Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to lose weight? -

what I would do is eat less junk food and more fruits and veggies. Aslo go get a gym membership and exercise daily. Or weekly, Don t eat less though just less junk food.

Hi, Are you serious about losing weight toning up? Are you tired of being overweight? I have been a personal trainer, life coach bodybuilder for 25 years. I have developed an awesome, proven, and easy to follow diet exercise program that will help you achieve your goals. Take this opportunity like many 100��s have done. My program has a much higher success rate than the Biggest Loser program on TV. I can offer my plan to you for only $20.00 US. I will accept Paypal, credit cards, money orders or whatever method of payment is convenient for you. Please include your age, height, weight and what you your goals are. I will also offer to follow your progress via messenger or e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you. Paypal account Sincerely,

Have you tried a cleanse? I ve been trying exercise only for about 4 months and I only dropped 7 lbs. But with cleaning and exercising I lost 22 lbs in a month. I tried a 9 day cleanse. I m going to do it again next month. My doctor recommended it to me for my weight loss. With a good cleanse you can lose up to 10 lbs in 9 days. And it s not just water weight. Just cleanse, eat healthy and exercise at least 1 hour 3 times a week. Even if it s just walking around the mall or the track. I m now on month 2 and I ve lost a total of 35lbs and 73 inches. Good luck.

Simple, just exercise. Lose weight the right way.

check out about support! Also, I have added a suppliment, San-Hoodia. Read up on it to see if it is right for you. I have used this for a month and I m down a full size.

drink 4 cupsof green tea a day

excerise and eat right

The best way is to change your lifestyle. Increase exercise and modify nutritional habits (drink plenty of water, low fat, high fiber, etc). I m sure you have heard of people say this numerous times and I will say it again, do not do fad diet. You ll lose weight for a couple of months and all those weight you lost plus more will return to your body eventually.

do some exersizes and go on runs and if u can join a gym or look up some exersizes on

How to lose weight? especially in the thigh?!? -

How do i get rid of my huge Thighs ?

For thighs, go walking about a mile everyday! In a few weeks, you ll have awesome legs. I had the same problem too. So believe me, it works.BUT you need to watch what you eat too! Try eating only 1200-1600 a day. Make sure no less.Good luck!

Well, if it helps... blame your mother. Where your body deposits fat is a strictly genetic thing... its why you see some with big bellys, some with fat butts, some with fat thighs, some with saddlebags... etc.... and I know you are not looking for this answer, but you cannot spot lose fat.So, the answer is simple. To lose weight you need discipline... if you dont have discipline you may need some help pharmaceutically... like an appetite suppressant like Hoodia. Then, set yourself up to succeed and get rid of the crap foods from your house (crackers, cookies, chips, candy)... have to go. Then work out early in the day. Do little things like park further away in parking lots... .take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.Then... do yourself a favor, purchase a heart rate monitor. Find your target aerobic zone and make sure your workouts... whether you are walking, weights, aerobics, swimming,etc... you can actually see how hard you are working, if you are working hard enough... and in most cases... how many calories you are burning...On top of that... do different things. Go hiking someplace new one day, lift weights the next, try rollerblading one day, then do the elliptical trainer the next.... go to an aerobics class one day, then go swimming the next. Keeping things new keeps your mind away from the constant gym dread and apathy. I see it every day... people doing the same machines, the same exercises for the same time every single day, and they never change... ever. You dont want to be that person.Create a routine for yourself, establish some goals, and keep asking people questions. The more you read, learn, and find out will provide you will plenty of tools to help you get what you want done.Best of luck.

Your body loses weight proportionately.So you have to workout your whole body to lose it in your thighs.

You can t target areas to lose fat like you can target areas to grow muscle. Riding a bike for hours might tone those muscles (might make em look bigger actually) but they re not going to lose any local fat. Your body loses fat and cellulose on an organismal scale... IE, it loses it equally from all areas.Count your daily calories over the next 3 days. Eat like you would normally (or, at least count the calories you would normally eat if you start the diet tomorrow!) and find your average intake of calories. Count everything, don t cheat.Take this value, and subtract 300 from it. Eat this many calories a day. Even without excercise, you ll lose about 75 pounds a week. Subtract 500 if you want to lose more overall weight too.Supplimenting it with excercise, like weight lifting, or running has the potential to double this weight loss. Supplimenting it with light excercise like walking will increase weight loss by 20%-30%.There s no magic way to lose 35lbs incredibly fast. Any non-surgical weightloss greater than 15lbs in 90 days (for a reasonably normal-weight person...) is unhealthy and will totally rebound when you quit dieting.Eating less than 1400 calories for a male is very bad, any less than 1200 calories for a female is equally bad. Be sure to take lots of protein and use the muscles you want to keep, muscle is lost before fat. We ve evolved this tendency. Good luck.

