Friday, September 18, 2009

How to lose weight?? -

i want to lose weight, what is the fastest way?

Have you tried this workout video?��

*join a sports such as: Basket ball, soccer, bike riding, yoga, etc.* eat more healthy (no junk food!)* thats about it.

if you lose weight will gain it back but twice as much.just start walking and eating healthy.

How to lose weight fast? -

I ve been worried about my weight lately, I gained a lot of weight in the past year. I want to lose the weight I gained, but I don t want it to take months on end. I m willing to diet, and I can swim at a pool about 3 or 4 times a week, but it doesn t seem to be working for me. I guess I m a bit impatient, but I would really like to get that flat tummy and skinny arms. Any suggestions?

Dont we all feel that way. You can try the diet I have been using. I went from 148 to 125 in three months. You may need to adjust it slightly to fit to your lifestyle. But it works good for me.- Drank plenty of water- Cut all fast food out of my diet- Became a vegertarian (helped BIG time)- Ate only one healthy meal a day. With one or two small healthy snacks. Ex. Apple, oatmeal rasien cookie, 100 calorie pack, etc.- Tried to excersice at least 3-4 times a week. Whether it was playing DDR on difficult mode or Walking at a fast pace for a hour around the neighborhood.- Allowed myself ONE cheat day. Meaning I could eat some non-diet foods. Such as going out for dinner at a resturant or just having white rice or cake. But you do have to control yourself and not go completley overboard.---- With that the wieght just melted off. I went from a size 9 pants to a size 3 pants in juniors in just three months. I feel a lot better about myself too.

There s a diet called Fat Loss 4 Idiots which can help you lose 9lbs every 11 days. It s a calorie shifter diet which means that it makes each of the 11 days carry a different amount of calorie intake. I.E day 1 will be 1,500 calories, day 2 will be 1,000 calories, etc.It works by stimulating your body into thinking that you have plenty of food to eat so it doesn t need to store any fat any more. This then encourages your body to burn all the stored fat it can - leaving you with a slender figure.You can see a full review of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet here:��Hope this helps?

i highly recommend this program i used to lose 94 pounds fast.i tried lots n lots of diets but found this one to be the bestand the weight stayed off.. and i didnt have to starve myself.http://loseweightfastneasy.cjb.neti found a good program to build muscles check it out

Learn all about nutrition and make it start working for you.

I am 240 Pounds, what is the fastest way to lose weight? -

I am hoping to get down to 200 by the end of summer. Any suggestions how to lose weight and what to eat not to eat, work out, i would die for abs!

You should call your doctor and have him/her recommend a nutritionalist. They will help you lose wight and become overall mare healthy.

Alright, 200 pounds in two months is not healthy at all. You should not be looking for a fast way to lose all the weight you are carrying. You should look for a healthy way to lose it. You did not gain 200 pounds in one summer did you?Ask a doctor and go to the gym. Talk to the people there and they will tell you where to start.

Cut out fast food and or excess calories. Do not keep cookies/snacks or soda or fruit juice in your house, because if its in your house you will eat/drink it. Start running at the track. Just get dedicated and go for it. Once you start to see even a little change in your body you will become more motivated to get the job done and get under 200!?!



Try: ---http://weight-loss-secret.infoHope it can help you.

cut off the one leg you don t use as much

How to lose weight easily and quickly, without medication? -

i would prefer if i lost weight mostly on my thighs, because i am thinking about starting a modelling because of my long legs! please give me nice answers. thank you!

Here��s all you need to lose weight all over, look good, and get really healthy. First, you have to realize there is no quick, long lasting weight loss plan or pill that is going to do the trick. It��s purely mental. You have to learn to ��Eat to live, don��t live to eat��. Sounds simple, doesn��t it? It is, if you understand that you are going to be reprogramming how you think about eating for the next few weeks. Old habits die hard, right? Not really. You get rid of bad habits by replacing them with good habits. If you learn to count your calories, keep calorie intake lower than output, exercise moderately, and eat only healthy food, you will lose weight. That��s a fact. All it takes is repetition. All success stories have this in common: The successful folks among us know how to be patient, persistent, and consistent. Set a goal and stick with it. The benefits of feeling good will outweigh any sense of sacrifice you might feel about having to push away that cake and ice cream. Here are some helpful and healthy links to help you get started on your way:��http://www.chetday.comhttp://www.drmcdougall.comhttp://www.phifoundation.org

you cant nothing is easy try running distance.

