Tuesday, August 22, 2017

I am a teenager (13 yrs) and I want to lose weight on my stomach and thighs, What should I do? -

I want to lose weight fast but I am not sure what to do because some exercises should not be performed at my age, I mean I am not that fat but I do wanna lose some pounds quick.

As a teenager your weight fluctuates. You also have puppy fat in your early teens, which you will grow out of by 16/17.Deliberately loosing weight when you are not seriously overweight can damage your health (organs in particular) at your age.Eat healthily and exercise regularly.

completely give up on all foods that contain:high fat,alot of sodium,alot of calories and all of that other bad stuff, eat a big nutricious breakfast in the morning like fruits,high protien cereal , yogurt and healthy things, eat a medium size lunch with like ,veggies,salad,protien,chicken and things like that,and eat a small dinner. the reason for this is that the big breakfast you eat in the morning will burn off all through the day but if you eat a big dinner you dont really burn it off, and as for exercise you can do some light jogging,walking,cardio and maybe some muscle toning like crunches.as long as you eat healthy and exercise you should be fine.

Believe it or not, jogging and running are very good for those body parts. You will see results fairly quickly, depending on how much you exercise per week.An instructor recommended me not to do sit ups or other anaerobic exercises until I lost the excess of fat in those regions. You should aim to burn fat first, then build muscle.

How fat r you, like over wight and you have heath problems, your mom says your over wight and need to lose some??? if yes then you should run with a friend/mom or ask your doctor about some tips for healthy eating. if your not then wht the hell do you see in your self you are only 13 go swim or play a game with your friends there you go thats all you need to know ^^

okay that sounds fine, and shows that u want to be healthy. I wud suggest simple exercise schemes, like swimming or example,as that is really good for the thigh, Breast stroke - fantastic for thigh and stomach front crall - good stamina for in the poolback stroke - good for arms so if u want to feel fiter do that also if you want to eat better as well, why not either join weght watchers or slimming world they moerate ure meals in a good way. dont feel stupid or anything by going there because i know oads of people ure age who go and younger. Good luck .x

Do you see the box near the top of the page?The one labelled Search for questions: ?Well type in lose weight .You will find over 20,000 preexisting questions.Try the misspellings loose weight and there are another 5,500.In all there are over 60,000 Health section questions requesting solutions to being or thinking you might be overweight.On average these each yield 6 answers, that is over 360,000 answers.I can usefully summarise these answers in 4 words:EAT LESS DO MORE. Are you desperate enough to try this???

hunny!!! You gotta EXERCISE!!! that s one of the most important parts about loosing weight!! you also need to eat right, and diet! At least 1 hour per day of exercise is required!!I m 13 also. I m about 5 6I weigh about 110 lbs. everyone does and will have meat on their bones!!I m 29 inches around at my bellybutton27.5 around above my hips, and 29 around underneath breasts.I used to be like 36 inches around at my bellybutton!!! all you need to do is give yourself some confidence, eat right, and exercise!! Good Luck!

you should run at least 30minand do a couple of sit ups, crunches, squats, jumping jacks5-6 times a weekyou ll lose weight, then gain muscle so when the scale says you start going back up it s only because muscle weighs more then fatand make sure you eat right as well

here is one of the best ways that you Can Burn Stubborn Belly Fat, Boost Your Metabolism, Tone Your Muscles With Just 3 Short Workouts A Week Click on the site below to Viewhttp://tinyurl.com/mbz6co

You re only 13. Chances are that you will have a growth spurt soon and you will thin out. You do not need to lose weight at the age of 13 unless your weight is causing you health issues.

wait for puberty to kick-in

Cycle, swim, long walks - steer well clear of crisps, chips, Mars bars etc and junk food.........good luck

For my stomach i do sit-ups about 50 a night and in a week your stomach will be flat as a pancake.xxx

A Hoola Hoop!Great fun too!

Run, Run and when you are tired.. run some more!


