Friday, July 14, 2006

Tell me all your best weight loss tips and secrets? -

im REALLLLY trying to lose weight. any tips or special remedies or anything... good foods that help with losing weight... anything. thanks :] !!

What I ve done, is I ve taken a mutlivitamin, and that gives you vitamins your body would cry out for, and the body just grabs something, so you normally never get that, leaving you with an empty vitamin spot in your stomach.Also, maybe go to the gym, and do stregth training. It will hurt at first, but once you do it more and more, it will hurt if you DON T work out. When doing stregth training, don t do it every day, do it every otehr day to make sure you don t strain your body, or pull something, and if you do, you have a day in between to let it rest. DO CARDIO EVERYDAY! for at least 30 minutes. For breakfast, if you used to eat like 4 pancakes, cut it to 2 pancakes. For lunch, eat a low calorie (i.e. Lean Cuisine, etc) as your lunch. They are pretty good.For dinner, maybe have a grilled chicken salad, with lite raspberry dressing ( if any, bleh, I don t like dressing of any kind) tomatos, fresh carrots, and spinach.For a desert, eat yogurt, with some of those Natur Valley gronola bars. There are two in a pack, so eat only one per night, with a bottle of water. It will fill you, and it s pretty good.As snacks during the days just eat a fruit.

Many people struggle hard to reduce their weights. Right now, there a lot of programs created to help such people in their respective weight loss endeavor. And to help them fully, here are some important weight loss tips beginners should follow to make sure their chosen program work for them flawlessly:1. Make sure that you reduce the quantity of your food.In order to lose weight, you have to watch your meal servings. And it won t matter if you re at home or dining out. But you have to be most especially watchful when eating inside restaurants. You might order big chunks of meat because of the juicy ad you see in the menu. The rule of thumb is this: eat just enough to address your hunger. Never stuff yourself with food. 2. Exercise is key. Exercise causes the body to burn fats. And no diet works without the help of a good exercise regime. All weight loss tips appearing in health magazines and over the internet will tell you that regular exercise could help you a lot in reducing your body mass index. A handful of people can t be wrong. So don��t skip an exercise routine at the gym. 3. Eat healthy.Some people concentrate too much on getting thin that they fail to recognize the more important thing �C they have to stay focused on eating healthy. If you do this, everything else follows. If you eat the right type of food, you should not worry about getting fat. Because more often than not, the person s bad choices when it comes to the food they eat is the reason why they are overweight. Fatty foods and sweets should be avoided as much as possible. Full article is here :

Download a copy of the common sense dieters free ecourse. It gives you 5 really easy principles you can begin to use immediately to lose weight.One of the biggest things you can do to stop putting on weight is cut back on soda pops. Just 1 can of soda a day increases you chances of being overweight by about 40%.Soda = FAT

Something on top of exercising and eating better would be taking Nutrilite s Slimmetry. It enhances fat and weight loss. I know a lot of people who have taken and have lost an extra 3-14 pounds without even doing anything differently. Most normally range between 3-8 pounds. It enhances fat and weight loss and is all natural. Let me know if you would want some more info or how to get it.

Eat every 3 hrs a day. A healthy snack like fruit or some veggies. Also drink a lot of water. Go on the treadmill for 1/2 every day.

South Beach Diet helped me get started, then exercising on a regular basis.Just be careful becuase once you hit a plateau it is hard to rejolt your body.

i lose weight by eating less calories food and drinking apple cider drinks to detox.

The key is to extracise.

The key is to only eat when your hungry

You ll love this site about Yummy Diet Food:

What should i eat for a healthy weight loss diet? -

I m 14, and I m 107 pounds. I have some belly fat that i m trying to lose, and hopefully a diet and jogging will help. Can i get any suggestions specifically for what i should eat for Lunch, Breakfast, and Dinner?Thankyou.-Jas

My sister is your age and weighs a little more then you. So this is what she says she does. She eats a piece of wheat toast with light jam with a fruit for breakfast. Then some pretzels or crackers, or fruit as a snack if she gets hungry before lunch. For lunch she normally gets the healthiest thing the school has that day, and again a snack if she gets hungry. When she gets home from school she runs 2 miles, then does some sit ups and push ups. For dinner she mostly eats chicken or tuna meals, with sides, like broccoli with cheese, or any vegetables or salad. She does all this because she is on the track team and the Volleyball team, so she stays very fit. The main thing you need to know is, don t EVER starve yourself, you don t ever want to feel that hunger pain. You need to eat every 4 hours with a light snack in between, and if you run and exercise, you can pretty much eat what you want.

At your age and weight there is no such thing as healthy weight loss, you are already at a healthy weight. A healthy lifestyle is always a good idea (lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins and a regular, reasonable exercise routine). Accept your body. Every normal person has some body fat, it is necessary for the normal functions of your body.

