Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hectic lifestyle + weight loss? HOW??!? -

I m still in school and have a pretty much packed-to-the-max schedule. I ve always kinda/sorta calorie-counted, but that doesn t seem to work much. People say carbs are the key and to cut back on bread, pasta, potatoes, etc. How can I lose at least 20 lbs with my busy schedule? I m not in charge of what we buy at my house, so please don t suggest that I make suggestions; believe me, thanks, but I ve tried.What are some small weight-loss tips you can give me that work and aren t time-consuming?I don t drink soda too often, and I drink TONS of water. They say stress not enough sleep are a weight-gain factors, but they re inevitable at the moment.Please help my stupid situation before I go crazy just thinking about it. Lol.

The best way for your lifestyle is simple: Every morning when you wake up eat an orange or apple 15 minutes before breakfast. Say for instance you wake up, brush your teeth(I do it prior to eating anything), eat the fruit (any fruit will do), take a shower, get dressed, eat my breakfast. The trick is eating fruits on an empty stomach. Two reasons, if there s nothing in your stomach, you ll digest it faster and start your metabolism, plus you ll send the sugar s up to your brain(which in case you didn t know, works off the sugars, hence necessary in your diet). You ll also notice your stress will recede since you ll think clearer. From there on, try to keep your tank between 1/4 and 3/4 full throughout the day. Don t ever let yourself get too full or too hungry. Lastly, snack on fruits instead of donuts or candy and you ll notice results within 2 weeks. Keep this in mind, eating less is not always the key. Michael Phelps, very well known 8 time gold-medal winner and recently admitted pot smoker, consumes a total of 12,000(that s twelve THOUSAND) calories a day!!! That s equivalent to about what 5 adults should be eating a day.

The portion size it a key factor, eat slowly, eat fiber rich foods, avoid junk food eat low cal low fat snacks and don t allow yourself to get hungry or you may overeat. Any exercise you can fit in is helpful whether it s extra walking on a mall or climbing stairs whatever it is do it.

Even doing 20 push ups and sit ups every morning and night will help a lot. I mean for fitness, even getting up an extra 15 minutes in the morning and going for a mile run. Especially up hills and such. Also, the obvious ones about diet, keep processed foods out of your diet. Dont eat white/refined carbs. limit on butter, mayo, cream-based soups, etc.

limit your sugar and salt intake. consider low calorie snacking. if at all possible eat as much fruit and veggies you can. if you would like to learn more about dieting i have found my alli capsuls work best. not only the pills but their website really educates you and teaches you about weightloss check it out.

Try simple things. Taking the stairs, parking far away, instead of fattening snacks, try fruit. If you really are motivated you will lose it. Trust me. Twenty pounds isn t a lot to lose. You could do it in no time.

I don t really know but I run around from place to place all the time even in my house. Eat fruits a lot too fruits are very tasty. Yum.

Weight loss tips? Please Im desperate =(...? -

So I m feeling really depressed lately and things have just been going down. I cut down all my food and eat so much better already. I hardly eat sweets (if I do it s an apple or jello or pretzels or fiber one bars) and I substituted potato chips for pretzels. I lost about 10 lbs, but I lost a lot of inches. I have been feeling a little more confident because I got my braces off and ppl say I m pretty. But the only people that say that are my family =/. And I want boys to go after me and have just said it s their loss. My grandma told me last night that if I was 20 lbs lighter all the guys would love me. Im also starting to think people (my own dad, my family, my friends) in general would treat me a lot better =(. I have a lot of homework and have to keep my grades up so I don t have much time to exercise. The only exercise I get is for about 40 mins in dance class (PE but dancing) twice a week. Any tips on losing more weight? Please nice answers are needed...I just want to stop crying and to look prettier and I want things to start looking up for me =(advice would be great.

Woah your a fatty arent u jeez size 15 are u a elephant?

your body is no reason to be depressed. everyone is beautiful in there own way, and you will find that one boy if you be yourself. Be happy and have pride in who you are. And it takes time to lose weight so just keep on doing what your doing and dont lose it. and reward yourself once and a while. BE HAPPY!!!

if you have a lot of homework, start it as soon as you get home then exercise. you should have time! also, eat a lot of fiber, switch to whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, veggies, etc. etc.

