Friday, August 10, 2007

Good Weight Loss Tips? :) x? -

I am slightly on the chubby side and am desperate to lose weightDoes anyone know any good tips that could help me to lose weight and quick?Atm I do the wii fit everyday,Write down what I eat and highlight the food items I shouldn t be eatingand I go for a jog twice a week.What else can I do?I also want to tone my legs and the top half of my body. Does anybody know any good excercises for them too :) x ?Thank you x

Stop eating carbohydrates like rice, banana, wheat, cornflakes, anything that has starch. And also, jog real slow, just keep moving. Your body starts to burn fats and lose weight only after the 50th minute of exercise.

Eat weight watchers or other supermarket branded weight loss foods, if you buy these type of foods? Just eat vegetables in your dinner half days of the week, eat meat only half days of the week. Do exercise, like a jog around an area in the morning or later in the day? Do that at least 2 days a week, will be very good for you! Don t eat sugar filled foods ie chocolate or fizzy drinks, will stimulate the food in your stomach with sugar, no good for losing weight. Eat less bread, eat rice with main meals, won t have you putting on much weight at all. Oh and if you are used to eating alot of food at a time, go for standard amounts of food, like you have ready meals at supermarkets, or meals at restaurants. They are just a few things I can think off. Surely if you look on the internet you shall find other tips.

Im a former bulimic (ya i know) but im recovered now and very healthyHere s sum simple tips besides the obvious of pills, exercises and eating healthyI used to eat from paper plates/napkins to absorbs any extra oils or fatseat plenty of chili as it increases your metabolismGive yourself treats as rewards eg a facialwater before meals to fill youdrink iced water as ur body uses Cal s to warm it upeating celery burns more cals, dan whats in d actual celery stickand eat from a small plate, wit a small spoon, and put in down between mouthfuls, and not infront of the tv, tricks your mind you ve eaten loadsGood Luck and remember be healthy!

An elliptical will give you a better workout than jogging with no impact on your joints. You can also target your legs for toning. Cut your portions as well as reducing your fat intake; drink soy milk instead of fat-laced dairy products. Eat Morning star veggie products because you can t tell the difference in the taste,I swear.I do 30 minutes a day 5 days a week on an elliptical with reduced portions and low fat and I ve lost 15 lbs since Jan 17 and my BMI has went from 40.0 to 32.6. I m 50 and have lower spine problems. My cholesterol has dropped from 225 to 188.

The best way for you to lose weight is through intensive cardio. Instead of jogging twice a week you should do it a minimum of 3 times and a max of 5. Cardio and a good healthy diet is the best way to shed the pounds.

read these 2 articlesmaximum fat burning��best tips for weight loss��

Go to your local boxing gym if your a girl you can easily go up there because THEY HAVE TO LET girls in for some reason cant remember but ring them tell them why you want to go up there ect

