Sunday, August 19, 2018

How can i lose weight fast and still enjoy my school dinners when i go to sea road? -

i think im really overweight XD and it is the crimbo party soon and my friends want me to wear a skirt (tartan XD) but i still want to enjoy me dinner times

Exercise, as in cardio (dancing, walking, swimming). It ll burn fat and those calories! Then you re free to enjoy your food.

be sure to eat a salad with your dinners, they help your body to expell/flush/quickly pass the other foods.

Try eating smaller portions of your usual meals, you be surprised how quickly you get full. you could also start putting your knife and fork down after every mouthfull, it gives the food time to get into your stomach and start to fill you up.

Try to get more information on dieting, weight loss articles, health and fitness articles, weight loss forum and BMI calculator at my profile and get the advise from them to lose weight fast and healthy.

I ve never seen an elephant wearing a kilt!

How can i lose weight fast? -

ok...from personal experience or someone you know, what is the fastest way to lose weight? Like....what are some foods that make you loose alot of weight? And also what are some positions that help you loose alot of weight?

try the lil jack workout��

Adderall is used to treat ADD/ADHD now, but it was originally introduced as a weight loss drug. It curbs your appetite and gives you energy to do way more/ be more active.Unfortunately, Adderall is a schedule II drug and you have to have a prescription for it.... Just from experience, I started a daily regimin of Adderall (through being diagnosed with ADD and having a Rx for it) and did conscioulsy change my behavior and I weighed 10lbs less at my check up several weeks later....just think what kind of results I d have if I seriously worked out and purposely watched what I ate. These results are common for most, not just me...

If you want to loose weight, quit drinking Soda Pop. Start drinking water. And if you get hungry, eat some dry cereal. Specifically Oatmeal cereal and Special K cereal. At home when you eat, eat small portions.

skip-a-meal diet is good just leave one meal off your daily agenda and drink water or tea instead in just week or two you ll be really cool


How to lose weight after having a baby? -

I am the proud mommy of a baby boy born July 29th.During my pregnancy I gained 45 pounds! I am 5 1 and 150lbs. I am so ashamed and depressed about how Look that I really want to do something about it.I am so exhausted from being a new mom that I just don t know how to do it.And I don t have anyone to watch my precious little one while I workout So all my workouts have to be at home.I ve tried jumping rope and jogging around the back yard but my breasts are so sore from breast feeding and lactating. I ve been eating very well mostly fresh foods but I need to find a workout I can do even when I am exhausted from being up all night.So, how does a new first time mom work off the weight?

I lost all my baby weight by eating healthy, natural foods..and for exercise i just took the baby for a walk or if it was cold i d walk up and down the steps while watching tv..anything to make me feel like I m not working out. Simple things like thinking of cleaning as an exercise. You get more done and you move quicker. The only actual workout I did was pilates..not the windsor where you pump and move really quick and get all tired! Just basic pilates..which works complete wonders on your core muscles...your stomach, butt and upper thighs...and hips as well. I m telling you this really worked and I still do it! It s a breeze and it makes you feel stronger. Plus I breastfed too which helps melt a few pounds.

Definitely a fast pram and fast walking for you with your favorite music in your headphones. Support your breasts well and walking should be ok. Use a few hills in your workout when you get stronger. Make it as aerobic as is comfortable

I here that breastfeeeding helps flatten your tummy as well as help your uterus go back to it s normal size quicker and you can try walking and light aerobics