Ugh, don t listen to that spammer. Spend some money, get help if you have to, to buy some good running shoes from a sporting goods store, and some stylish sweats or shorts to run in, and run for at least a half-hour each day. Good grades are great, but you have to get some exercise, and getting a workout each day increases your mental acuity anyway. The way busy people usually do this is to get up at the crack of dawn and run then. Modify your diet so pretty much all of your calories come from fruit, vegetables, legumes, and grain, and completely stop eating meat, cheese, potator chips and especially fast food. Don t eat fried food! I promise that if you eat healthier and take up a fairly strenuous activity like running/jogging (it gets SO much easier, fun even, after just a little while-- you just have to keep doing it) that you will look awesome, and feel excellent-- and feeling good is important because a model needs to sell her image, and you can t do that if you re unhealthy and feel like crap. Keep at it-- it takes a little while to get results (well, not really from running-- that pretty much makes you feel good overall really fast) and you ll be like, Holy crap, I feel good. Always have grapes and a big bag of baby carrots in the fridge (and sandwich baggies to pack up), apples and bananas on the shelf, some good nutty bread and light peanut butter in the pantry, and cook up some beans or pea soup for low-fat protein, some good rice for extra fuel. BTW, if you feel like people aren t treating you the way you d like because of the way you look, then they re jerks, to be honest. My advice is intended to help you feel good and healthy.

Diet and exercise if you wanna shed the weight.Some simple tips are too stay away from foods that you know you shouldn t eat. This includes fast food, chips, sweets, etc. Also, try eating more complex carbohydrates like whole grains and oatmeal instead of rice krispies. Some good cereals are multigrain cheerios, total and kashi (not that tasty, though). Look at the nutrition facts and ingredient list when you go shopping.Don t buy anything that has hydrogenated oils. Even partly hydrogenated oils are really bad for you. Eat more fruits and vegetables.Try to eat few carbohydrates at dinner (preferrably none). I.e. A steak and a salad is better than steak and mashed potatoes.

Just keep doing what you were/are doing, and do lots of cardio, like running/jogging, or swimming, in addition to the dance you do.You need to find a better reason to get in shape than to get guys. That s like a guy who gets a six-pack for the sole purpose of getting girls. People who just like someone just because they have a great body are pretty shallow, and not worth it.Advice: Stop crying. If you can lose 10 lbs once, you can do it again. Protip: guys like girls who are confident in themselves. Show everyone that you have confidence in yourself and that you are serious about losing weight, and don t let anyone try to tell you otherwise.

All you have to do is find a way to balance out your time like maybe if you have any tv shows you watch use that time for studying and then you will have more time to exercise. I hope I helped :)

Don t feel about it.This answer selected the best answer three times by asker (yahoo answer)Follow this site more helpful for you.Only home made tips.In addition Jogging swimming best way to reduce weight.Surely You might gain.��

Change your self pitty into fuel.Cut carbohydrates to a maximum of 30 per day for 3 weeks.this will shed a few inches off and pounds.You will feel tired, because now your body will be burning stored fat as energy.ONLY 3 weeks....

What are some good weight loss tips for a 15 year old? -

i m very unhappy with how i look (weight wise)i m only 5 foot and i m 15 years old.i weigh about 170 -185. i m not really sure..i know thats very chubby .. because my BMI is horribleso please could anybody give me any tips. stories about your weight loss challenge. or anything pleasei want to lose alot of weight before school starts back and be able to keep it off..I really want people to be amazed of how different i look from last school please and thank you

hey, im happy for you,but you know how to lose weight already,everyone less,and exercise more.

Having been a big child when I was younger, the best way I found to lose the weight was by running with a little weight training. Start by doing at least 1 1/2 hr of cardio a week. Break it down and thats only 30 mins. a day, three days a week. If you can not do 30 mins. a day break it down even more to what works for you. When you get ready to do strengh training break it down in parts. One day do chest (push exercise), next day do back (pull exercise), next day shoulders (push exercise), next day back (pull exercise) and so on. Just ensure that you do a little cardio after every work out. It helps the body burn more well after you have finished working out. Best of luck to you.

