Monday, September 11, 2006

I lost four pounds in three days? -

Hi guys!So I started a weight loss program three days ago and today I weighed myself and I d lost 4 pounds. Is that okay? I have been burning around 500-1000 calories per day, on my stationary bike. I have drank only water and one bottle of diet coke. Had mostly salads, fruit, oatmeal, vegies and chicken. Am I losing it too quickly and what should I change about my current routine/diet.Thanksxoxoxox

Likely you just dropped water weight. Personally, I can drop 4-5 lbs in a day just in water weight, and the fact that you ve been drinking a lot of water lends to the theory that you reduced your water retention. (the more you drink the less your body stores unnecessarily)

Most of the weight you lost is water weight. And as females, we re more prone to retaining water : / Anyhow, I m sure you lost a bit of fat with all that exercising, so keep on doing what you re doing (but nix the diet coke--even diet sodas can be fattening--drink water or 100% fruit/veg. juice instead).

no that is totally fine ...what you just lost is water wieght...or in simpler way of saying it .. all that sweat you lost while doing the bike ...well it made you lighter...expecially if you was drinking dont be scared if you gain a few pounds back because our bodies onstanly gain and lose weight...sometimes up to 5 pounds in one week but then the next week we would lose it... its wierd you just have to stick with a healthy lifestyle, exersise, be HAPPY =] and eat right and you will see the results in about a month.

that is awsometactic, you really dedicated yourself! i don t think it should be a problem if you just don t let it go out of hand.

You are losing it too quickly. You might want to take some vitamin and mineral supplements also.

its the first 3 days, keep going at it but the 3-4 lb was probably water weight sweat out. i have seen people lose 10-20 lb of water weight in 1 day!

I lose 4 pounds when I ****.

I don t think thats too fast. Congrats on losing weight :)

this is the plan im doing too. hopefully it works for me.

How to lose weight...extremely fast? -

I am going to a camp in like 2 weeks. I have a lot of weight to lose. We re talking 50 pounds. If you re good in math you ll realize that s about 3 pounds a day. Give me a diet or meal plan or something, please. I m so desperate. I will not stoop to pills though or any medication. Exercise CAN T be the key, though. Please don t give me any of this that s unrealistic garbage. I don t want to hear it. Look, if you feel that I m begging...I am! Don t give any stupid gradual weight loss program, I want to lose 3 pounds a day. Don t tell if it s possible or not, just tell me how. It shouldn t be making me run for 10 hours. Little exercise, moderate eating, and fast weight loss. Please help me, I really am ashamed of my weight and now have a deadline of 2 weeks! Please help me!

Metamussel or exlax, or friend took the last one and was crapping for hella days! She lost 6 lbs in one day! Drink lots of water too

It s a bad idea to try to lose so much weight in such little time. I have successfully lost about 40 pounds in month and half..but even that wasn t such a good idea. I replaced one of my meals with apples. Cut back on the bread and rice, but amped up my consumption of meat and chicken breast. Of course exercise helped a lot. Took up boxing which burned pounds like crazy. There are some weight loss drugs out there that might work for you. But I suggest you consult a doctor before going down that route. These may also have some side effects that aren t that pleasant. Nonetheless, most of them work. Try xenical. Read more about it a href=��The bad part, I gained some of the weight back after a year (about 15 pounds)..not so bad, but that s because I didn t even try to maintain my weight. I eat a lot and I don t exercise at all now. Losing weight is just the beginning, it takes a lot of discipliine to keep it off.

the only way to lose weight is by using more calories than you consume. 3500 calories equal one pound of fat so to lose three pounds a day you would have to use 10500 more calories than you consume that day. I m not sure if it s really possible unless your body burns an abnormally high amount of calories anyway (ie a VERY high metabolism)Of course the more you weigh the more calories your body needs to just live and function but even for someone weighing 250 lbs and having a moderately active lifestyle their body only needs about 2600 to do so.Good luck.

To successfully lose weight, you must carry outa plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise.Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionallybalanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity. I found useful informations at

Yep it is unrealistic infact you would probably nearly die if you lost 3 pounds a day - but you didn t want to hear that so seeing as you will never get a diet like and will end up starving yourself check this - 100% free, no registration with complete recipe and cooking instructions + 7 day eating plan BUT don t click on the better weight loss solution in the yellow box, it requires you to payIt is describes as enabling one to lose up to 10 pounds a week (soup is alot tastier than it sounds). Although I can t stop you don t do it for more than week and give it atleast 2 weeks break in between if you have to but ultimately its up to you.Combine that with 30 mins alternating walking/jogging and you are set for as big a weight loss as you should have, even though technically you should not even try something this drastic. If you are 18 or under also don t do it and remember you may look better for camp but without a proper diet/exercise routine it ll be there to greet you when you come backAlso I am not a doctor but have tried this before and it worked for me (until I put it all back on) so ASK YOUR DOCTOR before doing it like I did mine recenly!

