Friday, July 17, 2009

How to lose weight and fast? details below..? -

So im 15 years old and im going to be starting 10th grade in a little over a month. I m a little bit over weight and need to lose my tummy fat. Is there anyway i can lose weight fast? and no pills or fancy workout videos. All the girls in my school are skinny and pretty and i want to have a good body! Please tell me anything that will help! thanks so much :D

Anything worth having is worth working for, right? Your body can be no different. Hun, any offers your hearing that sound too good to be true, are often just that -- too good to be true...So what can anyone do? How can someone who isn t already stick thin, obtain and keep that thin figure? It s really more simple than anyone makes it to be - Modest diet and exercise.There are three simple things one should do in life to keep a happy and healthy body and mind: Eat well, Exercise often, and Sleep enough. Most people don t do any of those right.Let s start with the first, eat well:* Cut down on all sugars and fats (skip desert tonight, and don t have any again for a couple days - use a reward system: no sweets today or tomorrow, I get a candy bar on wednesday)* Cut down on carbs (easy easy easy if you just eat half the bread that you eat now -- take it off half of the sandwich, cut off the crust, etc. bread has A LOT of empty carbs)* Eat more protein (lean meats, peanut butter, even milk!)* Eat more fiber (I recommend getting FiberOne brand cereal or yogurts -- they taste great and have tons of Fiber)* Get the basic vitamins (you can take vitamins in pills, or do it the natural, old fashion way: just EAT YOUR DARN VEGGIES!)* Give a little thought to how many calories you re consuming (keep an eye on labels, but you don t have to go crazy, just remember how much you need - about 2000 calories a day)* And don t forget to drink water (you don t gotta go crazy and force yourself, just grab a drink next time you wander into the kitchen looking for a snack!)If you can just keep those in the back of your mind throughout the day you ll notice it s easy to keep the bad stuff off your plate when you think about what you need to be eating, you find there isn t much room left over for the junk!Next is the exercise... oh dread... who wants to do that? or even has time to do that?? Well let me tell you, it isn t too bad when you know the numbers. It becomes intimidating to exercise long periods of time in short outbursts throughout the month. Instead, keep yourself on a simple exercise schedule:* 20-30 minutes a day* 3-5 times a week* Keep it simple: Don t tire yourself out in 5 minutes by trying to do 100 sit ups. Do everything in small sets that you can handle - just feeling a mild burn.* Set achievable goals. This website is useful in determining where your body is and where you re body should be:�� spend 30 seconds filling it out and it may set a good goal for you! (take this advice with a grain of salt though because every body is different -- sometimes the number of pounds doesn t reflect how you look, the point of exercising to a healthy weight is to achieve a healthy appearance, even if that s 5lbs more than what the average says you should be)Now you need to get your sleep. This sometimes can be the most challenging -- there are just not enough hours in the day! But it is so important to get no less than 7 hours, and no more than 10 hours of sleep a night. This will keep you refreshed and most happy.But above all of these tips and talks... you need to know... you are beautiful just the way you are. There is life outside of 10th grade, and as you get older you ll see it more and more, the things in life that really matter.Please, don t ever forget this: You are beautiful. Keep your head high, take things slow, and you ll get to a place where you can be satisfied with yourself (and that s one of the best feelings on earth).Good luck hun.

gain muscle, loose fatdrink 1+cup water per hour, eat healthy varities 2000+cals a day, exersize hard 2+hours a day, strech 2+hours a daymon upper body, tues cardio, wed low, thr ca fri up sat ca sun restwork the muscle until u cant move it, its good to have muscle pain 1-7days after a session, dont work the muscle when its sore, wait til it doesnt hurt b4 u work it agian.A picture of 5lbs of fat and 5lbs of muscle next to eachother =�� the thinnest you should look =�� too thin =��answer mine? its about if girls or boys should have more muscle? pics inside!��

How to lose weight on upper body? -

This is a pic of me i want to lose my stomach and arms what should i do without getting bulk?��

you have to do lots and lots of cardio.and one thing... you cannot target one part of your body to loose weight in... you have to loose weight/fat in general; all over. so cardio and diet and plenty of water.good luck.

