it stores that fat. Saving calories for later does not work. Trust me. If you don t get the 5 - 6 meals a day diet it means that you split your meals in half. And should aim to about 300 calories per meal.Another one you can try it workout videos. There really good. The cheapest one thats really good is turbo jam. It builds muscle. If you are only looking to lose weight, use hip hop abs.Tell me how it goes. Sincerly. steven h

Wieght loss.! HELP.! PLZ.!!!!? -

okay well, i m a 14 yr old girl, 5 1. i weigh 125 pounds. my goal is to weight 110 or less. i would like to learn how much exercise i gotta do to loose that. how much calories do i loose in 30mins of workin out.? in 1 hour.? how many calories are in a pound.? any fun exercise technices.? other than the obviose.? which exercises help you loose weight faster.? i kno that it s a lot to answer but i would be SOOO thankful if i got these answered.! plz.!? i gotta kno this stuff.! THANK ANYONE WHO ANSWERS THIS QUESTIONS OR GIVES ME GOOD ADVISE.! ANY WEIGHT LOSS TIPS WILL BE HELPFUL.! PLZ.!

Hey hun. You need to chill out a little you got 15 pounds to loose you can to that!!First things 1st find a activity you like, like swimming then search the internet for a good calorie burned estimator. Their r 3500 cals in a pound and a good weight loss is 1-2lb a week. So your can achieve your goal in 7-8 weeks if your burn 7000 cals a week which is 1000 cals a day. Eat a good 2000 cals a day and you can achieve this!! Remember for each meal you have your burn cals for digesting it for a woman its normally 200 cals.Here a few excerises you can do in an 30 mins and how many cals you burn with your weight!Activity Calories burned Sleeping 26 Reading 30 Talking on phone 30 Writing 30 Sitting / resting 30 Standing 34 Sex - foreplay 41 Studying 52 Driving 60 Washing dishes 64 Ironing 64 Shopping 68 Billiards 71 Brush teeth 71 Football - playing catch 71 Croquet 71 Horseback riding - walking 71 Cooking 75 Walking 2 mph 79 Hatha yoga 79 Playing Piano 79 Housework 82 Frisbee playing 86 Surfing 86 Bowling 86 Dancing - ballroom slow 86 Fishing 86 Playing guitar 90 Archery 98 Golf - cart 98 Snowmobiling 98 Volleyball - recreation 98 Weight lifting - general 98 Lifting weights - general 98 Pilates Beginner 105 Paddleboat 112 Walk / run play with kids 112 Raking lawn 112 Coaching - team sports 112 Table tennis 112 Water Aerobics 112 Bicycling - leisure 112 Stretching 112 Showering 120 Sex - intercourse 120 Tennis - doubles 120 Walking 3 mph 124 Mowing - push 124 Volleyball - competitive 124 Washing car 128 Calisthenics / exercise - moderate 128 Situps / crunches - moderate 128 Basketball - shooting baskets 128 Jumping jacks - moderate 128 Badminton 128 Mopping 128 Canoeing 2 mph 128 Hunting 142 Cricket 142 Painting House 142 Skating - moderate 142 Softball or baseball 142 Skateboarding 142 Kayaking 142 Ashtanga yoga 146 Pilates Intermediate 146 Power yoga 146 Walking 4 mph 146 Garden 154 Dancing - fast ballroom 158 Dancing - aerobic, ballet, modern 169 Boxing - punching bag 169 Horse grooming 169 Fencing 169 Hiking 169 Skiing - water 169 Chop Wood 172 Tennis - singles 172 Aerobics - low impact 172 Golf - carry clubs 172 Swimming - moderate 172 Lifting weights - vigorous 172 Shovel Snow 172 Weight lifting - vigorous 172 Pilates Advanced 180 Horseback riding - trotting 184 Rearranging Furniture 188 Sledding, toboganning 195 Step aerobics - low impact 199 Racquetball casual 199 Stair Step Machine 199 Basketball - officiating 199 Bikram / hot yoga 199 Rowing machine - moderate 199 Aerobics - high impact 199 Soccer casual 199 Backpacking 199 Jogging 199 Stationary bicycle / spinning - moderate 199 Repelling 229 Situps / crunches - vigorous 229 Horseback riding - galloping 229 Hockey 229 Walking - up stairs 229 Calisthenics / exercise - vigorous 229 Jumping jacks - vigorous 229 Basketball 1/2 court 232 Bicycling / biking - mountain 240 Running 5 mph 240 Rowing machine - vigorous 248 Skiing - downhill 248 Football - touch 248 Bicycling / cycling 12-14 mph 248 Vinyasa yoga 248 Skating - vigorous 259 Canoeing 4 mph 262 Football - full contact 274 Ski machine 274 Swimming - vigorous 278 Racquetball competitive 285 Rope jumping 285 Soccer competitive 285 Judo - martial arts 285 Running 6 mph 285 Bicycling / cycling 14-16 mph 300 Step aerobics - high impact 300 Basketball full court 311 Rock climbing 311 Skiing - cross country 322 Elliptical trainer 322 Stationary bicycle / spinning - vigorous 322 Running 7 mph 326 Boxing - in ring 341 Handball 341 Running 8 mph 382 Running 10 mph 510 Running 12 mph 634 Hope i heped!!-x-

