Sunday, June 11, 2006

I need help making healthy choice!? -

Im going grocery shopping tonight and I need some help making some healthy choices. I am trying to lose 70-80 pounds. What should my grocery list include for a healthy weight loss list. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners. Keep in mind I have a 2 year old too!

-Non fat milk-Pure orange juice, [read ingredients, make sure it only say 100% orange juice, noting eles]-Non fat Yogurt-Whole grain wheat bread-Eggs-Anything organic you can find-fruits-veggies-low salt turkey-chicken-cherrios cerial-organic oat meal [green box] maple and brown sugar, or quicker instant oatmeal.Always make sure you check the ingredients and what it contains.

I would like to recommend you my weight loss way that works amazing. I get right weight loss way and applied the way, then I lost weight fast. You must have the way that works. You can get the best way weight loss that worked for me and lost 13 pounds after 2 weeks. You can get more information at

If you are really serious about losing weight you must have this program. It worked for me and it is the only diet program that lost me 11 pounds in 30 days. It works just amazing and using correct info will lose your weight easy . You can find more info at

Just joint a gym...What should i eat and what should I avoid? -

Hey im 21. I weight 11st 6lbs. Want to get down to a healthy (for my height, 5 2) 8st 5lbs - 9st. What foods should I eat and what should i avoid to help maintain healthy weight loss? Also what kind of protein drinks or similar should I drink before and during my workout?Thanks

Here are a few diet tips:1. Eat breakfast every day within an hour of getting up. It kick-starts your metabolism. Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast are 450% more likely to be overweight than those who eat breakfast every day.2. Eat six small meals or snacks per day instead of three squares per day or one big meal per day. If you eat too much at one sitting, your body stores the extra calories as fat. Go too long between meals and your metabolism slows down. Your body expends energy digesting your food, so eating smaller portions more often keeps your metabolism running high because you��re constantly digesting food.3. Avoid these as much as possible:-- Trans fat (any type of partially or fully hydrogenated oil)-- High fructose corn syrup (soft drinks are LOADED with it)-- Fast food-- Junk food-- White sugar, white flour, white rice, white potatoes-- The deadly C��s (cookies, cakes, candy, chips, cola)4. Build your diet around these trim-body-friendly foods:-- Nuts, any kind (almonds are best)-- Beans/Legumes-- Fresh vegetables (green is GREAT!!!)-- Dairy products (as long as they��re low-fat or non-fat)-- Eggs-- Lean meats (fish and poultry top the list)-- Olive oil-- Whole grain breads/cereals/pasta-- Fresh fruits (anything that ends in ��berry�� is a winner)-- Tea (green tea or black pekoe tea)-- Cold water or ice water (your body has to expend extra calories to heat it up)5. Desserts and treats are the exception, not the rule. Having said that, however, (1) you can have a couple of pieces of chocolate every day �C just don��t overdo, and (2) Allow yourself one ��cheat meal�� every week where you eat and drink whatever you want as long as you don��t gorge yourself. That��ll help keep you from feeling deprived and it��ll make it easier to stick with your new healthy eating plan.6. BE CAREFUL with protein drinks. You should get your protein from real food whenever possible, and you want to make sure the protein drinks are low in saturated fat and have no high-fructose corn syrup in them. Read labels. Whey protein is best, but women can use soy protein.Good luck!��The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.��-- Thomas Alva Edison, inventor extraordinaire

this may sound strange, but if you workout hard, your body will tell you what to eat, for the most part. however, try to stay away from sugars, fats and eat your carbs by lunch time...nothing after. eat protein from chicken or fish. if you re trying to lose weight, you shouldn t eat any protein shakes...they re more for gaining weight.

fruits veggies, beef and deserts rarely.most imortantly you should count the number of calories you consume each day, keep it under 2000 unless you balance it with a long workout; and lose no more than 2 lbs per week.

just eat in moderation, use a smaller plate, just do it a healthy way!

Is Nutrisystem legit? -

I know that fad diets and pills are all either unhealthy or just simply don t work. However, this actually looks like a legitimate weight-loss program to me (assuming of course coupled with exercise). What do you guys think?

Huge waste of money, and it limits you to only eating their crappy food for the rest of your life to maintain the weight loss.Your much better off planning and fixing your own meals, and this will save you a ton of money as well.Best of luck.

I ran this same question last week. I got about 6 answers and they all convinced me it was not worth it. I saw it on QVC and they had a special for 197 for 4 weeks. I called nutrisystem and they wanted almost 300/month for food. But according to the people that answered me they got sick from it, the food was soy based, didn t taste so good. I m curious how your responses will be. let me know.

