Saturday, June 18, 2016

Exercises that burn the most calories and helps you lose weight fast??? -

cardio cross train... try the Polar exercise program. it s fantastic and it works!

running. running. running. running. and hmm RUNNING.....but you should start out slowly every other day because once you try to do lets say 1 hour on the first day you will probably get very exhausted and discouraged and might even give up. If you try it for 15 minutes one day then add another 15 minutes gradually each day you will enjoy it and it will become a lifestyle not a chore.

Go running for as long as you can outside. and if you want to make your stomach slimmer, do about 100 sit ups every day (thats what i do) but when you first start do about 25 a day then work your way up.

Anything intense. Do sprint intervals for 20 minutes instead of walking or jogging for 60 minutes.Do super heavy weights instead of just light weights to tone.Things of this nature really kick your body into overdrive.

Go jogging a mile or more every day. It increases endurance, burns fat, and builds muscle.

treadmill, or high intensity weight lifting (meaning a lot of reps and little rest)

high impact aerobics

How to lose i overweight ? -

ok so i am like 5 5 and i weighhh 125-135and im 13 . i dont eat much tho , today i only had a sandwich .ohh go and tell me if i am bigim the one in the back

Hard to tell in the picture, but you really don t look or sound big at all. Relax dear, people would kill to be your size.

PLEASE READ THIS.PLEASE READ THIS.PLEASE N THANK YOUhey i went on a cabbage soup diet and i think i lost like 5 or 4 pounds but you have to do it for 7 days to lose 10 pounds but u cant do it for like 2 weeks in a row just go on google and type in cabbage soup diet and you will find all the info u need, and it will work just do wat it says to do k then i hope i could help with my answer!go on this website:

No, u re not overweight...u can do some sit - up at home, it s a good exercise..

noou should not try to lose any weight

your fine =]

just post a pic upand you ight b liek a 3 pounsd overweight

Ur not overweight probely normal but if u do ant to loose a few exercise diets never work

nah you are fine