Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Raw Diet For Weight Loss? -

Recently, I went on a vegan diet, it turned out pretty ok, though I lost interest because I couldn t eat a whole lot. I know the raw veggies and fruits are best to eat because of the wholesomeness. Is this a healthy diet though or should I just stick with being a vegan again? Also, does milk classify under this raw diet? I know it doesn t include vegan diets because its from an animal but I want to go on a raw diet just for the pure benefits of healthy weight loss. I just would like to know if it s healthy enough for me?

I m vegan and I recently lost weight.I still ate cooked foods.I have several vegan cookbooks so i don t really get bored.When I lost weight this is what I ate for the with a little bit of rice protein and 1 piece of toast with jellysnack=nutslunch=beans and ricesnack=bowl of raw fruits and veggiesdinner=something from cookbookI m not sure if milk is okay on the raw diet.but I know it really helps weight loss because raw fruits and veggies are low calorie foods,you can also eat nuts on raw diet,so yeah I think it is safe.On tyra banks they featured raw diet on it.To make it safe eat these foodsbroccoli=calcium,ironnuts=zinc,proteinother veggies=beta carotenefruits=vitamin ceat something with vitamin c when you eat something with iron because it helps increase absorptiontyra banks show link��

I have had great results with an all natural product called Isagenix. I didn t have to just eat veggies, but I got all the required nutrition from this.This product is only available by distributor.If you would like more information please email me at

It seems that everybody wants to lose weight. But when most people say they want to lose weight, what they really mean is they want to lose weight without altering their current lifestyle. They want to lose weight without changing the foods that they eat, or without getting up off the couch, turning off the television, and engaging in regular physical exercise. Not surprisingly, there is a huge market that offers shortcuts to weight loss through cosmetic surgery, diet pills, nutritional supplements, and various diets -- such as the Atkins Diet. There s a growing group of people who leap from one weight loss fad to another, in search of the one thing that s going to finally help them lose weight without having to alter the foods they eat. People don t want to give up their soft drinks; they don t want to give up pizza, and ice cream, and fast food. And they sure don t have time to go out and exercise on a regular basis. So the shortcuts market is absolutely astounding -- $9.4 billion was spent last year on cosmetic surgery alone, and hundreds of millions more were spent on weight loss pills, fat burning nutritional supplements, and low-carb foods. It s a tremendous market, and the public seems to be more than willing to keep spending money on these items, even though the real answers are to be found in something entirely different. The reality of weight loss is that there are no shortcuts! You can have cosmetic surgery to remove fat from your thighs, or the back of your arms, but if you continue eating the way you ve been eating, your body will just deposit the fat somewhere else on your body -- usually in a place that looks even stranger than when it was on your hips. Even if the cosmetic surgery works out for you, it doesn t alter your blood chemistry, your cardiovascular health, or your level of physical fitness. Meaning that you are just as unhealthy after the surgery as you were before, even though you may physically show less body fat. Something similar is true with foods as well. Many people continue to eat a diet high in refined carbohydrates, added sugars, and obesity-promoting ingredients, such as high-fructose corn syrup. Then in an attempt to lose weight, they will take a couple of weight loss pills each day, and hope that those pills will some how counteract the entire day of eating unhealthy, obesity-promoting foods. It just doesn t work this way. If you really want to lose weight, you ve got to do two things. First you have to avoid foods that promote obesity and weight-gain. These are the foods that are consumed by the vast majority of Americans, and are the ones that are the most popular in grocery stores and restaurants. Any food that s processed or manufactured is very likely to promote obesity, or some other chronic disease. Foods made with refined white flour or refined sugar, for example, will undoubtedly alter your blood sugar levels and tell your body to start storing fat. Foods high in saturated animal fats, such as red meat, or foods that are high in hydrogenated oils, like margarine or shortening, will also pack on the body fat, and harm your cardio-vascular health at the same time. Achieving a healthy body weight absolutely requires taking these foods out of your diet for the rest of your life. You can have either soft drinks and processed foods, or a healthy body weight -- but not both. In fact, much of the foods available today in the national food supply are simply incompatible with a healthy body weight, no matter how much surgery you undergo, and no matter how many weight loss supplements you attempt to take. The other part of the equation here is physical exercise. The human body simply won t shed excess body fat without engaging in regular physical exercise. Physical exercise gives you a much higher metabolism; it helps you burn calories, even while you re sitting or sleeping. It also increases your lean body mass -- especially when you engage in strength training -- and that results in even more calories being burned when you are at rest. Physical exercise, in fact, modifies your body chemistry in a way that helps your body better use refined foods such as breads or pasta. When you eat those foods without engaging in physical exercise, you re automatically going to add weight. But when you have an extremely fit body that engages in regular exercise, such as jogging, swimming, walking, or biking, you can get away with eating a few processed foods. But still you have to limit your intake of processed foods if you want to maintain a healthy body weight. In my own case, I engage in rather vigorous physical exercise several times per week, typically putting in 10 hours of exercise each week. And even then, I don t allow myself to eat any breads or pasta or refined carbohydrates of any kind. I don t consume breakfast cereals; I don t drink fruit-drinks or consume soft drinks. And what I ve found is that if I eat a piece of bread or have a sandwich, then those refined carbohydrates alter my blood sugar in a way that makes me extremely hungry three or four hours later. If I had eaten a high protein meal, or a meal high in healthy fats and fibers, I wouldn t be hungry so quickly. So it is these processed foods that are in fact causing the obesity in the first place. And consuming diet pills or weight loss supplements simply isn t the answer to long-term weight loss. The answer is to look at your lifestyle, examine what you re doing wrong that needs to be corrected, and then have the courage to make the changes that will bring you into a healthy body weight and keep you there for life.