Excess weight or obesity is by far the number one health concern in this country. Sixty percent of Americans are either overweight or obese, including over 20 percent of teenagers. All are at risk for serious physical and emotional health problems.How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!search : lr= newwindow=1 as_qdr=all btnG=Search

the thing about bulk is when you lift weights and you lift EXTREMELY heavy ones. for example, im 125lb and im 15 years old. i can carry 20 pounds in my hands and lift them. i can carry 10 with struggle (ish) and i 5lb i can carry easily. im a cross country runner so i use the 5lb for muscle endurance and i don t know how much you can lift, find your max, and go down to a really comfortable level. hit the gym and go on weight machines. find a weight that you ll be able to perform 3 sets of 10 wish. don t feel weak beacuse people around you are lifting bigger weights, just focus on yourself. ask a trainer or look online for various ways to lift that focus on certain parts of your balls are amazing as well. a great sub for crunches on the ground. do crunches, once again 3 sets of 10 or more. don t kill yourself. start small and take breaks when needed. you know how you do crunches to the front of your legs/knees? well when you re done with those, do crunches but rotate your body to the left and right (seperatly per crunch) to work on obliques. i really suggest running. im not just saying this because im a cross country runner. im saying this because not only will you just lose weight in your upper body you will lose weight everywhere else. adjust your diet. whatever you re eating now, lower down the calories. eat healthier. not only that, burn more calories than you eat. the thing is, diets trick you into thinking it s magical, but WHAT EVERY DIET TELLS YOU is to exercise as well. don t fall for it. you can eat what you want in certain amounts, control yourself.i wish you good luck :)

i really have no personal advice for you but i did Slim4Life and i lost at least 4 lbs a week!and the diet is easy to stick toi didn t have to run, jog, do anything super active either.!basically... drink 80 oz of water a day.!(keep track on paper or something)get two servings of protein a day (meat, eggs, .. just stay away from the really salty or fatty meats like ham and steak.. pork exc.)three vegtables (stay away from corn)three fruits two starches (bread, noodles, baked patatos)and you want at least 8 oz of milk a dayvitamins are essential too

i wish it was that simple!... but unfortunatly .... where u have the most fat will be the last place you ll start losing fat... the best thing is to be active walk or run ... running works miracles! this will help you to lose weight everywhere. and do crunches and legs lifts to tone your stomach an tricept lifts and light dumbell work using a yoga ball should tone your arms too :)

when you wake up, always get a drink of water and have breakfast.i ve done that all my life and i m 5 5 and weight 100 lbs.

mild dieting, and running along with minor uper body workouts

do the stairs climbing exercise (Best AND easiest), or treadmill (TREAD-mill)

Do Sit ups, you look fine to me.

How to lose weight quickley ? -

Use Calorie Shifting.����It might sound absurd, but it actually works! And the best part IMO is how it actually requires little effort!

diet and exercise


How to lose weight like Katie Holmes? -

How did Katie Holmes?Lose so much weight in so little time? Anyone know, I would love to find out To see if I can follow the same technique, But my baby was born 11 months ago And I still have the weight.

Forget Katie Holmes. You should only base your fitness nutrition and exercise plan on your own body and limitations. There s a basic secret:The secret is acknowledging the true purpose of food as fuel rather than entertainment. Focus on protein, fats, and carbohydrates and learn about each of them. A little bit of research online will teach you a lot. Remember, don t diet; change your eating lifestyle. Doing so will change your life for the better. For the exercise, consider it a priority to include it into your routine.Anyway, if you want it simple, here it is in ten steps:1. protein is plenty (about 30% of your caloric intake)2. fats are good and bad...know the difference3. saturated and trans fats are the bad ones - limit these4. poly- and mono-unsaturated fats are good - don t be afraid of them5. carbohydrates are good and bad...know the difference6. fibers and complex carbs are the good ones - eat these (about 40% of your caloric intake)7. sugars and simple carbs are the bad ones - limit these, particularly late in the day (stay away from sodas and chips!)8. drink water - lots and lots and lots of water. It s the only drink you need. Anything else is either wasted or simply bad for you9. Eat 4-6 meals a day to boost your metabolism.10. A meal is defined as a portion of a low-fat, protein rich entree, a portion of veggies for vits/mins, and a portion of complex carbs. (You can get these combined as a health shake)For exercise, it s even simpler:1. 4-6 hours per week2. 45-90 min each day you exercise3. do aerobic exercise (20-40 min) every day you exercise4. work abdominals every day you exercise (between sets makes it easy)5. do chest and triceps exercises on one day6. do back and biceps exercises on a different day7. do legs and shoulder exercises on a different day8. do your exercises in sets (i.e. 3 times with 6-12 repetitions each)9. keep a record of what you do to measure progress. 10. when your progress stalls (called plateau ), switch up your routine.

