Thursday, February 22, 2007

Female, 17yrs, 129lbs, 5 8quot;? -

should i lose weight? i had a guy give me weight loss tips a few weeks ago, and i have wicked low self-esteem so i definitely took this as a hint that i should.

no! That is an awesome weight for your height!

Gee, you are near the low end of the weight range for an average woman of your height. If it s your body appearance that bothers you, simply tone up a bit by getting a little more exercise. I don t think you have to worry about being too heavy..

WHAT if you look big then what that is almost you need to be 125 so 4 pounds that weight is the right weight of a girl like you

Whas a healthy weight? -

I m 5 4 1/2 , and I weigh 120lbs- 123.5lbs after I eat. Except most of my weight goes to my stomach. I ve recently started exercising- a week ago I was 127lbs, 132lbs after I ve eaten, but I lost the weight. I m really skinny, except in my stomach-area, I m quite pudgy.I want to get down to 115lbs, would that be a normal weight for my height? If not, what is...? Any weight-loss tips would help as well.

First, spot training unless you are a professional body builder, doesn t really work.Your BMI is at around 20.3 which is normal. Your basal metabolic rate is around 1352.7 calories, if you are 25 years old or so. That means, when your body is at rest, you use 1352.7 calories just to survive .Don t forget muscle is heavier than fat. So 1# of fat will take up more space than 1# of muscle. You could weight more, yet be smaller if you had a low body fat. Try the body fat calculator at the included link.My suggestion is you look into abdominal exercises, but pudgy stomach is not necessarily the cause of muscle tone problems.I suggest you combine cardiovascular exercises with weight lifting. Women tend to gravitate toward cardio, which is a big mistake. weight lifting not only tones muscles but provides a good foundation for your frame.

How to lose weight fast? -

weight loss tips

You ve seen them all on the TV. -_-

First eat at least one fruit for breakfast and if you crave sweets just eat a banana which is sweet but healthy only have three meals a day and if you want a snack just chew gum it helps your hunger. Also you cannot expect to lose weight without exercise so just exercise everyday for about 15 min. that will do. NO PIZZA, HOT DOGS, OR HAMBURGERs! hope this helps:D!!

eat filling foods like peanut butter, whole grain pastas, salads (no calories) and there are many more... you can also work out but that will just make you build muscle which will increase your weight but helps you loose the excess body fat. so you should diet and exercise it will help you alot!

Eat healthy.Don t eat carbohydrates, they are energies. If you do not do much acitivity then please avoid carbos! But lets say you are going to excersise, then eat some carbs for energy - but you need to burn that off! Or else it creates fat!Eggs are great, eat as many as you want (no carbs at all!)If you want a full diet plan I can help you I m a dietician :)kyle_fani00[at]yahoo.comemail me

eat healthy. work out every other day for an hour to two hours. drink lots of water. and dont forget to strech! oh and eat smaller proportions than what you do now. but dont skip meals. you must eat one to two eggs every morning.

Eat a 200 calorie breakfast to start ur motabolism. (make sure most of those calories arnt from fat, though.) Then have fruit, or a small salad for lunch. Skip dinner if possible. If you re just so hungry you cant handle it, eat jello or cellury, something like that. Good luck!

go to to find out how many calories you should be eating a day and how much exercise you should be getting. they also have great ideas for fun ways to exercise and great food that doesnt have a lot of fat

uhh diet? make a contrack and sign it. also helps. not that i am on diet or anything!

First, check your BMI to see if you actually need to lose weight.

Exercise and a healthy eating habit

take ex-lax

I need quick weight loss tips? -

What are some tips for healthy living and quick weight loss?

Hi Stephanie!You know quick weight loss tips are not always the answer for healthy living. Weight loss involves a lot of hard work and determination. Here is an article I found that should help you on your way to finding quick weight loss tips.

Hi,StephanieYou are not the only person with this problem. My Friend Kate was the same with you�� She join the plan Extremely Fast Weight Loss System two months ago. This System work well, and now kate is slim more and more. Kate is still persist in using the inside ways. Here is the url of Extremely Fast Weight Loss System :��I hope this information is useful to you. Good Luck!

Forget all the quick weight loss gimmicks. Adjust your diet so that you are eating healthy food -no junk. Eat fruits and veggies, a little chicken or fish. Drink lots of water. And exercise, exercise, exercise!!! Believe me, that s the only way to lose weight and keep it off.

