Monday, June 10, 2013

How can i lose weight fast? -

do you guys know some really good efective diets???i don t care if i have to starve my self....hehehehehe just kiddin (not that crazy) can you help???what diets do you use?what exersice mehods do you use?

If you want to lose weight fast, you should read more information first for geting a lots correct ways!Dieting should not be complicated or a chore. If you follow the easy dieting tips below you will find yourself losing weight without really having to stick to a specific diet.1. Start your diet with a food diary. Record everything you eat, what you were doing at the time, how you felt. That tells you about yourself - your temptation times, the emotional states that encourage you to eat - and may help you lose weight, once you see how much you eat.2. If you��re about to cheat, allow yourself a treat, then eat only half and give it away or wrap it up and have it later. When hunger hits, wait several minutes before eating and see if it passes.3. Instead of eating the forbidden piece of candy, brush your teeth. The sweetness of the toothpaste may take your craving away. Chewing sugarless gum also will help.4. Drink seven to eight glasses of water a day. Water itself helps cut down on water retention because it acts as a diuretic. Taken before meals, it dulls the appetite by giving you that ��full�� feeling.5. Diet with a buddy. Many successful weight-loss programs rely heavily on support groups: caring people who help one another succeed. Start your own, even with just one other person.6. Avoid evening TV. Studies show that people who watch a lot of TV tend to be overweight. Overweight people will tell you that TV encourages them not only to sit still but also to snack.7. Make dining an event. Eat from your own special plate, on your own special place mat, and borrow the Japanese art of food arranging to make your meal, however meager, look lovely. This is a trick that helps chronic overeaters and bingers pay attention to their food, instead of consuming it unconsciously.8. Avoid consuming large quantities of fattening liquids, which are so easy to overdo. That includes alcohol. Always portion out your food instead of eating right out of the package.9. Keep plenty of crunchy foods like raw veggies and popped popcorn on hand. They��re high in fiber, and they��re satisfying and filling.10. Don��t lose too quickly. Be happy with a slower weight loss. Remember, you��re less likely to gain back what you lose slowly and your body isn��t going to sag.11. Don��t eat with the radio or stereo on. Concentrate on eating every mouthful slowly and savoring each morsel.12. Always eat with a utensil, even finger foods like fruit or bread. And if possible, use chopsticks. Unless you��re really adept, you��ll be forced to eat more slowly and take smaller bites.13. Buy nonstick pans so you can saute without the addition of any fat -----13 Fast Easy Dieting Tips----- -- task=view id=92 Itemid=62I hope you get a chance to use all the tips!

its not really a diet plan but i always eat 100 calorie packs (im eating one now) they have a lot of kinds like oreos, chips ahoy, cheezits, ding dongs, and even klondike bars!!! they are so good and guilt free

Don t waste your time. if you lose it fast it will usually come back with a vengeance!!!

When I was younger, I weighed 160 pounds in a 5 ft 3 in frame. I got a membership at a local 24 hour fitness and joined the trainers guide they offer for an extra cost. They showed me which exercises I should do that targeted my problem areas. They also showed me how to eat healthy and to log everything I eat throughout the day to show me how to chose healthier foods. They also offer a fitness training program that guarantees results.

Consider raw food, or at least doing it partially - eating only one cooked meal a day, for example, and having fruit for breakfast (no need to be shy - you can eat three mangoes!)The trick is to eat foods that are easily digestible and can be well utilized by the body - instead of being not really digestible and remaining stuck in the body as weight and various toxic substances. Fruit happens to be just one of those easily digestible foods.You can get a lot of info on it from this book that got me skinny and healthy - A Way Out . I am a total advocate because it pretty much changed my life. You can download it from, but it actually has a TON of tips from the book on that website that you can obviously read for free :-)Best part - it is not about deprivation!! I lost 7 pounds in the first 10 days when I had started it, but even if you do it partially, you will see results.

What can i eat to help me lose weight fast, i go to college and work 2 jobs so i dont have much time4 exercise -

Diet Pills can help you to speed the process and it needs to combine with a realistic weight loss plan. With these, you will be able to achieve your ideal weight sooner. The effective way to lose weight without worrying much about negative side effects is adhering to the intake of natural or organic weight loss supplements. In addition, it is important that before you get ready to shed off those extra pounds in your body with weight loss drugs, make sure that you buy diet pills from genuine dealers.Some good choice of diet pills will be Proactol, Phentermine, Hoodia and ChitosanAs for more advice on the diet pills, you should get the details for the article��

High fibre and protein will help to curb your appetite. Find out how many calories you burn with a on line calorie calculator then cut your daily intake by 500-700 less than what you burn but no less than 1800 calories a day because it will lower your metabolism without exercise. What to eat will depend on your budget and what you have access to. I mix frozen veg with lean meat and microwave. All sorts of protein and meal substitute are available though. Your green veg and high fibre foods will probably be the best, low in cal. but gives you the energy to make it through your day.