I guess the only really healthy thing to do (You know, without destroying your body and everything,) Is maybe invest in a gym membership, eat healthy, and get some decent exercise. Try eating lighter dinners and lunches, and a good healthy breakfast with lots of fruit instead of a ton of meat. Eat some salad instead of steak. You know, traditional weight loss techniques?

run, ride your bike often, and you probably have a terrible diet. Drink water, not soda, eat a lot of fruit (it tastes good) and when you don t eat an excess amount of food, and eat junk food only maybe once a week it tastes a lot better because you re body is not used to it.

i m tall and thin, so i can t really relate to youbut just get involved in sports.take dance, swim, play tennis, and go on daily jogs.or go to a gym if you d like.and try eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and only eat treats very rarely.i hope i helped, and good luck!

Im thin, and I dont know much about this topic. But I ve heard that being a vegetrain makes you thin. Try it? And you do get to save the world a little bit?

ooooooooo........sorry but the other day on oprah the talked about weight lose nd try going to or try eating six small meals every 2 hrs and wen ur lighter start exercising

Run Forrest Run

i d say to eat healthy and EXCERCISE YOUR BUTT could be a vegitarian. theres a lot of cholesterol in meat. you also should drink A LOT of water. for food you could cut back on meat a little, if you are already eating a lot. and eat nuts like almonds or chickpeas. if you ever feel like you want something sweet you can have chocolate but make sure its either dark chocolate or semi-sweet. dark chocolate is better for you though. make sure you dont eat too much. you could drink a glass of water or any other beverage before you eat and eat slower. if you eat fast it wont give you time to digest and then you feel like your going to pass yeah. im not any expert in health or anything. just dont resort to starving yourself*notsayingyouwould*.but good luck!

I know how you feel. I m overweight myself and have been a yo-yo dieter for a while. I also want to lose a lot of weight before school starts again.Some tips would be:-Drink a lot of water, eight glasses of day if you can to flush out the toxins-No soda-Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables but not too much fruit because fruit contains natural sugars in it-If you drink milk with cereals, try and replace it with soymilk, it tastes exactly the same as regular milk but better for you-Use the serving sizes on the back of food lables if you get confused with how much to eat with a certain food. -Watch your portion sizes. Don t eat too much of one thing.-Do NOT starve yourself, it wont help at all, trust me.Exersizing is also very important if you want to lose weight. Find something active you enjoy like kickboxing, pilates, or Tae Bo with Billy Blanks I recommend. If none of those, just take a walk for a bit but remember to be active for atleast 30 minutes.Good luck and stay modivated, you can do it!

Well I think it s totally about self-control:Breakfast: integral toast and a 70-calorie yogurtLunch: Fruit (any kind, except banana) and a fish (not fried)Snack if you get hungry: gum or 90-calorie diet barDinner: Light soup (not a creamy soup, it has too much fat)Or maybe a cup of special K or cheeriosSome other tips:DON T EVER DINNER AFTER 7PM, IT HAS BEEN PROVEN IN INVESTIGATIONS AND THAT HELPS A LOT, TRY TO DINNER AFTER 7, I SWEAR IT S AMAZINGI recommend you coffee in the morning, it gives you a lot of energy! (without sugar, or maybe splenda)Another thing is to drink green tea once a day, it burns fat and it s good for your healthGood luck

First off it s good to hear that you have some motivation. Too many people who want to lose weight aren t motivated enough to take the initiative. I do have a few recommendations for you.First, don t listen to anyone who talks about going on some kind of fad diet (cutting out certain food groups). That s exactly why they call it a fad - it doesn t work over a long period of time. The best thing you can do to get in shape is to start a healthy eating plan. Find out how many calories you need to take in each day and try to eat 6 small meals a day. This will jump start your metabolism. Don t eat anything with high fructose corn syrup in it- this is one of the biggest fat producing agents you can consume. Stick to lean meats like turkey and fish, and eat lots of vegetables. Also try to stop eating fast food. This site shows how many calories certain foods have: One of the most overlooked ways to lose weight is to drink as much water as you can stand in a day. When you drink water it reduces your appetite and keeps you hydrated as well.The second piece of advice I have for you is to start some kind of exercise routine. Walking or running is a great way to get started. It s inexpensive and you can do it anywhere you go. I would recommend this plan:�� I used this same plan to get back in shape when I decided to join the Air Force. It s a great plan and will really help you burn calories. Plus, there is a podcast that accompanies it. You can download it on iTunes and use it in an iPod or MP3 player. The podcast is basically like having your own running coach and the music is great for running.As long as you follow these two basic principles you should start to see results. It won t be instant, but your age is definitely to your advantage. Also, for a while your body will be converting fat to muscle so you won t notice certain changes right away. Just remember, the more muscle you have the more calories you burn in a day- therefore the more fat you will burn. Don t give up! At first you will be sore and might not want to work out, but it will definitely be worth it. If you have any other questions feel free to message me.Best of luck!

