Saturday, August 11, 2007

Stomach fat problem? -

Im pretty active, dont over eat, stopped drinking soda, and started walking.I CANNOT lose weight in my stomach!What exercises or weight loss tips does anyone have for stomach weight.My body is so out of proportion from this.I am going to start yoga and pilates again for core strenght but I need to get rid of this asap.Thanks

I know you have heard it and you may not want to, but you can not spot reduce, you have to do the aerobics, and lose the body fat all over, and find exercises yes, that can firm the body parts, but you will never be able to just lose in the stomach, it just does not work that way, I wish it did too, that is my problem area, but i know it does not work..... good luck

Cardio! I suffered with the same problem, and the one thing that I learned was that ab workouts will strengthen your abs, but the six pack that you build will just stay under the belly fat until you do cardio to actually burn it off...I had a horrible pooch problem then I went skiing for a week and just that made it go away completely...from then on I incorporated cardio activity into my workout and it s pretty much stayed awayBest of luck!

The best tip is to start eating more frequently(every 4 hours, small meals) and walking at least a hour each day. Eat foods like cauliflower that shrink your waist.

do situps and crunches....

My weight is 145 and i wanna get down to 110 before my trip what is the best diet to go on? -

i would like to know about a diet that can make me loose weight fast . i m going to work out to but i need some kind of weight watcher food. i need to eat right while i work out. i ve been doing this work out by pilates and it s called the bean and its a chair and you do work outs on it. i m sure people has seen it on tv because thats where i found out about it. i put all the weight on with each of my three kids. i call my fat baby fat and i want it gone so bad. so please any helpful weight loss tips would be really great. my husband and i are going to the bahamas and i want to wear a bikini. thankful i don t have stretch marks other wise i would have to find a way to get rid of those to.

GO OFF OF SUGAR!!!! including diet sugars...Low Carbs and High Protein...and ll drop it fast and healthy. I ve been averaging 4lbs a week since the New Year...good luck.

stay away from diet pills they will make you better but once you get off of them you will be even heavier than you were befor try the low carbs diet. you eat 5 small meals a day on low carbs and try to excersize as well. this will help you and its the healthy way


the south beach diet worked 4 me i lost 25 pounds on it

just eat healthy and exercise

A look at how to safely and effectively lose weight ? -

A look at how to safely and effectively lose weight. Offers useful weight loss tips on how to make this type of diet a part of your life more information

no thanks but if you want to earn a some money on the internet go to the program advertises that you will make 50 thousand dollars a month but obviously that wont happen but you can make a few hundred extra dollars by literally doing nothing after the first 10-15 mins it takes to set up your auto money making system its pretty cool and youll prolly think to yourself why didnt I think of that

Am i fat??????????????????????????? -

I just turned 15 . Im about 5 5 139 pounds and i wear a size 5. Some people tell me im fat. But my mom , boyfriend nd friends all disagree. Am I fat?? Also does anybody have some good weight loss tips that are fairly easy??

your at a good weight just stay away from junk food and stay active that is always the key..

id say your in great shape, anyone who doesnt like you is going to call you fat thats just how people are dont worry too much about it, if you think your fat, exercise a bit more, but by the sounds of things your fine

No your just fine. one thing that helps lose weight though that doesnt really effect you much, like having to take a diet or anything. Just make a salad withRomain LettuceRed/green pepperstomatoesgrilled chickenavacodoesmandarin orangescelery carrotspeasand a vinagrette dressingThe best part about that salad is if you have it for every meal you can eat as much of it as you want and it has everything you need in a day. it helps lose weight. its great!~Good Luck!

listen, im sure ur not fat. whoever tells u that ur fat must be stupid or jealous of something! listen to ur family and friends! ur not fat. dont worrie about anything. just like ur self for who u r! =D

you are slightly overweight. but nothing you have to worry about. some girls look good with extra meat :)

Your bmi (body mass index) is 23.1Underweight = 18.5 Normal weight = 18.5-24.9 Overweight = 25-29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greaterAs you can see; you are in the upper normal weight. **Also walking every day will help you to lose some weight

no ur not

No. You are not fat. You might be a little curvier than some girls your age but you should be glad you re not 200 pounds.

