Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Is this a good way to lose weight or not? -

Is riding your bike everyday a good way to lose 10-15 pounds in 1 month. I have been trying to ride my bike everyday for about 5 or six miles twice a day to lose some weight that I gained for being lazy. Is this a good way to lose weight fast. And I have been eating healthy and drinking health drinks and water more. And I ride my bike all the time so I am use to going long distances.

The best thing to do is simply exercise and eat correctly on the days you can. I am over weight but have recently lost 20lbs just by following those to simple things. I know it can get hard, but don t give up! Breakfast is of course the most important meal of the day so DO NOT skip it. Actually, studies show that eating breakfast can help you lose weight in the process of weight loss. If you must skip a meal make it dinner. Also don t eat after 8 or 8:30 pm. Exercise is also important. The days you CAN exercise make sure its at least a good hour (cardio can be for 30 mins). Good luck I hope I helped!

Working out on a bike is a good idea, but unless you watch the calories in your food, 10-15 pounds will be hard. For more tips, go to

Lose weight fast...? -

I am 5 9 and weight about 150lbs. While I know that does not mean I am fat I feel like I could stand to lose 10 pounds and tone up some. I am leaving for a vaca in the West Indies in 2 weeks and am looking for some hints and tips to help me lose a little weight and get a little more toned before then...... any suggestions?

There is no miracle for losing weight and toning your body. However, you can definitely lose a few lbs for your vacation. Diet: On average to lose weight most people can eat around 1500 calories (with exercise.) Make sure these are healthy calories. Low fat, low sugar, low sodium. No fast food and limited eating out. Eliminate soda/sugary drinks and drink a lot of water. This is just an overview of what your nutrition would look like.Exercise: Cardio, cardio, cardio. Cardio burns calories and fat. Add a little strength training for toning and this should be a good start for you. Again, this is just an overview. If you really focus on eating healthy and exercising you could probably lose 3 to 4 lbs.I just want to add... any detox diet is artificial. You will gain that weight back. Most of the time you are simply losing water weight.

hii,check this site they offer a program so as to lose about 9 lbs. every 11 days, and it really works, i subscribed for this program for about 2 months ago ,and it s for real it helped me alot.Here is the link ,hope it helps.

I lost 20 pounds in 1.5 weeks! At first I couldn t believe it would work, but I gave it a try. I look and feel great in my swimwear.

well that is not an easy job...but you can make it, if you really think that you need to lose, my suggestion is that every morning when you woke up drank a glass of worm water and a lemonade (of course, without sugar), next is to do exercises, at least one and a half hour a day...and last is to not eat much fat, especially fried food...good luck, and I hope that I help you a bit.

First, hundred-fifty pounds its o.k. for me, I would of worry if I was carrying an inner tube in my waist, second I work on to gain ten pounds or more, it will be much better. I suggest to eliminate the inner tube, also start eating fruits,vegetables, grain, drink juices, soy milk or 2% low fat milk and delicious hot meals, but, stay away from unnecessary fats or esle inner tubes will restart reinflating again, to gain muscles need to excersise, workout w/ small til heavy weights (don t strenth yourself) 3 times ten repetitions for a weight lift..3 times a week good luck!!

-----50 Weight Loss Tips----- for losing 50 pounds in 3 months.lost 30 pounds in three months. If you wanted to know how I did it, and how I intend on maintaining my current weight, then these 50 weight loss tips are for you. I��m not an expert, but I do speak from experience. If it helps you attain your own weight loss goals, then I��m happy to have helped (if only to serve as a reinforcement of knowledge you already possess). Most of this, I learned on my own or through close friends and family members. Ponzi��s been a great help through the entire process, being a model partner in the weight loss process. Feel free to add your own tips to this list, too! If someone wants to help me extend these points into a full-on eBook, I��m all ears.-----50 Weight Loss Tips----- for losing 50 pounds in 3 months. task=view id=182 Itemid=62

To successfully lose weight, you must carry outa plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise.Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionallybalanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity. I found useful informations at

Hi, I lost 30 lbs in 35 days!I followed the guide of 20 Easy Weight Loss Tips .I highly recommend you to read that article.It really works.Check out here to read 20 Easy Weight Loss Tips :��

Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I m also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at , I had a free trial and paid less than 7.00$ shipping and handling. Best of luck!

Is it true that laxatives make you lose weight fast? If so how many are safe to take at a time? -

TAKEING LAXATIVES IS VERY UNHEALTHY you are risking your health what is more importent?

Safe for reducing ???? None

i take a whole 400 gram box!

Laxatives are yo be used for constipation problems not to lose weight.IF you use and abuse them you are harming your body, it will lose it s natural ability to go without laxatives. You also will not get the nutrition you need from the food you eat.

Yes it s true - but there is no safe way to use this method. You are better off making some dramatic diet changes for the same effect with no possible damage. Things you can do safely: #1)Stop drinking soda - even diet it causes bloat and slows digestion. -#2) Increase your water consumption to 8-8 oz glasses a day. - #3) Eat breakfast - lunch and dinner - snack on grapes and other fruits. - #4) Portion control is critical try to reduce your portion size to match your target weight. (�� -#5) Start a sensible exercise plan - walk 20 minutes a day, swim whatever exercise you can keep up.I hope you follow my advice it will help you get to the weight you want and maintain it too!

Laxatives can be used to purge just like vomiting can... it is dangerous to use them this way and can harm your body for years to come if misused. Your delicate intestinal flora can be destroyed, and proper digestion of foods can stop- leading to dehydration,gas, abdominal pain, lactose intolerance, blood sugar issues, and dependence on laxatives to go at all.... instead try a fiber based Colin cleanse or a magnesium supplement like natural calm to clean house... then try a diet low in fat low in simple carbs and high in lean protein and veggies and whole grains- fat free yogurt instead of ice cream-etc......