You should have a look this method that I tried. It works amazing for me and I lost 11 pounds in 4 weeks. You can find more info from

Yep exercising for sure...i got a little help as well as this, cus i kinda hate blog has some info on what i ve come across as helpful

lots of exercise or for quickness acai berrygood luck

Please read this site more useful for you.��

1. Breakfast is Must. The most important meal of a day. Fast is broken that your body has been on for the last 6-9 hours during sleeping. Those who takes break fast have better weight management ability.2 Drinking Water is best -Plenty of water! The First weak Drink 1-2 liters then after a weak drinks 2-3 liters a day...3. Start Eating Regularly! Eat every 3 hours. This helps your body to fight off cravings, gives your body a smoother energy level throughout the day, will help you eat less at meal times and will keep your hunger at bay.4. Eat 5 Times a day. Breakfast, small snack mid morning, Lunch, small snack mid afternoon, evening meal no later.5. Excersise is Must! Eating healthily will make you lose weight but you will lose more and feel better by doing some exercise. It wills tight loose skin after weigh loss created6. After Exercise get enough sleep! The body repairs and grows during sleep but also adapts to changes in eating habits too.7. Please keep notice carbohydrates! In most culture the fat is considered the worst guy but you to keep watch carbohydrates. The energy is created by curb and if we eat too many crabs it gets turned into fat if we don t burn them off. The body slows down during the late afternoon and Please avoid eating tons of potatoes, pasta or pastry type rice, is not good.8. Please maintain food diary. This will helps what to eat or not, means where are you now your weight, where has to go desired weight, how will get it , through diet exercise sleeping.9. Stop calorie count? Please be motivated when you loose weight celebrate it ,when you feel hungry please drinks water as much you can means drinking water between your meals will help keep hunger under control.10. Try to eat healthy foods available. articles

How do i loose weight fast? -

I have to loose about 2 inches from my waist by Juse 1st. Im the maid of honor in my sisters wedding and my dress is a little tight! Anyone have some fast weight loss tips?

try go to the GYM...

A couple of weeks ago I heard about phentermine from a girl who also tried clenbuterol and had NO results. She tried phentermine 37.5 mg after the clenbuterol disaster. She lost about 25 pounds in 2 months using phentermine 37.5 mg. Her cousin lost about 50 pounds in 3 months using it. Naturally I was interested in phentermine 37.5 mg and began to do some research on it. After my research I decided to give it a try.I ordered my phentermine (37.5 mg) on 4/19/07 from a website called I received my order in 6 days, 4/25/07. They do have express shipping if you want to receive your order sooner. I paid $199.00 for 90 pills, which is a 3 month supply. I know that sounds expensive, but I checked NUMEROUS web sites and this site seemed to have the best prices and also seemed to be a legit site. If you can get a prescription from your doctor it would be a lot cheaper. Unfortunately, my doctor refused to provide me a prescription because she said I was not obese and she only will prescribe phentermine to obese patients. I ve been taking my phentermine (37.5 mg) since 4/26/07 and I can tell already that it s working!! Here are some of my results so far. I feel like I m melting. My closes are fitting loser and when I look at myself in the mirror after I get out of the shower I look smaller. My phentermine came with instructions, which instructed me to take 1 pill per day in the morning 30 minutes prior to breakfast. I take my pill as soon as I get up and go to the gym about 30 minutes later. I feel so energized and have the best workouts then I have had in a long time. I am able to work out longer and harder. I eat my breakfast when I get home from the gym. I m not hungry all day and have no cravings for sweets or bad foods like I normally would before I started using phentermine. Because I no longer have the bad cravings I eat healthy small meals throughout the day. Since I m not hungry anymore, I m probably consuming about 800-1000 calories per day. The only side effect I have experienced so far is dry mouth. The dry mouth causes me to drink a ton of water, which is great anyway for weight loss success. I m now drinking about 80 ounces of water a day. Before phentermine I had to force myself to drink water and only drunk about 20-30 ounces a day.I m very excited about this product. I believe I finally found something that will help me reach my weight loss goal.I help this was helpful to you. Good luck!!

its really hard excersize more and eat really healty and drink nothing else but water

Start the induction phaze to Atkins or South Beach (low carb). These are a great way to slim up quick for emergencies! Do a yahoo search and you ll find all the guidelines for each. Good luck!

there is no such thing as fast weight loss you will only loss water wich will come right back once you drink anything

you cant lost wait fast like it siads in tV just work out for 30min everyday and it will pay off

you can cut down on carbs, eat a lot of protein, do cardio, and drink lots of water to lose weight quickly...but just don t be surprised if you gain it all back on right after the wedding if you go back to your regular routine. good luck!

try some crystal meth.

the only thing i can tell u is eat right and excercise.

