Monday, June 16, 2008

How to lose weight in my circumstances? -

I am 17 years old, and I am starting to get love handles and chest fat. I m not obese or even overweight according to my BMI --I can even dress up casually and not look fat at all--, but I don t want this increase in mass to go on any further. What are your suggestions on daily exercise routines? Or do you have a website where I can find info for teens? I know teenagers burn calories faster than adults, so most of the routines I ve found I don t think apply to me. Currently I am running one to two miles every day, doing 50 sit ups, and 25 push ups. I am planning on doubling the sit ups and push ups just as soon as I get used to the current amount. So please guide me in this if you can.

Get Lean with the Magnetic Diet Seven Step PlanCombined with strength conditioning, energization exercises, pranayama life force control and meditation the magnetic diet seven step plan will when followed guarantee that you achieve a low level of body fat in a predetermined period of time. Ultimate leanness is defined as single digit body fat percentages for men and low teen body fat percentages for women. This is the level of body fat necessary if you want to be able to actually see the definition of your abdominal muscles. The magnet diet in combination with the right amount of physical activity will create the necessary calorie deficit to achieve ultimate leanness. The time it takes for you to achieve that will of course depend on how much fat you have to lose.For example, if you currently weigh 200 pounds and are at 23% body fat and your goal is to be at 9% body fat you have about 25 pounds of fat to loose. To loose 25 pounds of fat while maintaining or even gaining muscle should take you approximately 6 to 7 months. You can lose 25 pounds in a much quicker time frame, but will it be 25 pounds of fat? No it will not, remember when you lose weight too quickly much of the weight lost can end up being muscle. And as we learned earlier if you lose muscle you will create the condition for a boomerang weight gain of fat down the road. Now 6 to 7 months may sound like a long time but in reality its not. In our society we want everything quick and easy, but the truth is that nothing worth having comes quick or easy. 6 to 7 months of your life will pass by no matter what you do, you cannot stop time. But by following the magnetic diet seven step success plan the difference will be that 6 to 7 months from the time you start you will have achieved your goal, you will have attained your desired body fat percentage, you will look great and most important of all you will have achieved a very high level of health and vitality. Remember the goal is to lose fat and maintain or even gain muscle so losing the fat slowly is the way. Here is the plan:Step 1. Determine your current body fat percentageGet your body fat measured by a personal trainer or health professional, or purchase Tanita body composition monitor or other similar device.Step 2. Decide on a goal body fat percentage:What��s it going to be 15%, 10%, 5%? They are all achievable, you just have to decide. Once you have decided then calculate the amount of fat that you will have to lose. Take you current body fat percentage minus the goal body fat percentage and convert that to a decimal value add 1 and divide your current weight by that amount. The difference between the result and your current weight is the number of pounds of fat you need to lose. For example a 200 pound person at a 23% body fat who wants to achieve a 9% body fat would do the following: 23 percent minus 9 percent = 14 percent14 percent = .14 .14 +1 = 1.14200 pounds divided by 1.14 = 175 pounds200 �C 175 = 25 pounds of fat to loseStep 3.Determine your current resting metabolic rateDetermine your current resting metabolic rate using the formulas on page 112.Step 4.Determine your maximum daily caloric intakeRemember you want to create a calorie per day deficit so maximum daily caloric intake is equal to your resting metabolic rate plus any additional physical activity as measured in calories minus 500 calories.Use this as a tool:��Step 5.Adjust the diet using portion sizes and snacksAdjust the portion sizes slightly in the main meals or add or subtract snack portions to get to the maximum daily caloric intake.Step 6 Determine the length of time to achieve your goal The amount of fat you need to lose divided by a pound a week = the number of weeks it will take to achieve your goal.Step 7Follow the Magnetic Diet Seven Day Success Plan Not only will it result in your achieving your goal but it will ensure life long health and vitality. Adjust your caloric intake and activity level as your weight drops. Remember as your body weight drops so do your caloric needs. You must reduce your caloric intake or you will reach a plateau.More info online - Read the book free of charge at:

Ok, I m alittle thrown by the chest fat part. But, anyway, the best way to lose weight/be healthy is to eat less than you currently are and exercise more than you currently do.Switch from drinking soda drinks/juices for water (drink 6-8 per day or more when you are working out, especially in humid weather).Eat your 3 healthy balanced meals a day plus a snack between lunch and dinner.Take your vitamins (multi-vitamins).Check with your doctor about your weight/height BMI numbers and for a maximum calorie number for the day, the amount of vitamin/mineral ratios you should be taking and how much you should be exercising (not necessarily everyday, but at least 3 times a week....strength training with light weights, cardio such as walking, biking,...).A great way to do all this too is through a good personal trainer if you can afford one or your parents will pay for one. They can set you up on a good program that should be healthy and constructive. Good luck and take care.