How can i lose weight fast? -

im currently 11 stone 1 and 5ft 6, so im overweight and i really want to lose weight, i tried on my prom dress from last june and it no longer fits mei want to lose the weight and keep it offany tips or foods that are good for this please helpthanks

Weight loss is an overall process and there are no magic answers. Pay no attention to weight loss supplements and pills and all the latest fads. You need to think about many factors but most of them are related to issues we ve known about for a very long time. There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.Make a few additional small changes - walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars.Start a weight lifting routine. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall. Even if you can t get to the gym you can work out at home using things around the house. Invest in a good weight training book. The Dummies series actually has a good one. In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Particularly if you choose a vegetarian lifestyle include natural peanut butter, hummus, dried fruit and nuts. Pay close attention to getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. Make your portion sizes smaller. Use a smaller plate - in our society we have become accustomed to thinking that we need a large plate of food at every meal, and we don t. About quarter of your plate of food should be protein and at least half of it should be veggies. Learn to count calories. At your current weight and activity level, you may possibly need about 2000 calories or more to maintain your current weight. So you will lose weight at a reasonable and healthy rate if you cut back to about 1600 or 1700 calories a day. Eat small amounts frequently, rather than three large meals. Never skip breakfast. Include some protein in your breakfast. It will help get you through the day.Drink plenty of water, at least 8 big glasses of water a day, and more if it is very hot, if you sweat a lot, or if you are exercising intensely, and eliminate fruit juices. Fruit juices have too many calories, so get your vitamins from fresh fruit, not the juice. You will begin to see changes in your body. An area that many people overlook is getting enough sleep. You are much more likely to overeat or to binge eat if you are tired and not well rested, so get enough sleep.Check out websites about nutrition, exercise, weight training, etc. Here are a few helpful links.��������

HiInstead of losing weight, maybe you should focus on eating right. I mean eating healthy foods. Instead of eating regular sandwich for lunch, for example, you can eat healthy whole wheat bread with extra virgin olive oil. Have some blueberry also. They are pretty filling. If you are still hungry, have some low-fat (NO sugar) yogurt and some more fruit. When you eat salad, cut back on dressing. Dressings are high in calories.Make a small changes in lots of things you eat. I am sure you will lose weight and increase your metabolism in the long run . Getting healthy should be the first priority and losing weight will be its side effect.Make your own plan and stick with it!

Drink two tumblers of water on rising from the bed, and in a day drink at least three litres of it. Avoid cream, ghee, sweets and fried food. Take regular exercise sufficiently, so as to burn more calories of energy, than its intake.

do running and yoga. running will help your fitness, lose weight and put on a bit of muscle. yoga will burn the fat. :)

lipo suction.

Will adding lemon to your water help you lose weight faster? -

No, the only sure way is to take in less calories than you are using up.

I don t think so :) Also that acai berry is supposed to be a scam, it was on our news tonight. Don t do it. Apparently you only loose your bank acc.

No.. people add it for the flavor.

Help people need to lose weight fast. tell me what you think of this? -

i want to try the liquid diet, all day i am going to drink:green teawaterjuicecuppa soupwhat i wanted to know is it ok to drink diet coke and diet kick energy drink?has anyone tried anything like this before, if so how did you find it? how long did you do it for and how much did you lose.i am 5 8 and 165lbs how much do you think i could lose?

If you want to lose weight fast, and keep it off while doing it the right way, you should really reconsider your diet plan. These kinds of diets can lower your metabolism, which is extremely hard to restore. I would recommend eating small meals consisting of raw fruits and vegetables throughout the day and some lean proteins for energy and muscle building. Working out is the only way to burn fat too and the best thing is, if you keep it up, you keep the fat off... forever! And to answer your question about the diet carbonated drinks: It s ok to have these things once in a while but it s definitely not a good idea to make a habit of it. They make you retain water because of the sodium and the carbonation robs your body of important nutrients.Best of luck on your weight loss. Hope this helps.

Your basicly skipping meals , by skipping meals you will gain weight because you are slowing down your metabolism , and your body starts to eat your organs to survive which creates extra fat for more organ munching time . Have - a piece of whole grain toast with sugar free raspberry jam with green tea ( 2 cups ) breakfast ( the whole grains keep you fuller longer and digest soluble fats through the intestines ) Lunch - 50 baby carrots ( only around 90 calories ) + 1 fresh diced apple with a dollop of low fat yogourt ( 150 cals ) Raw veggies slim your waistline , apples keep the doctors away , keep you slim , and have antioxidants to break down fat such as pectin Dinner - 2boiled eggs , 1/2 grapefruit , and a bag 100 cal popcorn . ( 400 cals ) Eggs have protein which promotes weightloss , grapefruit has been reccomended for weightloss due to antioxidants and fat burning vitamins , and 100 cal popcorn is light yet filling , and fun . 700 cal day . Maintain this and you ll lose weight . I recommend 3 bottles of water in between . Your going below the 1200 calorie rate for weightloss which is shakey , but if you only do this for a week . You ll lose weight , and if you keep your meals life-balanced , it will be alright

limit the juice it has too many sugars! and cuppa soup is too high in sodium. try veggie broth (low sodium) and look into the hollywood diet. you can buy it at longs, walmart etc.... it is a liquid diet for 48 hours. I did it and lost 10 pounds in 2 days. You can probably do something like it for 24-48 hours once a week