buy wii fit :D

Read this article by Bethany Roberts called Top Ten Tips for Weight Loss��

a male needs around 1600 cals per day.a female needs around 1200 cals per day. foods to avoid:- alcohol- cakes (A 3 oz piece of a pound cake gives you over 360 calories, of which more than 50% comes from fat)!- Chocolate bars! (do you like chocolate and milk bars? Note that a 1.5 oz Kit Kat bar contains 226 calories, of which 49% comes from fat)!- Fast food - mcdonalds big mac contains 590 cal!!!- Donuts: An average size glazed donut gives you 242 calories; half of this goes to your waistline. Meals!You need to get an idea of how many calories you are getting. For breakfast you could try some cereal like Special K with red berries (strawberries) and skim milk. It is really yummy. You could include some fruit or fruit juice. You could try granola bars also if you need to eat on the run.Do you eat at home or out? If you eat fast food some better choices are Whopper jrs with no mayo or McDonalds grilled chicken snack wrap. For breakfast the Burger King ham omlette sandwich is pretty good and lower in calories.I wouldn t worry too much about any fruits or veggies that cause you to gain weight. If you guzzle fruit juice it can be a problem since it can be 100 calories a cup for orange juice and more for grape juice. Eating whole fruit you are less likely to get too many calories, but some juice is ok.I have heard grapes can be high in calories. You can eat them but not a pound at a time. V-8 juice is a good snack it can be satisfying and only about half as many calories as orange juice.Salads are great but watch salad bars with high fat potato salad and such. Make your own salads with carrots lettuce peas brocolli etc and choose a dressing that is low in calories.If you eat soups clear soups are generally lower calorie than cream based soups.A frozen dinner can be good for dinner or lunch. Check out the calories and add some fruit or veggies to go with it. I like the inexpensive ones that are in the 200-300 some calories range.Michelinas is a good brand. I like mac n cheese, fettucini alfredo, penne pasta with chicken and brocolli, 4-cheese lasagna, etc. Lean Pockets are good too. I especially like the pepperoni and garlic chicken varieties. I love frozen dinners because you know exactly how many calories you are getting and it is easier not to overeat.Some cereal, a few low fat snack crackers, granola bars, low cal popsicles, or a 100 calorie treat can be good when you want a snack. One hundred calorie popcorn bags that you microwave are also a yummy snack.Just keep in mind that some snacks can really add up in calories. For example a bagel can have a lot of calories and you might be more satisfied with something hot. You can practically eat a meal for the calories in a bagel and some other snacks.Try not to eat after about 6 or 7 pm. If you go to bed when you are hungry or at least slightly hungry that is good, eventually your stomach will shrink and you won t be so hungry later on.Also if you feel hungry drink some water.Stay away from stuff you tend to overindulge in such as chocolate or potato chips or ice cream. Depends how much self control you have.Water is the better drink, but if you drink I prefer the kind with Splenda because I think it is better for me.Don t go overboard, don t starve yourself. Losing a pound of so a week is usually considered good progress.Also it really isn t that hard or complex to lose weight. Book authors would love you to think that so you ll buy their latest and greatest diet book. But you don t need a diet book to lose weight.

I have 2-2 1/2 months to lose weight. What are some exercises that will help me lose max. weight? -

In my stomache and inner thighs. I would like all natural weight loss tips. Something I could do at home.

LOSING WEIGHT is a simple science. If you burn more calories a day than your body takes in, you LOSE WEIGHT. If you burn the same amount of calories your body consumes, then you stay the same weight, and if you CONSUME more calories than your body burns in the long run, you gain weight.So the best method(Although it seems hard) is to diet and exercise, wait- no scratch that, I hate the word DIET, because DIET s fail and are a quick fix for quick results that are soon lost there after.Eat Healthier, CARBS: your body s main source of fuel, and provides the brain, with the fuel it needs to think and react quickly, so the good carbs are the following.....(COMPLEX CARBS)Oatmeal(Plain, No Instant, Add Natural Honey or fruit to make taste better)Sweet PotatoBrown RiceFiber one cereal(Provides your whole days worth of fiber if you eat 1 cup of it a day)Whole grain wheat bread(Watch out for imitations, read labels, if there is ONE ingredient that says HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP....Do NOT eat it, , it is a man made sugar syrup that your body has a hard time breaking down and , metabolizing and it SPIKES your insulin levels leading to fat storage.Broccoli, asparagas, anything green that s a veggie, is LOW CAL, contains, tons of vitamins, minerals and FIBER, and FIBER makes you feel full longer.PROTEIN: Proteins are large organic compounds made of amino acids, basically what this is, it is the BUILDING BLOCKS OF LIFE! It repairs and rebuilds muscle tissue and is also vital for proper BRAIN function.When I first started working out and trying to tone up, I would eat Steak burgers from steak and shake, and justify eating it, because of the 40 grams of protein it had. But the one thing is, when you eat protein with HIGH saturated FATS, it slows down the body s process of breaking down protein, meaning it basically hinders muscle growth for the people trying to tone up!!!!Best sources of protein include: Eggs, Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast, Tuna, Salmon(Also High in essential fats), Lean ground turkey and Whey protein drink/shake.NOTE: although beans and peanut butter do contain protein, they are what is called Incomplete Proteins because they do not contain the 18-20 amino acids that are found in other foods and supplements. It has been said to make these protein s complete, eat with whole wheat bread(Real bread) and you should get more amino s with that combo.FATS: People think fats are bad, NOT ALL FATS ARE CREATED EQUAL!!!Olive Oil, Raw Nuts(Of any kind really), Saflower oil, flax seed oil and the fats found in FATTY fish like SALMON are really good fats for you and help lower risks of heart disease.Think of it like this. Saturated fats at room temp are SOLID, and Poly, Mono, etc are liquid at room temp.Which one do you think will hurt your body??? Water goes down your drain in your bathroom sink just fine, but keep clogging it up with HAIR and you will need to get it repaired DOWN THE LINE!Stay away from trans fats, added sugar, high fructose corn syrup.The reason WE (Humans) have such a big sweet tooth, is due in fact to SURVIVAL purposes!! Our bodies evolved a sweet tooth in the begining stages of life, to seek out high vitamin and high CALORIE food like Fruits, veggies, Honey, Maple syrup, etc.It helped us survive when we could not eat for days, eating high calorie fast acting foods like honey, maple syrup, etc.So next time you want to eat a snickers or a cookie, grab some honey, fruit, etc. it will satisfy the beast within, and your body will thank you for it.Not only eating healthy helps you lose weight, gain muscle, etc. But it makes you feel better. You ll have more energy, your mood will be better and you ll think more clearly.When you eat good, your blood sugar levels stay normal, but when you skip meals, and eat BAD, your Pancreas secretes a lot of INSULIN making you feeling tired and foggy minded.Also the more INSULIN you secrete the more FAT STORAGE your likely to have, along with the long run risk of getting diabetes.If you make sure to eat 4-6 meals a day, I can GUARANTEE you that you will have more energy, be more alert, and have better days.Not to mention you will REV up your METABOLISM, think of your body like a BON FIRE, everytime you throw wood in the fire the fire ignites more and more, the same goes for your body, You eat and your metabolism ignites. NOW this is not saying to go out and BINGE on whatever every 2-4 hours, but eat real, nutrient dense calories.If you bought a brand NEW CAR, that you have always wanted and you LOVED this car so much, Would you FUEL it with PISS? No you wouldn t!!!! You would want the best fuel for the car!!! And the same should apply for your body.

