Sunday, April 17, 2016

How to lose weight fast? -

There s not really a fast way, but this should start working within 2 weeks- Start running or run/walking. The pounds will come off if you do 2-3 miles every day or every other day. It won t be a quick weightloss but it will stay off if you do it right. Cut out all junk food and binge eating. Only eat when you are hungry and stop when that feeling is gone. Start doing lunges and squats for your thighs, butt, and love handles. Do situps and crunches to help your mid section. Drink a lot of water and cut out all sugary drinks. Working out in the morning is the best time because you re burning fat instead of all the calories you ate throughout the day. It also makes you feel good for the rest of the day.You need to have a good breakfast- like kashi or special k cereal with fat free, skim, or organic milk and don t eat too much of it. You need to have a snack between breakfast and lunch- like fruit or nuts or raw veggies. For lunch have like a tuna sandwich on wheat or peanut butter and jelly with a piece of fruit. Have another snack in between lunch and dinner. For dinner, have fish or chicken- but not fried chicken. There s plenty of healthy dinners you can have- don t have any greasy or fried foods. Cutout all fast food and junk food. Also, if you re going to have dessert, cut it in half and only eat half. Take home the rest for a different night or just don t eat it at all.You need to eat and drink a lot of water to keep your metabolism high. Your metabolism helps you lose weight quicker so make sure you eat the right amount of calories- and make sure they are healthy calories. JUnk food will pack on the pounds quickly. Don t eat after 7pm.Goodluck!

The formula for losing weight is not difficult - consume less and exercise more - the difficulties surface when we really try to put that into operation! There are plenty of temptations out there aren t there?! The only thing that clearly worked for me was green tea, it can be seen in the resource box underneath, they have a handful of free trials left, it was featured in Fox News and USA Today. I melted away 20 pounds, it clearly does work!

The key for losing weight is not difficult - eat less food and exercise more - the difficulties surface when we really try to put that into practice! There are lots of stumbling blocks in the big wide world aren t there?! The one diet which really showed results for me was green tea, it can be checked out in the resource box below, they have a handful of free trials left, it has been featured in Fox News and USA Today. I shed thrity pounds, it really does produce success!

Any good ways to lose weight fast? -

ok, i am 4ft 10 and i weigh about 108 pounds.i know, im huge. im involved in volleyball but ive been doing it for about a week along with dieting and im not losing any weight. I wanna lose about 5 pounds. any advice?

Try low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein, and exercise. The foods are low caloried, and yet filling and healthy. Brisk walking is great for burning body fats.It is my lifestyle now. I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs/14kg and gained better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs/49kg for more than a year, with more fruits and complex carbs.Details such as my experience, meals, snacks, recipes, foods to buy, reading labels, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc,

There are more diets than ever and more people dieting than ever and yet we have the fattest society ever. So a lot of these ideas about losing weight, make you fatter. Cutting calories, carbs and fats can cause you to have a weight problem for life.It is better to eat differently. See site below and learn why meat and non-fat yogurt are so fattening. Also salt has no calories but makes you fat. Cure your weight problem and be thin for life. It also has the quickest weight loss possible.

Walk briskly at least 1/2 hour a day, drinks lots of water to flush out and eat small, healthy meals- 6 a day. It s called grazing and keeps your metabolism revved up.

run, eat healthier. but don t fast, if you lose a large amount of weight in a short time from just not eating, you will gain it back very very fast. you need to lose weight over a long term period slowly.

I cut down my carbs to 20 per day and I m losing 3 pounds a week. It seems like a fad but it works.

How can I lose weight fast? -

i need to lose weight because we are going to start boater safety classes and i don t want my guy friends to see my little bit that I have of big bloaty body fat.HELP?!

I want to start this response by saying that whatever you do, stay away from the diet supplement industry. There are far too many scams going around there, and none of them are a fast nor permanent answer.So the first thing I would suggest is exercise; this one isn t too hard to figure out, just try to find an activity that you enjoy that happens to include a lot of moving around, like riding a bike, or playing the drums. The top reason people give up on their exercise plan is because they get bored!But what diet to choose? If you want to really get serious about losing weight, why not try a professionally planned diet? You have to be careful here as well, there is a lot of scams just like the supplement business. However, I just recently found out about this great site from a friend that has a new innovative diet I ve never heard about! Check it out if you are interested, I hope this helps!

First of all, guy friends?? they wont notice and if they do it s only because they think you are hot.If you still want to loose weight fast...depending on how much time you have... the fastest way to loose weight is to cut the portions of food you are eating by 1/2. This is not healthy!!! but it s fast, but *beware* that you may gain back more weight after you stop. To do this: eat whenever you feel hungry and instead of a full portion, eat half and skip as many carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, bread etc.) as you can. Keep in mind, I do not recommend this...instead flaunt your curves!!! I don t know any guys who like skinny girls :P

How to lose weight quick.? -

need help

Excersice more--eat less, just make sure you still eat SOMETHING.

How can i lose weight fast? -

is there any way i can shed loads of weight .. i ll do anything!!please help

The 2 answers above are in every i want to lose weight question. I ordered that acai berry stuff over a week ago and it still hasnt turned up.A couple of things that work for me - drink dandilion tea - it will take a couple of inches off your waist. Lots of exercise and eat loadsa fruit and veg. These always work for me.Good luck huni. xx

diet+swimming everyday. worked for me.