3 Easy, But Highly Effective Weight Loss Tips!Tip #1 - Eat right and eat often.Most people eat one or two huge meals and eat like they are in a race to see who can finish first. First, you need to eat four or five smaller meals and slow down when eating them. The slower you eat, the more the food will be broken down and predigested in the mouth. This will give the food a better chance to be used, absorbed and not stored as fat in the body. You will also feel fuller by eating more times each day, so you will want to eat smaller meals and snack less.Tip #2 - Exercise.Okay, the dirty word...exercise. If you are to lose weight, keep it off and stay healthy, you have to do it. So with that said, it is time to make up your mind that you will begin to exercise and stick with it. Find an exercise that you like which will give you more of an incentive to keep doing it. Some types of exercise that can be fun are walking, jogging, biking, swimming, golfing, tennis, or going to the gym.You do not have to spend money on a gym membership or trainer if you do not have it, just start a walking routine. It works out great if you can find a partner or buddy to walk with, but if not go at it alone. Go to the corner of the block today and then half way around the block tomorrow. The next thing you know, you will be walking 2-3 miles everyday.Tip #3 - Drink water.Drinking too many soft drinks and sugary juices helped get you in this predicament, so cut them out and drink water. You may be saying, yuck...I get tired of plain old water. Water is the only thing you can eat or drink that has ZERO calories, no fat, no sugar and again no calories and better yet, you must have water to live. That is right. You will die without it, so why not drink it to live and lose weight to boot?It has a tendency to cleanse your system, curb your appetite by making you feel fuller and helps to digest your food. If you are not drinking at least eight glasses of water now, then add them to your daily routine. You will feel better, have nicer looking skin and lose weight.Also Pay Close Attention To This:

If I starve myself will I lose weight? -

well im about 5 3 and i weigh about 180. I know im really fat and i want to lose weight fast. Will I lose weight if i starve myself?

Yes. But you will also become weak. Your body has nothing left to get nutrients from, so it eats away at your muscle.

NO!When you starve yourself, your body doesn t getthe good natural fats and sugars it needs.Changing your diet so drastically worries your body and it starts to work for itself to try to produce these things resulting in your system making its own fats and sugars. You will lose almost no weight like that and could possibly die.

Try acai berry suggested above but starving will work and you will lose weight along with things you don t want to lose. Muscle and the proper nutrients that your body requires to stay health. Just change what you eat and snack on but don t starve yourself.


u will but dont do that to urself.......if you become to underweight you could die

How to lose weight fast? -

Hi i need help on how to lose wieght fast before summer time atleast i need a plan to keep to an some advice what things to eat an what kinda work outs work the best, i know the same old sit ups but what eles is there, what kinda mind should i be in? confident? what can i do i ve made the mistake by trowing up everything i ate an got sick i learned my lesson from that an now i want to do it the healty an easy way without any pills or gym i wanna do something on my own can you help please????

eat lots of low fat food like fruits to fill up before u eat and jogging is always good exercise cut down on salt and drink enough water watch less tv cuz those food commercials will get to u!

