Monday, July 25, 2016

Need to lose weight fast for medical reasons any ideas that are safe? -

See a doctor. There are appetite suppressants such as Meridia that will work in the short term. Medicines like Adderall (amphetamines) can be prescribed for short term weight loss as well. Both of these solutions will allow you to lose more weight than with just diet and exercise. They should be combined with diet and exercise for maximum results.

I would suggest to read a book called i lost 50 kilos and so can you it s by Leanne Marrell. Its a good book and it Will give you ways to lose wieght. I suggest you read it.

well: according to Diet Fitness it is very important that wouldknow the Answers Health says start those Daily Exercises please!remember about Nutritional Food Groups that helps withCalorie Counter plus plan and complete the 3 square meals perday

well slap my *** and call me Shirley, look what we have here, a ******* comedian.GET ON THE FLOOR AND DO SOME PUSH UPS FAT-***!!

Yes what is the best way to lose weight fast? -

I am not interested in marketing gimicks, machines, eat all you want, and pills. I am asking about the best legitimate approach to losing weight, best way to eat, low carb? lower cal intake? How much exercise? walking? cycling? pilates? what works best?

The best way is to reduce your calorie intake. Use this website to see what calories you need to maintain your current weight or to lose weight. Exercise atleast 30mins per day. You dont need to be excessive only consistent. :) Good luck!

just cut your intake of food in half//in crease water to 100 ounces a day//walk at least 2miles a day///the look at yourself in a mirrow 2 months from now!!

First of all, don t go in a diet like some girls who don t eat so they can look thin. You can go on a diet by avoiding fat foods like chocolate and bead. Try to eat vegetables more often. Try to also exercise. Walk a mile per week. Buy a bike and go riding. Being in a diet doesn t mean that you can have any fun just because you re restricted on how much you can eat. You can eat whatever you want except you have to eat it not exaggerating but measured. That s how to lose weight. That s why I m thin. Everything I told you is how I got thin. You won t believe it but some people are as thin as sticks and they think they are fat. You re are not the only one in the world that has this problem. Millions of people have this problem. Don t feel bad if you look like an hourglass. You can fix it with a little help.

Drink 2 glasses of water before each meal (to fill you up), walk an extra 1000 steps a day (from what you currently do), eliminate all candies and fried foods and fast food restaurants. The weight will come off. Also, try to limit the carb intake. If you love pasta (and I certainly do!), use whole wheat instead of regular and eliminate the cheese.Good luck.

you should really seek a nutritionist! but running is the key! because it doesnt just target those calves, it makes you sweat, and brings up your heart rate! you ll be dropping pounds in no time!! but try a variety of things. like weight lifting and training!

If the reason for your weight gain eating too often then read this (wait for page to load) about potassium.

Losing weight fast and a legit approach are pretty much oxymoronic. Any rapid weight loss comes by using unhealthy means, imho. I think paying attention to what you eat and portion control are the keys. Don t eat junk food like chips, candy, fries. Especially don t drink soda, even diet (there s some research out there that says those may increase appetite). Do eat lots of veggies and lean protein, and wherever you use a high fat product, substitute a low fat--like milk (I drink skim, but this is the only fat-free product I use, the others all are nasty), yoghurt, salad dressing, cheese.As far as exercise, you need a cardio type, like cycling, swimming, running to burn calories and also to increase your basal metabolic rate so you burn more calories even when not exercising. How much, and how hard, depends on what kind of shape you are in right now. Do something cardio at least once a day, even if it s just a brisk 15 minute walk. To increase your capacity, add no more than 10% per week. Like if you walk 2 miles a day, next week do 2.2. I also use weight training. The more lean muscle mass you have, as opposed to fat, the more calories you burn, and lifting builds muscle. It also tones what you have, and being stronger is also a plus.

Eat dinner VERY early. Make at least half of your food intake fruits and vegeables. Eat breakfast. Do cardio exercise; something that gets your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes a day, more if you have time. Lower cal and carb. Watch your portions. A serving the size of your palm for most things that aren t fruits and vegetables, meat the size of a deck of cards.