Your best bet is to do a colon cleanse. Every person has on a regular basis has around 17 lbs of crap in their system. Most people in the world are constipated and they don t even know it. Sorry for that disgusting thought...If you want to lose weight in your stomach and thighs quick and naturally, and get toned at the same time, empty your system of all the junk. A natural skin tightening occurs when you lose weight naturally, hence the toning. Its worked for me. BUT be careful! and do some reading up on it first. I would suggest Dr Christophers natural healing.And do a colonic. Read about it.

It depends on how overweight you think you are, if its more than 50 pounds or so over what should be your normal weight range then you may not even have to work out at all, just modify your diet to fewer calories/less sugar and overall main thing supplement your diet with a sufficient of water (At least 1 gal per day...) Also you cannot just simply lose weight in problematic areas, this is near impossible if not impossible, it comes off all over all at once. I recommend 30 minutes of some type of cardio every other day, then maybe some weight training on 2-3 of those days.

Hey i have tried almost everything to loose weight the best way is to make a diet of what you are eating and look over it. drink plenty of water and eat also of vegetables. Try to make your meals balanced. avoid fizzy and high energy drink as this contains alot of sugar and calories. also replace frying your food and try to grill/ steam or baking is a replacement of frying. try to join a fitness class or if not comfortable you could buy a fitness DVD and excersize in the comfort of your home.I hope this helps x

You have to come up with some type of a reward system, this will help keep you motivated. One of the best things to do is make a contingency contract. Stating what you want to do, who will help you do it, and what do you get for doing it. Then also try to find a well balance diet program. My friend did this one diet program where the average weight lose is 7 pounds in 9 days. It might be the thing you are looking for, I know it s well balanced. If you want e-mail me and I can tell you more about either of these.

google target heart rate When you find your target heart rate, you want to keep your heart rate between 60% and 70% of that rate. This will keep you in fat burn mode. Some treadmills have this mode on them when you use them and they ll do all the work for you to keep your rate where it should be.The point of this is the fact that your body is getting enough oxygen for fuel and your cells are getting their energy from fat. When your heart rate goes to about 75%, or above, of your target heart rate, your heart can t keep up the flow of oxygen for efficient burning of fat, therefore it switches to burning sugar, which you just ate. Not only don t you burn fat, but it also makes you hungry when you burn sugar and you will feel like you earned that glazed donut. Therefore, your workout will become counter productive.I once ran 3 miles in the morning 5-6 times per week and I didn t drop a pound! When I was told to begin walking, they started coming off like Paris Hilton s Und...never mind.Also, do various types of sit ups in order to cover all of your ab muscles. Remember this...the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns in a day. So start some toning.A trick I just tried, because I m in the same boat. I started a month and a half ago. I counted 4-5 days per week for the month of May, June, and July and put a fraction at the end of the month (i.e. /16 for the month of May) I started on May 10th and figured out of the remaining 21 days, I should work out 16 days. Using this goal, I wound up with 17/16. For some odd reason, it kept me motivated, and is still keeping me there.Good luck! grapefruits and hot sauce - they re known to speed up your metabolism!