Try this and see results.1. Each pregnancy is different and the amount of weight each person gains, and where she gains the weight vary from one to the next.You want to make sure that you lose the weight a healthy and safe way. Otherwise you may gain it all right back. Crash dieting never works! You lose the weight and then it creeps back up on you, so beware of a quick fix! The best way to lose weight after a baby is the good old fashioned way...Diet and Exercise.2. Of course you lose weight right away when the baby is born, and a certain amount of weight will normally naturally shed off as well. Breast feeding is a great way to speed up your weight lose as well. It is proven that breastfeeding sends out certain hormones to your body for the first 12 months after giving birth that help your uterus go back to its pre-pregnancy shape.3. The average amount a woman gains during her pregnancy is between 25-35 pound. When she gives birth the normal amount that is often shed is 12 to 15 pounds. So that leaves the unwanted pounds to struggle with. Although this is just an estimated average for weight gain, that personally I was way over!There are different programs that you can join for assistance such as Weight Watchers, Nutri-System, Jenny Craig, etc. These programs are helpful for moms that live a busy lifestyle and these days that pretty much includes us all!4. The best way to lose the weight after baby is to stay healthy throughout your pregnancy in an ideal world! Eat healthy and get in plenty of activities to keep you active. Walking and other exercise that are safe when your are expecting. If you don t gain to much weight throughout your pregnancy there wont be much to lose after baby is here.Your diet plays an important role in weight lose and weight gain. So here are some helpful tips to help with losing weight and eating healthy....5. Here are some helpful tips to lose weight the safe way....* Stop eating sugary foods. Just dropping the sugar from your diet can help you lose weight quickly. Make sure that you stay away from it all together if you want to lose weight quickly. This means no sugar in your coffee, on your cereals, or eating that candy bar!* Cut the carbs from your diet. Carbohydrates turn into sugar inside our body s and makes you hold onto body weight and fat. Omitting carbs from your diet can help you drastically drop the unwanted pounds. These days there are many alternatives to diets without carbs that are tasty and nutritious.6. * Increase fiber into your diet.* Incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet.* Make sure you eat your dairy items. You can choose to have low fat or even fat free milks and yogurt s.* Watch your portion sizes! Many people have no concept of the amount of food that hey should be eating. Here are some helpful tips about portion sizes...3 ounces of meat, fish, chicken, etc. is about the size of the palm of a womans hand or a deck of playing cards.An ounce of cheese is about the size of your thumb.A teaspoon of butter is the about the size of your thumb tip.Learning the correct portions that you should consume can greatly improve your weight lose.7. * Stay aways from fried foods.* Watch the calories. They count when you are trying to lose weight. Stick to a diet within a certain range of calories consumption ideal for you.Of course you want to add exercise to your daily routine whenever possible. It may be difficult in the beginning since having a new baby is so much work, so take it easy and remember to not move it to fast. Listen to your doctors advice and do not overdo it! Take care of yourself and your baby and focus on the health of you guys before anything else!8. The first year is a big change for you and for your baby, so manage where you can. Take it easy and simply watch what you put into your mouth. Stick to a healthy diet and exercise when you can. Incorporate baby activities that you can do to bond with baby while being active.Don t stress yourself out about a few pounds here and there. Look at your little baby and see the miracle that your body created. So give yourself a break! You created that little miracle and it was all worth it!Good luck!

