Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Is it possible to lose weight on water? -

I reaed somewhere that if you just drink more water you can lose weight. I am pretty sure just starving yourself and just drinking water doesn t work, or does it? Any ideas or thoughts omn how to lose weight fast? How about the detox diet where you just drink juice? I ve got close to two weeks to lose the weight. HELP!

The best thing to do is run. I lost 20 pounds in 1 month by running 2 miles a day and not eating any fatty or sugary foods and reducing my proportions. Here is a site that will tell you how many calories you need in a day to loose weight Water is suppose to increase your metabolism but its not going to make you rapidly loose weight. Exercise increases your metabolism way more and can keep it increased. Don t starve yourself either, it will come back to bite you. All it does is throws your body into a famine and it starts storing fat.

Drinking more water will help in a stable health.If you are healthy then you will not face problems like being fat having heavy weight.But direct a noticeable weight loss is not possible.

You should drink a lot of water AND eat food. You should never stop eating to lose weight. But yes, drinking lots of water can definitely help you lose weight.

How to lose weight in three weeks? -

i was wondering if it is possible of losing weight within three weeks? i work out everyday, but it doesn t seem like i make any difference can you help? thanks :)

working out doesn t mean you lose weight.. calorie deficit causes weight loss. if you burn more than you take in you lose weight heres a chart of how many you need to maintain your weight just sitting around. so if you take in that amount and burn some calories youl lose��lol my post looks like spam

How to lose weight quickly? girl 13yrs, 130lbs, 52.? -

i need good hints and tips. i used to weigh around 140 last summer and got down to 130 and a size 4 in jeans.. i have a bowflex at home and i do dance once a week. what kind of foods could i eat? i was thinking of becoming a vegitarian, but what could i eat then? oh and what are good exercises to work off the little bit of fat that hangs over your pants?

You know, if you want to be appealing to men, you are at a good weight. Don t think that your peers will think you need to lose weight; at 5 2 and 130 lbs, you are actually an ideal weight. You say you use to be anorexic, but to me it sounds like you may still be. If you want to lose weight in three weeks, you wont be able to lose much. I will outline below what I recommend. This is not a quick way to lose weight, but it is safe.Easiest, quickest, and safest way will involve a complete lifestyle change for most people. I do not know what you currently do for your own health so I will go over as much as I can in a brief time.1) Exercise - Cardiovascular activities will burn the most calories. Some people may tell you to lift weights, but that will not be the quickest, nor the most beneficial. You should jog or run 3-4 times a week at every-other-day. This will force your body to keep burning calories, even on your off days; many people call this boosting your metabolism . I personally do the following:Monday- Jog for 3-5 milesTuesday- WeightsWednesday- Jog for 3-5 milesThursday- WeightsFriday- Jog for 3-5 milesSaturday- WeightsSunday- OffFor me, this is what I found the best to stay cut while maintaining my muscles. When I stated Weights I actually target different muscle groups when I lift. This gives every muscle a turn to rest while only being worked one vigorous day a week.2) Diet - You can chose what you want to eat; your parents have been telling you what was healthy since before you can remember. In a sense, they were right. You need to eat your greens, along with some fruits, dairy, and meats. Because you are losing weight you need to target the lean meats such as fish or chicken; it is best to eat these grilled or the like - fried food is bad. Water is a necessity for you to grow, as well as for you to lose weight. Drink, drink, drink.3) Rest - This is necessary for your muscles to recover. While they are recovery you will continue to burn calories; this is why I recommend every-other-day to prevent waisting time. If you were to go for building muscle, you would benefit from resting and working different muscle groups; your muscles can take more than just a day to pick back up your strength and finish recovering(growing). Many amateurs pick up the weights and get so focused on a ripped body they think it best to work out the entire body every single day. This is only harming them and causing them to not see the progress they long for; thus making many of them give up or quit.4) Supplements - Many people focus on this as their primary branch of diet; this will build a tree of sticks and not of quality. I personally believe an amateur should stick to a good multivitamin, maybe some fishoil to give them the omega 3 s and maybe an amino acid supplement. Nothing more is really necessary if you re just aiming to lose weight. Some people recommend protein, however I feel that this is only necessary if you are going for muscle gains or if you are a vegetarian/vegan.I hope I helped, any other questions just email me. I am not a health freak like many people that may answer your question. I am a person with real evidence that I know what I am doing. I have my ideal body that I compete and win with.EDIT: Yes starving yourself is bad for you. When you do starve yourself or eat only fruit/vegetables several things could happen. You could get too much fiber; many don t understand that too much fiber is bad and could cause constipation. Your body will start to believe after a few days that it needs to store all of the energy(fat) that it can. This will cause you to blow up like a blimp when you go back to your normal diet. Like I stated before, a balanced diet is best if you would like to keep it off. Becoming something like a vegetarian is a horrible idea because your body does need meat. Meat contains so many things that your body does need to live; from amino acids to fatty acids to creatine, the list keeps going on, but these are the ones you often hear about in today s news. Follow what I have out lined above and you will see results. Remember, this is a life style change, not a temporary thing.I just wanted to add that the person below me said run/walk half a mile every morning. This person is ignorant on the topic and it shows in there first sentence they typed. Running and walking have completely different effects on your body; I m sure you can understand that.