How 2 lose weight fast? -

Im pretty slim...but i want 2 lose weight my butt has gotten bigger.n i have a lilbelly which i want 2 get rid of.tell me what i can do 4 the extra fat plz.exercis n wat i need 2 stop eating or wat i shud eat.if u guys give me sum links 4 yuotube with exerceises shown that wud b awsum.10 points 4 best ans.

I have lost 40 lbs. in 3 months and I know this will work. Eat small healthy meals every 2-3 hours, eat your last meal 2-3 hours before you go to sleep. Do not starve yourself or your body will go into survival mode where anything you eat will be turned into FAT. This will help you a lot but if you want more results you can exercise 3-4 days a week, include weight training and especially cardio (walking especially running). If you set your mind to lose the weight you will lose it and when you start seeing how good you look you ll want to keep going.Good Luck

eat about 1200-1500 calories a day. Keep a calorie diary of every day - it doesn t have to fancy, just a notebook. AND don t worry to much about what TYPE of food it is your eating (because u need to get used to eating regular food just making the portions smaller! if you just keep a calorie count you can eat anything u want - even chocolate and icecream! but only a little!)exercise! - not too much beacuse you need to able to do this for the rest of your life. Do a little cardio every day in the morning and maybe an exercise video after school. AND! get a stretching book from the liabrary, so that your aren t as sore after you workout.GO HERE! - at lot more tips______________________________________��Glambert #1935 wants YOU to VOTE for The Dark Lord Screamanova!!!����

How do you lose weight fast if your 14? -

I am wanting to lose weight because i am over weight

what is ur weight now? and ur height too? any how u can follow the diet as.1) Cook your food without any food oil try to use boiled/steamed vegetables, meat, and lot of salad. U can eat fruits too and boiled/steamed chicken or red meat too but no pork.2) Potato is strictly forbidden during this diet3) Don��t eat any type of junk food.4) Drink at least 3 ltr of water daily. Make ur habit to drink water as much as u can6) use brown bread7) use skimmed and low fat milk and yogurt8) no sugar of any type.9) drink diet pepsi if u like. but just one glass once a day.10)U can eat vegetable soap too as much as u can but no corn flour in it. 11) if u feel hungry then divide ur diet into 5-6 healthy meals a day (1 plate size only) 12) one bowl of oatmeal can be taken as a break fastat least take this diet for 3 to 6 months and when u fell that u have achieved your desired weight then make ur eating life style as told above but occasionally u can take other junk food too.the best indoor exercise machine is tread mill. run on tread mill for at least 30 mntns daily. and try to extend ur period for one hour.

Don t restrict too many calories because you are still growing..and you need a lot of nutrients to do so. So I suggest playing a sport or increasing you physical activities. Don t starve yourself and don t pig out.

The only way that works and keeps you healthy is the tried and true balanced diet with calorie/nutrient counting and exercise.Try these sites to put your ideal weight in make sure to add extra if you are still growing and get the right calories for you to eat in a day. Then there are tools there that tell you the calorie/nutrient content of foods and lots of other

Exercise and eat less junk. Talk to your doctor or ask the school nurse about what is appropriate for you to eat for your age. Do NOT restrict your diet severely because you need the nutrients and can really mess up your body if you aren t careful. Start jogging in the morning or evening (ask a friend to go because it is always safer to run with a buddy). If it s too cold for that, purchase a fitness video or two (Wal-Mart or Target carries a good variety) and work out 30 minutes a day at least 4 times a week. Your body will thank you (and your grades may improve too -- exercise is good for the mind and body).Anyway, I was overweight at your age and am only 9 years older now, and I wish I would have lost the weight then then trying to get it off (slowly but surely) now. I encourage you to work for it now rather than later.

You have got to exercise! Due to your age nutrition is also extremely important, if you are going to cut anythig out just start with soda and fruitjuice, you will be amazed at what cutting those and substituting water will do for you.

Lots of exercise, if you don t move you wont loose weight. Also stay away from junkfood and drink plenty of water. Whenever u need a snack eat some fruit. If you starve yourself your body will panick and hold onto all of its fat.