I think your best bet would be to do activities that you enjoy. I personally jump rope alot or go bike riding. Dont keep doing the same exercizes over a long period of time, switch it up with new things.

Dude, one to two miles isnt much, you should increase it, even if you have to slow down from a run to a jog. You should go at least 45 minutes to an hour, not more though. The pushups and situps arent going to make the fat on your chest and stomach dissapear, they will just build a little bit of muscle under. I think if your really serious, you should do high intensity interval training (HIIT) or jump roping. HIIT training will keep your metabolism up more than other types of cardio, it will keep it up for up to 24 hours. An example of HIIT would be running fast for one minute, then jogging for one minute, running fast for one minute, jogging for one minute, etc.... Look it up online for more info. Also, doing pushups everyday will lead to overtraining those muscles and less growth, you should do them maybe every other day, but you should be doing way more if your not planning on doing weight training, but weight training would be best. Situps can be done 6 days a week. Or 7 if you alternate between upper and lower abs daily. Actually it would be better to do that to build abs, but its more advanced and kinda difficult, also dont focus so much on situps and crunches, focus more on lower abs, the upper abs show more easily than lower when you get your body fat low enough. has good info, dont goto the store, goto the forums. Also forums and . All those web sites have more than enough info about training and weight loss and diet.

How to lose weight on my lower body without my breasts getting smaller? -

i want to lose weight on my hips and thighs thanks

You cannot lose weight in just certain body areas. Weight loss is an overall process and there are no magic answers. Pay no attention to weight loss supplements and pills and all the latest fads. You need to think about many factors but most of them are related to issues we ve known about for a very long time. There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.Make a few additional small changes - walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars.Start a weight lifting routine. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall. Even if you can t get to the gym you can work out at home using things around the house. Invest in a good weight training book. The Dummies series actually has a good one. In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Particularly if you choose a vegetarian lifestyle include natural peanut butter, hummus, dried fruit and nuts. Pay close attention to getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. Make your portion sizes smaller. Use a smaller plate - in our society we have become accustomed to thinking that we need a large plate of food at every meal, and we don t. About quarter of your plate of food should be protein and at least half of it should be veggies. Learn to count calories. At your current weight and activity level, you may possibly need about 2000 calories or more to maintain your current weight. So you will lose weight at a reasonable and healthy rate if you cut back to about 1600 or 1700 calories a day. Eat small amounts frequently, rather than three large meals. Never skip breakfast. Include some protein in your breakfast. It will help get you through the day.Drink plenty of water, at least 8 big glasses of water a day, and more if it is very hot, if you sweat a lot, or if you are exercising intensely, and eliminate fruit juices. Fruit juices have too many calories, so get your vitamins from fresh fruit, not the juice. You will begin to see changes in your body. Vary your routines. Don t eat the same number of calories every day (vary your calories from 1400 a day to 1900 or 2000 some days), eat a variety of foods, and do different kinds and amounts of exercise. You will lose weight much more efficiently if you mix things up from time to time so that your body doesn t adjust to any one routine.An area that many people overlook is getting enough sleep. You are much more likely to overeat or to binge eat if you are tired and not well rested, so get enough sleep.Check out websites about nutrition, exercise, weight training, etc.

All those spammers - they re just trying to get you to buy things that don t work.I m really sorry to tell you this.. but it s impossible. When you lose weight, you lose it all over. You cannot ever target just one place. You can target just one place for extra toning, but not extra fat loss.And, as bad as it sounds - when you lose weight, your breasts will be the first thing that get noticabally smaller.Yeah, I know. It sucks. I hate it too - but, it s only a small sacrifice to be healthy!