Try lunges -- those work AMAZINGLY! I used to be a lot bigger than I am now, and enrolled in aerobics class at my community college, our teacher was big on lunges and said they worked our thighs, they worked so well! It was great. I was sore afterward, but it sure was worth it.

if you really want to lose your weight, don t worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts for thighs ,drink fresh jucies.if you want more details view the website

Maybe u should get some information about instantly reduce excess body weight at��

How to lose weight around stomach FAST? -

ive been doing some reading up on it but its not what im looking for. i need to know a quick way on how to lose weight around my stomach area. im 16 and going on holiday soon and i need to get in shape. what are ways other then eating correctly - i already have a healthy diet. i usually do 100 sit ups a day - is there anything else that will quicken the process? thanks :). if you need more info then feel free to ask xx

I am afraid there are no quick fixes. Weight loss needs time, commitment and dedication. So called dieters, effectively looking for something to lose weight for them are doomed to fail. The worse news is that 2 in 3 actually end up heavier! (university of California study.) Weight loss requires dedication, time and commitment.The problem with your question is that if you look in search for questions it comes up 30 times every day. I have had some criticism for repeatedly using the same answer, but since I am happy with my answer, and the questions are the same, I don t see the issue with recycling the same answer.In practise for problems that came up on a regular basis we tended to use patient leaflets to avoid having to repeat ourselves this seemed a sensible use of resources. What follows is thus in effect me information leaflet.Weight loss and fitness is always a long term commitment and never a quick fix. If you really want to reduce your weight a bit, this is a complex regime, that should help, I would get a pencil to write it down, in case you forget any of the intricate details.Currently only using the criteria lose weight there are 9,419 questions and answers on Answers already. Mis-spell it as loose weight and you get another 2,633! Weight loss will add another 1,883. Too fat 15,515 and overweight 2,692 and over weight 26,269!!!!!. Diet Pills gives 607, Green tea 482, Hoodia 195, pink patch 119, Xenical 91 Reductil 78, Slim fast 215 (and Slimfast 69 ), lipotrim 44 and orlistat 40 . Do you spot a pattern here? OMG that is 60,000 questions with the same basic theme, wanting to lose weight!Here comes the only answer, no tricks, no pills, no short cuts, If you really want to lose weight, loose weight, not be too fat or overweight, follow these instructions carefully:-1) Eat less2) Take regular vigorous exerciseRepeat 1 + 2 forever

Well Babes, you can work out your stomach as much as you want but you can t loose fat from just one are of the body at once. After you exercise your energy reserves even themselves out so in effect you are loosing weight from all over your body as you exercise.A quick weight loss is not good but I am sure you know that. What you need to do is to adjust the balance of what you eat and the energy you use each day. In your case I would increase the exercise you do.see this link:��which is a list of exercises You can do and the calories used doing them. There isn t a listing for sit ups but you could try jogging which uses more energy in 1 hour than sit ups, or cycling or swimming.You should try to do 30 minutes exercise a day - your sit ups won t take that long so add another exercise - maybe a 20 minute jog as well to help the weight come off and that will flatten your stomach

after you eat your food you could do a magical removal of your food, just stick your finger down your throat, and the food will magically reappear

This will help you lose the weight quickly. Along with the excercise check out this plan.http://thefastestwaytoloseweight8.blogsp��Good luck

Cardio 1 hour every day :)Lots of waterLess Calories

run swim and bike more often. running tones your stomache way better then situps alone.

Any good tips to lose weight and gain it back by muscle? -

I want to know some good tips on how to lose weight and then gain it back by muscle. Any good tips?i am 14 years old

