Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Any ideas on how to lose weight? -

Wow, what a broad topic...anyways, I ve tried dieting and i ve tried excercising. I ve done both of these at once. I ve tried varying my excercie routine so my body doesn t get used to the routines... I don t drink soda, I don t eat candies or things with lots of sugars or grease, and yet, I m still stuck at 150!!!!!!! I feel grossly fat because I am 5 5 at about 149Ibs. yet, everthing i m trying isn t working.And no I will not stick my finger down my throat, or anything else like that. I need people to be serioius, I want my husband to think I m beautiful, and while he tells me I am now, I know that he worries about my health, and so do I. Please help me...(BTW extra fact, I am under the age of 21, if that has anything to do with like, excercise plans...)

First, go to Use the website to set up a plan for calorie intake. Try to be right around 2000 calories a day total. Set up foods f or yourself that are mainly proteins (meat, fish, eggs, etc) and green vegetables. Limit or eliminate grains (breads, noodles, etc.) and reduce fats where you can.. Limit fuit, though it��s a great healthy snack or pick me up.Set up an exercise program that include both cardio and weight training. Cardio is great, but weights build muscles, which tear through carlories fast, and keep doing so for a long time after your done working out. Do a google search for bodybuilding to get instructions on weight exercises. Drink water. Lots of it. At your weight, at least 75 ounces a day. Dump soda��s and juices. Get a good vitamin supplement and track your vitamin intake also, make sure your getting everything you need.

Have you tried Weight Watchers, I have started it and don t to much exercising it works. I use to not eat breakfast and most of the time was too busy to eat lunch, my body was storing the extra fat so I wasn t losing anything. I stated WW and I eat more (I do the POINTS they also have the CORE program) food and even the ww ice creams. It works you should try that. Good luck

hmm. well right now your bmi ( body mass index) is 24.9, which is .1 from being overweight. which is not good. but im here to help! you said you ve tried dieting and excercising, but have you stuck to both of them for a very long time??????? it doesnt happen overnight. if your looking for support, go to a weight watchers meeting. but if you can t afford it. just start small. right down what you eat, and how much you eat, at what time you eat, and how you feel, like if you feel stuffed, content or still hungry. and eat every 3 to 5 hours. 5 to 6 SMALL meals a day. don t eat less than 1200 calories a day. if your excercising i d say 1500-1600 . eat veggies, fresh fruits, lean stuff like grilled chicken, nuts, dairy products. make sure your eating the serving size and not more. don t eat when you listen to music or tv , because then you can t tell when your not hungry anymore. eat slowly over a time period of 20 minutes. if not, just eat slowly. for excercise , the easiest thing is to get off your butt, and WALK! go to walmart, buy some dumbells, start off small like 2 pounds, and then overtime increase to 8 pounds. get stablitiy ball, and buy a magazine like shape. its only liike 3 dollars and they have good weight loss tips, and good excercise programs, and good motivational stuff. remember losing weight and toning up takes time. no starvation diets or fad diets here! how you feel in a journal. take a picture of yourself, and then when your losing weight, you can take pride in how far you ve come, and have faith, in how far you can go! don t deny yourself stuff. like if ur craving chocolate, eat a piece of dove dark chocolate which is like 50 calories. dont eat a lot of takeout food. no more than 3 times per week. remember that your doing this for your health. you can do it, you just gotta believe in yourself. GOOD LUCK :-)

I know how you feel--- I am a very active person but it seem know matter how much I diet and exercise i did my weight stayed the same, until I did a full body cleanse. After I did my full body cleanse I started to look and feel better, in the first week I lost 5lbs and the couple of weeks after I would lost at lease 3lbs a week.CHECK OUT --RENU HERBS. COM they have some great products that are all natural. Try the colon cleanser and the parasite cleanse, most people don t know that parasites are some of the reason why we can not lost weight, once you get all of that out of your system your body start to get back on track.... look up the web site for more info--- it changed my life!!!!!!

You are what you too, no soda and I also try to avoid greasy/sugar foods. (not perfect though of course) . I have gone from 228 pounds of pure fat, down to 169 pounds slim and in the best shape of my life. too keep it fun and simple which it is not here is how it worked for me. 1. dont be lazy, start waking up early and have a glass of water and 30 min cardio work out, if you have to wake up an extra hour earlier before work push yourself and sweat and start fresh.2. try to eat, sleep, wake, etc. around the same time everyday, be strong your body and mind will follow and be on your side.3. fiber..fiber..fiber, whole wheat bread, plus spaghetti or whole wheat spaghetti noodles and fruits.4. mix up your routines at gym or type of cardio and dont cheat, make it a challenge for ex. if you go on the treadmill and in 30 minutes you jogged or power walked 2 miles, next time go for 2.1/2.2. 5. know what you ate for the day, eating is the most important factor i believe, exercising is second, for energy take a pill or drink coffee, dont worry its not going to kill you like everyone says and it does help.

Whats a good, QUICK way to lose weight fast? ? -

i need soem good tips....i need to lose some of this wight around the front of my tummy fast. i need to slim down a little and try to get!!!?

If you want to lose weight, the key is to burn more calories than you take in. To do that, exercise and a healthy diet are the things you need to do. For a healthy diet, you should be eating 6 small meals a day. A breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and a dessert. When you have 6 meals a day it keeps your metabolism up and is actually healthier to eat more. But, the meals should be mostly healthy, but for dessert give yourself a nice treat every once in a while. For exercise, you need to make sure you don��t overdue it. A good exercise I enjoy doing is Pilates for weight lose. You can buy that DVD at target. It works great. Also, you can run, power walk, do crunches, sit-ups, a sport, swim, an exercise ball and just having your heart pumping and making u sweat is when u no the workout is working. You can even walk to get your mail at your mailbox, climb stairs, and even walk from room to room and it is a workout. Keep doing this and you will see results. Also, if you want to build muscle lift weights. But just remember that muscle weighs more than bone so if u get rid of fat and end up getting muscle, you will gain more but still look good! Hope I helped!!! Thx! (:

Best way to lose weight fast is go for Phentermine 37.5 mg pills ,if you seriously wants to reduce weight just mail me at , i will give you the best medication to lose weight.100% sure it will work,guaranteed .. i have been doing the same from long time i am helping other people as well to reduce some weight and look slim. People might criticize you for doing that but you are the best judge . so feel free to contact me at any point of time .

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and greens daily. Eat as much fruit as you desire before each meal and either consume a green smoothie daily or large green salad.Greens and fruits not only contain all the nutrients your body needs but will also help you fight any cravings. Just make sure you eat enough.Exercise daily and pick something you enjoy otherwise you wont stick. Get plenty of fresh air and sunlight.Have more self awareness.Good luck :)

Try the lil Jack workout��Merry Christmas��

green tea will let you sit on your *** and lose fat but only a tiny amount, you have to do exercise to go with it. this is why most asians arent fat because they drink tea.

There is no fast way to lose weight. 1-2 lbs per week is healthy and normal.It s all about burning more calories than you consume. Ditch the junk food and get some exercise.

If you want to get abs eat steak, do some russian twist, sit ups, track, and what ever else. Oh maybe some yoga, that is pretty good.

Green tea, apples, meat - and no eating after 6!!!

hope this helps there is no quick weight lose just eat what s good for you and work out good luck