Friday, August 24, 2007

Diet Tips HELP ANYONE!!!? -

Hi! I m trying to lose weight and I m good with knowing what makes you lose weight and what you should do but I m wondering if anyone has any fast weight loss tips??? Thank you!

These worked for me:Workout 30 to 60 minutes a dayDrink plenty of water to keep your stomach filledCut out sugars, fried foods, fatty foods and fast foodEat plenty of veggies and fruitsLimit your carb intake

I started on Herbalife program. I lost 5 lbs in the first week. I just had a baby 3 months ago and I now weigh 10 lbs less then I did when I got pregnant. I had a healthy pregnancy and was not sick. I started the program about a month ago. I feel great, I can keep up with my little ones, It has boosted my metabolism, which is great b/c I don t have time to workout like I want. If I had the time to workout I probably would have lost more. check out the following

Honestly, Fast is not the answer. The quicker you take it off, the quicker it will come back on. Long term weight loss should be your primary goal. If you are getting ready for a vacation, it will depend on your time frame. How much and how fast do you want to lose it?

Here are the 10 tips I used to lose 25 pounds through hard work, determination, and a bit of luck...

Try eating foods that have protein and low in carbs, also cut on sugar and sweets. Do exercises at least 4 times a week, if possible in the morning. this should help, good luck.

This has worked for me before. Eat a grapefruit before each meal, it really works I lost a bunch of weight doing that.

there are no fast tips cept eat less and or work out more please... if you have great weight loss tips then this is your question!? -

Ok I know I am not like obese or anything but I just have fat in a few places and I it really just drives me crazy.... I have some on my lower abs and I also have a little on my legs and then I have some on my sides and bottom back... and it s really making me self concious ... so if you have any weight loss tips thanks so much!!!

Just cut back on your calories a little and exercise more and drink lots of water.

Losing weight FAST isn t healthy. The weight won t stay off, and you ll regain it fast. You have to take it slow and steady: And you WILL be happy, I promise! Try eating more fruits and veggies in place of other fatty meals, like junk food, cookies, or high calorie meals. Like most people (I m guilty sometimes!), you ve probably brainwashed yourself into thinking that fast food tastes better than healthy food, but that s not entirely true! Try eating more grapes, clemintines, apples chunks in vanilla yogurt (good for sweet cravings!), blueberries, hummus (it sounds gross but it s really not, especially with Wheat Thins or Food Should Taste Good brand whole grain chips! I personally like garden vegetable or tomato flavored), granola, low-fat yogurt, low-fat string cheese, LITE whole wheat bread, 100 - calorie popcorn / kettle corn bags, steamed broccoli with a buttery garlic sauce etc. I also snack on South Beach Diet oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, they re good AND pretty healthy! And eat SLOWLY. Take one bite at a time, chew completely, then take another bite. If you eat slower, you ll become fuller quicker, and you won t overeat.Incorporate more exercise into your daily life. Take the dog for a 20 minute walk, do jumping jacks while watching TV, do laps around the block, or the house for that matter. Don t let yourself sit down for too long. If you can, get a gym membership. I use an elliptical for 30 minutes 5-6 times a week and it works great for me.And don t eat out of boredom! It s a nasty habit to break, TRUST ME. Whenever you feel like eating, watch a movie with no commercial breaks so you don t have time to get up, call a friend, read a book or magazine, or get out of the house, away from the food. I recently lost weight, about 20 lbs, and what really helped for me was planning my meals. I planned when and what I was going to eat, and made sure the calorie count was 1400. It may be different depending on your needs, but never go under 1200! Whatver you do, don t let yourself stray from your plan. Write it all down or type it out and leave it up on your computer so you don t forget, that s what I do.And don t DIET . Because the moment you go off your diet , you ll regain the all the weight you lost quickly, believe me. Instead, make healthy living choices. You ll never get to your ideal body by eating crap food and sitting around, no matter how much you want it to happen. It takes dedication to get the body you want! Make it like a game. How much weight can I lose? Prove it to yourself you DO have the willpower to get what you want. But allow yourself a cheat day every now and then. Life is too short! If you restrict your body of all the good foods , you will one day EXPLODE and eat everything in sight. Trust me!One more thing: Once you do become thinner, DON T think you can eat whatever you want now! You ll regain all the weight back, which is absolutely mortifying, especially after all the hard work to lose it.Good luck! Hope that helps (:

