Sunday, September 23, 2007

All my friends r gorgeous nd skinny nd well, im not. any good fast working weight loss tips? -

yes: Drink lots of waterexercise before breakfast and at night.dont eat stuff like donuts or protien and fruits and veggies.I have starved myself before and it doesnt work in the long run.

Exercise a lot, but don t overdo it! Avoid junk foods/carbonated drinks and carbs and keep on eating fruits! And don t do it too fast because it s dangerous.

I don t know what your age is but I am 42. From my own experience, never size yourself to your other friends. Never think of yourself less gorgeous despite whether you are skinny or not. I have been overweight most of my life but I have lost weight, too. It is a continous struggle to lose weight even after you lose the weight you want, too. I am 5 8 now and weigh about 170. Believe in yourself, have a positive attitude to change your eating habits and exercise as a longterm project. Don t think of it as short-term because then you won t be able to continue it and gain your weight back. Try to cut out sodas, junk foods and eat lots of vegetables, chicken, shrimp, salmon, low carb wheat breads, brown rice. You can replace the high carbs with low carb replacement for those foods. With the right foods you won t feel deprived. Good Luck to You and your weight loss goals!

Okay sweety, first: you don t have to conform to society s idea that you have to look a certain way. Don t be a robot. And second: God made you exactly the way he intended to. I think that when you read this, you are going to say, Well, she doesn t know how it feels to be ____ and ____. Yes, I do actually. I m still a teenager but I ve struggled with my weight ever since I was about nine years old. Just, from experience, don t starve yourself, or introduce yourself to bulimia. It works for a short time, but it can give you diseases and it is also lethal.You can:-drink 8 glasses of water a day-go on a diet ?I m on a no soft-drink, no fat/low fat diet. I hardly excercise. I do jump on my trampoline and I participate in my phys. ed. class: we run a few laps and play volleyball (hardcore, I must say.)I started this diet two weeks ago and I ve already lost eleven pounds. Oh, and if you are looking for a thigh, leg, butt, hip toning excercise:(It actually works.)Stand with you legs a shoulder width apart. Squat down and lift you left leg out to the side, squat again and lift it to the back (not very high, just enough to feel it.) Then squat again and repeat about 10 times on each side. I saw a difference after a few days. If you need anymore advice or tips, let me know and I ll help.

Healthy diet high in lean protein, low in fat. Stay hydrated. Lots of exercise. The more you exercise, the quicker the weight will drop.

i know how you feel i m like that


split your food porportion size in 2 and cut out varbs, drink lots of water and no carbed snacks

Carly, WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR FRIENDS!Do not compare yourself to your friends or anyone else for that matter!Trust me, if they re your friends there are things about you that they admire just as much.If you really want to drop a few pounds then work on your life style and food habits. I ve heard so many experts boil it down to this...To many calories in, to many pounds on! Extra weight results from to many calories and not enough activity.If you aren t active on a daily basis then change. You don t have to join a gym to get exercise. You can do something different everyday. Just get your body moving and your blood pumping.Here s a you! enjoy you! celebrate you!Gorgeous and attractive are not the same thing. My guess is that you are very attractive.Stop comparing, stay true to you!JamesPossibility is not an accident, it s a choice!

I need help really bad!Weight loss!!!!? -

for the past 2 years i have been seriously overweight. i am 13 years of age and i am 5 4, my weight is now about 185 pounds. this is really scary for me because i am starting to be scared about any future health problems. So if you guys have any good weight loss tips for me than i would love to hear them.

Perhaps you can find some useful information in a web search for twice a day cereal diet .

Your BMI is 31.8 Your really overweight.Underweight = 18.5 Normal weight = 18.5-24.9 Overweight = 25-29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater Exercises 45/1hr a day for 3 or 4 days a week.Eat allot of Vegetables/fruitsWATER is the best choiceetc.

get the book 21 pounds in 21 daysno you don��t have to lose 21 poundsyou can do the diet version for 7 days... its amazing and really healthyif you get the book... email me if you have any question =D

Jenny Craig! Also exercise and plenty of sleep!