Weight loss tips anybody? -

ok so i need to lose some pounds but im so freakin lazy and need some tips/inspiration.

drink only water.dont snack so much, or at allhave 3 light meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner)you ll actually lose weight slowly but surely just by doing this.if you want more rapid results,exercise exercise exercise

nutrisystem. just think about how much you pay each month for food! then a one month supply of nutrisystem food is about 300-340. i got on it and i lost about 10 lbs (the exact ammout of weight i needed to join the military) i cant stress enough how much it works

Dont eat fat. Excersie. SIMPLE

I DESPERATELY need help with my weightamp;depression!!!!!!!!!!!!!hellip;? -

I m 16, 5 9, going on 230 pounds now, I m already Pre-diabetic (Type 2) and I suffer from Heart Palpitations and that worries me GREATLY and I have clinical depression, I don t want to do anything anymore, I had dreams of traveling the world but now I don t even want to do that. I cry myself to sleep because I have to look at the beast staring back at me in the mirror, my acne s just recently flared and not enough makeup in the world can cover it and it s DISGUSTING to look at my pizza face, I desperately need help not only with my weight but with my depression. I don t want to be live like this forever....P.S weight loss tips much needed and (NO crash dieting tips) as well as some makeup advice, cloths and how to make myself happy again

ok, this is a lot of hormonal stuff too. Eat veggies and fruits and exercise even when you don��t want to. Believe me, after you get a great sense of accomplishment plus you sleep better and concentrate better. As far as acne, try stridex or Pure Zone. They work great and can be found at Walmart.I don��t know your budget for clothes but be yourself in your style. For example, I love sketchers even though people tell me they were so 3 yrs ago or something, but I wear them because I like them. I also pick clothes that are comfortable and stylish. Okay, for jeans, pick a slimming style and go for a dark wash as it tends to make you look more slender. Pick a nice blouse and since it��s getting cool out get a long scarf along with a nice coat (a cheap , as in price, peacoat would be nice, something warm, stylish, yet versatile.) Find outfits that are drab colors but also go with more than one thing as that keeps the budget low because you can mix and match.As far as make up, wait until the acne clears up a bit. Then, apply it. Pick a lip gloss out or maybe some petroleum jelly- petroleum jelly moistens your lips and also give them natural color because of the shine of the jelly. I don t spend tons of money on make up trust me. I wear it for special occasions and that s when people think I look beyond stunning (they think I am pretty and normal the other times), but waiting to wear it gives me the extra specialness of being different in the fact that seeing me in make up is new as opposed to the girls that wear it every day. Okay, after some acne has cleared up, put something to cover any left (they sell products for spot cover up), then apply foundation, when doing your checks, apply the blush where your check bones areand go along there. Be light with the eye shadow as you don t want to look like a hooker. I think earrings accent outfits quite nicely (not sure if your ears are pierced). I am not sure if you have glasses either but, if you do, shoot for contacts colored ones are nice. If not, try a different eye color if you can (brown eyed people don t have a choice, but blue and green do). Just stop by a eye place and ask for a sample of colored contacts. They do not have perscriptions- the samples. They only put the perscriptions into the ordered ones. For example, I asked an eye doctor for aqua and green contacts to try for when I got new contacts (I have glasses) and I love the green, but haven t tried aqua yet. So, my contacts are emerald green, which I get comments on how beautiful my eyes are all time (my real eye color is blue). I once was asked like 6 to 8 times in one day if my eye color was real because people loved the color so much. Have fun with it. And what ever you do, don t mess with your hair (like perming it or coloring it. It dries it out and fries it and it will frizz and look like a poodle).Good luck!