This is my theory and this is what works for me. Everyone is different so it may need to be adjusted to your own personal needs.Energy In/Energy OutFood Intake: 1,200 Per DayOne Pound equals 3,500 CaloriesTo loose one pound per day, You need to burn your food intake plus your one pound of fat1,200 (intake) + 3,500 (Outtake) = 4,700 Calories BurnYou must burn at least 4,700 Calories everyday to loose one pound at least. It is very easy to go up and beyond 4,700 calories each day.Best way to do this is to track your progress on a calorie counter monitor watch. If you do it by the numbers you can loose the weight. It is just a matter of changing the way you think about weight loss.Once you start wearing your calorie counter you can see the numbers increase and you fill find yourself doing extra things in your day, like tapping your foot while waiting at the light in your car, chewing gum, singing out loud and so on onto of your workout routines. You begin to see that everything you do in your day contributes to the overall numbers needed to loose that pound.I, myself, have done this recently. Two weeks later, I lost one pant size and 10 pounds. And that is just my current progress. I have used this method previously after childbirth and have gone from 168 to 127 pounds with in two months.I personally burn 1,000 calories by Walking in my community for one hour in the morning and I also burn 1,000 calories by simply using a stationary bike while playing xbox. I get so involved in playing xbox that I completely forget I am pedaling or working out. Think about it..How many hours have you spent playing video games..why not burn calories while you are doing it.___Water Intake/Less StorageMost people do not get enough water in their system. Water is your body s principal chemical component, comprising, on average, 60 to 80 percent of your weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don t have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. To determine if you are getting enough water use this simple formula.. Take your weight, for example 150 pounds and divide by 2. Take your answer which is 75 lbs and change it to ounces, in this case 75 ounces. That is how many ounces of water you need a day. Your body performs mostly on water. If you make sure you get enough water everyday your body will perform at top notch and your body will no longer have the cravings of junk food. You will have a better performing body system to help you work out and feel better thru out your day.____Good FoodMy favorite things to eat:Avocado WrapsSimple: Low Carb Tortilla, Half Avocado sliced, alpha sprouts, lettuce, soy bacon...Just wrap it up and eat. You can vary the things you put inside so long as you keep it to approx 4 or 5 items. You want to make sure they are fresh, low calorie and filling. Avocado and mushrooms can replace meats in your meal and still have great taste.Special K Cereals are fantastic. They have that sweetness that one craves and is so good for you. Calories are low. Great for even just dinner.First thing in the morning...A Glass of Chocolate Milk. Yup!! Chocolate Milk. We all crave that got to have item in the morning. Milk is the best thing you can have for yourself while working out. The chocolate (and you can use Carnation Instant Milk for this but I simply use Nestle dry mix) will give you that sweet snack that you need. If you give your body a little bit of it and its in a control way, you will not crave sweets and junk the rest of the day.Lean CuisinesFantastic food! Each meal is approx 180 t0 380 calories per box. So think about your calories. 1,200...You can still have several of these meals a day and still be under your intake requirements. It��s all about the numbers and watching what you take in and what you burn out. And you know what..If you go over your 1,200 mark for food intake...that��s simple up your total calories burned for the day by what you took it. So long as you burn off the over all calories to be more than your food intake. Just make sure you stick too it so you can reach your weight loss goals.Fruits and VeggiesAll you want on the schedule listed below. Bananas are my favorite. They are very filling and can make a meal all on their own.____VitaminsMy favorite is ONE A DAY WITH ENERGY...I am in love with this vitamin because I am just like everyone else who loves those quick fix energy drinks. But what people do not realize is that energy drinks can contain 120 to 440 calories in just ONE Can. If you think about it..That is HALF of your allowed calories for food intake. The best alternative I have found is One a day with energy vitamin. Easy to spot, it is packaged in a green label bottle. Just One vitamin a day will give you as much energy as approx. 1 1/2 cans of red bull...WITHOUT the calorie intake. your making progress already because you have made more room in your intake calories for actual healthy food._____Soda/CarbonationCarbonation is terrible for your system because it bloats your stomach. And when your stomach bloats, your jeans just don t fit. You can drop one pant size simply by NOT drinking any carbonated drinks all together..Take away the bloat and you have instantly just made it one pant size lower. Besides, Sodas dehydrate you and with that One a Day Vitamin, you won t need the Caffeine in the soda and it will also cut out those extra calories that you don t need.So remove that soda and the energy drinks and just think how much calories you just instantly removed from your daily intake. I normally consume what...four sodas and two energy drinks in one day...that is a total of .... 900 calories. Of what??? Nothing...Those are horrible calories and calories that can be replaced by food which will fuel your body for your day and your workouts.____Your BodyYour body is like a computer. You must program your body to do what it is suppose to do so it won t crash and leave you with a virus. Your stomach is only the size of your fist. So think about it right now, Look at your hand and close your fist. Not very big is it. That is how much food you actually ONLY need to eat, each time you eat for every meal. If you eat anything more than that, you will stretch out your stomach which causes overeating and overweight.What you need to do is eat every three hours, approx 5 to 7 times everyday around the same time. If you are always giving your body healthy and better food choices (the size of your fist) every three hours, your body will know you are giving it food. It will use that food properly. It will not go into starvation mode or store food away for later because it will get more in three hours. So what does your body flushes everything out of your system because it doesn t need it.. Now it wont forget about it and that food is on its way.____Walking BuddyThis is the best thing especially for woman. Get a walking buddy. One hour everyday. Just think about how much talking, venting and laughing two woman can do together while walking and yup, you guessed just burns more calories and reduces your stress. You now are more relaxed because you can talk and free yourself of whatever is frustrating you while getting into shape.:By: My own experience/Joyceeleann