hi im 12 and i weigh around 77pounds and im 5ft is that bad?

girl you have nothing to lose! just STAY in shape by running/walking about 1/4 mile every morning or so...its about a lap you know around the block or so, and just don t drink soda/sweets. good luck

Eat 3-5 healthy smart portioned meals a day,(Don t starve yourself), no food except for fruit and water or juice 4 hours before you go to bed. No need to go Veggie unless you really want to. You ll still want to eat chicken or fish if you do, and you will still need the calcium and Iron and vitamins for your body.30 or more minutes a day excersize 4-5 days a week and make sure to drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep 6+ hours. No sleep, No weightloss. Look up Abdominal Excersizes in Google and think about regular swimming or soccer if you can. Good core excersizes will help tone your body up. Jogging is a great one too. Crunches, leg lifts, scissors (hello dolly s) and eskimo pushups are great ab excersizes. Good Luck.

Quit drinking soda, tea and any other sugary drinks. I quit drinking soda about three weeks ago and lost at least 10 lbs without changing my diet...just drinking plenty of water.

drink water only, run/walk do cardio try to burn 3-500 cals a session 5 days a week for best results stick to it be motivated, eat lots of fruits and veggies dont take meat out completely but dont eat fast food tho that shits horrible think positive, your not gonna see fast results ever if you do its unhealthy, losing 10-15 in the first week is normal tho if you change your life style, dont worry hun youll be fine and good looking in no time just dont give up, the best thign to do is write down a list of reasons why you want to do this and any time you want to give up look at the list, and this should re motivate you! woohoo go do it girl you got this youll be fit before you know it and theres nothing to it but to do it!

How to lose weight in just 2 weeks? -

i weigh about 10 st i want to get to about 8 and half what is the quikest way to lose the weight what sort of foods could i eat i really want to do this im gonna be going gym just want to know what foods i can eat thanks x

There is no way you can do it in 2 weeks. No way. Not even if you starved. Seriously. Go and see your doctor or practice nurse for an eating plan, see your gym for an exercise plan and lose weight slowly and safely. Most of the quick fix diets lose you water which is not only dangerous but will mean you almost immediately put it back on.

cut off your leg always loses alot in one go, failing that slimming world has worked for me, lost 2 stone in a few weeks and once u got your head round it its a doddle to follow

read tips and articles on weight loss and exercise programs on this site

amputate a leg which will be at least 15% of body weight lost immediately


I think you can eat anything you like that isn t junk food or over-processed crap, as long as you work it off somehow.

master cleanse detox diet... it sounds gross but really its quite tastey- pair this with a nice little work out and you ll be on your way to loosing the pounds and cleaning out your system!for more info:��

come across a mag saying that jus survive by eating apples plain water for 3 days can lost 5kg. Can give it a try!