It sounds like you have low self esteem. You are doing great by seeking professional help. If you are on anti-depression medication, you might need to adjust your dosage by talking to your doctor and he or she will evaluate that. As far as losing weight, you need support, exercise and diet. Eat healthy, walk or any kind of aerobic would be good for your heart and health. Speak to your doctor or counselor about getting into a support group locally.

talk to your parents or counselor.

see some advices and tips - below

for your acne go to the doctor they can prescribe you stuff!!

I need weight loss tips? -

im am 5 10 155 pounds i wear a 7 or 9 in juniors and my ideal size would be a 5i need help losing love handles and bellyand to get slimmer thighs and legswhat should i do and how long will it take also diet tips

Here are some good ideas:1. Do something that gets your heart rate up a bit like, walking, running, biking, and swimming.2. Eat Whole, Organic foods like: Broccoli, Cabbage, Organic Brown Rice, Beans, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Apples, and other fruits and vegetables in their Natural State.3. Avoid eating corn, white bread, white rice, white potatoes, candy, sodas, chips, and anything else that you already know you shouldn��t be eating.4. Drink clean water as your beverage of choice. Avoid Fruit drinks and fruit juices (unless YOU juice them yourself)5. Stop smoking, drinking beer wine, and drinking coffee.6. Get 8 hours of sleep each night.7. Hang out with people who want to be healthy.8. Avoid anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup.Tone up the muscles:1. Join a gym and get a trainer.2. If you��re short on cash, start a light stretching yoga regimen.3. Do push-ups, and light dumbbell curls for the upper body.4. As I said above, walk, run, swim, and or bike5. Take an aerobics class, a yoga class, or some other fitness class.6. Join the local YMCA.7. Buy or borrow this book by Bill Pearl called GETTING STRONGER. http://www.billpearl.comIn the book, he describes everything you need for a great fitness plan.8. Compare your fitness scores to other people by clicking on the President��s Challenge Brochure link here:��Mental Health:1. Get a friend to talk to each day about your feelings.2. If you have some money or insurance, get a counselor to talk to.3. Learn how to meditate.4. Join a support group for the issue you��re dealing with.5. Ask your Higher Self (or God) for guidance.6. Start keeping a diary or journal about your feelings thoughts.7. Write a ��gratitude�� list every night.8. Do something that makes you happy each day like: listen to your favorite music, draw, paint, write, or anything creative.9. Do something for someone else who needs help.10. If the above suggestions don t improve your mental health, talk with your therapist about the possibility of taking some medication.Take care of yourselfYam King