lots of small meals lots of fruit and vegetables, also yogurt.

Just make sure that your output energy is greater than your input energy. If you eat something that s 350 calories and burn 500 while running, that s essentially -150 calories. That s a good way to lose weight. Also, try to increase fiber intake, so you can lose the weight from your waste quicker.

*Eat regular small meals*Exercise a lot*Eat a good breakfast

Here are some of the most effective weight loss tips to help you get (or stay) on track to a healthier, better-looking body:1.Drink ice water. The simplest of the weight loss tips, it helps body burns up to 40 calories just by turning up its metabolism in order to warm the water.2.Have an early dinner so that you have an hour or two to take a short walk after dinner. In between meals, when you feel like eating something, reach out for a glass of water that will make you feel fuller soon.3.One of the effective weight loss tips is while cooking, lower the heat so that you can use less oil. Cut down on the use of hot, spicy foods. In fact, it would be much wiser to eliminate them from your diet.For more effective tips on reducing weight, you can read abt them here:��

The best way I have found to lose weight is a nutritional cleanse by Isagenix. It s an new technology that addresses the problem, not battles the side effect. It worked for me. I lost over 30 lbs

Help, I need some weight loss tips? -

Since June, i have lost 107 pounds. I know, I know. That is a lot in a small amount of time. Anyway, I have been on a plateau for about 2 weeks. Any ideas how to get off of this plateau? I drink 12 servings of water a day, I have just started Curves, what else can I do? I am eating 20 grams of fat and 30 grams of fiber a day. My calorie intake is about 1500 daily.

Increase your weight resistance training. When you build muscle your metabolism increases and will help you get through your plateauAlso see what simple things you can leave out in your diet. Most people can cut 100-200calories a day and not even notice it. ex: (the diff between ordering a medium to a small)

Lets put it straight. Losing weight is not that hard, You will never hear me say that it is. All it takes is dedication, motivation and hard work !--There are some fairly simple changes that will greatly improve your chances of weight loss success. Check this out to loss weight, best, most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is to simply eat right and exercise. Good diet, minimize saturated fat, use monounsaturated fat-- Always check in gradients of everything you are buyingRelaxation, stress and strain never allow people to be slim.

You can get all the infomation you need from the Weightloss Review site, they have complete review for all pills, programs, tips and forum for you to get a complete picture of what you should do.listen from the expert rather than wasting your time try out different recommendation��you can lot of independent review of the diet pill and diet program before you make your choice

I have helped many people get past thier plateaus! There is alot more information on the subject than I could include here so I will give you a couple of links that have some great information on how your body works. After that, contact me with any questions and I can fill in the blanks.

You only just started Curves, stick with it and see how it goes.