Hi, I am the owner of a personal training company called Training Buddies in El Paso Texas. The best way for you to lose weight quickly and safely is walking, jogging and or running. Drink plenty of fluids while doing this and rest, rest, rest. Then run, run, run. If you want to lose fat and KEEP it off, then incorporate weight training into this workout. Find a gym, use your brothers or dads weights and start lifting. Use this computer and check out Google. Type in fitness programs using weights, female and walaaa! You ll have so many fitness programs you ll never get bored. The results are in, the research and studies complete...weight training, (lifting weights) is the only proven method of reducing fat and KEEPING it off. Muscle burns calories,more muscle, more calories burned...and, muscle burns calories all day, even when not working out...keep it simple. Lift weight and reduce your calorie intake. Don t take protein shakes as you don t want to bulk up anyway. Girls don t have testosterone, therefore, too much protien turns to fat anyway. Don t worry, lifting weights will tone you as a girl, not give you huge muscles. It takes most guys years to put on bulk, so lift weights and reduce fat! Expend more calories than you consume. Take your body weight...whatever it is...say for example: 100 lbs., multiply it by 10. (100 x 10 = 1000) 1000 calories is needed by your body daily, at the minimum to be able to function or barely get out of bed. This is called your BMR. (basal metabolic rate) Now, we also multiply in your activity level. If you are lazy and not active at all, multiply 100 by .20, if you are lightly active, multiply by .30, if moderately active, multiply 100 by .40, and if highly active, multiply by .50. Ok, lets use this example: say you are moderately active and 100 lbs. (1000 x .40 = 400) Add the sum to your BMR (400 + 1000 = 1400) This final sum is your target calorie intake. You need 1400 calories daily to maintain the weight of 100 and this is staying active. So, you either need to be more active, or reduce the calories. If you do both, it s synergy. More activity and reduced calorie intake, equals weight loss. Couple that with eating clean and proper foods and beverages while lifting weights, well thats an entire lifestyle change, but a total body transformation as well! Your body style represents your life style. Remember, if you want to lose weight, do it safely and don t go below 1100 calories a day, thats starving you. Try to eat 5-6 small meals a day, or three large meals and in between them eat a healthy snack. Fuel your body, it needs energy to wrok out , try to avoid fatty foods! Don t put your health at risk by getting too thin either. You ll know if your over training, you ll be too tired to work out! Lift weights every other day or even take two days off and then lift, another two off, and then lift...you ll get there, but make realistic goals. Ok, I hope you vote my answer as the best, I am being honest and you ll get true results if you listen to me. You may contact me anytime for more advice when needed. If you or anyone else is in the El Paso texas area and wish to have a fitness consultation and assessment performed, look at my profile and contact me accordingly.Have fun working out and changing your entire life, now and forever, by exercising and eating correctly. Your success is my success!

Well for me im on this diet right now hoping to lose well now 10 lbs ^_^ I drink lots of water like the whole8 glasses of 8 ounce water it realy doeswork Ive lost 4 lbs in 8 days it mightnot be the same for everybody but itcant hurt and eat more healthylike strawberries, salad, carrots ^_^stuff like that that s what i m doing and yeah its working but for exercise i runaround the block every 2 days or soand sometimes farther in spring illbe better to run all over but yeah so thisis basically what im doing for the timebeing and it really works xD Good Luck

i threw up like 20 times a day, and now i weigh as much as a squirrel, and like someone socked me and broke my arm coz of my de nutrition. just kidding. there only 1 real way to lose weight and look sexy, HARDCORE EXERCISE. Supplemented by fruits and milk

First, start with an accessible goal. When you accomplish that, you will feel wonderful about yourself and can then set the goal a little higher. If you start with a goal that is too high, and you do not reach it by your designated date, then you could risk feeling depressed and unaccomplished. Next, eat healthy foods, and a variety of them to boot. Stay away from foods high in saturated fats.Exercise, but don t overdo it! Make sure to eat plenty of protein, because your body will use that as energy before it uses the fat. It gets the protein from your muscles, so in order to replace what is used then make sure to eat an adequate amount, be it from meat or vegetable proteins.Calculate your BMI and make sure you don t lose too much weight in order to look pretty. Being overly skinny isn t any more attractive than being slightly overweight.Try this website to calculate your BMI and to find some healthy options and suggestions for your weight loss adventure. :)The National Institute of Health:http://nhlbisupport.com/bmi/Remember, summer is all about having fun! Be confident in yourself and enjoy who you are! Good luck! :)

hiiia few things u could do is-snack on vegies and fruit instead of cakes and things-walk 30 mins 3 days a week-jog 30 mins 2 days a week-eat wholemeal instead of white bread-only drink water, green tea and low fat milkNO JUICE, CORDIAL, SOFT DRINKSbut don t deprive urself of things, eat maybe 1 or 2 small treats to keep ur sanity =]]]good luck

Okay...run-on sentence....Sit ups don t burn fat. They build abdominal muscle.Sure. Be confident. And don t throw up. Whatever.Seriously, the best way to lose weight is Cardio. Go running every few days or something.