Does anyone know a diet that you can lose weight FAST? -

Don t target losing more than about 2 lbs per week. If you try to lose faster, your body will go into starvation mode and get very stingy about burning calories while at the same time very efficient about storing any calories that you do provide. And it will make you feel awful. There is no site specific way of losing fat... the old myth about working your abs to burn belly fat isn t true. To get rid of love handles, you need to lose overall fat. That happens with exercise and watching your diet. More on that below. The most effective way to lose fat is aerobic exercise in the moderate fat-burning range, ideally first thing in the morning before you eat. When you wake your body is ready to burn fat and your levels of growth hormone are highest at that time. Later in the day it can take up to 30 minutes just to put your body into a fat-burning mode. Another overlooked way to burn fat is by lifting weights. Skeletal muscle has very high caloric needs... almost twice that of adipose (fat) tissue. Put on a little muscle and you will burn calories all day even at rest. Be aware that skeletal muscle weighs more, so with this approach you may see your weight increasing while your body fat is melting away. Not realizing this often stresses folks who think they should be losing weight as a measure of fitness. Forget the scale, look in the mirror and you will be happy.To lose a pound of fat, you need to eliminate about 3500 calories. You can do this by burning more with exercise or by modifying your diet to reduce intake. If you do a Google search on say, swimming calories you will quickly find a website with tables of calories burned for a given exercise. You can use such lists to estimate how many calories you are burning up with your routine.For diet, keep a diary for a couple of weeks counting calories, grams of protein, and grams of fat intake. It is easy with online sources of nutritional information (type the name of the food and calories into the Google search engine) and packaging labels. That will let you quickly figure out where the fat is coming from in your diet. Fat gives you 9 calories per gram. So take the number of grams of fat, multiply by 9, then calculate what percentage the fat calories are of your total daily calories. Restricting the calories from fat to about 20% of your total intake is ideal for a maintenance diet... that isn t overly restrictive. Of note, you need some fat in your diet. For instance, the body uses fat to produce hormones. Once you have a picture of how to modify your diet, you can drop the diary and just go back to it occasionally if you are wanting to tweek things further.There is a subset of questions that goes further and asks about How to get a six-pack? The answer is the same. Six-packs are 20% abdominal exercise and 80% diet. There is one caveat... abdominal muscles will form in the position that you exercise them, so be certain to pull them tightly toward your spine while doing crunches, etc. Also, during most lifting, the core is active which means that you should be stabilizing with contracted abs then too. Fail to do this and the abs will form, but bulging outward and the result is not attractive.If you are trying to build muscle as a way to lose fat, then you may need to increase total calories and specifically your protein intake. I target about 0.8 g of protein per pound of body weight each day when actively building. That is far more protein than most people need in their diets.Aloha

Listen, if you loose weight fast it would not be a very good idea, your body will get all stretchy and it is unhealthy. Just do the usual, eat in small amounts, exercise and never over eat. Why is it so hard for you idiots..

After having a child I lost 75 lbs by, eating just cereal everyday for every meal 5 days a wk. on weekends, I hate only lowfat foods and not after 5 p.m. Such as, baked chicken, 1 veg, and zero to nonfat desert. I did not give up my sweet tea through the week, and ate any kind of cereal out there. Anytime, during the day I d eat a bowl of cereal if I got hungry. It work quick also!

Fast weight loss dietFast weight loss dietOne of the health conditions that are now being referred to as epidemics is weight loss. It is important that each and every one of us must be aware about his/her body weight as there are number of health related risks that only weight with weight loss. If you think that you are one of those overweight people, it is best for you look into possible fast weight loss diets.There are some basic principles for fast weight loss diets. So here I am going to tell you some basic principles which you must keep in mind while looking for fast weight loss diets. * Number of people thinks that solution to weight loss problem can be summed up in a single term which is known as calories in and calories out. It means that in order to lose weight, you must burn off more calories than you take in. But doing this is not always easy. This is why you have to look for a diet that should go about achieving the proper calories in and calories out ratio. Fast weight loss diet principles * You must look for a diet that makes good nutritional sense for you. A fast weight loss diet that promises a 10-pound loss in a weekend may sound great, but if this means you only have to consume fruit juices for three days, you should know better. Losing weight is not about losing nutrients at the same time. Your body needs nutrients, and without these or lack of these can greatly affect your health. * A good fast weight loss diet should encourage exercise at the same time. If they tell you that the diet does not require exercise, you have to consider other options because the diet s goal is not good health. A combination of proper diet and exercise is one of the most effective ways to reduce that weight fast.Today number of fast diet plans is available in the market. And many of them will not work for you. So it is very necessary for you to choose the best diet program for you. I think the basic principles which I have mentioned here will surely help you to find the best diet plan for you that match your weight loss requirements.

Walk for at least one hour a day. Just walk. That is all the excercise you need to do. Do not eat things like potatoes, bread or pasta after 3pm. Have a big breakfast and a smaller lunch, with a tiny dinner. Never eat before going to bed. You will go to sleep and all that energy will be stored as fat.

Most Nutritious Diet Foods��

You can stop eating.You can be sensible and consult your doctor on sensible eating that will lose weight gradually without damaging your health.