Weight loss please? -

Ok so I am 15 and im not fat its just I have a tummy but everywhere else is lean .And I weigh about 120 and iv tried to lose weight , but I have no self control. Does anyone have any self control tips or weight loss tips Pleaseee

I knew in both a well-educated and intuitive sense the diet that I needed, wanted, and believed in, but it hadn��t quite jelled in my mind until I saw it in The Fat Resistance Diet (Broadway Books, 2005), by Leo Galland, M.D. As soon as I did I knew it was for me and my family, not just for weight loss, but for life. I am very partial to the work of Dr. Galland, as he is dedicated to the leading edge science of healthy nutrition and holistic healing, and his other books have become bibles in my family. This one will be, too. I began the diet the day after I saw the book, and I am here to herald it far and wide as a disease-fighting diet that can bring vibrant health. Here is why: For more info read the article below.You need to live healthy eat better and excersice. There are no easy ways out.Good LuckPeaceGG

Try low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein, and exercise. The foods are low caloried, and yet filling and healthy. Brisk walking is great for burning body and tummy fats.It is my lifestyle now. I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs/14kg and gained better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs/49kg for more than a year, with more fruits and complex carbs.Details such as my experience, meals, snacks, recipes, foods to buy, reading labels, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc, are in my blog

HUGE weightloss? -

my stepfather weighs close to 450lbs , does anyone have any weight loss tips for loosing lots of weight?

Homeopathic Treatment for Shedding Excessive Fat and Weight /Obesity (Without any side effects or complications of any kind) :- Tongue thickly white coated; patient feels exhausted in warm water Antim Crud 200X, 6 hourly With unusual tallness in children; chilly patient Silicea 30X or 30, 4 hourly When the tongue is constantly whitish coated; with liver disorders Kali Mur 30X or 6X, 4 hourly Fat, flabby and chilly patients. Profuse sweat on hand; worse at night, by exertion;easily fatigued; feet are cold and damp; craving for eggs; sensitive to cold and damp climate Calcarea Carb 200X or 1M, 4 hourly Especially for fatty women approaching menopause; sensitive to cold weather; liver and spleen enlarged Calcarea Ars 200X, 6 hourly Obese patient who suffers from constipation; flatulence; goitre or thyroid enlargements Fucus Ves, Q(Mother Tincture). 4 hourly,10 -20 drops Intercurrent remedy; specially when obesity is due to thyroid disturbances Thyroidinum 200X or 1M, weekly (3 Doses) Obese, chilly, constipated patients, specially in women when there is a history of delayed menstruation; prone to skin ailments; feels cold; easily chilled and easily overheated Graphites 200 or 1M weekly (6 Doses) For fatty women; feels completely exhausted; (whether they do anything or not) Lac-def.200 weekly (6) To reduce weight (flesh and fat); to make the muscles hard and firm Calotropis 30 or 200, 6 hourly To absorb abnormal tissues; new growths and fat Phytolacca Berry Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly,10 drops Now its available in tablets form too very easily available in India and Pakistan manufactured by Dr.Willmar Schwabe Pharmacy, Germany Obese patient with weak heart; sensitive to cold; aversion to water; habits of uncleanliness; prone to colds Ammon-Carb.200, 6 hourly.No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.Take Care and God Bless !

Sorry to say it, but there s no easy way to do it. The very first and most important thing is to change his diet. Contrary to popular belief, obese people don t need more food. The fat is just baggage, and doesn t need to be fed, so it s no excuse to overeat. Once his diet is proper, he needs to start moving around. As much as can be tolerated by his musculoskeletal system. Slowly but surely, he will lose weight. The only really fast way to lose weight would be to find yourself a nice intestinal parasite. But that has some other effects we don t want...

This has to be something your father wants. It will be alot of hard work and will take time it wont happen over nite. Should begin with a healthy diet lots of veges and fruits throw some type of exercise in the day routine and then see how it goes from there \

If he can afford it the Lapband surgery. Other than that lots of water,exercise and fruits and vegetables.

consult with a doctor first someone with this weight is already having a strain on their hear t and need to be evaluated before starting an exercise program.

Excercise? By-pass surgery?

Your stepdad has a lot of work ahead to lose weight - it is not impossible - but it will take his commitment to be successful. You won t be able to sneak in a few low calorie foods here and there to do the trick.To maintain 450 pounds, he is eating a lot of food every day - and probably not moving around very much. so the first thing he needs to do is to reduce the amount of food he is eating every time he eats. Instead of eating two of something, only eat 1. Instead of heaping the bowl full, eat half of that. Instead of eating dessert, decline dessert.... I think you get the picture....then, he needs to walk. He probably gets out of breath easily. so, he needs to start walking around the house or apartment, the apartment hallways, etc. Walk out to get the mail. Then walk to the street corner, or the next driveway. Pick some goals. Don t expect a mile - just start small.When he starts to see some success, then either walk the route more times in a day - or walk further.THis is an oversimplification of what he needs to do. But I stress this has to have his cooperation or it won t work. Weight will not peel off like it would with a gastric bypass or other surgery. But this is a lot cheaper. You can be his best support, encourager, and helper - but he does not need you to nag. You d be surprized how important an encourager is - it may make the difference betwen staying with it or not. And if he has a bad day - remind him he can start over every day.good luck

Check out this site for great fitness plans and 10 rules to fat loss. It offers great ways to loose weight and get in shape: it helps!!!