I wanna lose weight fast amp; safe? -

I am 13 years old and I wanna model SO BADLY! I have to be a 2 though. I am a 5 right now almost a 3. So is there anyway I can lose weight fast but safe and somewhat secretly? I really need help and don t reply if your gonna say I am crazy.

1. Work on your self esteem.2. Eat Healthy3. Stay Active4. Don t obsess over your weight5. Most models you see in magazines and tv commercials have been computer edited to look that perfect.6. Find a profession that values your intelligence and not your body

hi, the best way to lose weight is to make a little diary and take notes of everything you eat each day for a week. Then the next week take out one of those things each day and relace it with some of that free acai berry at http://fly2.ws/DWvr32S and you will see your weight go down and your energy levels goup. I ost 20lbs in 4 weeks this way.

eat something healthy and exercise+


How to lose weight? Help Please!? -

Okay so I m 16 years old and over the last year and a half I gained like 20 lbs. Then slowly I ve lost about 9 of those pounds. I m currently 5 4 and 126 lbs. I jog up and down my hallway in my house and I take about a 2 mile walk every day. Should I take my jogging outside? What other exercises should I do? And how much sweets should I eat? I tend to be big on sweats. I want to get down to about 110 by july. Any help would be extremely appreciative! Thanks in advance!

Consume healthy foods and do not skip meals. Eat three meals each day and some healthy snacks if you get hungry. Your blood sugar level will be steady, and you will not feel as hungry. Eat at the table, not standing up. Have one specific place you will eat all your meals (unless you are out with friends). This keeps you from eating food mindlessly in front of the TV. Take time to chew, count to 30 for each bite. Chewing more can help you lose weight. You will find that you will get full faster, and will not have to eat as much. Remember that it takes at least 20 minutes to actually notice that you re full or not hungry anymore. Try not to overeat, when you feel satisfied stop eating. and don t let yourself eat anymore if your not finished. When you snack, choose healthy fruits and vegetables rather than candy or chips. Or, if you really hate veggies, get some fat free dressing to go with it, or instead opt for the new low-fat chips that have recently appeared these days. Light yogurt helps boost up your metabolism and tastes great. Popcorn, minus added salt or butter, are excellent munchies. It is full of fiber, will fill you up, and tastes good. Walk as much as you can (the average person burns about six calories per minute walking). Try to walk at least one mile a day to start. Each day walk a little further. Walk at a brisk pace, and if you find you are getting out of breath then slow down. In the beginning it is more important that you at least walk, rather than walk fast. Take the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Dance by yourself to the music on the television or your MP3 player. Any movements will make you lose weight, so have fun and dance your way to a thinner you! Exercise. It doesn t matter if you lift weights, walk around your neighborhood, swim, or jog on a treadmill, you will lose weight, as long as you exercise 3-4 days a week, and burn more than your calorie intake. If you don t have a treadmill, find a pool, walk into waist deep water, and run in place, this burns just as many calories as running on a treadmill. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. You probably don t have to drink that much, but many think that there s nothing wrong with it. You do not have to drink them down all at once, but keep sipping all day. Do whatever is comfortable and convenient for you, as long as you drink that amount of water. This will help you feel more full.Anything you drink will contain calories, but drinking only water is boring, and becomes a chore. Simply taking in more fluids daily will improve your health and digestion immensely. Fruit and vegetable juices will add sugars and calories, but they ll also add nutrients and anti-oxidants. Go for juices that are not from concentrate ( Simply Orange is a good one and so is V8 and V8 Splash) or make your own to minimize the bad parts. Weigh yourself every week on a certain day in the morning before you eat and after you go to the bathroom. this will show you ve lost weight rather than weighing every day. Record your progress. This way you can notice any major changes. Keep a log of everything you eat, every exercise you do, and how many inches your waist is (or whatever kind of body part that needs weight loss). Add up your total calorie intake of that day (try and keep it at a maximum of 2000) and how many calories you burned (most exercise machines will give you an estimate of how many calories you burned). If your diet or exercise changed you can see what plan worked best for you. Also, if you record the calories you have eaten, you can input them in websites that will then calculate whether you should have eaten more, or less calories that day, and you can plan from that. Be Confident. If you are confident about losing weight you will be more likely to have some great progress! It actually works!

