Sunday, January 24, 2016

I have a lot of trouble not eating junk food and i hate sports/exercising. any advice on how to lose weight? -

well, first of all, i have experience, so this is bound to work, trust me!! ok first of all, find a sport you love. and don t tell me you don t like ANY sport, because everybody likes at least one. it doesn t have to be a team sport, just maybe something like ping pong, or tennis. If you can t think of any good ones, go on the internet(allow one more day of being lazy)and search for exotic/weird sports, because you re bound to find something you like. Just make sure it doesn t have to take place in the sand or snow, or you can t always do it ( i don t mean DONT pick a sandy or snowy sport), i just mean make sure you can do sport at least 3 times a week. Make it something fun that you LIKE to do, not something you HAVE to doHope this helps,Air Jogger =D

NO get off your butt,and you do not eat junk food or you do,Just eat half the box not all of it,Have a good day

I m sorry there s no cheap/easy way out of losing weight without exercise. You got to get your butt movin in order to get those pounds losin .

If you are not willing or unable to change your eating and/or excersise habits then you certainly don t have much hope for losing weight or keeping it off if you do manage to lose it.The only option I can see is weight loss surgery to take the weight off and even then if you don t change your eating habits you will not only gain back the weight you also risk hurting your body....I don t mean to sound rude and uncaring but if you want to lose weight and you aren t willing to work at it then my only suggestion is to hope for a terminal illness...or a tape worm.Sorry I wasn t more helpful...I honestly tried.

just stay FAT and develop diabetes and die of heart disease - sounds harsh but tough!the only way to be fit and healthy is to get off your **** and eat well

well if u really want to loose weight thn u have to stop its not tht hard just eat good food for ur body tht also taste good too

To lose weight, you pretty much have to stop eating junk food and get active! There s no miracle cure or anything. Burn more calories you consume. Exercise and eat healthy. That s what anyone will tell you. You can t expect to lose weight without exercising. And, you can t expect it to come off in a week. I may sound harsh, but that s how it is.

I need to lose weight fast please help? -

I know this is not good so please dont be rude to me but i do need to lose 5 pounds fast. thanks

Hello dear woman on a mission!There are two schools of thought here: Natural and unnatural. Unnatural means visit your local supplement store (like GNC or comparable) and get fat burning pills. Personally, I don t ever take anything like that so let s entertain some natural ideas :o)Don t know what your time frame is, but start with your diet of course. Eat several times a day, but only a fist sized serving at a time. We are aiming for a metabolism boost in doing this. If you only eat a couple times a day, your body will store the fat and calories because it s not sure when it s going to get fed again! Eating once a day makes your body think Geeze, we have to get through this season, let s HOLD ONTO all these fat grams because lord KNOWS when this woman will feed us again! so your metabolism slows down. So in the morning, have an apple, and hour and a half later, a handful of carrots, hour and a half later, maybe a can of tuna, and so on so forth...(cup of cooked brown rice, a half a chicken breast, a banana...think in servings like that.Keep your FAT GRAMS under 25g or so per DAY. Do Cardio EVERY single day for about an hour. You will totally start shedding pounds.Drink plenty of water, good rule is half your body weight in ounces, so if you weigh 130, then drink at LEAST 65ounces of water, preferably more. Best water too is luke warm water with a pinch of sea salt, your body is more receptive to this formula and will use the water more effectively.Do not do the lemonade diet or all this other jazz...its a bit might do the trick but its far too abrasive to the system...Just get focused, hone in on all the fortitude and willpower you have, and hit the gym and watch what you eat, AND eat fist servings OFTEN.Good Luck, Slim!:o)

Keep it simple. Eat mostly green vegetables and lean meats (turkey, chicken without the skin, fish). Skip all white foods (bread, potatoes,snacks). Drink 8 glasses of cold water a day. Your body burns calories as it warms the water up to body temperature.

In addition to eating only fruits, vegetables, I d recommend daily taking of apple cider vinegar, diluted with water. Add a little honey.

try working out with Lil Jack�� comments welcome

Eat organic stuff without hormones. (They use hormones to make chickens fat then we eat those chickens... guess what happens.. We get fat because the chickens we ate have hormones.)

How do I lose weight? -

I have a gym subscription and I currently weigh 190. I walk on the treadmill fifteen minutes, do a stair stepper thingy for about five, lift fifteen pound weights (can t lift much yet, just started out) doing curls, side arm lifts, and I do twenty situps on an inclined plane. How long do you think it will take for me to lose weight and and how can I lose weight faster, without taking pills or some strenous diet?

Ultimately, there s only one way to lose weight: consistently burn more calories per day than you consume.Diet pills don t work. Starving yourself will just have the opposite affect and your body will hoard its fat. The only answer is to add exercise, which you are doing.It sounds like you have a good plan but trying spending at least 30 minutes on the treadmill/stairstepper 3-5 times per week and keep up the weights, just not every day.If you have a deficit of 7,000 calories a week you ll lose about 2lbs per week. Anything more than that is unhealthy and probably not permanent. Best of luck!

well you might not want to do this if your trying to keep the macho male sterio type. but dance really helps lose weight and tone your body! so ur smalelr but more muscular!