You need to have right information if you want to lose weight. You can tried way that I lost 18 pounds in 7 weeks. It works just amazing and It will work for you too. You can get more information at bit,ly/ftfjo785 (Please change , to . in the link)

What are some good work out routines and weight loss tips for a 16 year old male? -

I m a 16 year old male and I am about 6foot 2 and weight around 185-190lbs. I was wondering what a good work out routine I can start and any good weight loss tips?

I highly recommend you my diet way. It works fast and easy. If you are really serious about losing weight. You should have a look diet correct way. It will work for you if you do it correct. I lost 20 pounds in 35 days with this way. You can get more information from link below.

One of my friend suggested me Acai berry and it really helped me to lose weight easily.It also lowered my cholesterol level. As it is rich in anti oxidants it helps to get a glowing skin.It is free from side effects as it is a natural palm fruit.

Just get into the habit of swimming every day or two and stick to it.Also for a normal (non drastic) diet that works you might want to see:http://www.bestinternetfind.solutionsart��

Eat little, burn a lot!be good

Ten Changes You Can Make to Your Diet to Start Losing Weight is an article on Lucille Roberts blog that i think is useful. I am a believer that half of weight loss comes from exercise and the other half comes from what you eat. When I was your age, I got plenty of exercise I just had a bad diet. When I changed my diet, I started seeing results.

dude trust me this works...i got this one cheerleader to like me... a href= http://4a8e2cs6d-by3ud57mv8dsohzs.�� target= _top Click Here! /a

1.Eat 5-6 small meals regularly. By splitting each meal into 300-350 calorie segments, five to six times a day, you stay fuller longer. You also ensure that your metabolism keeps burning. Small meals also keep your blood sugar levels stable. Make sure your diet is made up of 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, and 30% fats.2.Drink plenty of fluids (preferably water) daily. As a rule, to determine how many fluid ounces of water a day you should drink, follow this simple formula. Take your weight in pounds and divide it by two. This is the amount of fluid ounces of water you will need daily. So, lets say you weigh 180 pounds. Divide this by two. Following this formula you would need to drink 90 ounces of water everyday. Staying properly hydrated keeps your body working efficiently. It also prevents water retention/bloating. Remember that coffee, teas, and fruit juices contain additional calories. If you drink them as part of your daily fluid requirements, make sure to include these calories in your overall daily calorie count.3.Drink a cup of water before each meal. This will help you feel fuller sooner; thus you will eat less at each sitting.4.Cut your meal portions in half. An easy way to do this is to eat on a smaller plate. Do not eat on a regular dinner plate anymore. If you continue to eat on a dinner plate, psychologically you will feel as though you are depriving yourself when you see how little food is on your plate. But if you eat on a smaller plate, the smaller portions will look like a full plate of food. Don t cheat though! Don t pile your small plate mile high with food!5.Don t go back for seconds. (If you are following the above recommendations you won t even have room for seconds!) After you ve finished all the food on your smaller plate, get up from the table. Busy yourself with cleaning the kitchen or some other task. If after 15-20 minutes you still feel hungry then have a small snack.6.Meal plan. Plan your 5-6 meals the night before. Overeating is often a result of no planning and getting caught unprepared. When it is mealtime and you are ready to eat, it is easy to just grab anything that is available (no matter if it is healthy or not). You stay more in control if you plan your meals beforehand.7.Record your food activity and meal plans in a food journal. When inputting data include the times that you ate, the amount, location and emotion that you felt at the time. At the end of the day, review your journal. See if you can identify any patterns that have developed. For example, do you find that you are eating a snack every night at 9PM because you are bored? Determine if the patterns are helping or harming your weight loss efforts. Make changes accordingly.8.Weigh and take your measurements only once a week. Weight can fluctuate daily and can cause discouragement if highs and lows are seen from day to day. Measure and weigh yourself at the same time of the day from week to week. Add a fat binder to you daily supplements as well.

Is this good?:)........? -

I am 15 and 5 ft.Two weeks ago I weighed 116 , but now I was 112.I work out for 30min a night 4times a week.And I have been eating healthier.Is this a healthy weight loss?Thanks in advance.

Yeah you will lose weight as long as you keep it upBut why are you trying to lose weight anyway that is a good weight and in your profile picture you look hotIm a 15 year old dude i weigh 130 (not fat muscle), i do workout almost daily

why do you want to loose weight at 112 it won t hurt you to gain some

Can drastic lifestyle changes lead to rapid [healthy] weight loss? -

A friend of mine had a sudden change of heart about how she s living. She s 23 years old, about 5 6 and weighs close to 370 lbs. If she drastically changes her diet and begins exercising regularly, she thinks she might be able to lose 140 lbs. by the middle of December [about 7 months from now]. This doesn t sound like a healthy amount to be losing that quickly, but her logic is that if she s switching from an unhealthy life to a healthy life, she won t encounter any problems. I m kind of worried for her health. I m glad she wants to do something about it and I m proud of her for trying, but I also don t want her to get her hopes up for something that s not even possible... what do you think? Is that possible? Is that healthy?