This is too easy to do. I am doing:20 sit ups in the AM.Breakfast: Example~ yogurt, special K eggs (plain)Lunch repetition: 1 lean pocket (hot pockets different flavors)=whatever you choose make it the same everydayWalk 20 min everyday after work/school: treadmill or outside either way just as long as I do it everyday for 20 min. For your arms add weights while you walk, or I use cans of veggies I keep in my pantry ha ha! ( really green beans, peas, corn, soups whatever you have)Healthy dinner: Fish (I do not like fish but found some good recipes) or chicken. Try to cut down on red meat but do not cut it our all together.No Soda, No fast food, Everything you snack from here on out must be Raw veggies or fruit.You can eat unlimited amounts.I have truly stuck to this routine and Ive lost 10 already! Good luck

Try drinking more water, water helps a lot with weightloss, if you can drink about 3 litres of water per day it will help your digestion and help you break down more fat cells when you exercise. Don t just walk and jog, you need to do something that uses muscles, such as sit ups/push ups or just step-ups (step up onto a coffee table or something then back down, about 50 times per leg).Hope this helps darl!

Don t know if it works for you but it works for me, and i didnt even want to lose weight.Get LOTS of sleep! quit drinking soda and drink a small bottle of water BEFORE you go to sleep. Yes you wake up and will have to pee really badly, also great way to get up in the morning :) hehe.Exercise isn t always the answer, yeah you burn calories but it s more important you don t add calories.I hardly exercise, i am really thin ( not SKINNY but thin) just cos i quit drinking soda.

Okay so I am 5 5 and weigh about 120. A few months ago I was 138! You know what advice my boyfriend gave me? It s the best advice EVER! DON T THINK ABOUT YOUR WEIGHT! Haha I know it sounds insane but I used to stress about my weight all the time and now I eat what I want. Still healthy things too but I m not afraid of a milkshake and fries! Yum! I also do some yoga classes at the gym and ocassionally I ll go on the treadmill/alyptical. I also walk to get to a lot of places. Just be happy and confident with yourself. The rest is a cinch! ;) Hope I helped!

Cut back on Sweets and drink ( for example: ) diet coke instead of coke colaTake up circuit training at your local gym once a week and do 100 crunches in one go 3-4 times a week.Look into Negative Calorie Foods that help you burn fat while being digested.I hope I could help you, as I have previously been in your situation.

this may sound crazy...but eat 5 small means per day about 3 hours apart; high i protein, low in sugar... NEVER drink soda and stay away from sweets.if you have access to money, try caffeine free hydroxy cut. makes your work 4.5 times more worth it! also an herbal cleansing pack... cleans your body from all the **** literally lol (not as bad as it sounds)

Definitely jog around outside. And do some squats and lunges! Don t eat a ton of sweets, but don t be afraid of them. Just moderate who much you take in. And don t eat while watching TV, or else you ll end up eating too much!Good luck!

Treadmill on verticle # 8 for 1 hr every other day or every day for a half hour.

Jogging... please ansewer mine http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;��

I had good success here, highly recommend it. www.czone.info/acaiberry


yes go jogging out side, jogging is much better for fat loss then walking

Alright I m an exercise junkie so listen up. Lay off the sweets to start, if you got to eat sweets start eating more fruit. Fruit has tons of sugar in it and it doesn t have all the carbs and calories. Those 2 miles you walk- start running them 3-4 days a week and you will be on the right track. Try this diet for a while: breakfast- 1 (only 1) bowl cereal or oatmeal. Lunch eat as much fruit and veggies as you can (tomatoes and cucumbers rock!). For dinner eat a good meal - anything really just avoid alot of fat and grease. Drink alot of water and get out and do stuff. If you have to snack be smart about it, candy and chips are ok maybe a couple times a week but do your best to stay away from them. If you stay active and watch your diet you ll start seeing results in only 3-4 weeks. If you are new to exercise try some yoga or pilates and see if you like it. Also grab a womens exersice magazine and start educating yourself some. --good luck-- ;)