I need some dieting and weight loss tips? -

i m 14 and i m finally trying to stick to my diet plan, but i made it myself, and i need some tips advice on the best ways to loose diet plan is pretty much this:- only one can of pop every other day- fast food only once a week- cut down on snacks- drink juice, water, and tea- be careful on carbs [like pizza, bagels, etc]- do at least 50-100 crunches every day or twice a dayright now i drink about 2 cans of pop a day, and eat fast food almost everyday, and i really want to be a size 1/3 by next fall, right now im about:size: 5/7weight: 134-140-ishheight: 5 5 shirt size: mediumhoodie size: largei want to lose at least 5-10 lbs by summerthen by summer time i will start exersizing more and keep eating that way stuff. and then i ll aim to lose 10-15 more you think that diet plan will work okay? what are some other tips that will help me lose more weight or lose weight easier. i also really hate my stomach and want that to be flat.and i know, everyone on yahoo answers says your body is perfect, dont lose weight PLEASE PLEASE DONT TELL ME THAT!! i m also going to try to eat more fruit and drink alot of water, but its hard for me to not eat late, like past 7 p.m for example, because im always hungry at night, and the only time i can eat fresh fruit is at my grandmas house on weekends, because my mom wont buy it!!

i would suggest to cut out soda and fast food completely until you reach your goal weight.and instead of doing crunches (which don t really work) you should do 30-40mins of cardio like running/jogging/walking. count your calories every single day. you should consume between 1200-1400 cals a day. and try hard not to eat after 7pm. you dont want food sitting in your stomach while your sleeping. and you are very lucky to be only 14 and have a fast metabolism because if you were 19/20 and eating and drinking the way you do now you d probably be 20 lbs what you eat girl!

Do more cardio. Crunches are good, but cardio is going to make you lose fat much better. Go jogging, play a sport, or do a workout video. I have an elliptical at my house and I go to the gym, but when I need some variation in my workout routine I do a Denise Austin workout video. She has great ones!

Dieting is not easy. If it were, we would probably all be thin. Since we are not,here are some tips that successful people use to lose weight so that others can benefit, too. Check out for all info regarding weight loss.

sounds very sensible to me , but don t lose go under 125 pounds( this is the minimum you should be, but sounds very inspiring and not obsessive and unrealistic ...( i might do the same)x

u can exercise more...i love sport like it

My personal opinion is that by combining exercising and healthy eating, it is very likely that you will lose weight. Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water and eat balanced meals. Try to eat your meals 5-6 times a day but cut down the portion and of course, eat healthily. This can help you to keep your metabolism going, and you will not feel hungry easily. If you feel a need to snack at night, maybe you can go for low fat yogurt, or just a cup of low fat milk? Try not to eat too much at night if it is possible.Next, exercising is very important for you lose weight successfully. Choose something you like to do whether it is swimming or dancing, etc. When you do something you like, you will not give up so easily. If you are lazy, you can just take some walks for 20 minutes a day or do some intensive household chores for your parents. You can workout and keep your house clean and nice at the same time! Look out for more weight loss tips at my source if you think what I recommended to you isn t enough. Good luck.