Well my dear, if you want to lose weight fast you have to be focus and determind. Heres a link to a new diet system that came out provon to work! check it out and get chrome4life!!

walking burns fat much more effectively than runnding if that helps. doing crunches for your stomach is not going to help the overall appearance because if you have stomach fat then you will not be able to see the stomach muslces underneath. i reccommend walking.

try pilates - Short video here to get a feel for it��

go for evening walk. and play some outdoor games like football badminton etc. playing football in the evening will help you a lot to make ur body to loose weight

Can I lower cholesterol with DIET and EXERCISE ONLY, NO meds? -

I am not asking for weight loss tips. I want to know if diet and exercise ALONE --- no meds -- will lower cholesterol. What foods to add to diet, and what to omit.

Eat as many egg whites as you like - they contain no cholesterol.Buy lean meats such as fish, poultry, veal cutlet, pork tenderloin, or flank steak. Trim as much fat off meat as possible. Broil, barbecue, or roast meat on a rack rather than fry them. This allows some of the fat to escape during cooking. Limit the amount of hamburger you eat, and buy the leanest type available. Replace high-fat prepared meats like sausage and luncheon meats with lower-fat meats like lean turkey or chicken. Remove the skin from chicken or turkey before you cook or eat it. Try to eat fish twice weekly. Fish contains a type of fat called omega-3 fat that may help prevent heart disease.Use margarine instead of butter, choosing a margarine that has a liquid oil rather than a hydrogenated oil listed as the first ingredient. Choose a lower-fat milk. If you use whole milk, switch to 2%. If you use 2%, switch to 1% or skim milk. (All types of milks have the same amount of calcium and other vitamins and minerals.) Use plain non-fat yogurt instead of sour cream. Cut down on the amount of regular cheeses you eat. Look for lower-fat cheese that contains less than 3 grams of fat per ounce. Sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese on food to give it a cheesy taste. Parmesan cheese is strong tasting, so a little goes a long way.Check food labels to see what the main type of fat in the food is. Limit foods that list palm oil, coconut oil, or a hydrogenated oil as one of the first type of fats. (Food labels list ingredients in order from greatest to least by weight.) Be suspicious of commercial baked goods such as doughnuts, sweet rolls, brownies, and cookies, which are a major source of saturated fat. Increasing Starches And FiberIncluding more starches and fiber in your diet can help you lower your cholesterol level, as well as reduce your risk for obesity, cancer, high blood pressure, and other diseases. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, and legumes are naturally low in fat, cholesterol-free, and rich in starches and dietary fiber. A certain type of dietary fiber, called soluble fiber, may help lower cholesterol levels by sweeping cholesterol out of the body before it gets into the bloodstream. Foods rich in soluble fiber include oat bran, dried beans and peas, some fruits, and psyllium seeds (the main ingredient in Metamucil, a fiber supplement). Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts and seeds also contain antioxidants, which are substances that help protect body cells from damage. Examples of antioxidants are:Vitamin C (in citrus fruits)Beta-carotene (in carrots)Vitamin E (in vegetable oils)To damage artery walls, cholesterol must first be chemically changed through a process called oxidation. Antioxidants help prevent cholesterol from being chemically changed and help prevent cholesterol from moving out of the blood and into the lining of the blood vessels. The U.S. Department of Agriculture s Food Guide Pyramid recommends that you eat the following number of servings of these plant foods daily:6-11 servings of grains (1 serving equals 1 slice of bread, ? of a bun, ? cup of pasta or rice)3-5 servings of vegetables (1 serving equals 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables or ? cup cooked vegetables)2-3 servings of fruits (1 serving equals 1 medium apple, peach or orange; ? cup of berries; or 3/4 cup juice) Keep a food diary showing the number of servings of fruits, vegetables, and grains you get daily. If the number is low, gradually try to increase servings of the groups lacking by adding fruits, vegetables, or whole grains as side dishes or snacks. Buy breads and cereals that list a whole grain as the first ingredient - they contain more fiber and vitamins and minerals. Whenever possible, choose raw fruits and vegetables rather than processed ones. Steam vegetables until crisp-tender, rather than boiling them until soft. Whenever possible, leave skin on fruits and vegetables. Add lemon juice, butter flavoring, or other seasoning to vegetables rather than fat.Try including several meatless meals weekly. Start with breakfasts, then gradually add two or three lunches or dinners weekly.If you weigh more than you should, losing weight is an important step toward lowering your cholesterol levels. To lose weight, you will need to cut calories and boost your activity level. Fortunately, when you lower your fat and cholesterol intake and eat more starches and fiber, you automatically lower your calorie level. Cutting your calories involves changing both the type of food you eat and the way you eat. Since fat is a very concentrated source of calories, eating more of the low-fat foods that help you lower your cholesterol levels (such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) will also help you cut your calories. If you tend to eat even when you are not really hungry, you may also need to change the way you eat. To help you cut calories:Eat three main meals, including break

