I am getting married in 7 months and getting my wedding dress next month, my fiance and I need some good advice on how to lose weigh....and FAST! I want to lose about 35 lbs and i ll be happy! So, if anyone has any good advice, please, send it my way!! Thank you everyone!!!
go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!
hi sis..theres no safe way to lose weight fast..u hav to take it easy or else you`re gonna kill urself!! eat merely steamed fish with carrots,tofu and broccolli 4 dinner...do 20 minutes of cardio 2 or 3 times a day...control strictly ur portions of desserts and other high carbohydrate foods...u may opt to go on cod liver oil supplement to avoid muscles from becoming sore..u may opt to eat according to your blood type,but be alert on ur portions too..by the way giv urself more time and get ur dress later ok??i dont want you to malnourish urself..
There are a bunch of fast diets you can use. In seven months you should be able to pick one that will work well enough. Go to a nutritionist and ask them to devise a diet of for you. Then start to work out regularly. If you don t want to go to the gym you can start jogging everyday or just doing exercise in your house.But none of those Lose weight fast diets really work. Yeah, you ll lose the weight quickly, but you ll gain it all back. Most likely, you ll gain even MORE than you lost back. Just go on a healthy diet and don t pick any of the stupid ones where all you eat is one thing or drink one liquid.
http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind��3rd answer down
I know you want to loose weight fast, but try and avoid doing a crash diet because they don t work! You will end up putting the weight back on; it is all about gradually changing your lifestyle. Anyway, here are a few tips that I hope will help. -avoid white bead, and if you are to eat bread choose whole meal, rye or even rice cakes. -avoid highly processed foods like ready made meals, microwave meals and sweets. -ditch the car. If your work doesn t depend on you using the car, walk instead. It s a great way of gently improving fitness. -replace empty calories with beneficial ones. For example, an avocado may be calorific, but it contains beneficial nutrients that are good for you. -eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg, and don t over cook the veg as they loose their nutritional value if over boiled. -replace white pasta and rice with grains and lentils. There a loads of nice recipes that can be done with grains and lentils. For example, quinoa can cooked as a main meal, containing good fillers such as sweet potatoes, Soya beans, spring onions, feta cheese, sweet corn, peas, etc. Lentils can be dressed with olive oil, chilli, onions. They are both versatile foods that can be used in a variety of ways. -take up exercising and make sure you enjoy it! There is not point pushing yourself doing something that you dislike.-Don��t over do it. You can enjoy treats, but in moderation.-Nearly forgot: drink plenty of water. If you drink tea try and reduce sugar and milk with your tea. Try green, white or even herbal tea as an alternative. I hope these tips have been useful and good luck with your diet and wedding day.
Hit the gym.Do an hour of exercise. 30 minutes weights/30 minutes cardio.Eat clean (egg whites, veggies, fruits, chicken, fish)Cheat once in a while(like every Saturday night).Vary your workouts and meals from time to time (like every 2 weeks).Each month increase your exercise and eat cleaner.By your wedding dress a size or two TOO SMALL. This will force you be able to fit in it.At 5 pounds a month (a pound + a week), you ll have no trouble getting there.Finally, picture yourself happy at your wedding because you are getting married to the man of your dreams AND because you accomplished your goal.
if it s the eating part that gets you, try an appetite suppressant (check your drugstore for good ones). Remember there are going to be lots of wedding parties for you, so know there may be some slipups.i d say, if you cut 250 calories from your diet, and burn 250 calories during exercise, you re burning 500 calories per day x 7 = 3500 calories = 1 pound per week. i definitely think it is achievable. good luck!
well you have to increase your metabolisim...i m a teen and i use sparkteens.com and it s been helping me i lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks.....you and your fiance should go to www.sparkpeople.com ..it will give you a plan and great tipsstryy it....good luckand congrats on your wedding