Sounds like you are doing some good things to cut back. That is good. You probably don t need to lose as much weight as you think. It is all about how you look and feel not your body weight. As you have probably heard...muscle weighs more than fat. First of all you can t go wrong by cutting down on the pop. Eventually cutting it out except for special occasions or say once a week with your cheat meal would be great. You should stick with eating the things you love that may not be so healthy once a week. Otherwise your dieting will get old quick and you will give up. I m not going to say you need a st rick diet because you are young and it sounds like your not in as bad of shape as you think. But it is always good to try to eat healthier. Surprisingly as it may seem eating 4-6 small meals (about half the size of a regular meal) consisting of healthy foods will speed your metabolism and cause you to lose body fat. Don t worry about the not eating after 7 thing. Just go with don t eat 3 hrs before bed. If you could do the 4-6 meal plan which means you eat every 2-3hrs you wouldn t be hungry at night. Those meals could be a healthy snack such as yogurt and a granola bar or an apple with peanutbutter. I think the low to moderate carb thing is good. Don t try the no carb. If you want something with alot of carbs in it just eat it early in the day so your body has time to burn the carbs as energy. Hopefully these tips help. In my opinion... from what it sounds like to me you could achieve your goals by just adding 20minutes of cardio 3 times a week. I would suggest circuit training. A speed up slow down technique. Say you want to run... Run as fast as you can until you have to stop and catch your breath. Then walk until you are breathing normal and start running again. Repeat this for 20 min. If you can t do that much work your way up to it. Adding weight training 3 days a week will intensify this. If your not into exercise your diet may help you. It will just take longer. The crunches are a great addition. They are great for posture and will tone the muscles underneath but they will not burn much body fat. They will make your abdominal muscles tend to suck in to where you will appear thinner though. One time everyother day is enough for abs. You can go everyday but you should only do them once. If you do them right you won t feel like doing them If you have any questions feel free to email me. I just like to help people out. I have a daughter a few years older than you so I wouldn t steer you wrong. Good luck you shouldn t have a problem losing the weight.

Okayyy, To admit its not so much of a good plan, change it more to this ;1) Try not drinking pop. Drink Lots of water 5-8 Glasses. If you get bored of water, go Drink some pure juice. Pop Has Empty calories, Its something you want to avoid xD2) QUIT THE FASTFOOD. yes yes its really good, but try not to think about it. Go Get salad, or sushi, or Even chinese. Kick those burgures away from your head, cause they just add on to calories. I Watched super size me and i never look at mcdonalds i use to when i was a kid.I am a huge fan of icecaps, which arnt so good for you, but once a month i buy a small one made with milk giving it 180 calories. :P3) Forget the mars, Trix, Oh Henry and hershy chocolate bars. I Eat kelloges Bars, Only 90 calories per bar. Dont eat any chocolate such as reese or hershy, cause they all range between 280-330 calories, and those are low in protein and high in fat, sugur and sodium. 4) DRINK GREENTEA! It boosts up your metobolisim, meaning it digusts your food much faster. :) 5) Eat pizza maybe once a month, and get a veggie pizza with whole grain crust. It may have more calories, but thats because it has LOADS of proteins to keep you going for the day.6) Dont overdue exersicing, remeber you can gain alot of muscle, making you look a bit more overweight. Pilatates Are the best thing to do. They tone your body, giving you more of a slim look. Also get on the bike once a week for 20-30 mins, and Do some crunches like you are today. :) This helped me alot over the year, and i went from 130 to 120 pounds.Do not stress this over, just eat healthy, drink lots of water, lay off fast food and exercise and you will be your dream weight in no time

you dont need to starve or deprive yourself. for a workable diet here is what my dietician suggests . follow a practical diet. start your meal with a soup or a huge salad. this fills u up. Make sure your plate has this ratio - 50 per cent veg, 25 per cent carb.remember potatoes, corn and peas come in carbs category, 25 per cent protein.this will prevent cravings too.have a protein shake if you like occassional treat is OK. have a snack every three hours. fruit ideally berries, or soy nuts. just 2 tbsp of soya subsides hunger pangs. switch from white rice and bread to brown. eat 900gms of veggies a day.Lose a kilo a week. that is permanent loss. pick an exercise regime you like. get a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps everyday.

TRY MY NEW DIET. CUZ I EAT THE SAME WAY YOU DO AND IM TRYING TO CUT DOWN.ok well im about 5 4 and 170. im just trying to loose some of my mid section. 40 - chest32 - waist41- hipsas you can tell my body is portioned ok, but im just trying to loose some of my mid section.i started working out on wednesday. i use a stepper. it really makes me sweat in like ten minutes. so i started working out and i work out for 35- 40 min a day. i do over 5,000 steps a day.for breakfast i eat a bowl serving size of special k, a fruit cup, and i drink tea with splendalunch i eat smart one meals 260 calories and i add in a fiber on bardinner probably a fruit tryiing to loose 20lbs by christmas well by january. im not eating any thing fried, and i cut out snacks like m m. cookies chips etc. i drink water and flavored packets to add in water.