drink juice for breakfast and lunch and eat a small dinner ... and run a lot

Here are a few inexpensive tips that can help you shed some inches off your waist by wedding time. Also, I have given you a program that will help you keep your body in tip top shape after the wedding is over.1.Eliminate red meat from your diet, it stays inside of your body for over six days and causes belly fat.2.Take Flax oil, it flushes your body of toxins and excess weight3.Drink 8 to 12 Glasses of water4.Go for a walk on your lunch break. If you are unable to fit it in, walk when you come home from work with your family or friend.5.Drink 2- 3 cups of green tea per day it is a metabolism booster.6.Eat five to six smaller meals per day. Eating breakfast is extremely important.7. Eat grapefruit and citrus fruit they can natural help you eliminate body fat.8. Go to the library or bookstore and check out a book on rhythmic breathing exercises. This can help you lose that stubborn belly fat by increasing fat oxidation and causing muscle contractions in your stomach. Although, these tips will help, I can tell you that when you are trying to lose weight, you will need something to fight the food cravings, burn excess fat, keep your mind and will focused, stay motivated, and feel fulfilled. When my patients come in for nutrition advice, I reccomend the B4A Extreme Weight Loss System. The system includes Hoodia and Soy Protein Supplements to suppress your appetite. A Green Tea Weight Loss Drink, customized fat burning workouts, and Pyruvate for fat burning, online counseling, scriptures. There are motivational tools for discipline and motivation. Plus, they give you online confidential assessments on how great you are doing and you get a variety of meal plans that includes every food you ever want to eat. There is no dieting and no restricted foods. There are no weekly weigh-ins. Moreover, there are no special foods you need to buy. Every thing is at your local grocer. Speaking from experience, I have several patients that have lost anywhere from 25lbs to 153lbs safely and quickly. The B4A Weight Loss System is available at wwwdiscoverb4acom

eat right and walk a mile a day you ll drop it off and keep it offits a healthy way

Fatness :)? -

Okay.I really am sick of people with the fat jokes.Im 12.5 7.A girl.mixed.healthy.Rides bike like 4 miles a day.yet,shes 186lbs.Muscle weighs more than fat?Well idk if this matters and not to be like inappropriate but I have like a 40c bust and my sister says that may have something to do with it.Plus a butt.But idk.Curves maby?Healthy or like i say nott?Oh and tell mee sum weight loss tips please?

Fat jokes are annoying.I would try walking or even joggin more than biking.I go to the gym and bike around 7 or so miles and then i walk or jog for about 3 or so.and not to mention the stair step thing for awhile.and my legs are all muscly (which i love(good for tag lol))but girl, just maybe ride a bit more often or something.Jokes do get old, but dont let them bother you too much, they re all just mfers lol jk.5 9 205 42d(I know ur pain)

I weigh 315 need to weigh 140? -

Hi, does anyone have any weight loss tips, websites, program or excesizes for someone that weighs 315 and wants to get down to 140 pretty quickly. i am very out of shape and have back pain and foot pain. Any ideas would be apprecited

I dont know if you are male or female, Im assuming male, but the links im gonna give you wont matter on that. Im gonna give you one link to a free workout site and I want you to go down towards the bottom and look at the 4 week quick start. I just read a post on the forum im on froma guy that started at 275 and got down to 238 just doing that one. After you do that one take a peak at the Tyler Durden program. There is also good info on eating and cardio to help you preserve muscle weight and lose fat. Look the whole site over and read all the info on it. These workouts work very very well. Also gonna give you a calorie calculator so you can get a good Idea what calories you should be taking in for healthy weight loss. It will just be an idea and you may have to fine tune it. Also eat 6 small meals a day with a lean protein source in each one. That will help you preserve muscle and kick your metabolism in. I will also link you to the forum I was talking about so you can get answers to any more questions you might have.���� even look at it did ya? All you saw was links and automatically thought troll. Your loss man.

you need to watch what you eat. your diet is the number one thing at the moment. try taking in around 1600 calories a day. you need to keep track because otherwise it will not help and you will end up eating a lot more than you intend.some food tips ---only water for a long time (and milk and juice, but try and drink at least 32 oz of water daily.)-no pop! do not drink soda it is horrible for you-no fast food or going to restaurants! this is filled with high calorie and fattening foods, you do not need that right now-fruits and veggies are your best friend!! eat them a lot! for breakfast, lunch dinner and snacks.-carbs are not THAT bad for you, but i do notice the weeks i eat less carbs i lose a couple pounds some minimize the carb intake to only a couple times a week (pasta, lots of bread, stuff like that)-watch your portion sizes! -do not use food as a stress reliever-eat 3 or 4 small meals a day. breakfast, lunch dinner snack, i find it a very successful and traditional way to lose weight and keep it off. some people say oh 5 or 6 small meals a day... but 3 or 4 works well too. and it fits a schedule easierbreakfast - banana w/peanut butter, bowl of high fiber cereal, yogurt, granolalunch - grilled chicken salads, turkey sandwiches, soup (try and stay away from very creamy, thick soups)dinner - protein, veggies, some bread (whole grain), whatever really as long as it it reasonable, properly portioned and not too fattening.walk daily. the little bit of exercise will go a long way since youre out of shape. the exercise will drop pounds pretty fast, but remember you body will soon get used to it and not drop the weight as fast so you might have to upgrade when you are in better shape.good luck. message me if you have any other questions