Nutrisystem does work if you an stand the if food!!!I ordered a one months supply and was only able to do it for 3 weeks because the food was terrible.However, I did lose 10 pounds in those 3 weeks.Hope this was helpful!

fad diets and pills free trial on this website

No.Any weight loss program that calls size 10 fat is no good and a rip off.Also you spend a lot of money on their stupid meals when you should be taught how to eat sensibly with the food you already have.

Trust me on this. I lost 55 lbs. There is only ONE true way too lose weight. Fruits, vegetables and regular exercise. All those other things are overpriced supplements. Read the fine print on any of them.

I ve never tried it but know someone who has. They lost about 100lbs (but needed to) but when they began to eat regular food they gained some of the weight back.The best diet plan is to add lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains and lots of water to your menu. Exercise at least 3-5 times a week. I ve also found that having a friend or family member join you on your quest to get healthy is good too. They can encourage you when you want to eat that 1/2 gallon of rocky road ice cream!!

Nutrisystem is legit. The food is ok but it gets a bit boring after a while. It also takes a bit of getting used to because the portions are small especially for lunch. Nothing has to be refrigerated which is good. But some of the taste is bland because it is freeze-dried

Great post! I totally understand how you feel. I m also trying to lose weight and I found this great product which is working for me. You can check the website at , I had a free trial and paid less than 7.00$ shipping and handling. Best of luck!

How can i lose 80 lbs? -

well, im just a kid so dont tell me to join a weight loss program or buy some fancy food, i just want to know what i can do to lose 80 lbs the healthy way.

Look i do belive that sports and exercise is the best way ever to burn fat along with eating health meals (that doesnt mean that u have to submit to any kind of diet) its all abt the calorieo defect if u manage to consume less calorieos than ur body needs then u will burn fat For example if ur body needs 2000 cals per day just to maintin ur wieght then if u need to burn some fat then u have to create a cal defect by cuting down 500 cals per day u can do that by reducing ur cal intake by 200 cals and do some aerobic classes or running or any kind of sport to burn other 300 cals I am sorry iam making this long but i just want u to get the idea One other thing that u have to understand .. burning fat and getting in shape and having a lean body is all abt the body fat percentage if u manage to reduced to reach the optimum level ... then u will have a lean body In women ur body fat have to be in range betwen 18% - 21% In men 8% - 14% Here are some tips and and fundamental basics that might help:1st - you need to reduce your calories intake by eating balanced healthy meals containing all sufficient daily needs(proteins - carbohydrate - Fats ) For Example - Protines are very important on dialy bases caz a women in age btwn 19-70 needs to consume 46 grams of protein per day so you dont wanna miss that 2nd - avoid hunger : this is the most important thing you have to keep in mind as the more hunger you became the more weaker you will be infront of food and you will be forced to eat any thing .. try to eat at least 4-6 meals per day with snacks in betwen (fruits yogurt)3rd - correct your bad eating habbits such as -combining food with entertainment and watching movies and tv -eating to relieve stress and to ease pain -Eating on the run 4th - Dont torture your self by prohibiting certain types of food and desert .. just reduce the amount .. and know when to eat it .. dont eat any thing contians suger or fats at night .. eat wat you want during the day with low amounts caz the body starts to reduce metabolism rate at night Excersise : Try steady cardio tranin , runnin for abt 30 to 45 min (speed doesnt matter steady cardio) continously non stop but u know dont try to do it to much caz some researches referd to it may have some cardiovuscler effects on the long run along with some immunity effects yet nothin is scientficly proved but just to be on the safe side :D Try Sprint running for as much time as u can with 8 counts of pushups after each round of runnig then take rest for abt (1 to 2 min) as u can take ur breath then repeat it again Try all Running and jumping Training such as lunge runnin ,two legs jumpin ,side jumping, one leg jumping ect.... Rope jumping is an excellent execrsie that extremely burn fat and increase fitness and stamina level try to do it with all techniques (two legs jumpin, one leg, crossing hands) just to entertain your self and never get bored U also have to do all abs exercise and do it with all diff forms and techniques just to make sure that u cover all the area and get all the muscles work also you can try boxing .. u dont have to engage with fightin in the arena :D but u can do the tranin punshing the sandbag and some shodwo boxing punches would do alot of work than u can imagien Well thats it hope u find it benficial and good luck