you have a beautiful body, you re not fat, and you re not anorexic. you most likely have a curvy hot body ;D

your flne , l m almost that and l m 5 4

quot;weightlosstipsquot;amp;quot;weight-loss-tipsquot;which is better for seo.? -

weightlosstips weight-loss-tips

I answer the question of whether to use hyphens in URLs one way for the domain name portion of URLs and a different way for the folder and file name portions of URLs.Hyphens in the Domain Name:Generally speaking I avoid using hyphens in domain names. I do so NOT because of SEO. Instead, I choose to NOT use hyphens in domain names because I think it s best for the users of the site. Not many people will remember the entire URL to some random page on your site, but hopefully most will remember your domain name. For this reason, you want your domain name to be easy to remember, easy to type, and as short as possible. Adding hyphens to domain names is counter to all 3 of those goals.Since the beginning of the Internet, domain names have generally been void of hyphens. It s only been in the last 5 years or so when domain names without hyphens became scarce that people began settling for domains with hyphens (similar to settling for .net, .org, .info, etc. TLDs because the .com equivalent is already taken). So people have been used to domains without hyphens in them... they almost expect them to not have hyphens because that is the case most of the time... especially for any kind of real commercial sites. Hyphens also mean the act of typing out the domain is harder becaues the user has to hit keys on the row of numbers above the QUERTY row... it s an extra stretch. And using hyphens makes the domain name longer.The search engines have been matching keywords in domain names without hyphens just fine for a long time, so the miniscule, microscopic added SEO benefit of using hyphens is FAR outweighed by the usability benefit of NOT using them IMO.This should help you decide: Off the top of your head, list any popular, brand site that has hyphens in their URL. You ll be hard pressed to come up with one. Now think of popular, brand sites without hyphens. I d be willing to be you have NO problem doing this.Hyphens in folders and file names: With the folder and file name portions of the URL I STRONGLY urge you to use hyphens to explicitly separate words in the URL. Users are not likely to remember anything beyond the domain name anyway, so there is no real usability benefit in NOT having hyphens as explicit word separators. So in this case I would decide in favor of the miniscule SEO benefits you can gain by being explicit about how the words in your folder and page names are split up instead of hoping the engines will get them right. Hyphens vs. underscores as word separators:NEVER use underscores as word separators. Google does NOT recognize the _ as a word separator. It treats it differently than - .

Dear , I will recommend you http;// Regards,

Weight loss tips for college students? -

I am a college student and am trying to loose weight. I already do things like take the stairs, don t drink soda or alcohol, and I always take a PE class (2 this fall semester). I don t have time to add in any more exercise then I already do (and I swear I m not exaggerating).I already know to avoid keeping unhealthy snacks in my dorm room. Probably one of my biggest problems is cafeteria food, which is hard to avoid, but I do my best and avoid the fried stuff and desserts and all that. Plus since my schedule is so crazy I usually need to grab something convenient-which I know doesn t alway end up being the healthiest thing.I did loose weight last year, but seem to have hit a wall and I am still overweight. Does anyone have any tips? Especially for healthy convenience and cafeteria foods?Oh yeah, and I have to travel a lot of weekends which means more eating out than is good for me. So tips for foods to take on the road or the healthiest fast food choices would be great!