My wife has tried all sorts to lose weight but nothing has worked just as good as the wu yi tea that she drinks, it s been covered on CNN and Fox News. She shed 9 pounds in three weeks. She buys it from a contact at work but I discovered this site in Google; - they have a free trial on at the moment, maybe they re worth a try?

You need to talk to your mum and tell her how you feel about wanting to eat a healthier diet and lose weight. Try doing a bit of research on healthy eating to persuade her it s a good thing and hopefully you will then have more support and more healthy snacks available.You are actually a healthy weight but if you eat junk food every day then maybe you are suposed to be naturally lighter. What you are doing to cut down at the moment it good and will improve the way you feel and give you more energy.Try to do more exercise and continue the great work but don t become obsessed with weighing yourself or anything like that and don t ever go lower then you re original weight goal of 5-10lbs. Good luck!

You re diet plan is fine. But definitely do not eat fast food and don t eat food late. Cutting down your crabs is fine.try to get your mom to buy fruit. It s a good snack and filled with vitamin, minerals and all that good stuff. I m happy that you re putting in more physical activity, but go easy at first if you re not always active. I see that your goal is 50-100 crunches a day. If you re lazy (like me) try 10 or 15 crunches one week, then next week add 5 more crunches, and the next week 5 more crunches until you get at 50. Any physical activity helps to burn fat, and I m told it releaves stress and stuff, so go for it. But try to chose a physical activity you like. I like DDR, so I play DDR. It s probably not good for my eyes, but hey, I m having fun... Or go walking (but you ll have to walk about an hour before you start to lose fat. sorry. Unless you re vigorously walking.) You can exercise with a friend (but make sure you guys won t be talking about stuff instead of exercising.) Be careful when you re checking your weight RIGHT after you exercise. Cuz you could have just lost water weight instead of fat weight.I m told that more aerobic exercise burns fat faster. I m not sure. But don t panic if you re not burning as much fat as you think you should. Girls lose weight slower than men (it s true. SO UNFAIR.)The ugly thing about going on a diet is that not something that you put on like clothes and take it off when you re done with it, it s a lifestyle that you adopt. So you re going to have to make sure that you LIKE your diet or you ll be more tempted to get off it. Choose healthy foods that you like, and like i said before, choose exercise that you like. Just a little tidbit: You re ideal body weight is 125 pounds. If you re about five pounds around there you re fine, maybe even ten pounds around there, I m not entirely sure.You can ask me later how I figured that out, it s easy, but I think this answer s getting too long, so I ll stop here.

Foods to speed up your metabolism and weight loss tips? -

i really want to loose 11 pounds. i have already lost 10 pounds but i cant seem to loose the rest. For my diet i have been eating really healthy, drink heaps of water and green tea and running for 30 min every day (over time increasing the speed) and doing yogalaties. Its been going good so far but in the last 8 weeks (i ve been doing the diet for 6 months so far) i haven t lost anymore weight and i still have a really fat stomach and massive upper thighs. I really feel bad about myself because i still feel really fat and have a bad BMI. i want to have a BMI range in the middle of healthy, but I m still not there. Does anyone know any foods that will help me loose weight, speed up my metabolism, some really low calorie food (e.g. carrots not 0 calorie soup) and some other exercise tips? Your help would be really appriceated. :-)

You might like this site:http://www.yummydietfood.comEating foods with natural ingredients in them (avoid hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, etc.) will help your body lose weight and even help keep it off.

Green vegetables, especially leafy greens such as spinach, collard greens, etc. , contain a lot of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is necessary for your liver to make enzymes to cleanse itself. If your liver is not clean enough it is hard to lose weight. I always feel better eating a plate of vegetables in the evening and start losing weight faster.I hope you are sleeping enough, if not you may have higher cortisol levels which cause belly fat.

i heard celery has negative calories and oatmeal, grapefruit, green tea, and fish are really great diet foods! i think you should continue what you are doing now congrats and good luck!

Here are some tips to loss your weight that you haven t read any where before for sure. Check @��

Spicy foods and drinking about a glass water before every meal seemed to have helped me last year.

