Saturday, August 16, 2008


anyone got any good usefull tips on losing about a stone in a month?i really want to lose weight for my birthday bash a size 14 bottom and size 12 up.pleasee helpppadvice dearly

Eat less and excercise more - it is that obvious.

i dont know about a month but if you want to get rid of weight quick i would join a sport like softball or volleyballits fun and you actually do lose weighti lost alot playing football

can be done, just switch to skimmed milk, eat no sweets etc. and eat 3 times a day and not after 7 pm. then exercise (mostly cardio) as much as you can. i exercised 5 days a week for about 2 hrs each day. lost a stone no probs, but thats not a long term plan. consult doctor/fitness instructor for a longterm plan to maintain weightloss.. good luck and stay healthy.. men love women with curves.

healthy food and excersiz

all theeese answers are more or less on point but if you really want to loose it quick, heres what you do:cut all sugars or keep it under 5grams a day, prefably none thoughcut your carbs to near zero as carbs hold water i.e make you look bigger and hold alot of water retentionresearch HIIT, stands for high intensity interval training - i.e walking on treadmill on an incline - this will melt fat of your body like butter on skin, research it for yourself and you ll seeand lower your calories and drink atleast 1.5 - 2litres of water a day, sounds nuts but the more you drink is the more your body gets rid of water as it doesn t have to hold onto as much, member what i said earlier about water retention.I would never advise any of my clients to loose that much weight in such a short space of time as its not healthy on the body, so please do becarful and enjoy that bash of yours,take care love

Forget a stone in a month, such an unrealistic target is asking to fail. Just eat less and do a lot more exercise.

Please ignore that acai rubbish above.Look up acai and scam online.It does not contain more antioxidants than blueberrie and many other fruits, vegetables.Antioxidants do not aid weight loss.The acai bloggers are a mirage.The photographs are digitally manipulated.Many celebs are disassociating themselves from the rubbish. some have a court case pendingThere is a great deal of nonsense on the linked site.There is no such thing as a free sample, they have your credit card details to receive it and people have had to cancel cards to get out of regular payments being taken from their accounts.

try a diet like go lower or weight to go, they are both replacement food diets, but the results are fast, my friend did go lower and lost 2stone in 7 weeks! they are a bit pricy but do work

Get a copy of the Rosemary Conley Diet Fitness Club magazine - it has a complete healthy eating plan to lose up to 7lbs in 2 weeks.You need to do a lot of exercise too - start by running up down the stairs, doing star jumps etc whenever the ads come on TV and jig about to music instead of standing still or sitting at the computer.Good luck

Why is it these days that a large amount of people are asking how to lose weight? -

Can t people realize that they are just consuming too many calories and not burning them fast enough? Why is weight loss such a huge ordeal? Any insights will be appreciated.

Because everyone is looking for the quick fix that does not exist...THE MAGIC PILL!!!!. Not all people are over weight because they eat to much, some do have medical and mental problems. but those that are don t want to work for it. Someday maybe people will realize that there is only one way to lose weight and that is to eat Healthy and exercise.

because no one this year want to be fat

This is America. Our culture has assimilated food into more aspects of life than most other countries. Have you read books such as Fast Food Nation, or Super-Size Me? We are becoming gluttons and the technology we produce only makes life easier (i.e. less exercise). Food is as ubiquitous as water, and cheaper in some cases. Also, current educational practices have been de-emphasizing the importance of physical education and exercise. What do kids do to play these days? Run around and play games, or sit on the couch and play on the computer or PlayStation?

cus they are finally realizing how fat they are lol

How to lose weight and build muscle at home? -

I cannot afford gym equipment or a membership, i am overweight, but also want to build some muscle, not a ton but enough to look toned and fit. how can i do all of this at home? please be specific. thanks :)

I m in the same situation. Try running around your neighborhood. after 4 days to a week run a little further each time to increase the weight loss. jumping jacks are good as well. cardio burns your fat the most. I ve also been told by a personal trainer that if you lift weights after some cardio you ll burn about 500 calories throughout the day after you ve done so. For toning exercises i would suggest doing squats against the wall. push ups, sit ups lunges. Find something heavy around your house thats a good weight for you thats not too easy but pushes your norm such as maybe a backpack with books in it. when bending down to reach for something a little heavy keep your legs straight (not bent) and use your back muscles to work them (do not do this with a heavy weight).

To reach and maintain a healthy weight, you need to eat a diet that contains balanced amounts of carbohydrates and proteins. You should also aim to include five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Your diet should not include too much fat, salt or sugar.Dieters are often tempted by foods labelled as low fat, but low fat does not always mean the food is low in calories. Do not cut out all fat from your diet because your body needs some fat to work properly. However, make sure that you choose unsaturated fats, such as sunflower, or olive oil, rather than saturated fats, such as lard and butter.The best advice is to eat normal foods, but in moderation, and only have fatty foods, like crisps, chocolate and cakes as an occasional treat. The time of day that you eat is also important. You should eat a healthy breakfast soon after getting up, and should try to avoid eating late at night.Slimming pills should only be used if you are obese (extremely overweight) and if your GP has prescribed them for you. Do not buy them for yourself because they can have lots of side effects and will not benefit your long-term health.

