i am over overweight and whant to be normal i m 12 yeras old and a girl
It is hard when your body is not the way you want it to be. If you are still growing you should focus on staying the same weight. Join a dance class or a sport. You ll meet alot of neat people. If your friends or schoolmates are especially down on you about your weight try an activity that isn t involved with these people. Do something you ve always wanted to learn. Also, talk to your doctor on your next visit to see if he or she has some tips.
It is so much easier for a younger person to lose weight than an older person as your metabolism is much faster. You are still growing so by simply reducing your calorie intake you will lose weight. If you combine that with an exercise regime like running, swimming, walking. you can lose weight rather quickly. To keep the weight off you need to check that you don t eat more than what your body requires. The difficulty for teenagers is that you don t provide your own food so you need to ask mom to read the labels on the food packets and to avoid food with high sugar and high fat. Animal fat is biggest culprit. You and mom can make it a joint project. Find a website which promotes healthy eating and get the whole family healthy. The Healthy Food Guide is excellent for this. Just Yahoo or Google it. Good luck!
you lose weight at age 12 any way you lose weight any other age. eating healthy and exercise but i am not as concerned with your weight as much as i am with your thoughts of you thinking you are not normal because you are over weight at 12. A lot of girls your age haven t even out grown their baby fat. i think the most important thing for you to do is LOVE YOURSELF. take it from me...someone who was called fat at age twelve and let it get to me....i wasn t even that over weight. I became bulimic and it has really made my life take some turns that were really hard and unnecessary. i know this sounds so weird but try to figure out why you are over weight or what makes you feel like you cant love yourself the way you are now. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. PLEASE DONT TRY ANYTHING THAT PEOPLE ARE OFFERING LIKE THE PILLS. They are NOT safe. your dr can help.
1) Eat healthy. Start eating vegetables/fruits as a snack after school instead of goldfish, cookies, etc. Also try to drink as much water as you can; it helps weight loss. Be sure to drink milk too because it has the calcium that helps your body.2) Exercise: Do crunches for about 3 minutes straight whenever your bored or watching TV.Hope this helps!
Your 12 and you want to lose weight?This isn t something you need to worry about at your age.And don t worry if you re overweight; you should have a growth spurt within the next year or 3, and that usually gets rid of it.Everyone s a bit chubby at that age. It s normal! Don t get upset about it :)
You don t give your height, weight or level of maturity. If your periods have not yet started, you will continue to grow taller and that alone may take care of the extra weight. Eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid sodas and snacks. Try to get 20 to 30 minutes of exercise, such as walking or riding your bike, every day. Be healthy.
Just go out and play more.. Really get into your laps at gym.. Join a sport like softball, soccer, horseback riding, track (a really good one!), field hockey, ice hockey, dance, whatever suits you. Ride your bike with your friends and eat less junkfood, drink less soda. You re 12, the weight will come off fast when you stop putting junk in and start moving more. Seriously, just go play! Don t worry about diets or working out . Have fun and the fat will just melt away!!
Your too young to be on a diet. So I recommend you to eat healthy. Eat Veggies,fruits, grains.Exercise as much as you need,don t do weights. Just the usual, jumping jacks, squats, sit ups, a daily outside play. Play outside for 45-60 minutes a day.Best of luck! : )
Ditch your regural breakfast and eat one banana for breakfast and you will loose around one pound a day, only if you also cut back on high-calorie foods, and junk food, and stay away from fat-free and sugar-free it s a big scam!
This is something you should talk to your mom about, not random people on the internet.
join a gym thats what i did . take up some sports etc cut out the bad foods [crisps etc] and start with fruits and vegs
internet uh no girl tell ur mom or doctor DUH!!