Well you dont have to do all that excersise..All you have to do is : EAT LESS!!!here is the routine: Every hour during the day eat a small bowl of food.(EVERY HOUR!!) Once you do this everyday it will be like eating only dinner. Do this the whole week , notice any changes.

Ok first off if you want to lose weight you have to change your diet, Don t go completly calorie crazy, but just try to be more aware of how much you are takeing in. First go to this website down till you find Calorie Requirements Per Day Calculator - for Adults fill in the blanks and you will be given the amount of calories you should take in everyday. If you take in 100 more calories then you should then your going to start packing on the pounds. Next each pound of fat is 3,500 extra calories so if your aiming to go on a steady diet of 1 pound a week then whatever your amount of calorie intake you got from the website you should subtract 500 caleries each day in every week you will lose 1 pound. (try eliminating all junk food, or if your like me and just have to eat then supply your house with healthy snacks like fruit and yogust [DO NOT GET YOPLAY OR ANY YOGURT LIKE THAT, these yogurts are no better than eatting a chocolate bar because of teh added ingradiants, try just plan yogurt.]If your really serious about getting thinned down then exercise daily. Jogging is the best way to lose overall body weight, you can not start to target abs until you can see your abs, same goes for other muscles. Even if you go out for a jog 15min a day you will see the pounds fly off. but remeber you didn t gain extra weight overnight and your not going to lose it overnight either. If you turley want to get in good shape you have to stay committed. Also the smaller you are the fewer calories you burn so if you are 5ft then you would have to work around 2x more than someone who is 6ft to lose the same amount of calories. Also that website given for the Calorie in intake calculation will also calculate how much calories you burn while running, which could be a good numbers to help you calculate how much you burn doing other exercies.

I don t understand why you want to lose weight. You are perfectly within the weight range for you height and gender. Statistics say you should be between 110 and 140 at ideal weight, depending on your body type. Assuming you have an average build, between 120 and 130 is healthy. I really don t think you should be losing weight. 110 might not be the best goal for your body.If you still insist, though, don t eat less.The best way to lose weight and eat healthier is to eat less red meat (for example, don t eat a steak dinner). Don t eat too many meals centered around meat. You can eat a meaty lasagna but don t just eat a plateful of pork or beef. Fish is very good for you so eat lot s of it. I m not saying don t eat meat at all. You need meat in your diet but use it as a supplement instead of a main course. Of course, eat your fruits and vegetables.Now for excercise. Do you take PE at your school? If you do, then that s enough. If not, try to do the equivelent of that. Don t overexert yourself. The best and fastest excercise is swimming. It tones and slims the whole body and it can be fun. If you want to work on a specific section (like if you want to tone the abdomen), try things like situps. I think #5 answered the calorie questions you had so I won t bother.If you don t mind me asking, is there a specific reason you want to lose weight fast? I mean 110 lbs is practically underweight. It might not be any of my business but it would help to know your specific situation. Hope this helped. If you need me to explain any of this, message me.


I ve been going on a 15-20min walk every morning and 30-1hr walk every night for a week now but am disapointed because I havn t seen any dramatic results either. I m eating relatively healthy as well :(Just wondering if you know any quick weight loss tips and dieting ones...THANKSP.S I ve also been doing 50 situps a night :)

Try cutting down your calories. It has A LOT to do with what you eat (trust me!) What you re doing for activity sounds really good. Try to do some strength-training, as it creates muscle in which you can burn more calories.Remember, if oyu keep it up you ll lose it!best of luck xox

How long? If your looking for healthy results it will take at least a month or two to see any good changes anyway. I would recommend to eat healthier, instead of relatively healthy, and keep up the exercise as well as staying as far away from a scale for a month. At the end of the month you should be pleasantly surprised.

the best site is FITNESSFUN.PAGE.TL. This company rocks and really works.