I think you would find this website interesting and helpful. Its packed with information and resources on weight loss. You do not need to go on diet or gym. You could still eat your favourite foods and lose weight. Report Abuse

While alot has to do with genetics . . . the only clear way to lose weight without fail is to burn more calories than you are consuming. Eating more meals during the day will help increase your metabolism though the first point still applies.

Try a cleansing diet! I did and lost 11 pounds and 21 inches in only 9 days. I was very happy with the results and continued on the program and lost 29 pounds in 5 weeks. This is the fastest I have ever lost with other diets like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Medifast, Slimfast etc��. Cleansing works by removing impurities from your body. You get impurities from your food (pesticides, preservatives, food additives, colorings) water, chemicals, pollution, medications, alcohol, hormones that the animals you eat were fed etc��.YUCK! The impurites get coated with fat and remain in your body. To remove the fat, you have to remove the impurites. This system worked for me, maybe it can work for you too. You can check out the website or call this toll free number 1-877-587-4647 for more info. The program is not cheap, but it is worth every penny since it works and keeps you motivated. Good luck! More cleansing info at

You could do it just like her - if you had the same kind of money and time! lol. Can you imagine having a personal chef and trainer at your service? ALL celebrities better be thin! I mean, they have NO excuse since they don t work like we do!

Marry a nut case.

How to lose weight? -

how do you lose weight..what are some wayys?

Avoid junk foods, soda, pizza, fast food. Eat more fruits and veggies, drink more water. Do some cardio (walking, jogging, jumping rope).Don t make yourself throw up or starve yourself, don t try miracle diets or diet pills.With hard work and determination you can accomplish anything!

Read tips articles on different types of diets, exercise programs, yoga much more....All about weight loss, weight watchers, Tea diets, easy home exercises to name a few

Eat 6 small but healthy meals throughout the day. This will speed up metabolism and help burn fat. You should also start an exercise and cardio workout to help lose more fat. Read some of the fitness articles at . They are packed with good info.Good luck losing the weight.

Exercise everyday like jogging around the blockSkip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per dayDont eat until you re fullEat fruits at night if your hungry.Drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.

this covers it all

How to lose weight??? vegetarian -

I need to lose about 30lbs to reach my safe bmi... I am a vegetarian and most of my diet are carbs.. How can I lose weight? what are the non carb diets for vegetarians?

Have you tried this workout?��

You just need to cut back on your carbs and fats. Try ditching carbs for things like salads, beans, fruit and vegies. Also try and eat small frequent meals throughout the day. For example I eat 2 salads, vegies for tea, a meal of fruits and usually eat my carbs first thing of a morning. As long as you re eating a variety of fruits and vegies all your vitamins and minerals should be covered.

There are some great vegetarian diet plans out there to help you lose weight. In fact it is actually easier as a vegetarian to lose weight and you can still eat meals you would think would be high carn, but are low GI which makes it ok if you control your portion sizes. Check out great vegetarian diet plans to help you lose weight.

if you re trying to lose weight you should really give Acai Berry a shot! i saw it on oprah and i m trying it myself right now.. got a 14-day FREE trial from this site!

There is more to losing weight than going on a diet. Try excersise.and turn your motabolism over.

How to lose weight? -

my cuzin is 13 years old and wants to lose a few lbs. she s a girl. we dont want her to take any pills or do anything that costs a lot of money. can someone give me tips on how to lose like 5 lbs. and keep it off? also, she wants to lose the weight around her thighs and bottom, so does anyone know any excercises for those areas?Thanks.

Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the calorie calculator�� This will give you an idea of how many calories to eat. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. To lose 1 pound per week you need to create a calorie deficit (burn more than you eat) of 500 calories per day. To lose 2 pounds a week, you have to double the deficit to 1000 calories per day. You can achieve this by eating less, exercising more or a combination of both.Beginners Guide to Dieting -��

yes i know alot of thing she could do but i dont think she needs to worry about her weight at 13 especially 5 lbs

well she could run for 20-30 mins, walking fast will also helpand eating veggatables and fruits will help her get slimmer and keep the pounds off.