Safe maximum weight loss is generally considered to be 2 - 3 pounds a week. Five pounds a week is unrealistic for the the long haul. She may loose that much for a short time but not likely over 7 months.

Am i overexercising/under eating? -

Recently, I ve been on a weight-loss program, and I ve lost just about 30 lbs. I started out at about 155 lbs at the end of October, and I just want to lose a teensy bit more to be totally satisfied. The problem is, I m no longer losing weight. Ive looked online to read up about weight loss plateaus, and I m wondering if I m overexercising or under eating.I exercise for about an hour to an hour and a half a day, doing cardio and moderate to vigorous calesthetics (i probably just misspelled that horribly) on top of walking to and from school, and walking around school all day. I eat from 1100-1300 calories a day, sometimes even less. i don t really track my calories other than having a general daily number, and some days it feels like eating more than 1000-1100 would mean force feeding myself. anyways, it s frustrating to be so close to my goal, and im trying to figure out what to do next. in my mind, stopping the exercise and eating means gaining weight, but if changing the way i see a weight loss program means i ll get better results, than im definitely willing to try a change.

It could be very possible that you are over-training yourself. It is very important to listen to your body. There is a difference between pushing through and ignoring your body s pain. Make sure you are giving yourself plenty of rest, drinking enough water, and getting plenty of sleep. Also, your diet dictates what energy your body has for activities. If you are not getting the essential fuels you need to exercise than your body could be in a survival mode causing you to burn muscle and store foods your eating. Another thing to try and do is switch up your exercises. Try to start using weights. You can lift weights without getting too muscular or anything along those lines. Working out is all about muscle stimulation and if what you re doing isn t leaving you sweating and/or feeling pumped then it s time to try something new. Don t be scared or intimidated when it comes to exploring new exercises.

i can understand your fear to cut down on exercise and eat more food. i would get a professional opinion-- just in case! try eating/drinking things that speed up the metabolism--eg. green tea, chilli (or hot food) grapefruit, coconut oil... a normal diet would restrict calories to about 1500 so you might need to eat a bit more to give yourself enough energy for exercise. eat more protein and eat fruit for quick energy.good luck!

you are doing an extraordinary achievement ,congratulation you need to give your body time to recover and that by slowing down your pattern of workout as you can do your workout every other day and try to change if you start with aerobics try to start with running this will confuse your body and make it lose more best of luck and enjoy your life

Pig out on junk food for about a week then get back on the horse...if you diet too long it messes with your hormones. The only way to get them back on track is to eat properly for a while. if you continue to diet you will lose mostly muscle at this point

nahh i think ur doin greattttt! =]]

Weight loss health incentivehellip;ethical? ? -

I know somebody who has low self esteem due to several factors. I feel most of it is related to her weight and how she feels about her health compared to the demanding standards our society imposes on women. I have been pondering a incentive based program for her to lose weight and get healthy, which I feel will help boost her confidence tremendously. My hesitation is mostly about how ethical my plan is. The plan:I know this individual would like to do the following,Get healthyLose weightHave sexAs of today she has been unable to achieve any of these goals. My plan is to help encourage her to lose weight/ get healthier is by providing a sexual incentive for reaching minni goals that (we mutually agree upon) bring her closer to her overall goals. These goals will be specific to make it easy to determine to if the goal has been achieved, the minni goals will also encourage healthy weight loss and not crash diets or dehydration. And example of a weight lose goal would be a sexual favor of your choice (including sex) for every 10lb you lose in 5 weeks. (This is set as not to go against the doctor recommended 2lb per week) (Currently needs to lose 70-100lb)An example of a health goal would be cut 1:00 minutes off your mile time, (currently above 15 min)By creating a network of goals to meet this allows her to pursue other goals if say she has trouble with the weight loss from time to time. (I feel this will help prevent desperate measures) The reason I��m asking this question is I feel that this person could benefit tremendously from a program like this but would like to know if you guys feel this is an ethical approach to helping motivate an individual to achieve their goals. Thanks ?

I don t know what to say exactly.I know that people who exercise reward themselves with a cookie, day at the spa, a meal at their favorite That s very interesting. Are you the sexual tool in this approach to help your friend? I don t think this breaks any ethical rules, but it definitely could become complicated. I ve never even thought about that, but it seems that his would work. Women want to be viewed as sexy from males, even more so by women who are trying to loose weight and have self esteem issues. If she says yes and obviously you re fine with it...then go ahead!

Sound s ridiculous to be honest, if she agree s to this no wonder nobody wants her, she should stop being so lazy, it really is repulsive that anyone could let themselves go like that. The only motivation she should need is the mirror, look at herself, be disgusted then shed the pounds, it s easier then you think.

Has anybody ever heard of or tried this product? -

Gaia Herbs, Fit for Health, Weight Loss Program, 3 Part Program, 3 Bottles, 60 Liquid-Filled Capsulesthis product is from has anybody ever heard of it or tried it.

This diet is not recommended or approved by the FDA; therefore, you should not be doing this. It is quite dangerous.

no and thats y you shudnt do it you have been warned