It IS possible for food to help the process of weight loss. Check out this article for information about diets that work.��

Eat breakfast, lunch, you ll burn those off, a small dinner and not before bed.

Keep Metabolism Steady. Eating one small meal (such as a potato, a salad, etc.) every three hours that you are awake will not speed up your metabolism, rather, it will keep it going. Your metabolism goes and slows with your food intake and eating something small every three hours will keep that metabolism burning calories and will help you lose weight. A jar of nuts in the office will do just fine, grab a handful when you feel like it. Most fruits can last for a couple days without refrigeration, and if you have a refrigerator at the office, make use of it.Lift Weights. The more muscle your body has, the more calories your body burns, even at rest. Many people are afraid of getting huge due to weight lifting but the fact is you won t!, Many huge body-builders out there have been body-building for years to get huge. If you just do cardiovascular exercises without lifting weights then you will lose the muscle mass, you will also feel weak and it will take longer to lose that fat. So, to get rid of that fat quickly lift weights combined with cardiovascular exercises. Running, biking, swimming, stair climbing, jumping rope, tennis, volleyball, dancing, squash or any other activity that gets you moving and keeps you moving is a great way to burn fat. However, a cardiovascular workout should be performed for at least 20 to 30 minutes to burn fat. Prior to this your body will simply run on its stored energy, which results in minimal fat loss. Cardiovascular training should always be done after your weight lifting workout. While lifting weights, you use stored, (carbohydrate) energy, thus, by performing cardiovascular exercises after weight training your body will have less stored energy to use and go straight into the fat storage for its energy use. The overall best way to shed fat fast is to do cardiovascular exercises right when you wake up. Your body will search for energy to use, and when it finds nothing in your stomach, it will go directly to your fat reserves for energy.I also had the same problem but a friend of mine advices me to go in a fitness touring, since I love vacations I tried it and you will feel the difference after the tour. gives the best program and healthy trip.

I am 15. am i over weight? -

I am 15, i weigh 170 lbs. i am male. i was wondering if i am? if i am what are some like weight loss tips yall can give me, or like a fruit or something that Cleanses my body and boosts my Metabolism, and energy. and also gets all the crap out of my system. so i can be cleansed and it helps the weight melt away. or just ur advice on what to do. plz help. thanks

Obesity isn t solely based on age and weight. Height is a factor also! If you re 5 0 tall, then yes, you re overweight, if you re 6 0 tall, then no. there are plenty of websites that you can go to to find your bmi. is one of them. As far as fruits that can cleanse your body, prunes are all that I know of. Have fun with that! lol You definitely don t want to eat prunes all day at the age of 15, especially if you re active in sports like football! You ll be running off the field all day. Get my drift? You can find all of that information at!

it really depends on how tall you are and how much muscle you have? age doesnt matter with weight.

Nobody can tell you if you re overweight unless you tell us how tall you are.

Do the colon clense diet enter it into google

What is your best weight loss tip? I am asking excluding exercise, more eating tips? -

This can include when/what you eat.

Water, however, plenty of really fat people drink lots of water, so how can water help? A nutritionist told me how and when to drink water for weight loss, along with healthier food choices and some exercise. I tried it and have lost 20 pounds (20 more to go). I recently read the same diet advice in one of the weekly women s magazines. For weight loss: drink 10 oz of water right before a meal--chug it, don t sip--and then sip more during your meal. If you can t down the whole 10 oz at once drink as much as you can. Don t drink water without food unless you re thirsty and always drink water when you eat anything, even a cracker. Weight loss is only achieved when you burn more calories than you take in, but hunger and apetite kill our efforts. Water helps you remain fuller longer and helps eliminate apetite.It s virtually painless. You will visit the bathroom frequently at first, but your body will adjust. I cannot eat more than 3 or 4 meals per day. 5 or 6 small meals are not satisfying. I ve increased my veggies and still have dessert. Eat when you re hungry, not by the clock. I believe this method is not widely published because there s no way to make money from it--it s just water!