Oh jeez, you are the same age height and weight as me. I can t seem to get the weight to go away either.... I have tried diet upon diet. I am a vegan and I swear that barely works to lose weight. I run for 45 minuets and walk for an hour a day... and yet nothing is working... I need to get down to 98 by next month, I have a model interview... If you get any good advise, can you send it my way.... My best advise would be to jog more, and yeah take it outside, do cardio not just aerobics. If you have stairs, run up and down them.... and Yoga and Pilates work extremely well I am doing those right now, all you need is a book and the essential work out equip. And you must eat healthy. I eat no sweets at all... and it works a bit, but you have to shorten your meals and eat less and eat a lot of healthy things, and don t eat out or at fast food restaurants as much.

For toning, just spend 15-20 minutes every night doing sit ups, push ups, and crunches. The best thing to do is start with 10 minutes for a few days, and then add a minute each day. And it s best to do these exercises at night, just before bed!Okay, well how fast you lose weight all depends on how much you weigh at the moment. For example, if you were obese then you d lost weight a lot faster than someone who is an average weight, or just slightly overweight.It s pretty easy to lose a stone in a few months. For example, I have lost 18lbs since the beginning of January, which is 1 stone and 4lbs.There are simple easy things you ve gotta do which is using less butters and oils whilst cooking, and cutting down on that odd chocolate bar you might have once every few days. Eventually, after a few weeks, aim to not snack at all. Yep, it s really hard but you ve gotta try hard, so think of something that will really motivate you, like thinking about what you could look like after a few months if you stay away from bad foods, and if you do eat it, how bad you ll feel after. Do not EVER eat after 7pm. If you really wanna be good then don t eat after 6pm. But 7pm is the complete latest. It doesn t matter how healthy the snack is, don t eat it. The only thing going into your mouth after 7pm is water.You should also drink lots of water in the day. Usually, when your stomache is telling your brain you re hungry, you re just thirsty!Exercising is a lot easier than people make out. I do aerobics in my bedroom and it s easy. Just get an iPod or MP3 and move! Even have a little dance around. Or, if you don t have an iPod or MP3 player, play music out loud. Whatever you choose to do, just move!I also go on a 20 minute walk every day. Remember that even a little bit of exercise is better than no exercise.Then of course, do the simple things that ll burn even just a few calories. For example, if you get a bus often, then walk to the next stop and then get on the bus, or if the journey isn t that far, walk the whole way. If you drive to a lot of places then park further away from your destination and walk. During lunch breaks go for a little walk, even if it s just for 15 mintues, it s better than nothing.Chew gum. It ll keep your mind and mouth focused on something other than food, and if you buy an expensive gum, then you ll feel guilty about just throwing it in the bin, and you ll try and get as many chews as you can from it. I understand about eating from boredom, so try and find something really fun to do while you re at home!Remember to drink water, water, and more water.Good luck, and feel free to email me if you need any more tips! :)

Check the Nutrition Facts Label on Everything you eat to make sure it s not too high in Calories/Fats, because losing weight is a combonation of diet AND exercise....so you need to have both for it to be successfulDrink healthy juices like Orange juice.If you cut back on the sweets that will help too...Limit yourself to One sweet item per day.Make sure to eat 3 meals a day (Breakfast, lunch and dinner) so that your metabolism doesn t slow down and if you need a snack in between, eat an apple or banana.Eat until you re satisfied, and don t ever stuff yourself.Choose the healthier snacks (Instead of regular chips, eat Baked)That happened to me too at your age....Don t eat anything after 7:00p.m. (Because you won t have time to burn off as energy before you go to sleep). Just have some water before bed and that should keep you hydrated throughout the night.Hope that helps! more questions? ask

