Sunday, July 26, 2009

Any tips on how to lose weight around my hips and bum quickly? -

running up stairs/steps is good

Jogging and an extremely low fat diet.

Sacred heart hospital diet! Fantastic, healthy and amazing quick results! Gives you loads of energy too!

jogging. trust me.

From what Ive seen and read about, there is no way what so ever to lose weight in a specific area of your body. As you burn calories your body eats up the fat evenly. However, the most noticeable place to see weight loss is in the face.

Go to spinning classes at a gym

Call Jenny Craig.


How do you lose weight fast? -

im wondering how to lose weight fast on your thighs and belly!! so desprite!i want to know how to lose weight fast but in a good way!

you cant lose fat fast or choose where you lose it from...You need to eat lean meats (chicken, fish, turkey, lean beef) , low gi fruits (apples, bananas, pineapple, oranges), green veggies (broccoli, celery, green lettuce, spinach), only whole wheat breads (look on the package and see if the first ingredient is whole wheat flour, if it is it should be good unless it has high fructose corn syrup like Mrs Bairds does). Jillian Michaels from biggest loser has a great quote, before you eat your food ask yourself, does it have a momma or did it come from the ground? If not don t eat it. Eat 5 - 6 small meals a day, this will increase your metabolism and help you to not feel so hungry in between meals. It��s all about portion and calorie control regardless of what food you are eating, but remember cleaning up your diet and eating X amount of calories of lean good healthy foods instead of X amount of calories of candy bars (I know you are probably not eating 4 candy bars a day but its just an example) will help you lose it faster. The leaner you are eating the faster you will lose it, and you will get a toned healthy look instead of a skinny jiggly look. You also need to drink at least 8 glasses (8oz) of water a day. Sometimes hunger is mistaken for thirst so if you are hungry drink 8 oz of water and wait 30 minutes, if you are still hungry then eat a light healthy snack. Water also helps you feel fuller longer and helps flush out toxins that may prevent fat loss. Also allow your self a cheat day (but don��t go over board and eat everything in sight or like 5 cakes in that day). Allowing yourself a cheat day once a week will help cut out cravings�� Think of it like a reward if you did well with your diet and exercise that week have a piece of pie�� If not just stick with you healthy food. You can find recipes for decent tasting healthy foods on sights like and and also on recipe sights like,, and foodnetwork.comYou need to do a good mix of both cardio and strength training, strength training is not going to make you look like Arnold, I promise (unless you are taking test). Toning and building muscle strength will help you lose fat quicker as you will be burning calories all day to feed your muscle tone instead of just while you doing cardio activity and it increases metabolism. Running, walking, rollerblading, swimming are good cardio work outs. You can also get some at home videos. I personally like Gilad s Kick boxing, Cathe Friedrich, ten minute solutions videos (ten minute solutions are good because they have 5 ten minute segments and you can do one or all five or three or what ever you want to do at the time and they have a variety, like dance, pilates, yoga, etc.), shape and woman s health videos. Also if you get cable/satellite, find the Fittv channel and scroll through the guide and see if anything sounds interesting and do it or record it if it doesn t fit into your schedule at the time the program comes on. Get your self some 5 pound dumbbells or a gym member ship and do bicep curls, push ups, sit ups, squats, dead lifts, lunges, tricep over head extensions, chest presses, shoulder presses, etc. You can do most of this on your own if you just go and buy some free weights, but a gym membership is helpful as well. If you do end up getting a gym membership I would consult a personal trainer (most memberships come with a free session) they can show you what to do and come up with a meal plan for you... You can find the videos I mentioned on the web at, or at ross (cheap cheap at ross) or walmart or any other place that sells dvds.Lastly, don t get discouraged, it takes time (it didn t didn t get there over night, its not coming off over night)... you should be losing 2 pounds of fat a week safely, more is not typically safe. but you could gain weight especially if you are gaining muscle. So if you get on the scale and it says you ve gain two pounds don t freak out... just look in the mirror and go by how your clothes look and feel on you. Hope this helps! email me if you have any other questions!

- Play Sports during weekends or when you have free time = Sports like basketball, football, softball, baseball are perfect because they include running.- Jog like 1-2km every morning or just walk 1,500-3,000 steps a day.- If you have budget and time, sign up for a gym class to help you loose weight- Balance your diet; you must have go, grow and glow foods every meal. = The Banana diet in Japan is great for breakfast (just search for it)- Dont forget to avoid stress and sleep early

wat takes time to come on will take time to come off, even if you lose a lot at first most of it will come back, as studies have shown. i ve done diets like those but i put on even more weight than i lost, so i gained should have abalancedd diet instead, try to work out daily and watch what you food intake toohope this was helpful... =]

Exercise every day . The quickest way to loose weight is to do lot of exercise. You need to increase the rate of metabolism. If you want to loose belly do abdomen exercises.