it is possible to lower cholesterol with diert and exercise alone but possibly only if your cholesterol is only slightly abover normal or borderline. Avoid processedmeats like sausage, polony, salami etcwhen cooking cut out all visible fat. use healthy ways of cooking like grilling,baking, steaming. Avoid using too much of oil during cooking and fats ie butterchicken and fish is healthier than red meats like beef and lambeat lots of fibre ie from wholewheat and seed breads that helps lower cholesterolCareiovascular exercise is very good for lowering cholesterol and nbody fat percentage

Yes. My boyfriends sister-in-law has a high chol. problem and meds. weren t working too good. She said she started taking red yeast rice capsules and it went way down, he dr. asked what did you do?!?!? . I don t even know what mine is, but I take a couple a day. It s in the vitamin aisle of stores.����

just make healthier choices when purchasing groceries. go for a one mile daily walk (one mile, walking is about 45 minutes depending on your pace.)dr.mps. good luck w/ the weight loss/ cholesteral lowering!

yes you can

Yes, haven t you seen the Cheerios Commercial???

yes. eat yo cherioes

LGBT: Am I fat???( 20 Characters)? -

15, Male, 5 6, 175 lbs, 30% Body Fat. I am a vegetarian and I eat as healthy as I can afford to. Any weight loss tips?

yes. you re obese

You are overweight, but kust try to eat fruits and veggies more than carbs, and exercise. Also try to more snacks and less at meals, your metabolism will get a bit faster. Also, if you have snacks more, you eat less in total usually (as long as they are healthy snacks, 100-200 calories, which can be a great snack if its fruits and veggies with dips or things) because your hunger is already partially satisfied.

According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 28.2- and according to their chart, Overweight = 25-29.9 and Obese = 30 or greater.So yes, you are overweight.Being a vegetarian doesn t guarentee that you will be healthier or skinner then meat eaters. When I went through a vegetarian phase, I lost 15 pounds in a week because i wasn t getting enough protein. Nowadays I eat more tofu. Im 5 9 and weigh 165 pounds, which puts me at 24.4, just .6 points away from being overweight. Body weight also includes muscle mass, which ways more then fat. I dont know about body fat percentages unfortunately. Just make sure you are getting 30 minutes of exersise everyday. I know its easier said then done, but it s true. Processed foods are going to affect your weight more then natural or organic foods- i know it s not always easy to eat cheap and be healthy that way, but planning ahead and seeing where you can get deals is best.

Well, the answer to ur question can be determined by measuring your BMI (Body Mass Index), There s a formula for it, but here s the website link that does it automatically: calculated it for you, and:-Your BMI = 28.2 And the BMI Categories: Underweight = 18.5 Normal weight = 18.5-24.9 Overweight = 25-29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater So you classify as Overweight Here are some tips for losing weight from��To lose one pound of fat, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. That sounds like a lot of calories and you certainly wouldn t want to try to burn 3500 calories in one day. However, by taking it step-by-step, you can determine just what you need to do each day to burn or cut out those extra calories. Below is a step by step process for getting started. 1.Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Your BMR is what your body needs to maintain normal functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day. Keep in mind that no calculator will be 100% accurate, so you may need to adjust these numbers as you go along. 2.Calculate your activity level. Use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day. It helps to keep a daily activity journal or you could even wear a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned. 3.Keep track of how many calories you eat. You can use a site like Calorie Count or use a food journal to write down what you eat and drink each day. Be as accurate as possible, measuring when you need to or looking up nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out. 4.Add it up. Take your BMR number, add your activity calories and then subtract your food calories from that total. If you re eating more than you re burning, (your BMR + activity is 2000 and you re eating 2400 calories) you ll gain weight. If you re burning more than you eat, you ll lose weight. I calculated you BMR for you, here s the link of the calculator:��Your BMR= 1895I hope I helped!! Good luck! :D :D