It s not what you eat, but how you eat it. I lost 30 pounds in about 2 months. i ate all the same foods. I just ate VERY slowly, and took smaller bites. Now, I can t regain the wait, no matter how hard i try.

Since I started to work out I was looking for a good weight loss product (I only wanted something 100% natural). I was on a diet but I felt that I needed a little help so I decided to try this great detoxification colon cleanse and I had fantastic results. You can check their website at , they give you a free trial and you only pay $4.95 shipping and handling.

I need to lose weight fast. Any ideas? -

I am going to be a bridesmaid and i want to be able to look good in my dress. Ive tried eating healthy and excercising, but it doesnt help. Especially in my mid section. I need something that helps me lose weight fast just for that event.

Cut out all gluten/wheat and dairy from your diet. Eat six times a day, three hours a part, but don t eat anything bigger then two cups. Try to eat mostly fruit and vegetables, and drink 5 plus bottles of water a day plus 3 plus cups of green tea. Exercise at least once a day, doing pushups, sit ups, donkey kicks, and jump roping. I lost 5 pounds in one week (which is the maximum amount of weight you can healthily lose in a week) and will probably continue this diet. It s probably important to note that I m a vegetarian, so this might prove different results for you. If you re going to eat meat eat only lean cut (no red meat). This isn t the most difficult diet plan in the world, you can eat a lot of great meals like this, actually. I hope you follow this and look fantastic in your dress! :DIf you have any questions or would like some great recipes just email me at PeruvianMoth@yahoo.comI also have some great tips on not over eating, if that helps.

Hi Natalie,You know lose weight fast are not always the answer for healthy living. Weight loss involves a lot of hard work and determination. Here is an article I found that should help you on your way to lose weight fast.1. Get your attitude in check. A positive outlook is a great start to shedding the amount of weight you want to lose. Keep this in mind throughout the process.2. Look into gyms in the area if you haven t already and select one that looks like a place you d like to work out. Most gyms offer a free trial membership so you can see if that gym is the place for you.3. Begin a regiment of intense cardie at least twice a week for at least 45 minutes as well as a weight training program three times a week. This is a very important step as exercise is the key to weight loss.4. Research different diet options. There are a variety of options online as well as in magazines and commercials. The Special K Challenge is a popular diet option, as well as the Atkins program.5. Select a diet based on your needs and specifications. It s important to pick a diet you are sure you can live with, because if you hate the diet it will be all to easy to quit. Programs like Jenny Craig are relatively stringent in their requirements. Some programs are also expensive and require you to buy specialized foods. The South Beach diet program is a relatively inexpensive program that is very popular.6. Stick with your diet and workout regiment. It takes time for weight loss to become visible and apparent.Hope this help,Good luck! :)

Make one social outing this week an active one. Pass on the movie tickets and screen the views of a local park instead. Not only will you sit less, but you ll be saving calories because you won t chow down on that bucket of popcorn. Other active date ideas: Plan a tennis match, sign up for a guided nature or city walk (check your local newspaper), go cycling on a bike path, or join a volleyball league or bowling team.

Use vegetables to bulk up meals. You can eat twice as much pasta salad loaded with veggies like broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes for the same calories as a pasta salad sporting just mayonnaise. Same goes for stir-fries. And add vegetables to make a fluffier, more satisfying omelet without having to up the number of eggs.

Hey I know your struggle lol, I am a personal trainer and deal with men and women with the same problem, I ahve found the best solution besides getting your own trainer, and that is this website, it wont let me post for some reason but it is truly amazing, I have even sent some of my clients there, they have to free books you download online, they teach you everything one for male and one for female, next they have a book with everything you need but it costs a little bit of money, most my clients by the book which i reccomend but i say try the book out for free, and i guarantee you will see results!!! guarantee! shoot me over an email for the link that they wont let me post here for some reason.its the best and its free why not lol

Get up and walk around the office or your home for five minutes at least every two hours. Stuck at a desk all day? A brisk five-minute walk every two hours will parlay into an extra 20-minute walk by the end of the day. And getting a break will make you less likely to reach for snacks out of antsiness.

Order the smallest portion of everything. If you re ordering a sub, get the 6-inch sandwich. Buy a small popcorn, a small salad, a small hamburger. Studies find we tend to eat what s in front of us, even though we d feel just as full on less.

Use nonfat powdered milk in coffee. You get the nutritional benefits of skim milk, which is high in calcium and low in calories. And, because the water has been removed, powdered milk doesn t dilute the coffee the way skim milk does.

Anyone trying to lost weight fast should look into the Acai Berry. It is one of the most nutritional foods on earth. The high vitamins and anti-oxidents in Acai contributes to rapid weight loss.

You should have a look this method that I did. It works very well for me and I lost 15 pounds in 4 weeks. You can find more info at link below.

Run. A lot. I know it s exercising but it really does help. Drinking tons of water can t hurt either.