Get the help you are looking from - Get Fast weight loss, weight loss tips, weight loss stories, weight loss help and the motivation you require to lose weight. Right now I have an aim to lose 40 pounds... which motivated me research more easy, and healthy weight loss methods which I report on my fast weight loss site . I think the key to get success in life is to keep on learning good things from where ever you get.

Avoid go to sleep after you eat.

Try cider vinegar. You can add a spoonful to half a glass of water, along with a spoonful of honey. stirl well. You can take that like 15 mins before a main meal.

Losing weight comes down to this...Waste more calories then you take in...Its simple..Be active..Run,bike, swim, whatever you do to have fun,release stree..Just be active

Drink water before each meal to make you feel fuller. Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day. Although they say to divide your weight in half and that is how many ounces of water you should drink each day.Moderation and portion control are key. If you deny yourself some of your favorites you are more apt to binge. Start to try some of the fat free versions of your favorite foods and see if you can t lower the fat content in some of your favorite recipes.Pay close attention to the serving sizes on packages a lot of times we think something is one serving when it is actually 2 if not more.If you have a habit of mindless snacking there are a lot of great prepackaged 100 calorie snacks out there to help you keep your portions in check.

eat more veggies and cut out the meats, fatty foods and basically anything sweet to the taste (except fruit).

I drink a ton of water, and I pretty much cut soda out completely (usually about 1 can/week, sometimes not even that). When I first stopped drinking it, I lost about 10 lbs or so, and it was noticeable in my tummy. I also eat small meals or snacks (fruit, crackers and such) every few hours and drink water before each meal (it really does work). Oh yeah, and don t eat after a certain time. I have dinner before or by 7, then I usually allow myself 1 last small snack about an hour or so later (I stay up late, and it would be too hard to go the rest of the night w/o eating NOTHING).Good Luck and whatever you do, make sure it s healthy for you

read tips on weight loss and dietary needs on this site

all u have to do is limit ur eating and if ne1 call u fat hold yo head up hi and let dem no dat ur not fat ur sexii suculant

In my opinion it all comes down to what you put in your mouth and how many calories are in it. Sad to say but in order to lose weight you need to reduce your calorie intake. In a perfect world you should eat healthy things instead of sugar, fats etc. but in the end if you choose to eat one meal of ice cream (estimated 300 calories) or a big salad with beans (estimated 150 calories) its all about the calorie intake.It is said that for every pound you weigh you should eat 7 calories (The Biggest Loser Handbook). As you lose weight, i.e. 2 pounds then you would subtract 14 calories, and so on.I am trying this method and at the same time trying choose healthy foods. It doesn t hurt that I am a vegan which limits my choices.Good luck

Avoid all processed foods. That is to say anything that is premade. Cook your own food. Also eat lots of RAW fruits and veggies. Although you are not looking for exercise advice, I would also add that it is NECESSARY for weight loss. Eating well is not enough on its own. You need to both eat well exercize.

I tried a diet that my nutrisionist recommended and it helped me loose 32 lbs in 1 month. I had fruit for breakfast my heaviest starches for lunch for example rice, beans, pasta ect. then for dinner I would eat something light usually broth yogurt and a grill chicken salad with no dressing i felt full the whole time but i did loose plenty of weight

Drink Water 20 or so minutes before you eat, thirst and hunger give the body the same message. and most the time people are thirsty not hungry. If you are still hungry after that then eat smaller portions. The water will also make you feel fuller so you wont eat as much

Eat smaller meals, more frequently. For example, have soup before you eat dinner... you won t eat as much.

i didnt uuse a diet i just ate my dinner and breakfast and lunch but didnt eat much and i have to tell u running is the best answer 30 minutes daily u ll get used to it and u ll love it

Keep a food journal and write EVERYTHING down. A lot of people sneak in a ton of calories they don t need, and keeping an accurate log will help prevent that. Also, a food journal can help you identify things that might trigger you to binge. Good luck!

Weight Loss/ Hoodia sample works for me! It s a good alternative. I suddenly stopped binging for more sweets and carbs. So I guess, that only means it s effective. Check out this site and know more about the product details.

No sugar!Also, whenever you feel like eating, go to bed and sleep instead: You Snooze, You Lose! (Just kidding...)