though the other answers answered it more accurately, I think you re pretty average for your age. I m 14, the doctor says I m average. we kind of even out, but anyways.for exercise, I can t really give you tips. for food, I ll try.well, I m doing this diet called the high fructose high diet. it means you don t eat anything with high fructose corn syrup, an ingredient used in MANY food products. believe me, I lost like 5lbs. it works. you should try it. go here: WATER! it cleanses out your body 75% of our body is made of it, so um... drink it a lot. also, try not to eat during the night. if you must, eat some fruit. fast food? BAD idea.but yeah. I hope I helped :)

Honestly. Eat less... I go on a starvation diet... works for me. Its not dangerous...

I stopped all soda and started eating healthier and occasionally running... went from 154 to 135, i m 5 11

Good weight loss tips? -

i have some but everyone here is usually pretty creative with coming up with different ideas. also, does anyone have a ballpark idea(i know each person is different) of how many inches you can lose overall with working out with weights?(10 lb weights 5x a week about 30 mins/day). thanks in advance for all your help!

What I am going to challenge you to do is simply follow the tips in the chapter along with the following:Get moving, please move. Even if it��s only for 10 or 20 minutes, try to do some type of exercise. Read and Record your meals. Research has shown that if you plan your next day��s meals, and record what you actually ate your chances of eaten healthy increase greatly. Speak those things that are not as if they were. Have faith in your results. Everyday when you wake up say to yourself. ��I have a good body, I look good, feel good and I am very healthy�� I am happy with my results. I will look the way I desire to look.�� Ok here is the chapter from my new book ��The Gracious Diet�� Chapter 2Metabolismme��tab��o��lism n. The chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life. In metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized. The processing of a specific substance within the living body: water metabolism; iodine metabolism. [ Source: The American Heritage? Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth EditionCopyright ? 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. me��tab��o��lism n. The complex of physical and chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that is necessary for the maintenance of life. In metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized. The functioning of a specific substance, such as water, within the living body. Source: The American Heritage? Stedman s Medical DictionaryCopyright ? 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. Let��s talk about metabolism. What is all this media hype about the metabolism? Why is it worthy of grabbing front page headlines in every fitness magazine? The term metabolism, derived from the Greek language, simply means change or transformation. Our metabolism is what turns foods into energy. The higher the metabolic rate, the higher the caloric output. It is a necessary function that allows our bodies to use food and other resources to maintain the working parts, repair damage, heal injury and rid the body of toxins. In other words, metabolism is a necessary process, without which living organisms would die.Metabolism aids in digestive function as well as absorption of nutrients. It is most affected by nutrition, hydration and physical activity. Each of these items is an imperative aspect of optimum metabolic health. When any one of these is lacking, the metabolic rate decreases. Consequently, weight loss and weight maintenance are directly related to healthy metabolism.When does our metabolism work? Well the truth is it��s always working, even when you are sleeping. A well designed fitness program will elevate the metabolic rate. Below are nine closely guarded steps to increasing your metabolic rate.1. Eat protein at every meal, including breakfast.2. Eliminate wheat- and flour-based products for the time being. And yes, that definitely includes bread and pasta. 3. Eat unprocessed foods. Ninety percent of what you eat should be a combination of (in this order of importance) raw vegetables, steamed vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and a few fruits. 4. Reduce starch to one portion a day, and don t eat that portion during your evening meal. Best choices of starches are beans, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal. 5. Reduce or eliminate dairy for the time being, especially cow s milk. Exceptions: reasonable amounts of low sugar, fat free yogurt. 6. Lose the booze. Despite what the studies say, you lose no health benefits by giving up alcohol (including wine). There is nothing essential in alcohol that you can t get in fruits and vegetables without all the bad side effects that go along with it. 7. Stop using vegetable oils such as sunflower, safflower and corn. The supermarket kind is highly refined, and it oxidizes easily when heated, contributing to arterial plaque. Use olive oil instead, and apply it to food after the food is cooked when possible. 8. Watch which types of fat you re eating. The amount of fat you eat is probably less important than the kind of fat you eat. The worst are fried foods, margarine and foods that contain hydrogenised or partially hydrogenised oils. The best is omega-3, found in fish and flaxseed oil. 9. Obsessively drink water: At least 8 ounces for every 20 pounds of bodyweight you re now carrying around, each day. Everyday. No excuses. By speeding up your metabolism, you will enhance your health. Increase the amount of calories your body burns. YEAH BABY, BURN BURN BURN Follow the above and you should lose a few pounds of fat in a few weeks.But if you want it super sized and want it fast, then you should invest 30 bucks into your health.The Gracious Diet has been a proven solution to losing 10 lbs in 14 days and 20 lbs in 30 days.If you liked this excerpt then pick up the whole book. Here is the link ��THE GRACIOUS DIET�� As always if you enjoy this newsletter, please don��t be selfish, pass it on to a friend sign them up by sending me their email. For now, Best in Health and God Bless You, Matt Shuebrookhttp://www.RealFitnessResults.comhttp://www.TheGraciousDiet.com