I want to loose 5 pounds and i weigh 130 lbs? -

I know that i am not too big but i just want to loose few pounds for the summer.What kind of diet would you recomend?Or what weight loss tips do you know?

me too! well...ive already lost 5 from 135-130 and all i did was ONLY eat when i was hungry and worked out for about 1 hour at least 4 times a week. i did the elliptical for 30 mins and that burned about 400/500 calories then lifted weights to look more toned. i also stopped drinking so much soda. hope this helps!

ok im a wrestler and what i do is vry intence all you have to do is put on a 4 shirts and a trashbag and 1 more shirt and do intensive 2 to 3 hour workouts

pound the pavement --- if you can --- if not get on a treadmill .good luck .

idk. im trying to gain weight for the summer

Weight loss tips?? =]] please read info. THANKS for your help and Points!? -

i am a 16 year old female i am 5 10 1/2 and i weight about 200 i know i am heavy . and i am already physically active so im going to expand my time . i am a soccer player and i practice everyday for about an hour .but im going to expand my workout to 2 hours ,30 of jogging , 30 of other exercises and the hour that i already get from soccer practice and i am going to add weekends to my workout. all i need to work on is my DIET i eat terribly =/ so i was wondering if u guys could give me advice ... like websites,books, and Pretty much whatever worked for you guys =]]]. my goal weight is 160 =]] .also some other helpful exercises[and tips] for a flatter tummy .

Are familiar with the Five R s of Fitness??RANGE of motion, RESISTANCE, REPETITIONS REST AND RECOVERY. 99% Percent of the time if you are not meeting your fitness goals it is usually due to one of these variables. Range of motion... are you flexible do you stretch, Do you move your muscles through their full range of motion when exercising, Resistance you can t get stronger and leaner by not workout out with some sort of resistance, Are you doing high reps all the time in soccer? Are you doing lower rep workouts in the gym? Rest are you geting 7 hours of sleep. Recovery are you taking time off from soccer to rest and are you eating property before and after games.I am curious what is in your diet. YOu do know that fat is fat and when you eat it you either use it or store it. IF Bacon, Whole Milk and High Fat Red Meats are in your diet you are working against yourself. If you drink sodas so does the fat cells around your stomach. You already have the answers to what ails you. What are you going to do to work things out?

If you are looking for easy weight loss way, you can use my way. I lost 15 pounds in 30 days. If you are serious about weight loss you must have a look this way. It is easy if you know correct information to do weight loss. You can find more information here link below.

Poly Cystic Ovary RECIPES WEIGHT LOSS TIPS desperate help me chickies? -

I know about low gi and excerisize so pls dont tell me to go run a mile everyday...just wanted some really yummy but low fat n carb recipes that will help me drop kgs quick and easy....i need 2 loose about 30kgs so i want it to work fast otherwise i get depressed and give up. Yes i know if it works fast its not as good but if i dont see results i get upset.I keep hearing about all these great soups and shakes that you can make that are miricle cures when u mix certain fruit and veges together someone out there knows the recipes so please give me them instead of keeping them secret you skinny moles hahahah.Come on girls its mega mega hard to shift KGs with the horrid disorder i need something ASAP i wana live a normal life again instead of covering up and staying home cos i have bulge.Any tips would be much appreciated....Again ill say dont tell me anything like excersize i know all about that and i walk and ride my horse regually and havent shifted a kg so need something more dramatic.

It s not so much the fat you need to worry about or calories as it is the Carbs. You need to look up the glycemic index to help you with this. Certain veggies and fruits are high in carbs that we don t need. Cut out all breads or limit your bread intake. For instance, they make a low carb bread that has 6 net carbs, only eat a slice. That means for sandwichs, toast etc. Eat small frequent meals and make sure you measure out your food. Portion control is the next big thing in this. You can pretty much eat anything. But it has to be with in reason! Stay away from startch foods, to high in carbs. Making small adjustments to your diet can help you stay focused and help you from getting discouraged.If you have any other ? s please feel free to ask away.