Im Need Some weight loss tips? -

I m trying to get a killer bodie like Zac Efron s or Brandon Stoughton so when I come back to my old school after the summer of 2009.I want to surprise them and I want to feel better of myself.Please help me out.

-no fast food for fried foods-drink lots of water-cardio + strength training = results-stay away from pills-use supplements only when you know what you re doing-if you have problems with food, start writing down everything you eat and drink, along with the calorie intake.�� Make sure you keep an eye on your calories throughout the day.-Another tip if you re having a craving is to go brush your teeth!-Get 8 hours of sleep every nightCheck out these sites for workouts and how to do exercises correctly:����

Make sure you re eating healthy, Avoid over processed foods. I was told by a friend whom I refer to myself as a diet and health guru that a good way to flush your body is by taking your total weight, divide it by 2 and whatever that is, that would be the amount of water you should drink in one day. so, it you weight about 120, then you would drink 60 ounces of water. I know it sounds crazy, and you ll piss a ton...but it worked for me. If that doesn t sound appealing to least 5-8 servings of 8 ounces of water, mixed with good, healthy food and some type of physical activity... You should be good to go. Best of luck!

to get in shape in general you need cardio excersice. something that gets ur heart to beat faster and make u sweat....running or swimming is a great way to get in shape....they both make u loose weight and get in great shape...swimming also develops your get tonned muscles i suggest simply to do push ups and crunchs at night...i would suggest if one night u do pushups and the next u do crunchs....when u do push ups do twenty or fifteen at a time and try to do as many sets as you can..for crunchs do twenty a set and do as many sets as you can...if you do them right you will be in great wise try to avoid too much carb and eat protien rich food.....penutbutter sandwich is great.

Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, and try to stay away of fast food restaurants, for 3 weeks, you will look great!! it works for me!the only problem that is you have to piss allot, but it worth the sacrifice!!

Eat right, work out.. have a positive outlook. Don t obsess over it.

Got any outstanding weight loss tip or hints? -

Aside from eat less and exercise more. I mean some really good tips to go along with the obvious.

Don t eliminate your favorite foods, or you will end up binging.Don t get discouraged on days that you overeat. You will always have days when you just can t shake that craving. try to do some extra exercise the next day.Don t make unreasonable goals. It s good to have a weight loss goal, like fit into those new jeans in 30 days, But be reasonable about it. Don t expect to lose 50 pounds in 2 months. 1 or 2 pounds a week is recommended.Be aware of what triggers binging. Some people can t sit and watch tv without raiding the fridge, so in that case you would need to cut down on tv watching and get into some other activities.Do not rely on any products like pills or diet books to make you lose weight. These are tools that can help you, but you will only get results with determination and patience. Stay focused on the goal even when it seems hopeless. Nothing is more important than your health.

try tips and articles on weight loss and exercise programs on this site

Join Weight Watchers. They not only teach you new tips for losing weight and eating healthy, but they give you emotional support. They also do spend some time addressing behavorial issues related to overeating.

Eat healthy. Fad diets can cause you to lose nutrients and most people gain the weight back right away. Eat healthy and you can t help but lose weight. Added benefits: you will feel much better and you will be developing good eating habits that will make it easier to keep the weight off. On the Perricone Plan my average weight loss was 5-9lbs per week. Higher than average and I have never felt better. Energy level is up and blood pressure is down.

drink lots of water . if you re not drinking enough water your body will go into survival mode and keep the water inside your body which makes you weigh more. drinking more water will tell your boyd you have a good supply of water so it doesn t need to save it.

Eat breakfast and smaller meals throughout the day. Also exercise whenever you can even if it is parking at the far end of a parking lot and walk. every little bit counts.

don t just workout do cardio workout everyday. Not only does it burn fat and cals it makes your heart healthier which in turn burns fat faster

join weight watchersyou can eat what you want when you want! you have a certain amount of points each day.. and each food has a certain amount of points it is (its figured out by calories fat and fibers)such an easy lifestyle!!

Need to lose some weight!? -

I need some weight loss tips, anyone have any? What do you do to keep fit ? I am a amature at this subject and want results! I am going on a vacation in July and want to look great!! Please Help??!!!