1. Drink plenty of water. Our body needs a lot of water so give in to water. Water is not just way to flush out toxin but if you have more water in your body you will generally feel healthier and fitter. This it self will discourage any tendency to gorge. The best thing about water is that is has no calories at all.2. Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake up, gulp down a glass of cool water. It��s a wonderful way to start you day and you only need a lesser quantity of your breakfast drink after that. A glass of water lets out all your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the insides of your body. You may have your morning cup of tea but have it after a glass of water. It is good for you.3. Drink a glass of water before you start the meal. Water naturally needs some space so that you feel fuller without actually having to stuff yourself.4. Have another glass of water while you are having the meal. Again this is another way of making yourself full so that you can actually rise from the table eating less but feeling full just the same. Instead of drinking it one gulp, take sips after each morsel. It will help the food to settle faster so that you get that feeling that you are full faster. SIDENOTE: Water is such a remarkable thing, but seldom do we give it the credit that it deserves. Did you know that over 66% of your body weight is nothing but water�� It��s amazing! Water also plays a vital role in weight control, which is why I donated so much space to it, above.5. Stay away from sweetened bottle drinks, especially sodas. Hey all those colas and fizzy drinks are sweetened with sugar and sugar means calories. The more you can cut out on these sweetened bottle drinks, the better for you. So if you must drink sodas, then stick to diet sodas.6. Include in your diet things that contain more water like tomatoes and watermelons. These things contain 90 to 95 % water so that there is nothing that you have to lose by feasting on them. They fill you up without adding to the pounds.7. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Juice is often sweetened but fresh fruits have natural sugars. When you eat fruit, you are taking in a lot of fiber, which is needed by the body, and fruits of course are an excellent source of vitamins.8. If you do have a craving for fruit juice then go for fresh fruit juice instead of these that contain artificial flavors and colors. Or even better, try making your own fruit juice taking care not to sweeten it with too many calories.9. Choose fresh fruit to processed fruits. Processed and canned fruits do not have as much fiber as fresh fruit and processed and canned fruits are nearly always sweetened.10. Increase your fiber intake. Like I mentioned, the body needs a lot of fiber. So try to include in your diet as many fruits and vegetables as you can.

lift weights and work out during the exercises you will gain muscles and lost fat at the same time

Weight loss is an overall process and there are no magic answers. Pay no attention to weight loss supplements and pills and all the latest fads. You need to think about many factors but most of them are related to issues we ve known about for a very long time. There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.Make a few additional small changes - walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars.Start a weight lifting routine. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall. Even if you can t get to the gym you can work out at home using things around the house. Invest in a good weight training book. The Dummies series actually has a good one. In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Particularly if you choose a vegetarian lifestyle include natural peanut butter, hummus, dried fruit and nuts. Pay close attention to getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. Make your portion sizes smaller. Use a smaller plate - in our society we have become accustomed to thinking that we need a large plate of food at every meal, and we don t. About quarter of your plate of food should be protein and at least half of it should be veggies. Learn to count calories. At your current weight and activity level, you may possibly need about 2000 calories or more to maintain your current weight. So you will lose weight at a reasonable and healthy rate if you cut back to about 1600 or 1700 calories a day. Eat small amounts frequently, rather than three large meals. Never skip breakfast. Include some protein in your breakfast. It will help get you through the day.Drink plenty of water, at least 8 big glasses of water a day, and more if it is very hot, if you sweat a lot, or if you are exercising intensely, and eliminate fruit juices. Fruit juices have too many calories, so get your vitamins from fresh fruit, not the juice. You will begin to see changes in your body. Vary your routines. Don t eat the same number of calories every day (vary your calories from 1400 a day to 1900 or 2000 some days), eat a variety of foods, and do different kinds and amounts of exercise. You will lose weight much more efficiently if you mix things up from time to time so that your body doesn t adjust to any one routine.An area that many people overlook is getting enough sleep. You are much more likely to overeat or to binge eat if you are tired and not well rested, so get enough sleep.Check out websites about nutrition, exercise, weight training, etc. Here are a few helpful links.��������

How to lose weight under the belly button area...? -

Do yall have any ideas or tips on how I should keep in shape and make my abs sexy for my husband? I am in shape I just need to get that little bit of belly right under the belly button area..any ideas?

In order to see a defined set of abs, you need to lower your bodyfat %. We all have the six-pack. You were born with it. The reason you can see it on some and not on others is the level of bodyfat a person has.For a female, you realistically will probably need to get bodyfat below 20% to see real definition. For a male, it is probably closer to 10%.And, ab exercises do not necessarily burn fat from that area. Just because you work a body part, that does not mean your body burns fat from that area. Your body doesn t work that way.Also, the rectus abdominus muscle (the six-pack) is one muscle. You can t just work the upper or lower section of it. Yes, certain exercises can stress one region more than the other, but you are working the entire muscle.Assuming you are performing an exercise program that is geared toward bodyfat reduction and you aren t losing fat, then you need to look at nutrition. To get your bodyfat down to where you can see your abs takes consistent, proper nutrition (that does not mean some fad or starvation diet by the way).There are some good programs out there that could help you get past your sticking point like Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle by Tom Venuto, The Truth About Six Pack Abs by Mike Geary, and Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne. This site has descriptions of all of them:http://www.bestfitnesstools.comHope that helps,Dave S.Owner, Perfect Fit Personal Training Studio

Thats the most difficult area to lget rid off and yet important.Perserverance and maintanence plus the right SInsian-( Chinese Physician).