This is one of those things that sucks about weight loss- we cannot choose where the weight will come off. You ll just have to take that chance if you want to lose weight.

that s not the way it works.fat comes off of the body the way the body wants it to come off. fat areas cannot be can exercise specific muscles but fat is just fuel for the body that gets used the way the body chooses to use it.sometime the fat in the breast will be the first fat that gets used when losing weight.

you can t you lose weight from everywhere =[ im sorry;��

How to lose weight before my family vacation? -

I go on vacation next month and i really wanna have a more fit body before then so that i can look decent in my swimmingsuit. How can i lose weight in my stomach and theighs in a month!? your help is greatly appreciated! :]

Well I think it s totally about self-control: Breakfast: integral toast and a 70-calorie yogurt Lunch: Fruit (any kind, except banana) and a fish (not fried) Snack if you get hungry: gum or 90-calorie diet bar Dinner: Light soup (not a creamy soup, it has too much fat) Or maybe a cup of special K or cheerios Some other tips: DON T EVER DINNER AFTER 7PM, IT HAS BEEN PROVEN IN INVESTIGATIONS AND THAT HELPS A LOT, TRY TO DINNER AFTER 7, I SWEAR IT S AMAZING I recommend you coffee in the morning, it gives you a lot of energy! (without sugar, or maybe splenda) Another thing is to drink green tea once a day, it burns fat and it s good for your health And of course, do at least 50 abs per day Good luck

You have to come up with some type of a reward system, this will help keep you motivated. One of the best things to do is make a contingency contract. Stating what you want to do, who will help you do it, and what do you get for doing it. Then also try to find a well balance diet program. My friend did this one diet program where the average weight lose is 7 pounds in 9 days. It might be the thing you are looking for, I know it s well balanced. If you want e-mail me and I can tell you more about either of these.

Little Tricks To Help You Lose Weight FastYeah we all know that we are supposed to cut calories, do cardio and hit the gym to get in shape, but there are lots of little tricks you shouldn t ignore if you want to slim down quick.Take The Stairs Taking the stairs instead of the elevator every day can help you burn some extra calories. It may not seem like a lot but it adds up. Over a period of a year, taking the stairs can burn off an extra five lbs. of fat.How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!search : lr= newwindow=1 as_qdr=all btnG=Search

not eating is the worst thing you can do! go 2 the gym and work out is the best thing or go swimming more often, that gives you a great workout, expecially if u have a pool cuz u dont even hav 2 leave ur house

Don t eat!

How to lose weight in my butt and thighs but not my breasts? -

i want to lose weight. it seems i gain all my weight in my butt. sadly i am only a 32a up top which is actually big since i have gained about 20 pounds. is their any way i can lose my mega butt and thunder thighs but keep what little boobs i have, cause honestly i cant afford to lose any more up top.