okay first, its not good to loose a lot of weight in such a little time. but here s something i try once in a about an hour a day. after that workout, whether you go to the gym or something. swimming is also very very good. its gonna trim you down real fast real good. at the beach, pool, anywhere, just try. Im not 100% sure if you ll loose 3 pounds a day but this is a very good way to be on your way.also, pick 2 days in a week and eat nothing but 1 egg white in the morning. then in an hour and a half eat 1 grapefruit. then in another hour and a half eat 1 egg white. and back n forth. DRINK A LOT OF WATER. GRAPFRUIT BREAKS DOWN AND BURNS FAT. the fat will not leave your body if you dont drink water. You will loose 2 lbs a day like this. (so i heard)pls make sure u dont overdo it. consult your doctor if you feel like fainting. good luck.

How to drop 10-20 pounds quickly? -

I ve seen other questions like this, but I d like to provide more information, and see if anyone can help!Um, well, I eat very little- A yogurt or a poppy seed muffin in the morning, maybe chips or candy in the afternoon, and then possibly plain pasta for dinner.Every day. It doesn t really change.I don t exercise...haven t fully exercised since...two years ago?I m way too busy to find time for a workout routine, too busy to even eat.But I really want to lose 10-20 lbs.Info:I m 19 years old, female.Height: 5 6 Weigh around 135 lbs.(It says 115 lbs on my drivers liscence...because that s how thin I was! I d like to get back down to around that weight...How can I effectively do this?I know working out and eating properly effects it...but I just can NOT find a minute to even breathe these days.I ve tried safe and healthy weight loss, and that doesn t work. What can I do?

ok, First of all your diet is terrible! Yogurt is the only too thing you said you eat. You need to get rid of the candy and chips for sure. If you are a soda drinker, stop that too and drink water-or add a crystal light for flavor. You need to add more food to your diet. If you don t have food/nutrients you wont have energy and then you will become lazy...which sorry to say sounds like has happened already. Safe and Healthy weight loss DOES work! You just have to know what you are doing. You need to eat a good breakfast-with protein to help you get to your next meal, like eggs. You need to have a healthy lunch, not junk food. And have a sensible dinner, earlier in the evening, not right before bed!Exercise is a huge key to weight loss. You need to work out with either cardio or weights 1 hour a day 5-6 days a week. The more muscle tone (not bulk) you have the better your metabolism works, so you burn more fat! Starving yourself will only make you gain all that weight plus more back when you eat normal again. Everyone says they do not have time to work out and eat healthy, but its just an excuse. You can make time to work out 1 hour a day! If not, you are just being lazy and do not really care to make your body healthier. Having a diet and exercise routine that you stick with will only help you lose about 2lbs a week...which is a healthy amount!hope this helps.

LOL theres no way your gonna lose weight eating that littleyou need to eat about 1000 more calories

First of all you are eating too many carbs and crap. If you increase your protein it should help.

Go on the atkinst diet. I lost 6 pounds this week on that diet.

You eat little, but you aren t eating the right thing. You need lots of protein to fill you up and gives you the feeling of being full. Egg, turkey bacon or turkey, ham, lots of chicken. Beef every once in awhile. Remember salad s are not meals. Combine protien with salads or veggies. Breads and pastas are ok in a small amount. You have to have carbs for energy. Try taking chromium picolate supplements that you can get from walmart. (a very natural supplement that is fine in small doses.) They help with sugar cravings. Try not to drink diet soda s or diet foods because most of them have fake stuff in it that s not any better. If you want to have a soda, limit it to one day and have a regular one. Drink lots and lots of water. The powder mixes of different flavors are good. I like Cherry blossom flavored green tea to go packs. $2 at walmart. Go bike riding or walking as much as you can, or just get moving when you have a break. Good luck!

I am 5foot 11 inches tall and weight 230lb. Can any body give me some weight loss tips or diets? -

Hi. I am a 15 year old kid, who is 5 11, 230lb. And I need some weight loss tips before school starts. I work out alot. I play high school football, and competitive baseball in the summer. During football I lose all of my weight, but after that I gain all of my weight for baseball season. Please HELP!!! What can I do?

no fats , no sugars and no junk food plus all the exercise you can manage ,

Here are some important weight loss tips beginners should follow to make sure their chosen program work for them flawlessly:1. Make sure that you reduce the quantity of your food.In order to lose weight, you have to watch your meal servings. And it won t matter if you re at home or dining out. But you have to be most especially watchful when eating inside restaurants. You might order big chunks of meat because of the juicy ad you see in the menu. The rule of thumb is this: eat just enough to address your hunger. Never stuff yourself with food. 2. Exercise is key. Exercise causes the body to burn fats. And no diet works without the help of a good exercise regime. All weight loss tips appearing in health magazines and over the internet will tell you that regular exercise could help you a lot in reducing your body mass index. A handful of people can t be wrong. So don��t skip an exercise routine at the gym. 3. Eat healthy.Some people concentrate too much on getting thin that they fail to recognize the more important thing �C they have to stay focused on eating healthy. If you do this, everything else follows. If you eat the right type of food, you should not worry about getting fat. Because more often than not, the person s bad choices when it comes to the food they eat is the reason why they are overweight. Fatty foods and sweets should be avoided as much as possible.