Hey, I m turning sixteen soon and I gained 20 pounds last year and lost about 11. I am now at 128 and I ve lost the weight relatively fast. I suggest you take your jogging outside and do lots of cardio and aerobics. Pilates are great too!I usually only eat sweets one day a week, usually on a saturday or sunday. good luck!!If you have an iPod Touch they have a fabulous App called Lose It! and it helped me lose the weight i gained. It Basically limits your total calories for the day, my limit started off at 980 calories to lose 2 pounds a week( but i ended up losing more) and for every pound lost it subtracts around 15 calories. It has the calories for food and for exercise too so you can eat more if you exercise more. Also, weighing yourself every day helps to make you more aware of your progress.

What do can you do or use the lose weight fast? -

i am 5 5 tall and i weigh 200 pounds i really need to do something to help me get rid of all this fat. my goal is to reach 135 pounds so i really need to lose 65 pounds really fast.

Eat healthy food and exercise.

I suggest a balanced meal and excersising . But to lose weight fast is to eat less calories

Eat less and exercise more.

you consult with an Amway distributors ask him/her about positrim

This is a common and most addressed problem in the general public. A precise answer could be:1. Identify the reason for ur fatness (there are different kinds of it)2. A quick walk than running is very suitable3. Eat minimum at a time.4. Sleep properly (not less than or more than 7 ot 8 hours)5. Keep yourself busy (mentally phsically)other advices can be given in context to the actual reason for ur fatness. I don t feel unhappy if u even drop a mail to me

reduce the amount of solid content in your food.. try to take fresh juice ... its a good source of energy

Firstly stop eating high calorie or high fat foods instead try making or eating products with a lot of bran or wholewheat, substitute soft-drinks and canned juices for water and green tea, cut back on your meat intake a little if you must have meat eat broiled chicken breast and more steamed vegetables, cook with olive oil. Every time you think of reaching for a high fat snack in the supermarket get a pound of grapes or your favorite fruit instead.Exercise everyday if you can even if it is for 20 minutes. If you hate the gym right now invest in a skipping rope and some light weights. Buy an outfit two to three sizes too small that you really like and set your goal on getting into it for motivation.Whenever you re out with your skinny friends and they grab for something that is high in fat and calories repeat these words in your head If I eat that piece of cake i would have to exercise twice as much later

A healthy diet and regular exercise. Be realistic there is absolutely no other better way of losing weight. It would take time, don t be dissapointed if you lose wieght slowly because sometimes it depends on your genes. I would say if you have a healthy diet and regular exercise a year would be a very good and realistic time. You have time, if you are busy then make time! stop making excuses.