Any fruit is always a good choice. Apples and oranges keep forever outside of a refrigerator, are healthy, tasty and pretty inexpensive. Fiber Bars and protein bars as well as bottled diet tea are all good choices. A Payday (the peanut caramel bar) is the healthiest candy choice and any nuts will help you out. Jerky and pickles are also very low in calories but high in salt, so eat in moderation. Yogurt is high in calcium and probiotics and low in calories. There are some seemingly healthy foods that I would avoid-Juice being a prime example. Very high in sugar and no fiber or protein to keep you full. Any liquid calories, with the possible exception of milk and homemade smoothies, should be avoided.That s all I can think of off the top of my head, but just remember that foods high in fiber and/or protein, with a moderate amount of fat and little sugar, are the best for keeping you feeling full, and thus preventing you from overeating. Hope this helped.ADDITIONAL INFO- DO NOT go on the lame and unhealthy detox diet that the above person advocates. This plan is very lacking in a number of basic nutrients such as protein and calcium. Yes, most of the foods she advocates are good but they are only part of a healthy diet, not the whole of one. You don t want to lose weight that fast, as most of your weight loss will be in muscle mass and body water, making it much easier to regain weight. Aim for a loss of 2 pounds a week. You are probably smart enough to realize this already, but I just don t want anyone to be on that much of a stupid detrimental diet.BTW- is the best source for general weight loss questions.I can t think of anything else that you probably don t know or arn t doing already. 90% of permanent fat loss is about your mindset and attitude. I KNOW it s a cliche, but you can really do anything you put your mind too as long as you believe in yourself and keep a positive attitude. Though that was three cliches in one sentence, most people do not realize how important they are or truly believe the truth of them.Don t go on or off diets. Just think about permanent lifestyle changes YOU can make. Don t take anyone else s advice too literally, just find what works for you. Don t let anyone get you down; wow, the cliches just keep on coming.As far as other healthy foods that you can keep in your dorm or on the road, I would reccomend Sunsweet prunes with cherry or some other kind of fruit flavoring, high fiber lightly sweetened cereal and popcorn. If you have a microwave and/or fridge that opens up a lot more options-high fiber instant oatmeal is great; Quaker Oats Weight management is the best, try it with skim milk. Most colleges also have some kind of personal trainer program or something of that nature at the college gym, I know mine does.

I lost about 20 pounds in college instead of gaining like people do. Walk EVERYWHERE. No joke. Don t eat late, and if you do need to grab something quick, make sure it has no more than 200 calories and very little sugar. I like Nature s Valley granola bars, packs of baby carrots, stuff like that. As far as the cafeteria, look it over and make a list of what you know is healthy. Then when you go, don t get anything that s not on the list. Take a water bottle with you everywhere too. A lot of times thirst is misinterpreted as hunger. You ll lose weight for sure. Good luck.

This 7-day eating plan can be used as often as you like. If correctly followed, it will clean out your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being. After only 7 days of this process, you will begin to feel lighter by at least 10 pounds and possibly 17 pounds, and experience an abundance of energy. SOUP: 1 or 2 cans of stewed tomatoes 3 plus large green onions 1 large can of beef broth (no fat) 1 pkg. Lipton Soup mix (chicken noodle) 1 bunch of celery 2 cans green beans 2 lbs. Carrots 2 Green Peppers Season with salt, pepper curry, parsley, if desired, or bouillon, hot or Worcestershire sauce. Cut veggies in small to medium pieces. Cover with water. Boil fast for 10 minutes. Reduce to simmer and continue to cook until veggies are tender. This soup can be eaten anytime you are hungry during the week. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want. This soup will not add calories. The more you eat, the more you will lose. You may want to fill a thermos in the morning if you will be away during the day. DRINKS: Unsweetened juices Tea (also herbal) Coffee Cranberry juice Skim milk Water, water, water DAY ONE Any fruit (except bananas). Cantaloupes and watermelon are lower in calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit today. DAY TWO All vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed with fresh raw, cooked or canned veggies. Try to eat green leafy veggies and stay away from dry beans, peas or corn. Eat veggies along with the soup. At dinnertime tonight reward yourself with a big baked potato and butter. Don t eat any fruits through today. DAY THREE Eat all the soup, fruit and veggies you want. Do not have a baked potato. If you have eaten as above for three days and not cheated, you should find that you have lost 5-7 pounds. DAY FOUR Bananas and skim milk: Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much milk as you can today, along with the soup. Bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates, as is the milk but on this particular day, your body will need the potassium and carbs. Proteins and calcium to lessen the cravings for sweets. DAY FIVE Beef and tomatoes: you may have 10 to 20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes, or as many as 6 tomatoes on this day. Eat the soup at least once today. DAY SIX Beef and veggies eat to your heart s content of the beef and veggies today. You can even have 2-3 steaks if you like with green leafy veggies but no baked potato. Be sure to eat the soup at least once today. DAY SEVEN Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and veggies, again, be sure to stuff yourself and eat the soup. You can add cooked veggies to your rice if you wish. By the end of the 7th day, if you have not cheated on this diet, you should have lost 10 to 17 pounds. If you have lost more than 17 pounds, stay off the diet for two days before resuming the diet again.