A super duper fast way but unpopular way would be the lemon detox diet. You can lose like a kg every day on that thing, however the taste of the solution makes alot of people gag..

no soda, lots of water, lots of walking, biking. or weight loss pills (i.e. speed)

eat less exercise morethat s the only way

go to sleep, then hope for a dream to come along

How to lose weight question ? 1 pound? -

Does anyone know how to lose 1 pound in 1 day does anyone know how to do that ? I need to lose 3 pounds for wrestling in 3 days !!!

yes it sounds extreme but starve yourself only drink a water and run so you sweat the water out you only have 3 days so you got to do the extreme also you will be exhausted due to lack of food to give you energy so come time after weigh in once you make a weight try to get something to eat if you can this will help!

okay one dont do what the guy below you said thats really bad to do and if ur wrestling you need to keep muscle and lose fat you starve your body of protein your stomach will eat away what you need to do is work out 1 time a day this is what you need to do max push ups then go to max sit ups then max pull ups after that go back to max push ups then max crunches and last max pull ups then run 2 or 3 miles with weight on your back 65 or what ever you can handle do that every day and also everytime you use the bathroom do max push ups and max sit ups before you go into the bathroom then when your done max push ups and max sit ups before you leave the bathroom eath breakfast,lunch,and dinner enough to get the nutriets in your body but not to stuff you no fast food and lots and lots of water this is what i do and im a marine..

How to lose weight as a teenager? -

hi! im trying to lose around 30 lbs over the summer. and get in shape. what would be the best way? also what would be some good things to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? thanks so much! :D

I would suggest eating 6-8 times a day, but in MUCH smaller amounts (eat a snack every hour or two, but eat less during the normal eating hours, aka breakfast/lunch/dinner). Drink water all the time! Buy yourself a nicely sized water bottle, and drink from it constantly. Most of the time, the reason your hungry is because your body is thirsty, so drinking lots of water will make the cravings for food less. One problem a lot of people have when starting to diet, is that they do everything at once. You can t change the way you eat overnight. Slowly phasing everything in is the best way. Fruits, vegetables, and water are the best things to eat. I could write a list of stuff, but here is a top 20 list of the fittest foods that are healthy for you. (check out my link)Do cardio 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes. Hope this helps =DP.S. I lost 10 lbs from eating healthier, and drinking lots of water everyday (and it was before i incorporated exercising)

Losing weight depends on various things. Exercising alone is only a third of the contribution. The second third is your lifestyle, i.e. whether you smoke, drink etc. The last third is your diet. When you eat meat go for breast, i.e. chicken breast, turkey breast etc. Avoid carbs such as Rice, chips and Pasta in the evenings. The only aspect you can t help is the genetically one as this also determines and contributes to your weight. Some people have a fast metabolism and some have a slow one (in respect of digesting food). Age is also an important factor as when you get older than 30 years your metabolism slows gradually down. I would suggest that you go 4 times a week to the gym, avoid alcohol and eat a high fiber breakfast (wheetabix with berries and semi skimmed milk) lunch as usual and a light dinner. Also remember to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day. Good Luck!2 seconds ago - Edit - Delete

what i would do is first thing in the morning do some cardio, biking, swimming, running, walking etc. for anywhere from 30 min to an hour to get your metabolism jump started. a good breakfast is a banana and peanut butter bc its rich in portein and will give you energy and keep you full for longer. for lunch have a sandwich made with whole wheat bread and some fruit or a salad. for dinner have some lean meat, a small amount of carbs and some veggies. if you want to snack during the day eat fresh fruit instead of unhealthy things like fats and sugars. make sure you weight train as well 2 or 3 times a week as building muscle helps burn fat faster.

The best way to get into shape is to activate your body. Get outside and be active. This doesn t mean that you have to start incorporating the Mile run as part of your daily routine. Find creative ways to stay active. Swimming, walking, bike riding with friends are all good ways. As far as good things to eat, try to eat some sort of protein for breakfast. Eggs are good. My fiance makes me eggs in the morning and I have his use one egg and one to two egg whites. (egg whites have 0 grams of fat.) Eating protein in the morning will help you stay full longer. For lunch, just stay away from processed foods, or pre-packaged foods. My roommate and I used to cook up a bunch of chicken and keep it in the freezer. We d slice it up and throw it on a bed of lettuce and make a salad out of it. Always keep in mind...veggies and fruits should be eaten everyday. Wheat bread is better for you than white. And low fat cheese and milk is better for you than whole. Good luck. Keep track of your calories and make sure you are burning more than you are eating. Have fun!

what worked for me at 16 was 3 small squares a day and NO IN BETWEENS except for water or special K ICE TEA... Kept my stomache filled in between with the tea and water and 29 lbs flew off. A couple weeks after I started the diet it just kicked in and the weight started melting off.