Weight loss is a tricky topic. Lots of people are unhappy with their present weight, but most aren t sure how to change it - and many would be better off staying where they are. You may want to look like the models or actors in magazines and on TV, but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you. Besides, no magical diet or pill will make you look like someone elsSo what should you do about weight control?Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you. The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a doctor or dietitian. He or she can compare your weight with healthy norms to help you set realistic goals. If it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.Weight management is about long-term success. People who lose weight quickly by crash dieting or other extreme measures usually gain back all (and often more) of the pounds they lost because they haven t permanently changed their habits. Therefore, the best weight management strategies are those that you can maintain for a lifetime. That s a long time, so we ll try to keep these suggestions as easy as possible!Make it a family affair. Ask your mom or dad to lend help and support and to make dietary or lifestyle changes that might benefit the whole family, if possible. Teens who have the support of their families tend to have better results with their weight management programs. But remember, you should all work together in a friendly and helpful way - making weight loss into a competition is a recipe for disaster!Watch your drinks. It s amazing how many extra calories can be lurking in the sodas, juices, and other drinks that you take in every day. Simply cutting out a couple of cans of soda or switching to diet soda can save you 360 calories or more each day. Drink lots of water or other sugar-free drinks to quench your thirst and stay away from sugary juices and sodas. Switching from whole to nonfat or low-fat milk is also a good idea.Start small. Small changes are a lot easier to stick with than drastic ones. Try reducing the size of the portions you eat and giving up regular soda for a week. Once you have that down, start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.Stop eating when you re full. Lots of people eat when they re bored, lonely, or stressed, or keep eating long after they re full out of habit. Try to pay attention as you eat and stop when you re full. Slowing down can help because it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to recognize how much is in your stomach. Sometimes taking a break before going for seconds can keep you from eating another serving.Avoid eating when you feel upset or bored - try to find something else to do instead (a walk around the block or a trip to the gym are good alternatives). Many people find it s helpful to keep a diary of what they eat and when. Reviewing the diary later can help them identify the emotions they have when they overeat or whether they have unhealthy habits. A registered dietitian can give you pointers on how to do this.Eat less more often. Many people find that eating a couple of small snacks throughout the day helps them to make healthy choices at meals. Stick a couple of healthy snacks (carrot sticks, a low-fat granola bar, pretzels, or a piece of fruit) in your backpack so that you can have one or two snacks during the day. Adding healthy snacks to your three squares and eating smaller portions when you sit down to dinner can help you to cut calories without feeling deprived.Five a day keep the pounds away. Ditch the junk food and dig out the fruits and veggies! Five servings of fruits and veggies aren t just a good idea to help you lose weight - they ll help keep your heart and the rest of your body healthy. Other suggestions for eating well: replace white bread with whole wheat, trade your sugary sodas for lots of water and a few cups of low-fat milk, and make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. Having low-sugar, whole grain cereal and low-fat milk and a piece of fruit is a much better idea than inhaling a donut as you run to the bus stop or eating no breakfast at all! A registered dietitian can give you lots of other snack and menu ideas.Avoid fad diets. It s never a good idea to trade meals for shakes or to give up a food group in the hope that you ll lose weight - we all need a variety of foods to stay healthy. Stay away from fad diets because you re still growing and need to make sure you get proper nutrients. Avoid diet pills (even the over-the-counter or herbal variety). They can be dangerous to your health; besides, there s no evidence that they help keep weight off over the long term.Don t banish certain foods. Don t tell yourself you ll never again eat your absolutely favorite peanut butter chocolate ice cream or a bag of chips from the vending machine at school. Making these foods forbidden is sure to make you want them even more. Also, don t go fat free: You need to have some fat in your diet to stay healthy, so giving up all fatty foods all the time isn t a good idea. The key to long-term success is making healthy choices most of the time. If you want a piece of cake at a party, go for it! But munch on the carrots rather than the chips to balance it out.Get moving. You may find that you don t need to cut calories as much as you need to get off your behind. Don t get stuck in the rut of thinking you have to play a team sport or take an aerobics class to get exercise. Try a variety of activities from hiking to cycling to rowing until you find ones you like.Not a jock? Find other ways to fit activity into your day: walk to school, jog up and down the stairs a couple of times before your morning shower, turn off the tube and help your parents in the garden, or take a stroll past your crush s house - anything that gets you moving. Your goal should be to work up to 60 minutes of exercise every day. But everyone has to begin somewhere. It s fine to start out by simply taking a few turns around the block before bed and building up your levels of fitness gradually.Build muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat. So adding strength training to your exercise routine can help you reach your weight loss goals as well as give you a toned bod. A good, well-balanced fitness routine includes aerobic workouts, strength training, and flexibility exercises.Forgive yourself. So you were going to have one cracker with spray cheese on it and the next thing you know the can s pumping air and the box is empty? Drink some water, brush your teeth, and move on. Everyone who s ever tried to lose weight has found it challenging. When you slip up, the best idea is to get right back on track and don t look back. Avoid telling yourself that you ll get back on track tomorrow or next week or after New Year s. Start now.Try to remember that losing weight isn t going to make you a better person - and it won t magically change your life. It s a good idea to maintain a healthy weight because it s just that: healthy.

nikki you need to do alot of cardiovascular exercises. i.e. a lot of running at a pace that is comfortable to you at least three to four times a week. No heavy eating after 6pm. An enjoyable liquid meal is advised.