1.Set goals. You ll be better able to make a realistic weight loss plan if you know how much weight you want to lose. 2.Identify your weaknesses. Are you a bread fiend? Do you have dessert after every meal and every snack? Is McDonald s your second home? Find the weakness and throttle it. It does not own you, you are stronger and cooler than to allow some silly little craving to knock you off your path. 3.Throw away anything you know is tempting. Those cinnamon buns with 500 calories each? Gone. The ramen noodles in your cabinet? Gone. The problem is that this is not always feasible. Often times we are not the only ones in our homes and therefore the call of the food must be withstood. In this case, out of sight truly is out of mind. Put unhealthy, unfilling foods in a drawer or in a cabinet that you rarely use. Put them all together to make a particularly unappetizing sight. Don t place them all in a decorative basket out on the counter. Place them in a drawer. A drawer heaping with pastries rarely looks like anything but a drawer of fat. 4.Eat less, but eat more often. If possible, eat 4-5 meals a day. This helps your metabolism and blood sugar to stay level as well. This does require a change in your schedule. Eat less within 6 hours of your bed time. You re less likely to burn the calories closer to your bed time. It s fine to eat a large breakfast and lunch because your body will be working on burning those calories for the whole day. Large dinners are likely to go unburned and converted into fat. 5.Do not skip breakfast. If you don t have time to prepare breakfast, buy healthy breakfast bars or those smoothies on the go. It is important to eat breakfast to jump start your metabolism and give you energy for the day. Otherwise you will probably end up falling back on unhealthy foods during the day. Yogurt is also known to boost your metabolism. 6.Eat healthy snacks when you feel hungry between meal times. Healthy snacks would be things high in fiber, fruits and vegetables. Avoid high sugar and high calorie snacks. This will help you get nutrients as well as help lower your appetite so you won t overeat during meals. 7.Increase your fiber intake. Fiber acts as negative calories. It s also filling and healthy for your digestive system. Make it a part of every meal. 8.Eat slowly and chew more. Take time to enjoy your meals. This will help you to finish at the same time as others, and you ll not be tempted by a second helping. Also, chewing more will ensure you get the most out of all the food and it will be digested faster. The more you chew, the more your appetite will be satiated. 9.Drink more water every day. Stay hydrated. While you don t need 8 cups of water a day to stay hydrated, it ll make sure you re hydrated as well as cut down on your hunger levels and force you to get a little bit more exercise (trips to the sink, water cooler, water fountain, and bathroom). If you re a heavy soda drinker, permit yourself to only one diet soda per day, maximum. Just one extra soda each day can add 15 pounds. Recently, fizzy drinks, even diet ones, have been said to slow down metabolism. 10.Increase physical activity. There are two ways to reduce net caloric intake: 1) reduce the number of calories in your diet and 2) Increase the number of calories that you burn in your daily activities. Both approaches are usually necessary and healthful and both are effective in losing weight. You can pick and choose which exercise you want to do, depending on your fitness level and drive. For example: walking, jogging, using the stair stepper, using cross training machines, swimming, tennis, and basketball. Weight training (and resistance training) can help reshape your body. The more muscle you have the higher your metabolism will be. 11.Find active friends. Find people that will drag you out to do more active things. It doesn t have to be much, but any exercise even walking around the mall is better than none. 12.Don t get discouraged. After one or two weeks of initial weight loss, it is quite common for your metabolism to slow down as it adjusts to the new calorie count. Stay on course and you ll see results. In some cases, the scale will tell you your weight is barely changing, but you may be gaining muscle weight while losing fat weight. Also make sure to weigh yourself first thing in the morning to try to avoid the fluctuations in weight due to water. 13.Take all advice with a grain of salt. Everyone is going to have some tidbit of information for you. What worked for them might not work for you. Take it all in stride and work with what is getting results for you. Trying to do everything everyone says will only cause overload. 14.Eat more protein. If you choose to go this route, do not cut out all carbs. If you do so, as soon as you start eating carbs again you will regain your weight back. Instead of eating stand alone pasta, throw some meatballs or chicken in. Eat some beans, they are high in protein and very healthy for you. Increase the ammount of protein, but not by too much. The more protein you take in, the more water you should drink as well. 15.Eat less calories. The average woman should eat around 2,000 calories a day and the average male 2,500. There s many ways to reduce the calories you intake. Try not to eat frozen dinners, pizza, or from fast food joints. There s also certain drinks, such as Green Tea that are calorie reducers. Lettuce is another calorie reducer, but be careful because dressing tends to have the calories. Low fat/light vinnegette, balsomic vineger, red wine and vineger are pretty healthy dressings, but do not load it on

hi i think that you should excersise the lower part of the body and eat lean protiens,fruits and veggies, lots and lots of water!!! i love to use pilates to tone up. search pilates on google. they have a great session for abs, thighs, and ur booty. i love pilates! and followed by some yoga and meditation... mmmmmmm... really hits the spot! relax and tone!!! ok hope this helps -meems

Pretty much impossible I think. Just lose all the weight and get a boob job.

well u cant lose weight on ur butt u can lose FAT but on ur thighs u can also lose Fat, then u tend to lose weight, heres what to do.Run 45 mins every day to increase ur stemina and make ur legs stronger swimming is good and do yoga 3 times a week. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day u will lose 3 pounds a week by doing this and eating 4 times a day BUT staying under 1,800 cals. Stick to it for a month and u ll lose 12 pounds, and two months ull lose 24 pounds so ull get great legs and ur butt will lose a little but gain muscel and sorry but u will lose some breast unless u take a retarded breast gain pill. Good luck during the summer i lost 29 pounds and is hoping to lose at least 6 more pounds before school starts.

A breastless woman is better than an only slightly breasted hippo

lift weights (small weights for long reps so you just tone and don t get buff). all you can do for that is tone your muscles... when you lose or gain fat weight, the first place it comes off/goes on are your breasts since they are basically fatty tissue

I think probably what you need to do is exercise that focuses just on thighs and butt. There are no short cuts for good exercise. I d advise talking to a trainer at a gym, or a P.E. teacher if you are in school. Do exercises that will tone and tighten those areas.One great exercise, believe it or not, that is not so strenous, is walking or riding a bike. You d be surprised how much good that can do on a regular basis.Also, lay on the floor and do leg lifts with variations that work different muscles. You can also do leg lifts from a standing position while holding onto a chair back for balance.You might also want to look into Tai Chi. Many people are surprised to find out that it s much more than a graceful dance... it is actually very good exercise!Oh, and swimming, aqua-robics too!Lili

chat noir said it. exercise the lower part of your body.

only excersis the lower body