This is my theory and this is what works for me. Everyone is different so it may need to be adjusted to your own personal needs.Energy In/Energy OutFood Intake: 1,200 Per DayOne Pound equals 3,500 CaloriesTo loose one pound per day, You need to burn your food intake plus your one pound of fat1,200 (intake) + 3,500 (Outtake) = 4,700 Calories BurnYou must burn at least 4,700 Calories everyday to loose one pound at least. It is very easy to go up and beyond 4,700 calories each day.Best way to do this is to track your progress on a calorie counter monitor watch. If you do it by the numbers you can loose the weight. It is just a matter of changing the way you think about weight loss.Once you start wearing your calorie counter you can see the numbers increase and you fill find yourself doing extra things in your day, like tapping your foot while waiting at the light in your car, chewing gum, singing out loud and so on onto of your workout routines. You begin to see that everything you do in your day contributes to the overall numbers needed to loose that pound.I, myself, have done this recently. Two weeks later, I lost one pant size and 10 pounds. And that is just my current progress. I have used this method previously after childbirth and have gone from 168 to 127 pounds with in two months.I personally burn 1,000 calories by Walking in my community for one hour in the morning and I also burn 1,000 calories by simply using a stationary bike while playing xbox. I get so involved in playing xbox that I completely forget I am pedaling or working out. Think about it..How many hours have you spent playing video games..why not burn calories while you are doing it.___Water Intake/Less StorageMost people do not get enough water in their system. Water is your body s principal chemical component, comprising, on average, 60 to 80 percent of your weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don t have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. To determine if you are getting enough water use this simple formula.. Take your weight, for example 150 pounds and divide by 2. Take your answer which is 75 lbs and change it to ounces, in this case 75 ounces. That is how many ounces of water you need a day. Your body performs mostly on water. If you make sure you get enough water everyday your body will perform at top notch and your body will no longer have the cravings of junk food. You will have a better performing body system to help you work out and feel better thru out your day.____Good FoodMy favorite things to eat:Avocado WrapsSimple: Low Carb Tortilla, Half Avocado sliced, alpha sprouts, lettuce, soy bacon...Just wrap it up and eat. You can vary the things you put inside so long as you keep it to approx 4 or 5 items. You want to make sure they are fresh, low calorie and filling. Avocado and mushrooms can replace meats in your meal and still have great taste.Special K Cereals are fantastic. They have that sweetness that one craves and is so good for you. Calories are low. Great for even just dinner.First thing in the morning...A Glass of Chocolate Milk. Yup!! Chocolate Milk. We all crave that got to have item in the morning. Milk is the best thing you can have for yourself while working out. The chocolate (and you can use Carnation Instant Milk for this but I simply use Nestle dry mix) will give you that sweet snack that you need. If you give your body a little bit of it and its in a control way, you will not crave sweets and junk the rest of the day.Lean CuisinesFantastic food! Each meal is approx 180 t0 380 calories per box. So think about your calories. 1,200...You can still have several of these meals a day and still be under your intake requirements. It��s all about the numbers and watching what you take in and what you burn out. And you know what..If you go over your 1,200 mark for food intake...that��s simple up your total calories burned for the day by what you took it. So long as you burn off the over all calories to be more than your food intake. Just make sure you stick too it so you can reach your weight loss goals.Fruits and VeggiesAll you want on the schedule listed below. Bananas are my favorite. They are very filling and can make a meal all on their own.____VitaminsMy favorite is ONE A DAY WITH ENERGY...I am in love with this vitamin because I am just like everyone else who loves those quick fix energy drinks. But what people do not realize is that energy drinks can contain 120 to 440 calories in just ONE Can. If you think about it..That is HALF of your allowed calories for food intake. The best alternative I have found is One a day with energy vitamin. Easy to spot, it is packaged in a green label bottle. Just One vitamin a day will give you as much energy as approx. 1 1/2 cans of red bull...WITHOUT the calorie intake. your making progress already because you have made more room in your intake calories for actual healthy food._____Soda/CarbonationCarbonation is terrible for your system because it bloats your stomach. And when your stomach bloats, your jeans just don t fit. You can drop one pant size simply by NOT drinking any carbonated drinks all together..Take away the bloat and you have instantly just made it one pant size lower. Besides, Sodas dehydrate you and with that One a Day Vitamin, you won t need the Caffeine in the soda and it will also cut out those extra calories that you don t need.So remove that soda and the energy drinks and just think how much calories you just instantly removed from your daily intake. I normally consume what...four sodas and two energy drinks in one day...that is a total of .... 900 calories. Of what??? Nothing...Those are horrible calories and calories that can be replaced by food which will fuel your body for your day and your workouts.____Your BodyYour body is like a computer. You must program your body to do what it is suppose to do so it won t crash and leave you with a virus. Your stomach is only the size of your fist. So think about it right now, Look at your hand and close your fist. Not very big is it. That is how much food you actually ONLY need to eat, each time you eat for every meal. If you eat anything more than that, you will stretch out your stomach which causes overeating and overweight.What you need to do is eat every three hours, approx 5 to 7 times everyday around the same time. If you are always giving your body healthy and better food choices (the size of your fist) every three hours, your body will know you are giving it food. It will use that food properly. It will not go into starvation mode or store food away for later because it will get more in three hours. So what does your body flushes everything out of your system because it doesn t need it.. Now it wont forget about it and that food is on its way.____Walking BuddyThis is the best thing especially for woman. Get a walking buddy. One hour everyday. Just think about how much talking, venting and laughing two woman can do together while walking and yup, you guessed just burns more calories and reduces your stress. You now are more relaxed because you can talk and free yourself of whatever is frustrating you while getting into shape.:By: My own experience/Joyceeleann

Hoodia Gordonii Plus reduces appetite, boost your metabolism, burn extra fats, enhance energy, weight loss and diet pills.

stay run walking and jogging

I use and it has tools to determine how many calories you need a day to get to your weight goal.