Exercise everyday like jogging around the blockSkip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per dayDont eat until you re fullEat fruits at night if your hungry.Drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.There are more tips and info.there s a video on success fitness too.

well try eating less at night maybe have a yoghurt or summin and exercise lay off sodas bread and sweets but u can have something sweet in moderation now and then dnt stop eating that dnt help... but cut down on the portion of ur meal...

if you really want to lose your weight don t worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts,drink fresh jucies.if you want more details view the website

How to lose weight in my thighs ? -

im 12 years old i have stretch marks on my inner thighs :(and my inner kneee what can i do to lose weight in my thighs ?

Weight loss is an overall process and there are no magic answers. Pay no attention to weight loss supplements and pills and all the latest fads. You need to think about many factors but most of them are related to issues we ve known about for a very long time. There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.Make a few additional small changes - walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars.Start a weight lifting routine. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall. Even if you can t get to the gym you can work out at home using things around the house. Invest in a good weight training book. The Dummies series actually has a good one. In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Particularly if you choose a vegetarian lifestyle include natural peanut butter, hummus, dried fruit and nuts. Pay close attention to getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy. Make your portion sizes smaller. Use a smaller plate - in our society we have become accustomed to thinking that we need a large plate of food at every meal, and we don t. About quarter of your plate of food should be protein and at least half of it should be veggies. Learn to count calories. At your current weight and activity level, you may possibly need about 2000 calories or more to maintain your current weight. So you will lose weight at a reasonable and healthy rate if you cut back to about 1600 or 1700 calories a day. Eat small amounts frequently, rather than three large meals. Never skip breakfast. Include some protein in your breakfast. It will help get you through the day.Drink plenty of water, at least 8 big glasses of water a day, and more if it is very hot, if you sweat a lot, or if you are exercising intensely, and eliminate fruit juices. Fruit juices have too many calories, so get your vitamins from fresh fruit, not the juice. You will begin to see changes in your body. Vary your routines. Don t eat the same number of calories every day (vary your calories from 1400 a day to 1900 or 2000 some days), eat a variety of foods, and do different kinds and amounts of exercise. You will lose weight much more efficiently if you mix things up from time to time so that your body doesn t adjust to any one routine.An area that many people overlook is getting enough sleep. You are much more likely to overeat or to binge eat if you are tired and not well rested, so get enough sleep.Check out websites about nutrition, exercise, weight training, etc.

Well you can ride your bike which will decrease the size of your thighs but at the same time increase the size of your calf s. You can also run which will at first increase your thighs, make them muscular and the make them smaller. The best thing to do is to get A D ointment, apply it to your stretch marks for a couple of months and then they will make the stretch marks disappear. I ve tried A D ointment and it has done wonders for me!

The Six-Mix Strategy to lose weight fastBegin a morning exercise routine: A key secret for those losing extra pounds is exercising in the morning. Choose a balanced, low calorie diet: Fast weight losers are usually good dieters. Their daily calorie consumption is about 1200 to 1500 calories with only about 25% of this coming from lipids (fats). Eat fiber rich food: Just like water, fiber rich foods fill you up for longer.Add a natural diet supplement: At times, even diet and exercise are not enough especially if you are short of time and want quick results. The best way, then, would be to add an all-natural diet supplement or a slimming pill to your weight loss plan.Find a partner: Remember the old saying? Two are better than one.

How to lose weight in the THIGHS and BUTT? -

I want lose about 10 pounds. But i dont know how....please help!

there are lots of gymnastics for those problem zones. Basically any workout that has to do with walking, jumping, stepping, bicycling, or lifting the legs, lying on the floor, backwards and sidewards - hard to explain in short - when it gives you literally a pain in the a* it helps.You should do some kind of workout every day (not until it hurts of course), and specially concentrate on the problem zones. Also control what you eat - burning more calories through exercise then you take in is a sure way to loose weight fairly quickly. With enough exercise you do not really need a complicated diet plan - just avoid fat and too much sweets, drink at least one liter water a day in addition to what else you drink (no sodas and such).

If you don t like walking then dancing is good too.

work out

If you want to loose in the postior and legs walk at least two miles a day and you will loose i promise you if you don t start eating lots of fats and carbs.

Cardio, squats, lunges, leg extensions. Too easy.

squats and low fat diet

That is my problem area too, and I now do the Pilates bun and thigh sculpting. You can buy the Windsor Pilates DVD s and do them at home. I started doing it about a month ago, three to four times a week and have seen amazing results. I m very pleased with how much my butt is lifted and how much smaller my thighs are.

Cycling n swimmin will b good fr u!