Well it all depends, do you want to lose 80 pounds and keep it off, or risk gaining it back and most likely more pounds along with it? Because Diets don t work, the latter always happens.Eat raw Veggies, learn to love them - it s gonna take a year to really get a handle on things and control your diet. But once you can control your diet as I ve discovered, it makes controlling everything else about your life much easier.Eat FruitsLots of fibersLean meats - white meats. Stay away from red meats because those are THE HARDEST for our system to digestTry FishTry Fish again..Keep trying fish until you like it XD I m still working on that because I want to eliminate red meats from my diet entirely.Don t eat a meal 6 hours before going to bed, maybe a small snack at about 3 hours before. So your stomach doesn t stay awake all night digesting at minimal output, storing fat that can t be burned, as it disturbs you with it s activity while you sleep. Keep carbs and protines for breakfast and lunch, have something small for dinner.Portion your meals smaller, but you can have up to five meals a day this way. This way you re shrinking your stomach and making your metabolism work faster.Get fiber powder and protine powder along with a blender or juicer and start blending fruits together, or your veggies together. You can get the powders from a health food store or from GNC. SMOOTHIES Go to Barnes and noble and get a book on smoothies :DIf you can t eat veggies, do a cleanse. Only eat the broth of soup ( Walmart) and lots of water. After 4-7 days of this a salad will taste wonderful, happened to me and I HATED water and veggies. Cleansing gets the toxins out of your body.Oh yeah a colon cleanse can knock off a few pounds as well as get rid of adult acne and give your lots of new found energy after it s ever. Yes I said COLON cleanse. 90 % of illnesses occur because of built up in the colon. Your rectum could be 12 inches around and you d still be shitting out of the size of a pencil hole on any American diet, lolz. They say death begins in the colon. 1 in 3 people get colon cancer. Anyways a colon cleanse in similar to the cleanse mentioned above. Just go to GNC and asked about it.Start small but get some exercise, walking, riding a bike, some cardio. Then continually build up your resistance when you can handle it, such as adding ankle weights or playing with the big boy work outs which I haven t needed because I m a girl not a she-hulk.Hope some of this information helps. And if it ever seems expensive, because we are in a world food crisis at the moment, just ask yourself are those thousands of dollars worth of Dr. bills after your 30-40 really worth it?

Well, I ve a had friend of mine do this, she lost 40 pounds but it took almost half a year. So have a lot of time and patience in your hands, first of all.This is what she did:1) Exercise. I play rugby, basketball two hours a day, and I do salsa (dance). Get in shape by working out whenever you can. Don t make it a chore, because it doesn t have to be. 2) She ate smaller amounts. For starters, ditch the junk food. Would you rather unhappy with yourself continually or overeat? Eat smaller, healthier portions to also boost metabolism.3) Optional--don t eat dinner. That s just a habit for her, and that what I ve been trying to do too. I just eat some cold and fresh watermelon, which really fills me up. Dinner is the least important meal of the day. If you have to have a little something, don t eat after 7 pm.Best of luck,Slate

80? wow that s hard well start it by exercising daily. You can skip (the jumping thing) 2 times daily or if you can 3 times, you can also try a long distance run every day or go ride your bike (if you have) and more importantly follow the proper eating diet. like eating veggies and fruits instead of eating unhealthy foods with lots of cholesterol and fats.........

Has anyone recently used the product Natural Herbalslim? -

recently received a flyer in the mail re a weight loss program just wondering if anyone has tried it and did it work.

have tired it and it worked for me lost ten pounds

Healthy weight loss for teen? -

145 foot 7grade 9 159/161 ish lbs(weight fluctuates)want to start next school year a newer confident ME!!so my question iswhat is a SAFE way for me to loose the weight and keep it off??i want to weight 130 by july 30 but by the latest august 30this this a good goal??thanks alotp.s i started gaining weight in grade 3now i have stretch markswhat should i use besides bio-oilthankyou

whatever you do dont stop eating!!portionalize (eat less but follow food guide)take pop an chocolate and chips out of your vocabulary for afew monthsDIETING is the #2 reason for girls getting fat-- because the definition of diet is pretty much depriving your body from nuitrients because when u diet you change youhabbits for a short time, when you loose the desired weight you start to slowly goback to ur old routines, then your body will go into shock or survival mode and put on pounds, normally more pounds then u startwd what i am saying is DONT diet make new healthy life changeto some it upPORTIONALIZEtake pop chips and chovolate outta vocabexersise 10 min cardio a day ( as you get use to exersising add time) AFTER you loose desired weight still portionalize, and eat those junk foods as little as possibleexersice 1-2 a week(10 mins or more))UH OHnow u lost all that weight andyou still have abit of a jelly bellywell no problemodo toning exersises 1-2 a week targeting thighs,stomach and arms now when your body is readt for that bathing suit, you still need to keep exersing and eating welljust in case you wondering what the #1 reason of weight gain ishere itis puverty girls starthng at age 10 can gain anywhere from 10-45 pounds for no reason besides maturing:)

Hi there, I too got stretch marks when i started weight lifting. They were too thick that very much prominent too. But then i searched on the net and found and now i don t have any stretch marks at all. I highly recommend you to use and the best part is that they are providing ONE MONTH FREE TRIAL these days so you have the opportunity to grab it right now too. Good Luck.