Start by cutting out all rubbish foods and exercise everyday, even if it is only a 30 min walk. you will not lose loads in two weeks but it will get you on your way.Good luck :-)


quickest way to lose weight without a doubt is the atkins diet.

Listen: you need to do 200 minutes of cardio a week. Remember fat does not turn into muscle, so you need to lose your fat while putting on muscle. The 45 minute thing is not true, but don t over 60 minutes at a time.Do 5-10 minutes of cardio to warm up, then do your weight training. Do 30 to 60 minutes more of cardio, then go home.The best time to eat is just after your workout within an hour when your metabolism is raging. For your muscles, incorporate some isolated soy protein or whey protein. Whey is more potent but the soy tastes better!Don t look at your scale as the be all and end all, but get a measuring tape to check your progress, and that will show more tangible results.Good luck and stick at it.


I m pretty sure than unless you are under 5ft tall or a child under 12 you probably shouldn t be about 8 and a half stone. If you are either under 5ft or a child under 12 and you are 10st then see a dietician or join Weightwatchers. Join a gym by all means to tone up but remember muscle can actually weigh more.If you are neither a midget or child and ar just one of those screwed up kids who thinks they re fat and you want to develop an eating disorder then just don t eat. You ll lose weight, skin and muscle tone, sex drive, periods, teeth and eventually your body will start to digest itself from the inside.Get proper health advice from a properly trained health worker not a bunch of crazy loons on the net!

in 2 weeks is impossible

Depends if you want to try to kill yourself!!! Why do you need to loose weight? Why have you put it on? Diets do not work in as much as the weight will come back after a few weeks. So you need to find out why you are putting on weight and why it is so important to be a certain size. Whatever you do it has to be sustainable. I suggest you get advice from your practice nurse. I found swimming helped me to loose weight without dieting but you need to keep it up, I did 30mns twice a week, that is 30mns swimming and no stopping in between! This is the minimum to get a cardiovascular workout.Weight watchers are also very good but again it is not sustainable unless you want to weight your food forever...Good luck and maybe you are ok as you are!!!

Have you heard of the Special K diet?

Why do you want to lose weight in 2 weeks? If it is for a special occasion I think that perhaps you left it too late. There is a special diet that is given to patients which loses weight really quickly before an operation. I will e-mail it to you. Otherwise you can healthily lose 1-2 kilos a week by exersising and eating heathily.

Well, supposedly the Special K diet works. Youre supposed to switch out two meals a day with a bowl of any flavor Special K and 2/3 cup skim milk or 2% milk, and then eat a normal third meal. Drinking lots of water helps also. And then of course exercise.

lots of excercise. swimming before work or school gym at lunch. walk home or cycle. eat healthy food and cut out unhealthy snacks.

chicken salad,worked for me.also I hear tuna is good(I dont like it)and apparently small portion of pasta but as they say.don t quote me on it(this is throw away advice.)

There s no way you can loose that much in just two weeks without doing harm to yourself.Exercise for a least 30 minutes 5 times a week.Eat food that is high in slow-release carbs such as brown rice/pasta and whole-grain cereal.Cut down on fatty foods but still take in just under 70g per day.Get all of your vitamins from 5 portions of fruit and veg.I m no doctor though so I d recommend you go and visit yours.

How to lose weight,quick? -

I am way over weight, i live on a mountain in france 15min of 15, what shall i do to lose a bit of weight, no pills or anything orders please