Hi, I lost 30 lbs in 35 days!I followed the guide of 20 Easy Weight Loss Tips .I highly recommend you to read that article.It really works.Check out here to read 20 Easy Weight Loss Tips :��

How to lose weight around the face? -

I have managed to lose weight on my face simply by losing weight on my entire body. There is no way that anyone can control where they lose weight when they re dieting. Our bodies burn fat from every place of our body in equal steps, unless we do specific exercises to burn fat in certain places. Unfortunately, there are no such exercises to burn fat from your face. Just lead a healthy lifestyle and eventually your face will become a lot slimmer. My face has, and people I know have noticed it because they ve actually come up to me and told me.:)

I think that it is hard to lose weight in one part of the body. I would recommend diet and exercise to tone up overall and hopefully lose weight around the face too. I also found exercises to get rid of a double chin on the internet. My fiance has a large double chin and I wish he would try to get rid of it bur he doesn t want to. Good luck.

Tips on how to lose weight fast? -

The healthy way. I m NOT new to this, I ve done it before... at one point I lost about 30 pounds in a matter of about 5 months in a healthy way. Lately I haven t been doing too good, and I notice my thighs are getting larger; and my number on the scale is getting higher. So can you give me any helpful tips? Thank you :)

try working out with Lil Jack�� comments welcome

What are ways a 13 year old can lose weight? -

I just wanna know. And if some of you can please give me ideas on how to lose weight at home, without going to gyms, it would be great. I can t go outside because it s cold. Oh and answer just one more question, is it easy for a 13 year old to lose weight?

watch what you eat (that means no junk food, less carbs, less meat, etc. etc)drink alot of water.eating frequently, but in small portions (six meals a day, but each meal is like a big snack)EATING A BIG HEALTHY BREAKFAST (this will increase your metabolism) and i hate to break it to you, but exercising is a great way of losing weight though. If you do change your mind, there are fat-burning excercises that you can do to lose weight fast.

You should check this out this way that I did. It works just amazing for me and I lost 14 pounds in one month. You can get more information at link below.

How to lose weight on my face? -

I have always had a big face and its very annoying. but i m not actually fat, just average size and i eat properly (most of the time (: ) and exercise. If i have always had a fat face do i think i will be able to get rid of it? if so how?thanks xxx

actually you can lose weight by not exercising, but I need to emphasize that exercising is the best way to start losing weight fast. Have you heard of fatloss4idiots, it is basically a program the tell you what to eat and as a result you will start losing weight fast. 9 pounds every 11 days. It is similar to nutri-sytem but a lot cheaper!I highly suggest you check into it. You can read the reviews on it as well as other helpful dieting routines. I personally have found that exercising is the best way to start losing weight fast. You simply need to start off slow because if you don t you will get burnt out and quit. Remember to keep a positive mindset and believe in yourself. It is really lifestyle a change.I wish you all the luck in the world!

Here s a good website that I used to help. But as the rest have said, you can t do a targeted weight loss. You could try simple sports, such as swimming. I went swimming almost every day all summer and i lost tons of weight! But I still have some fat on my face that I want to get rid of, so I m gonna try using this website:��peace xxx

if your serious about losing weight check out

Its absolutely imposable to lose weight in one specific area, ya would have to lose weight in general and your body will lose it were it wants really!

Try do a few face plants IDK

you have to just lose weight all over...sorry....

How to lose weight? -

how do you lose weight..what are some wayys?

Avoid junk foods, soda, pizza, fast food. Eat more fruits and veggies, drink more water. Do some cardio (walking, jogging, jumping rope).Don t make yourself throw up or starve yourself, don t try miracle diets or diet pills.With hard work and determination you can accomplish anything!

Read tips articles on different types of diets, exercise programs, yoga much more....All about weight loss, weight watchers, Tea diets, easy home exercises to name a few

Eat 6 small but healthy meals throughout the day. This will speed up metabolism and help burn fat. You should also start an exercise and cardio workout to help lose more fat. Read some of the fitness articles at . They are packed with good info.Good luck losing the weight.

Exercise everyday like jogging around the blockSkip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per dayDont eat until you re fullEat fruits at night if your hungry.Drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.

this covers it all

Trying to lose a little weight? -

im a 15 year old guy. i am 5 foot 3 and weigh 138 pounds. i wanna shed that down to about 125 by the end of the summer. i dont want to make this diet or workout program my life so just a few little tips of how to lose weight would be wonderful. thanks in advance.

Load up on fruits and veggies. Eat lean protein. Instead of white breads, substitute whole grains. Don t eat right before sleeping. Don t let your blood sugar crash or else you ll crave junkfood. Do cardio 3-4 times per week for at least 45 mins per session.

Well if you dont want to workout or eat the correct foods , then a general guideline is to just stay away from anything that contains sugars and trans fats.