The pattern for losing weight is simple - eat less and move more often - the problems arise when we really try to put that into operation! There are a lot of opportunities to fail in the big wide world don t you think?! The one method which really delivered for me was green tea, it can be viewed in the resource box below, they have a limited number of free trials remaining, it has been featured in Fox News and CNN. I shed twenty five pounds, it really does produce success!

Benn hangin the same bacon on the pan. I have found the if you eat more sal then you achieve the factor of lossing weight.

exercise and drink water. Vitamin e might help with the stretch marks i know it helps with scars.

you could just stop eating.. solves everything.

Losing weight, feeling not so great!? -

I delivered my 3rd baby (in 4 years!), just 5 months ago. On my delivery day I weighed in at 308 sickening pounds. In January, I officially started a weight loss program and today I weigh 249 pounds. I m eating 1200 quality calories per day (lots of fruits, veges, lean meats, fish, brown rice, etc). I try to exercise at least 3 times per week for 30-45 min. at a time (walking mostly). I take a multivitamin, and depite the fact that I have 3 kids, I am sleeping through the night. I don t feel hungry depite the 1200 calories, but I just feel sick. I get colds more frequently, my hair is falling out in mass quantities, and I feel lethargic. I have not been to my doctor yet, I was going to take a wait and see approach to see if I improved. Any suggestions on what else I can do? *Serious replies only please*

I do know that after I had my son it was like a year before I was really myself. It sounds like you may need to eat more calories a day. The more you weigh, the more calories your body needs. then you just adjust down as you lose. I think you really should talk to your doctor and see if there isn t anything else causing these symptoms and find out what s the correct amount of calories that you need. I do weight watchers and it s very healthy. You may want to consider something like this. I think most docs reccomend it anyway. I know it s hard but keep trying, the rewards are sooo worth it.

losing that much weight in that short of time is hard on ones body, you should actually be eating more calories for your weight, and if your full on only that many, you should be taking a stronger multivitamin, you may not need to go see the doctor, just call your doc up, tell him/her what is going on, and they may perscribe you a much stronger are only eating the amount of calories that someone who weighs 150lbs needs, thats probably why you are feeling awful and your amune system is crashing

It sounds like you have a healthy diet and active lifestyle. I would be very concerned about the hair loss. I don t think you should wait any longer. Go see your doctor right away. This may have nothing to do with your weight loss. You could have a serious health problem. Please see your doctor now.

This site offers a free E-book on how to lose weight. It s been a great help for me, maybe it can help you as well?

Definitely speak to your doctor. It could be a number of things. Stress is big cause of hair loss. You could even have post pardon depression. Post pardon can creep in slowly and cause lots of problems. Depression after delivery doesn t always mean not wanting to be a mom or not wanting to spend time with them. It can manifest itself in other ways. Please get yourself check out and tell the doctor everything.

1200 calories a day is not enough...(this is border line of starvation) with your life style 3 baby, exercising + the everyday workout you don t even know you are doing...I think your body is telling you that he need more fuel and that s why your getting sick more often. My advice is if you want to weight around let said 160 pounds then you need 1600 calories a/day...if you like to be 130 pounds they you need 1300 calories a/day!! But Please don t stay on 1200 calories even if the Diet you are on tell you so!! For you hair don t worry...after my 2 baby it took me 3 years for my hair to go back to normal! Hope this helped!!

Hmm, well im not sure whether il be much help since im 13, but il try :)Maybe your feeling wierd because youve lost ALL THAT WEIGHT in 2 months ?Are you sure doing this healthilyy ?I think you should see your doctor :)xx

Simple Secrets? Simply Seven? -

I was watching an info-mercial this morning for a weight loss program that only takes 7 minutes a day. It had an older lady with long blonde hair who was the creator for it. I wanted to look more into it and now I cant remember the name! It was called something like Simply Seven, or Simply Secrets, or Seven Secrets or something of the sort. I have tried searching it many ways and still get nothing. Please help!

man i wanna know that too now lol sounds interesting

it s called shapely secrets Report Abuse

Diet plans? -

i want a way to loose alot in a few weeks and then a steady weight loss program afterwards. some ideas that you know have worked please. No drastic weight loss is bad for you

You have to come up with some type of a reward system, this will help keep you motivated. One of the best things to do is make a contingency contract. Stating what you want to do, who will help you do it, and what do you get for doing it. Then also try to find a well balance diet program. My friend did this one diet program where the average weight lose is 7 pounds in 9 days. It might be the thing you are looking for, I know it s well balanced. If you want e-mail me and I can tell you more about either of these.