Sports always play a vital role to keep your body fit. As you already mention you are a sportsman. So my suggestion you should also take care of your eating habit. You can also try drinking green tea which can really do wonder

Losing weight in a month..? -

I need to lose 15-20 pounds in one month for my sisters wedding. I know that s not healthy, but I would like the healthiest way as possible. I have class everyday and about an hour to spare every night.what could i do with that hour to make sure I reach my weight loss goal?any HEALTHY weight loss supplements?and what should I eat to stay healthy as possible and lose weight?thanks!

Unfortunately, there is no magic formula when it comes to quick weight loss. 15/20lbs is a lot of weight to lose, especially in one month. An average weight loss is around 1lb/2lbs a week. Although it is possible to lose a bit more in the first week. The best way to lose weight healthy and keep it off is to change your lifestyle. By eating a healthy, balanced diet, along with regular exercise. The two work perfectly together. I know. I also managed to lose 52lbs in just over 6 months. This was over 3 years ago. I have since then been able to maintain my weight with ease. This is how I did it:-I eat a healthy, balanced diet of:-Lean meats (no fat on), poultry (no skin on), fish with scales on (no batter or breadcrumbs), plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, beans pulses, (including potatoes, pasta, rice bread), Carbohydrates are not fattening as long as you keep them plain and simple, eggs, low fat dairy products, skimmed milk, sugar free beverages, and non sugary cereals.Try to include more whole foods into your diet. Such as brown bread, brown rice, brown pasta, beans pulses. These are high in fiber and will keep you feeling fuller for longer.DO KEEP AWAY from all JUNK FOODS, ready made processed meals, alcohol, sugary fizzy drinks, and takeaway meals. These are high in refined sugar and full of saturated fat. The two main ingredients which are responsible for that extra weight gain.REMEMBER: JUNK FOOD is just what it says - JUNK. With one added ingredient in - FAT.There are NO HEALTHY WEIGHT SUPPLEMENTS. It is all a big CON. The ONLY way is to EAT LESS and MOVE MORE.Try to MOVE as much as you can. EXERCISE will really help to accelerate your weight loss.Remember if, once you have reached your goal. You CAN T go back to your old eating habits and activity levels. Otherwise you WILL put all the weight back on again. It is as simple as that.Good Luck.

Ashley, Congratulation on your choice to a healthier lifestyle. I lost weight and I have to say that was the best thing I ever did. Just remember patience and motivation are a must. There are many natural weight loss products out there. Below see a website that I found that reviews the natural weight loss supplements out there. All the best in all you do.

Study shows value of food diary in losing weight? -

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Keeping a food diary -- a detailed account of what you eat and drink and the calories it packs -- is a powerful tool in helping people lose weight, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday.ADVERTISEMENTThe study involving 1,685 middle-aged men and women over six months found those who kept such a diary just about every day lost about twice as much weight as those who did not.The findings buttressed earlier research that endorsed the value of food diaries in helping people lose weight. Companies including Weight Watchers International Inc use food diaries in their weight-loss programs. For those who are working on weight loss, just writing down everything you eat is a pretty powerful technique, Victor Stevens of Kaiser Permanente s Center for Health Research in Portland said in a telephone interview. It helps the participants see where the extra calories are coming from, and then develop more specific plans to deal with those situations, said Stevens, who helped lead the study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.The technique also helps hold dieters accountable for what they are eating, Stevens said.The study involved people from four U.S. cities: Portland, Oregon; Baltimore, Maryland; Durham, North Carolina; and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Their average weight loss was about 13 pounds (6 kg). But those keeping food diaries six or seven days a week lost about 18 pounds (8 kg) compared to 9 pounds (4 kg) for those not regularly keeping a food diary.The average age of people in the study was 55.They were asked to eat less fat, more vegetables, fruit and whole grains, exercise 180 minutes a week mostly by walking, attend group meetings, and keep a detailed food diary.Blacks made up 44 percent of the people in the study. The researchers noted that blacks Americans have a higher risk than whites for conditions linked to obesity including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Keeping a food diary doesn t have to be a formal thing. Just the act of scribbling down what you eat on a Post-It note, sending yourself e-mails tallying each meal or sending yourself a text message will suffice, Dr. Keith Bachman, another Kaiser Permanente expert, said in a statement.

You re question?I ve done it, it really makes you aware of what you put in your mouth.

Yes, keep a track what you eat daily that will help you to calculate how much calories you are taking and which fat food you have to deduct from diet. My suggestion is to keep a diary like and track your diet.