It is not possible to direct our bodies to burn fat from a particular area.Take sit-ups for example, they can help to hold in your stomach. But to reduce the size of your mid-section, you would do just as well to perform any exercise that you enjoy.Burn the calories and the fat will come off right where you want it to. It just may come off there last.

Run/walk uphill. Ride a bike.

Walking or running would help alot. But you also need to go on a diet, cut off sugars and fats. If you keep eating sweets and junk food you will never loose the weight even if you runn and exercise all day long.

How to lose weight fast? -

I need to lose about 15-20 pounds. I have a relatively fast metabolism and I m thinking that maybe if I just eat better (meaning I will actually eat breakfast, eat a good lunch and dinner, and drink lots of water) I should be able to drop it easily. If I eat fruit and vegetables at every meal, and I eat a healthy snack every once in awhile, the weight should come off, right? Also, I would like to do this without exercise, although I am not opposed to it. If you guys think it is necessary, do you think maybe a walk about midday everyday would do it? Or would I have to do more?

Eat light meals such as salads or if you don t like the typical salad make a spicy salsa and put it in a hollowed-out tomato.There are many different things that are healthy and delicious... for meat i recommend baked chicken with a little olive oil. Excersise wise i would say a brisk one mile walk a day or every other day will really help. Also as a snack the best thing to eat would be celery with peanut butter on it. PB is high in protein and will keep you full for a long time which will help you take longer or more intense walks without getting hungry or tiered out.

If you wear a Slendertone Flex Abs Belt, i believe your plan of losing weight will be perfect. It will help you not only lose weight, but also help you tone your body. Most importantly, you can wear it anytime anywhere you feel convenient. Many overweight friends, especially gilrs find it really helpful, hope you will also benefit from it!

I checked out everything to lose weight, and nothing worked until I checked out acai berry. I understand they say that pills don t work, nevertheless they sure worked for me, and they ve been showcased on the Rachael Ray Show too.There s a free trial going on currently at , why not try it, how worse could it make things?

Ya you should lose weight by eating healthly, as fruit and vegtables have no fat! Excersise isnt nessasary but it does speed up weight loss!!

How to lose weight fast? -

Okay here is the deal i like a girl at my high school and i just turned 17 in April. School starts on September 5th and i wanna be skinner for her to be impressed.My muscles are a descent size but im just a little chunky.So i need help to get skinny fast but i dont want any pills and i get paid 6 dollars an hour so something in my price range. It also has to be fairly quick cause school starts september 5th and its july 25the...please help me.

fruits,veggies,whole grains, lots of water and execise! Pills don t work.Stop drinking soda. I lost 15 pounds just doing that. Good luck!

mmm its not a good idea to lose weight very fast I m not going to tell you to do anything in the web site I m going to list but if you think you have to lose the weight look here

go running,and watch how big of portions you don t need to go out and buy anything!read the back of the lables and only eat how big one of their serving sizes is.and run or bike a couple miles everyday.

Hi, I lost 30 lbs in 35 days!I followed the guide of 20 Easy Weight Loss Tips .I highly recommend you to read that article.It really works.Check out here to read 20 Easy Weight Loss Tips :��

Eat smaller meals but eat regularly or you ll burn yourself out.You re metabolism is rocking at your age so if you start working out, exercising, you ll burn off the energy / fat you re holding onto.Be careful about changing who you are for anyone. Sometimes it doesn t matter how much you change your appearance the person inside is what they girls are really wanting to know about.Don t loose your sence of humour, don t be vain, learn hold good, smart conversations, be a gentleman. - You ll win any womans heart with those qualities.

How to lose weight with broken foot? -

i just had surgery in December now i have a hard cast on my foot for another i was wondering what are the best exercises that would help my lose weight with my condition at this time.

You can try Pilates or doing movements like your rowing...where you sit on the floor, lift your legs and simultaneously move your legs and arms as if you were rowing. Sit ups are really good. Or lifting your legs while laying on your back. Anything that you can do sitting down. Arm weights too....they help burn fat and skim the muscles. Hope this helps.

You know, you should probably not worry about losing weight while recovering. You need nutrients for your foot, so lots of fruits and vegetables, and maybe some forms of calcium are a good idea for bone growth. Just don t do what I did the last time I broke my foot - I got depressed and ate a whole big bag of candy in one afternoon while laying with my foot elevated. Then I felt guilty the next day, and was working with some light handweights, working my arm muscles, etc, and doing stomach crunches. Some pilates moves might work, and some modified yoga poses (although you should probably check with a professional yoga instructor for that). I attempted these things, anyway. I did not gain wait, though, with my broken foot - I was hauling myself around on crutches enough (at work, getting to work, etc) that despite my candy binges, I kept my weight even at least.