avoid all the sugar you can stand (all the ose words).avoid white flour and stuff made with it.avoid canned foods. go for the fresh stuff.graze, graze, graze (spread your calorie intake over 5 - 6 small (size of 2 fists) meals.moderate aerobicsnever eat the same thing in the same order that you did yesterday.splurge on Saturday or Sunday after being good all week.

A few of the things that have helped me are..Watching portion sizes. I found I was eating 2-3 portions of things without even realizing it. Check to see what the actual portion size is, and stick with it.Move every day. Even if it just a quick 20 minute walk. Keep doing something everyday to keep your motivation up.Don t keep sweets, junk food, or high calorie foods in the house. I have a horrible time keeping my hands off it if it is in the house. I won t go out and buy it, but if my husband buys it, I won t leave it alone until it s gone. Banish this stuff from the house.Do allow yourself little treats. I will buy a full size candy bar or snack size pack of cookies and only eat about 1/4 to 1/2 of it, then throw the rest away. Don t buy a bag of individual wrapped candy and then say you ll only eat one at a time, etc because you will end up eating the whole thing. (I know, because I did it :P )Weigh yourself every single day. Do it right after you get up and have relieved yourself. Do it naked also, you would be surprised how much clothing weighs. Do realize that you will have slip-ups. It s expected. Don t let it throw you off your game. Keep going.Try to get everyone in your household to understand that you are doing this for your long term health and that you will need their help. Otherwise they may sabotage all your good work without realizing.Good Luck to you....

First find out how much overweight you are...if any at understand that the only way to burn fat is to consume less than you use or diet and exercise.


hai, nice to meet you via web.first congrats to youfor the thought of reducing weight.first you have to walk for 40 minutes some exercise which is applicable to your health.don t take too much of oil in your food.reduce taking of fat content more fruits,vegetables and fibre content following above these tips you can see the loss of weight in your body.good luck.have a nice day.

first off, weights build muscle, cardio helps you loose weight. The basic guidelines are No soda, no fast food, lots of chicken, fish, fruits, vegies, whole wheat stuff, yogurt. Not so many cakes and donuts and cookies. Basic common sense for eating, you just need to enforce it. Get all the bad stuff out of the house right away, just toss it or give it away while your still motivated. No alcohol if that applies. Lots of water, 3-4 liters a day, not all at once, but spread out. Its really easy to down a liter or two while your watching tv or on the computer. Also drink some after you eat the bigger meals of the day, it helps your body pick out the nutrients in food when your food is more spread apart. As for exercise, lots of cardio. Find something you like. If you have never exercised much before, start with walking 30 minutes a day at a brisk pace. Move on to different terrains that include hills and increase the time spent. After a week or two, try jogging the route. No matter what find an activity you enjoy. Walking to jogging is just an example, try hiking, rollerblading, biking. Once you get into a regular routine, if your not happy with the level of difficulty, try signing up with a gym. Spinning, pilates or kickboxing classes are great. It will also introduce you to working with weights. Talk to a trainer for instruction before using any weights. A cheap investment is a balance ball, it works you stomach while your just sitting on it, like at your computer and its great for posture. There are hundreds of exercises you can use it for for your entire body. I can give you some ideas if you want, just email me. Good Luck!