first of all look at your diet. search the net for healthy meal recipes and learn what you shoul and shouldnt eat, but make sure your eating properly, dnt starve yourself. + drink lots of water not softdrinks. when you get the diet under control then start with the exercise. i think the best way to exercise is to play a sport like soccer or basket ball orsomething because your mind is on the game nd not on your exustion. but if you cant join a sporting club or gym some exercises you could do at home are: skipping, its a good overall workout and only costs a few bucks for the rope. walking, obliviously haha, if you have a staircase jog up and down that. do lots of unintentional exercise likewalking to the shops, gardening, house cleaning. also, Swimming! its great exercise with out the sweat and give you muscle and good lung captivity as well. A trip to your local swimming pool doesnt cost much. you can make your own weights with milk cartons filled with sand or water, of something of the like. look up weight trainings on the net as well. gud luck and remenber that it takes two weeks to break a habit, but a whole month to make one, so make a plan and dnt break it for a month, but after then it will be ok to take a break for a few days cause you know it will be easy to get back to. =D

Situps will NOT help you lose weight.Walking correctly can:The Science of Walking: need correct information on the foods you need to eat and an at-home exercise plan to build some muscle as every pound of muscle on your body burns 50 calories per day just to exist.Weight Loss 101: Beginner Work-out Routines:

If you are looking for fast diet method, you can use my method. I lost 10 pounds in 30 days. If you are very serious about diet you must have a look this method. It is fast if you know correct information to do diet. You can find more information at bit,ly/dfhrt573 (Please change , to . in the link)

Situps...Start at as many as you can do. Then do that much everyday . Also , eat about 6 veggies fruit a day.Take walks too. And try going for runs if you can.Good Luck :).One of the most important things : Eat Healthy. Excerise , then its EASSY.

Increase your metabolism by 43%Take a fat burner 2 times a day once in the morning after working out and in the afternoon. Fat burners that have green tea in them can raise your metabolism by up to 43%.

The right way to eat to lose weight fasterEat 4-to-5 small (300-to-400 calorie) meals every 4-to-5 hours. That��s 1200-to-2000 calories every day. Women should eat no more than 1200-to-1600 calories a day and see step 9 for the foods you can eat .

P90x ... it may seem like a waste of money but apparently its legit. I don t personally do it. But i took a Kineseology theory class and my professor was a die hard fitness freak... She gave it her approval so it has to be good.

look on youtube for exerciseswell obviously you can do:sit upscurl upsdipsknee push upslungessquatscardio(jump rope jog a mile a day)etc.

Read this��.. then this http://muscle-building-workouts-journal.��

you need a good routine try using this product a great product which will provide you with a routine and make you start losing weight in no time

How to lose weight fast? Losing weight fast with a diet? -

How to lose weight fast is what I want to know about. Can you go about losing weight fast with a diet or??? Thanks for the help!

So want to lose weight fast? Well you can lose SOME weight fast but not a whole ton of it. You will need to put effort into it and be ready to work hard to get the results you want. Weight loss is not all about exercise but a lot about the food you eat. More info can be found at this weight loss website since I am no expert haha.

Above answer? I ve gotten that one don t need ACAI. To lose weight in a healthy way, you must be ready for it. You need to realize that by losing this weight, it will not cure everything. It s a healthy/fit lifestyle you must maintain. Now, before you get scared...realize this. It s a lot easier than everyone makes it out to be. If you are a strong willed and disciplined person, you will succeed. Now, how to lose it fast? Cut out white breads, pasta, potato, ANYTHING starch or carbalicious. (carbs) You can have a piece of toast in the morning, HIGH FIBER. Eat a lot of protein and vegitables. Stick to 1 fruit a day if you re trying to lose it fast. Portion your meals to approximately 400 calories, and eat 4 times a day. Cut out all sugary drinks. So basically, just drink water, unsweetened tea, diet soda (though they DO have aspartame, a possible cancer causing agent...I drink them anyway) and any beverage without calories. Also, run a mile or two a day until you get to the weight you want. Then you can start adding back in MORE fruits, and treats. Again, this is a lifestyle change if you want to be thin. Don t be scared...just do it! You can lose 3-4 lbs a week, more depending how much cardio you do.I believe in you, YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN =)

Anyone trying to lost weight fast should look into the Acai Berry. It is one of the most nutritional foods on earth. The high vitamins and anti-oxidents in Acai contributes to rapid weight loss.

How to lose weight with no time or motivation? -

For the past few years i ve constantly told myself that i need to go on a diet, but i always seem to fail. I don t have enough time to work out, but i also can t cut massive amounts of calories because i become irritable and i end up failing anyways. I also have very little motivation. The other problem is that i dont have much to lose, probably just about 10-12 pounds, so it s very hard to lose those last few stubborn pounds. What should i do???

Just think about how great your body/muscles will look afterwards.

It sounds like you re setting yourself up for failure by going the all or nothing route. You don t have to cut massive amounts of calories - just trim back a couple of hundred calories a day. As for exercise, you don t have to set aside a block of time and do it all at once. Do 5-10 minutes as soon as you get up, then 5-10 minutes walking at lunch, then again in the evening. It will be a slow process especially because you don t have much weight to lose. You shouldn t expect more than about 1-2 lbs. a week. It will work but you have to stick with it.

I can t guess at how many times I ve heard this baby steps ....that makes it so much easier to get started and then build from there. Keep in mind, anything you do by simply starting the process is healthy and effective. Don t look at long term, unrealistic goals...go for each day and take that extra small step. Give yourself 15-30 minutes and walk. Pick yourself up some hand weights and do a few reps of military and french presses. You don t have to start out with a 1 hour routine and don t let weight loss be your primary goal...go for a healthier more fit body. And your irritability could be coming from the foods you re eating. If you re doing sugars, caffeine or bad carbs...white breads etc. that could certainly be causing that. The hardest part is always taking that first step, this I know and understand.

find motvation, because you are missing the whole piont it keeping it off. If I did not have a will or motvation if I did loose the weight I would just gain it back. And get u earler to make time you will get used to the time you wake after a week or so

You have to make time to exercise and you have to plan your diet to ensure you eat healthy. There is no other effective way.

youre fat. give up now.