How to lose weight afer Quetiapine (Seroquel)? -

I stopped Seroquel two weeks ago. I took it for nearly four months, and have put on about 4 stone (50lbs approx). Will the weight drop off now I have stopped? Or does it just stay? And is there a medicine that can help alleviate this... it has affected my mobility.?

it is much harder to loose weight after you gain it, even if the medication has caused the weight gain. Ive been looking for medicines to aid me in weight loss and i havnt found one that is sucessful with no horrible side effects. unfortunitly good ol diet and exorcise is the only thing that can help. eating more fiber and protien and less fat and carbs. the way the medicines have you gain weight is it throws your hormones and chemicals in your body and brain off so you actually gain the weight by eating more so its not the medicine alone that makes you gain weight, it makes you change your lifestyle which puts on the weight so the only thing you can do to get it off is change your habits and lifestyles. make small goals and reward yourself. good luck, ive been tryign to get rid of a significant amount of weight for a long time now and it is very difficult but i have faith that you can do it! good luck

This is something you need talk about to the doctor who prescribed you the seroquel. It will depend on why you ve put the weight on, whether you re hungrier and eating more, whether you re emotionally eating, or whether there has been a physiological change to your body chemistry which is causing you to gain weight.The best thing you can do, as in any weight-gain situations, is to eat properly and exercise more. Don t just cut out food, but make sure you re getting sufficient vitamins and minerals, especially B vitamins. Ensure you re getting some exercise every day.I know a couple of people on seroquel, and their weight has not changed significantly since they began taking it. Make sure it s not another medication too - antidepressants often cause increased appetite and reduced metabolism.

i don t think it will go down by its own. you gained weight not because of the meds, the meds only made you want to eat more, they don t make you gain weight. if you eat more, you gain weight. i have been on seroquel and i know what is like. try to eat healthy and exercise if possible. avoid junk food and eat much fruit and vegetables. you don t have to go on an extreme diet to lose weight.i don t know if there is a pill. its better to lose weight by eating healthy.

How to lose weight in 2 weeks.URGENT!? - going to the beach in exactly 2 weeksi want to atleast lose 20 lbs or 10 lbs. PLEASE help me??

THE BIRMINGHAM HOSPITAL DIET PLAN1st Day BREAKFAST 2nd Day BREAKFAST 3rd Day BREAFKAST ? grapefruit 1 egg 1 slice cheeseor 1 cup juice 1 slice toast 5 saltine crackers1 slice toast ? banana 1 small apple 1 tbsp peanut butter coffee or tea coffee or teablack coffee or tea black coffee or tea black coffee or teaLunch Lunch Lunch ? cup tuna 1 cup cottage cheese or 1 hard boiled egg1 slice toast tuna fish 1 slice toastblack coffee or tea 5 saltine crackers coffee or tea Dinner Dinner Dinner2 slices any type 2 hot dogs plain 1 cup tunaof meat 3 oz. 1 cup broccoli 1 cup carrots 1 cup string beans or cabbage 1 cup broccoli1 cup carrots ? cup carrots or greens1 small apple ? banana 1 cup cantaloupe 1 cup vanilla ice cream ? cup vanilla ice cream ? cup vanilla ice creamblack coffee or tea black coffee or tea black coffee or teaThis diet works on a chemical breakdown and is proven to work. Do not vary or substitute any of the foods. Salt and pepper can be used, but no other seasonings.This diet is to be used for 3 days at a time. In 3 days you will loose 10 pounds. After3 days of dieting, you can eat your usual food. DO NOT OVER EAT!!! After 4 days of normal eating, start back on your 3 day diet. This diet is used for heartpatients who need to lose 30 or 40 pounds before surgery. You will lose 40 poundsin a month.

instant oatmeal in the morning, yogurt as a snack, weight watcher frozen meals for lunch and supper, eat a whole can of greenbeans, snack on microwave popcorn (the butter lite is good). walk 2 to 3 miles a day and do pilates. That 3 day diet sucks and it screws with your metabolism and you can lots of weight back when you stop doing it.

it is not good for u to reduce weight suddenly. reduce slowly. it is better.

throw the weight away from house

watch this

Spa Sweat a lot, eat only salad , drink lots of water, talk to your doctor if you healthy for this diet !!!!!

not a good idea to lose 10 to 20 lbs in two weeks the healthy way to lose weight is 1-2 lbs per week fad diets dont work as soon as you stop doing them all the weight comes back and sometimes even more