Despite the way it feels, losing weight isn t a mysterious process. It s a simple matter of burning more calories than you eat. But, if it were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem, would we? Weight loss can be such a struggle that we start thinking we have to do something drastic to see results -- diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. The true secret to weight loss is this: Make small changes each and every day and you ll slowly (but surely) lose those extra pounds. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.Rules of Weight LossTo lose one pound of fat, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. That sounds like a lot of calories and you certainly wouldn t want to try to burn 3500 calories in one day. However, by taking it step-by-step, you can determine just what you need to do each day to burn or cut out those extra calories. Below is a step by step process for getting started.Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Your BMR is what your body needs to maintain normal functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day. Keep in mind that no calculator will be 100% accurate, so you may need to adjust these numbers as you go along.Calculate your activity level. Use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day. It helps to keep a daily activity journal or you could even wear a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned.Keep track of how many calories you eat. You can use a site like Calorie Count or use a food journal to write down what you eat and drink each day. Be as accurate as possible, measuring when you need to or looking up nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out.Add it up. Take your BMR number, add your activity calories and then subtract your food calories from that total. If you re eating more than you re burning, (your BMR + activity is 2000 and you re eating 2400 calories) you ll gain weight. If you re burning more than you eat, you ll lose weight.Example:Mary s BMR is 1400 calories and she burns 900 calories in daily activity with regular exercise, walking around and doing household chores. To maintain her weight, she should be eating 2300 calories but, after keeping a food journal, Mary finds that she s eating 2550 calories every day. By eating 250 more calories than her body needs, Mary will gain one pound every 2 weeks.This example shows how easy it is to gain weight without even knowing it. However, it s also easy to lose weight, even if the process itself can be slow. You can start by making small changes in your diet and activity levels and immediately start burning more calories than you re eating. If you can find a way to burn an extra 200 to 500 calories each day with both exercise and diet, you re on the right track. Try these ideas:Instead of...Do this...An afternoon CokeDrink a glass of water. (calories saved: 97)An Egg McMuffinEat a small whole wheat bagel +1 Tbsp of peanut butter (calories saved: 185)Using your break eat sweetsWalk up and down a flight of stairs for 10 minutes (calories burned: 100)Hitting the snooze buttonGet up 10 minutes early and go for a brisk walk (calories burned: 100)Watching TV after workDo 10 minutes of yoga (calories burned: 50)Total Calories Saved: 532 (based on a 140-pound person)How Much Exercise Do I Need?Exercise is an important weight loss tool, but how much you need varies from person to person. The ACSM s weight loss guidelines suggest at least 250 minutes per week, which comes out to about 50 minutes, 5 days a week. If you re a beginner, start small (3 days a week for 20 to 30 minutes) to give your body time to adapt. Don t forget, things like walking, taking the stairs and household chores can burn more calories as well. Learn more about getting started with exercise.

Eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible. Also cut out the soda and sodium. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you can, exercise briskly thirty minutes nonstop a day. The weight will fly off pretty fast. I have been doing those for two weeks now and have drop 15 lbs already. Good luck.

avoid foods with too much sugar in it. this includes cookies, ice cream and desserts in general. reduce the amount of food eaten per meal. try drinking water before eating to make you get the feeling of being full and savor the food that you eat. running or any other form of cardio is sure to cause weight loss.

I used TrimGel, it aint no joke, 8 lbs in 6 days crazy, but I know it s not healthy to lose too much weight too fast I read it

Fat chicks: dont you hate it when naturally skinny girls try to tell you how to lose weight? -

and they dont practice what they preach? they tell you to diet and exercise three times daily, while they havent worked out since recess in grade school and are chowing down on a double cheeseburger?i just recently found out im 150 lbs, which i think is FAT for me (i have a small build, and im short).I used to be that girl, i apologize.

yess!I know a girl who was adopted and has always been chubby but eats fairly well and exercises. Her adoptive family is all thin, and they lead healthy lifestyles, but a few months ago she met her real mother, and she had the exact same build as her, though slightly more overweight and carried the weight in the same places. Sometimes you just can t fight genetics, and (thin) people always assume overweight people lazy and eat poorly. I also hate when I m at the same table as a thin person, eating the exact same thing as them and I get looked at like I shouldn t be eating it, even by people who I know, and who know that the thin person always eats badly and is just thin by luck, whereas I m fat because of bad genes. It s really upsetting how a lot of thin people look down on slightly chubby or fat people for being that way when the thin people have never even have to deal with a type of struggle with their weight. Many people are overweight because of addictions to food, health problems, or genetics, as I mentioned above. It s a lot harder to lose weight than they make it seem.

+apology accepted