If you are serious about wanting to lose weight and get yourself healthy you can take a look at my profile, I use Herbalife products. I can tell you that I really love them and they work well and quick!I use the Shapeworks program, and, I love that it s designed so that I don t feel hungry; who��s going to stick to something if they want to eat all the time ya know!In part, it s not so much about weight sometimes as it is shape. Try to gain lean body mass. That is important for body shape. I really enjoy the Shapeworks program. It s simple, easy, delicious and nutrition and gives me �Coverall- good health-! It works with all kind of weight issues -lose/gain/maintain- as well as to reshape your body with the main benefit of getting you healthy and good overall health and nutrition! Also, it��s purpose is to help you gain good lean body mass.When you use Shapeworks it gives you a plan of calories and protein for your diet. It gives you a specific plan for your body s personal needs. You don t have to count them but it makes you aware of them! It s really very simple.Whatever you choose make sure it s right for you, and good to your body!I can also tell you that it s given me a lot of good solid energy, NO JITTERS- I hate that! I feel so great! As I said I do take them personally, I m not trying to solicit anyone, just sharing my experience!Shapeworks is like the ultimate convenience in weight loss. Simple Easy with a lot of really good overall health properties benefits!!Here are some FYI TIPS, you may find useful!***WATER: WATER is VERY important! You should drink an extra 8oz, for every 20-25 pounds you want to lose on top of the regular amount of 8 glasses you should drink daily. If you are exercising you ll need to increase this! H3O is really good for hydration-yes, H3O, you can find it through my profile.***To lose weight more efficiently and effectively, stop eating 2-3 hours before bedtime. This allows your body to become a fat burning machine throughout the night, instead of trying to process what you ve just eaten. That feeling in your belly (of hunger), is the body going into to fat burning mode, you want that! That is the key to the ignition so to speak!***COOL DOWN: Cooling down, having a cool down session after working out prevents blood pulling to occur, which cause you to be more sore. Walking around or stretching ~10-15 minutes should be sufficient! :-D***FOR EXERCISES: Try 20-45mins (whatever you can do) of some cardio of your choice. Maybe running/jogging, dancing, bike, etc. (yes dancing can be great cardio- just throw on some favorite music and let it rip! Its fun and you control it! :-D) Best time to exercises is the morning, first thing! When you do this you jumpstart your metabolism for the day. Just GET/BE/STAY ACTIVE this is really good and important for a healthy body!***Make sure you have enough and proper protein in your diet! This is important! ***Look for inch loss, which is a wonderful thing. Sometimes you lose in inches and not actual weight. Take your measurements and pay attention to how your clothes fit you! That is a really good indicator that something��s happening! ***Strength training is also good! But, be careful and don t over do it. Too much can make you gain weight in bulk muscle; muscle weighs more that fat!***Take a look at www. caloriesperhour .comGo to the Activity Calculator, and you can find out according to your specific age, gender, height and weight, how many calories you burn doing all kinds of activities! It s cool simple, I like the site! :-D***If you have a bad day or an off day, it��s better to eat the bad foods as early in the day as possible, that way you have a lot longer time to burn it of than just a few hours at night before bed!! Also, eat you bigger meals earlier, in this same regard of burning it off!-It��s good to have and try a variety of foods you like and enjoy. You want to keep it interesting for yourself so that you can stay the course instead of fall off due to boredom Food is a vast world, it��s great and it can be an adventure. Be creative with it! You can find that ��healthy�� can be it��s own tempting delicious place!!- Do your best to eat healthy, healthy foods or just healthier. If you have not got to that point yet, look at the Garden 7, it gives you the benefits of 7 fruits and vegetables. It s really good for everyone but especially for like fast fooders who aren t getting good proper nutrition!(((P.S. I think you should be able to eat and eat good foods, but remember, MODERATION is key, don t do it all the time! Often/occasionally is better than always/daily!-Don t fool yourself though with the one day won t hurt because next thing you know one day will be two and can lead to daily!)))Hope this helps! Good Luck to you! I wish you all the best!

Find out your RMR. When you have that number subtract 500 from it. That will give you the number of calories that you can eat in a day and still lose weight. It will be about 1 lb every 7 days

eat healthy

Find out your RMR. When you have that number subtract 500 from it. That will give you the number of calories that you can eat in a day and still lose weight. It will be about 1 lb every 7 days.

Feel free to read up about what you need here as well as other proven weight loss (Fast) tips here too:= http://www.effective-fat-burn.comDo note that you need to register in order to gain access to the members only weight loss blog. But it s free.Cheers to you and I hope it helps with your weight loss goals