My ideas? Try to do 200 minutes of cardio a week. Remember fat does not turn into muscle, so you need to lose your fat while putting on muscle. Work hard, but don t over 60 minutes at a time. Do planks and other abs exercises on alternate days.On training days, do 5-10 minutes of cardio to warm up, then do your weight training. Do 30 to 60 minutes more of cardio, then go home.The best time to eat is just after your workout within an hour when your metabolism is raging. For your muscles, incorporate some isolated soy protein or whey protein. Whey is more potent but the soy tastes better!Don t look at your scale as the be all and end all, but get a measuring tape to check your progress, and that will show more tangible results.Read magazines like Shape, Womens Fitness, Fitness, etc to get tips and to stay motivated.Good luck and stick at it. This plan has lost me 20 lbs in 12 weeks so far, just go for it!

If 7 lbs a week is enough email me and I ll tell you how, the healthy and safe way~!

no such thing.if you do those cheater diets you ll double your weight when you give why don t you do the sensible thing.www.mypyramid.gova well balanced diet with moderate sweets, fats.. and exercise will do you wonders.and drink those fluids.:Dand don t lose any more than 12lbs a month.if you cheat you ll end up larger than you were before the cheater diets you engaged in. you ll starve, end up craving and sell your soul for a donut and then put on 20lbs where there was only 10lbs before.

the best and the fastest way to lose weight is to obstruct the quantity of food that we eat! dont skip meals ull end up feeling very hungry by the next meal....just try and concentrate on some really imp issue like ur studies ,ur bf or sumthing that doesnt deal with FOOD! its the best.i used to have milk toasted rusk(available at indian markets) with a large cup of tea for breakfast,if i felt hungry in between meals i used to munch on an apple or any such fruit,for lunch i had proper home made food (have the entire meal),in the evening have milk its neccesary for our bones,ad for dinner i used to have a med bowl of pasta with veggies or soup and salad.i even opted for plain gravy and whatever mum made for dinner without any carbs! im a b+ so carbs make me gain weight! have loads of water and jog days a week for 15mints! ull lose weight like sumthing! i lost 6kgs in 1 month.

eat small (very small, like three crackers) amounts of food 5 to 6 times a day it will keep your metabolisim running drink water

Try Jimmy Tango s Fat Busters Program. I ve linked to a short introductory video below.Ride the Snake!

all chemical diet

Hi Lindsay...Its good that you want to lose weight.But i would like to suggest that the best way to lose ur extra fat or whatever you say is to make it shed by working out and not by starving yourself.You can reduce your food intake but increase your body activity which will mak eyou lose calories....You can spend some time to identify the calorie intake per day and the calories you burn in your daily activities....Once you identify and match these then you will be alright.From my point that is the best way.... :)Regards,Varalu.

skip break fast skip lunch skip supper take only something enough at night not much just enough .. it really helps in one week I can garuntee you will loose like 10 pounds but you have to have will power .. it worked for me ...

You lose weight quickly, you will very quickly put it back on.No alcohol, don t eat after seven pm, eat healthy, balanced small meals. LOTS of water.

Try some very effective diets on this site to help you lose weight

How to lose weight?FAST!? -

DO NOT attempt to get skinny really fast, because first of all it s really unhealthy for your body second of all you can t (: i definitely don t recommend pills.Just eat healthily (salads..) go to the gym or do a sport everyday for 2 hours (:

drink more water increase your activity eat healthy and i suggest also to read these articles at������these articles will show the best program u can follow to lose weight fast and best diets i think they will help best wishes

do alot of exercise EVERY day eat just over 800-1000 calories a day so its under the average but you can still eat quite alot but just calorie counti lost over half a stone in a week doing thatcheck the calories on everything you eathope i helped and good look xo

Control on food. E.g diet soda instead of just soda, skim milk instead of just milk, white meat instead of red meat, 2 vege 1 meat instead of 2 meat 1 vege etc etc...Exercise plays an important role too... you gotta exercise to expedite the process. Besides that, work more sleep less.. 6 hours of sleep is just nice for a human in a day . My teacher thought in my primary school.. Hahaha..Hope this helps you...

Well eating less and excercising more are the most obvious options. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day will help, and taking those diet pills.