Friday, November 22, 2019

6-pack for girls.. help :]? -

heyyI always excersize, and don t eat much.. but I want a 6-pack.I realize that if you barely eat anything and burn 5 gazillion morecalories than you eat.. you will lose weight.. QUICKLY!But... fill this out. For girls boys.For Girls:Whats the best excersize to get a 6-pack [ abs ] ?Whats the fastest excersize to lose calories ?Know any ways to lose weight FAST ?I have went without eating before like 2 days and stuff..but I want to know good foods to eat and still lose weight.!?For guys to get a 6-pack: [ for my brothers :) he already has a 4pack but he has no fat on him soo... ]Whats the best excersize to get a 6-pack [ abs ] ?In General :1. Do 6-packs stay when you get them?2. Do you think 6-packs in the opposing sex are hot or not? Just tell me anything else you know bout em :]][[ the first person to answer all questions for girls, boys, and in generel in depth about them will be givin best answer ]]thankks 33

the key is not eating less in this case but eating ENOUGH. muscle takes more calories to build up and maintain than just being thin. if you aren t eating enough you could do all the abs exercises in the world and NEVER get those abs poppin.for girls and guys:THERE IS NO ONE SINGLE EXERCISE THAT IS BEST FOR ABS. ab muscles respond best to a variety of exercises and constantly switching up your routine so they never get used to any combination of exercises. for best 6-pack potential you must be eating enough food, but not too much...there is a really fine line here. to see abs you ve got to be in between 14-18% body fat for women. so if you are above this you must use a combination of proper eating (eating 6 small meals every 2-3 hours instead of 3 squares or hardly any at all) this prevents your body from storing calories as fat and makes your body use them immediatly for fuel. in addition to proper caloric intake you must use high intensity cardio exercise (interval training works best) paired with total body weight training (include your abs workout in here too). this combo in addition to proper eating habits is a potent way to get a 6-pack. once you acheive a 6-pack you must continue to work at it otherwise you ll lose it. ab muscles are like every other muscle in your body...if you don t use it, you lose it. i think 6-packs are hot in either sex because they say a lot about your sense of self discipline and your commitment to being fit. while i m not a fan of huge body builder abs in women, i do like the more slightly defined ones because they are more feminine looking. if you are really really really interested in this subject i m going to recommend you read the abs diet by david zinczenko because its more complicated then i have room or time to write here.

To get a six pack you have to have really low body fat like in the teens. I don t think boys like six packs on girls, they might like a flat stomach, but not ripped abs.

for all people a six pack is all about fat content. not exercise.for girls its not good to have a six pack because girls bodies need a certain amount of fat to live and that amount is above the six pack. for boys yes six packs stay but not ripped but just visible. for weight loss look up hiit cardio.

i d just tone ur abs because 6-packs on girls look weird

Does anyone have suggestion for weight loss program for a girl with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? -

Okay, I have not been officially told that I have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) but I have all the symptoms and I have a sister with the condition (it is genetic). I have an extremely hard time losing weight and keeping it off. I really need help! I recently lost as much as 35 pounds but have already put 10 back on. This is so fustrating and very depressing. Can anyone suggest something for me to do that has helped you (especially if you have PCOS)? Thank you for your help.

Detoxify. That s an oversimplification of course. There are plenty of books out there on detoxifying. I would start with eliminating meat, sugar and flour. Try to use organic dairy products. Lots and lots of water! Fresh vegetables and vegetable juices. Whole grains. Try some beginner yoga. Take a lot of walks. Besides weight loss, the additional benefits of detoxifying will be an improvement in PCOS. Hang in there weight loss accompanied by good health will happen for you!

Oh my goodness! Herbalife will absolutely help! We are the #1 Health and Wellness Company in the world and have helped over 50million people to lose weight and get in better health. Herbalife is 100% all natural herbal supplements. Losing weight is so easy-I lost 15lbs my first 3wks. I was 180lbs pushing a size 14, no energy, depressed, allergy/sinus problems. Now I have tons of energy, happy as a clam, sinus/allergy problems are no more and I ve lost 34lbs, over 31 inches and am now in a size 7/6! All you do is 3-2-1. Take your tabs 3x a day, replace 2 meals with a shake ( I make pie : ) ) and have your one regular meal. And it will definetly help with PCOS. Shoot me an email if you re interested in hearing more about us. Look forward to hearing form you!Danielle