No sugar. No flour.Oatmeal...Chicken breasts...Lean beefGood luck

How to lose weight in 2 months? 10 points.? -

I am 15 and I am 5 2 and weigh 122 pounds.I want to lose a few pounds. Not a ton,my ideal weight is : 110-115 pounds.How do I lose some?I want to know what things are good to eat andI want to know what exercises are good to do.Plus I wanna know, what exercises are goodto get rid of fatty arms. I really hate my arms.

That is actually normal for your age! You are really healthy. But if you want to get rid of the excess fat, you might want to exercise. Exercising is the best way to loose weight. Not by dieting. Also if you exercise you can t loose anything if you eat junk right after that!So don t eat a lot of junk food. That has so much fat in it. Instead eat healthy food with your daily needs like eat veggies for lunch and eat them for dinner too. And eat some meat to. Not eating meat is really unhealthy for you. Best way of loosing weight by exercising is going for a run. Remember to swing your arms to loose arm fat.Crunches, are really good.Another good thing is to lay down on your back on the floor and lift your legs so that your butt is not touching the floor. then lift them down slowly but not all the way just till your butt is back on the floor. keep doing those.Good luck!

you should start to keep a journal where you write down everything you eat every day. everything. at the end of the week, make a table, and tally up all the calories, and all the fat/carbs/protein. Try to note in your journal too how you feel throughout the day, energy wise. Ideally you want to be eating 40% carbs 40% protein, and 20% fat. Aim for between 1000 and 1500 calories a day. These are flexible, but good general targets. Stay away from saturated fat. If you tally what you are eating, you will learn so much about what you already like! That way you don t have to drastically change your habits. In terms of exercise, you should be doing cardio, and hopefully some strength training as well. Toning the muscles in your arms will help, but do a full body workout. I could tell you some specifics, but i don t know much about you, your abilities, or what equipment you have, so i d recommend a google search for upper body strength training or something. It doesn t need to be perfect, getting something started is better then nothing. As you try a few out, you ll notice what you like best.

Try to collect some information about exercise, there are a lot of things that you can do at home. Extensive research has been done on exercise and plenty of this information is easily available. You can try browsing the net or getting a book or two on how to exercise at home. This information will be useful to you to know how much you need to work out on each specific exercise in order to burn off the desired number of calories.

God gave us teeth for a reason... Therefore we should develop a habit of chewing all food including liquid food and soft foods like sweets, ice creams at least 8 to 12 times. This is essential to add saliva to the food, as it is only in the saliva that sugar is digested. Often we find that whatever goes into our mouth goes down like lightning. We hardly give the saliva any time to act on the food. So does digestion take place like it should�� Do we just stuff our tummies with food that doesn��t get digested or in other words that doesn��t yield the benefits that it should��

Exercise out doors as far as possible. There are two advantages of doing whatever you are doing out side. One advantage is that it gives your body a chance to get a lot of the much needed fresh air and sunshine. The second advantage is that the surroundings keep you perked up and it is a break form remaining cooped up all day long

simple, just eat a fruit b4 breakfst, aftr luch, and nvr eat anything after 7pm for ur arms, take two dumbbells (or two equal weights) and lift then ovr ur head, arms str8 then bend ur arms 90 degrees and make em str8 again there are more exercises....uuhhh....somwhere i dnt hav the link sorry (im lazy)

Instead of frying things try baking them without fat. Baking is by far a healthier method of preparing food than frying. Baking requires lesser oil or fat.

do not eat meat and run alot

How to lose weight fast? -

im over weight and i want to how to lose weight and fand any sugg will help you will get your points

Dont eat..

Control what your eat and exercise, there is NO other way.

diet and exercise? i heard that lemonade diet works pretty fast.

Eat smaller portions than you re eating right now.

25 minutes a day on an exercising bike.

runnig and the eliptical machines are good and swimming is real good, you might want to try and eat more but smaller meals so that your metabolism keeps going through the day don t overeat and stuff yourself and weight traing but focus on lighter weight but more reps to tone and burn fat


Try to get more information on dieting, weight loss articles, health and fitness articles, weight loss forum and BMI calculator at my profile and get the advice from them to lose weight fast and healthy.

cut down on calories, eat more veggies drink more water try not to eat a few hours before you go to bed, eat more healthy snacks like fruits whole grain oats and so fourth, prepare most of your meals,

I used to weigh 350 lbs. ..I m only 5 8 Tall ..... So I used to drink no less than six to eight 16 ounce glasses of WATER each day ... Take Green Tea Supplements in gel capsul form ... and Walk about a mile , twice a day .....I went down to 190 pounds in about eight months ......NOTE: Do not say you want to LOSE weight . WHY? Well,when you lose your car keys , a book, etc ... you want to what ? FIND THEM and Get them back ! So, IF you want to lose weight , Do you really want it back ... ? NO !So say .. I want to Shed Pounds , Shed Weight , Get Rid of some Weight , Take off Pounds etc .... you get the picture ......Good Luck !!!