if you drink a lot of tea or coffee stop putting so much sugar in it or don t put any, don t miss lunch as this causes you re body to store up fat, on days when you re not doing anything go out for a hours or so walk, use really heavy cutlery that way even eating is a bit of a work out, have more sex, don t eat before going to bed you re body doesn t digest it properly when you re asleep.if you work out with weights you can actually gain inches because of muscle growth so its important to do fast workout because thats whats burns off fat wereas slow workouts tone up muscle.

eat pretty healthy and exercise! :D

cut your portion size in half. i find this easier for me. i eat everything that i would normally do just not as much. that way, i dont feel bad or have the cravings that i normally would if i avoid it. also exercise.

If your serious take all that sweet stuff and crap you know is just makin ya umm wider pizza,candy,cookies,pie,ice cream and just find some room in the house and just lockit away. For a while just overall go down on your food intake. For the exercise portion if your gonna be jogging DON T jog lol sprint or run joggin doesn t do that much for you really. Run naked and post on the internet wait I mean run and drop some pounds.

Need some weight loss tips? -

i m 5 3 or 5 4, 14, medium boned, and weigh 141. anybody got some tips on losing weight. i want to lose 20 to 30 pounds maybe less. i exercise eat healthy. there isn t any junk food in my house. my family and i are health nuts. so any tips would be great.

Well maybe you should try dancing. LIke Dance Dance Revolution or just jammin to ur own music. It will melt he pounds away and you will have fun with it.

well just exercise don t do any pills because they may kill you even a minute of workout every day can help you never mentioned if you drink lots of water.......drink 1/2 ounce of water for every pound you in your case that is approx. 8 -8oz glasses of water each and every day

Weight loss tips please, i am 15 at 57 and 125 pounds. I want to lose 10- 15 pounds? -

i know everyone will say diet and exercise, but the thing is i do and i dont lose weight i just see some more muscle tone, how can i actually just get slimmer?

Why do you need to lose weight. I m 5 7 and according to my body mass index the lowest weight at that height one should be is 123. If you lose 15 lbs you ll be 110 and that is waaaay underweight for your height. You might want to tone up but not lose the weight you have.

You don t have to diet just make sure you eat proper foods. You want to eat healthy carbs(whole grain foods: wheat bread, healthy cereal, etc.) Eat healthy proteins low in fat: fish and chicken. Eat healthy fats but not a lot, don t eat fats from steak, chips, processed meals, fast food, etc. Do more cardio (running) and less resistance training(lifting weights) If you diet and starve yourself your body will start packing on pounds when you start eating again. That is your bodies natural defense mechanism against starving. So don t starve yourself, your only hurting your body. You are 15, if you starve or diet by eating a lot less your only hurting your growth into an adult. If you are male you will not grow as tall or muscular and if you are female you will not develop as well in the chest area by not getting the proper nutrition.

I hate to break it to you but you re actually 10 to 20 pounds TOO skinny. I m about 5 7 or 5 8 and I ve been told I should weigh as much as 160 with my frame. So first of all, lets say I dont understand why you want to lose weight and you shouldn t try to.However, in the event you really want to, you have to take a serious look at your diet and figure out any changes you can make to be a bit more healthy. Just do a little bit of cardio, you could take up strength training, that helps work muscle and burn fat.

Sorry! Going lower from that weight would be anorexic! I m a 14 year old boy and take it from me I bet you look fine. Just some girls with their slim look may look good but no one can really care less (Not in a mean way O:) Just be healthy :]

You SHOULDN T lose any weight; it would be unhealthy. You are already very skinny, and taking off any more weight could make you really sick.

You don t lose weight because you do not need to lose anymore weight. You are currently on the thin side of normal for that height already. Your body won t lose much more weight without you getting sick

DO NOT LOSE WEIGHT! You don t have to at all! You are actually underweight! The middle of your healthy weight range is 135 pounds.

I think you re perfectly slim!If you get too thin, you might look unhealthy.try some yoga, it s relaxing and it keeps yo fit without bulking up!

a cardio work out at least 4 times a week