Healthy Weight Loss.? -

Okay, here is the deal. I m 14 years old, about 5 10 and around 145 pounds. My BMI is 20.8, so I am in the healthy range for my age and height. However, I am unhappy with my body, my parents say I m going to grow more and that I ll just stretch out, but I would like to tone up a bit. Any suggestions on healthy ways to lose some weight? (Actually, it s less about losing weight, more about just toning.)?

Here are a couple websites for tips on healthful eating: American Dietetic Association -- www.eatright.orgThe new Food Pyramid guidelines -- www.pyramid.govThey say to (gradually due to potential stomach gas) increase one s fiber intake of fruits, vegetables and (100 %) whole grains for fullness and health.And 3500 calories = 1 pound (of fat) So that in order to lose 1-2 lbs of weight each week (recommended Not to lose more than 2 lbs a week or it s really just water and muscle loss), that one would need to burn at least 3500 calories within a week. And this can be done by embarking on some type of cardio(vascular activity) such as walking, low-impact (easier on knees and other joints) aerobics, elliptical machine, treadmill -- anything to get one s heart rate up (to safe level and need to talk with doctor or personal trainer about that). To help calories burn at rest, strength training including hand weights, weight bearing exercises and resistance training (machines though after consulting with professional) can help to build and tone muscle.

The best way known today for weightloss today is by increasing your metabolism. If you exercise mildly for half an hour or more then it will keep the metabolism rate high for about 12 hours. Eat more variety of food and less in quantity. Do not starve because then metabolism will slow down as the body conserves energy. If you want to know more then may be you can read up Other methods of weight loss would be to take Low Gi diets or diets that release energy slowly into your body and metabolism will be faster than that thus reducing your fat deposits as they are burned in metabolism.


Full Body Weight Training 2-3x week (ie, squats, lunges, leg press, smith press, chest/back exercises, core workout)Cardio 3-4x weekEat healthy. You ll love how great you will feel!!

yes your parents are right youve another growth spirt to come yet. so just keep active doing sports that you enjoy are the best ones as they will be lifelong. think about joining a club. maybe your parents would support this

Lift weights. Do about two sets a day. Start off small.

Losing weight? -

i want to lose about 8kgs how do i do this without going to a weight loss program?

You can choose from bicycling, aerobic dance, swimming, walking, and stepping. Your choice will be decided by your physical condition, your history, your interests and your goals. Switch between 2 or more types of aerobic exercises for an excellent workout. You can also alternate between high impact and low impact aerobics. High impact aerobics are harsh on your body and can cause injury. But when you alternate between the two types of aerobics, your chances of injury and overuse of specific muscles decrease.

I would suggest a cleansing diet. I did this and lost 12 pounds and 17 inches in 9 days and then 28 pounds in about a month. I like the program since it works by giving your body nutrition through protein shakes with digestive enzymes and vitamins and then cleansing out the toxins. We get toxins in our bodies from pesticides, preservatives, water, pollution, medications, food additives etc��. These toxins enter our bodies and get coated with fat. To remove the extra fat, we need to get rid of the toxins through cleansing. The program also has a natural diet pill to help your metabolism and curb cravings. It works and it works fast. I lost 30 pounds in 5 weeks and I feel great. My skin has improved as well from the cleansing. You can get more info at this toll free number 1-877-587-4647. I think cleansing is really important to health and weight loss. Give it a try and good luck!

How much weight could I lose in 5 months? -

Im 22 yrs old. I have a medium frame. My biggest problem areas are my butt and thighs. I have been doing taebo and drinkin lots of water. I watch my carb intake and try to eat more veggies than anything. nothing to eat after 8pm. Ive been doing this for a little more than a month (6 weeks) and have lost 18 lbs thus far. Im going to start jogging next week, alternating that and a weight program. Im committed to losing 40-50 lbs in small goals by June. Any suggestions on how to amp it up a bit? I know 2-3 lbs a week is healthy weight loss. Im really looking to tone up as well.

Stair-climbing will be perfect for you. If you have a staircase run up and down it for 30 mins a day for those 5 months and you will really rev up your calorie expending. Do intense stretching before and after.

I will recommend exercising in a REALLY proper way which does not tire you up :)

With total honesty, running/jogging is by far the best thing you can do for your body by way of exercise. The running will burn major calories, so i think you will be surprised by how your muscles will tone up, and appear leaner. The weights are good, just be careful not to work out so much that it increases your appetite. I do cardio 5 days a week, after my weight training, and i do three days of running and two days of walking. The walking seems to help me with my lungs on the run days which is good. Hope this helps.