Friday, June 26, 2009

How to lose weight fast! in a month (exercises at indoor)? -

ok im a 14 year ol thats 5 2 and 110 poundsi need to lose weight because i gained alot in the past couple weeksmy main concern ismy flabby arms, any exercises that would help?and my abs, im going on a boring holiday so its best if you guys give me exercises i can do indoor.

I d suggest crunches (where you lie flat on the floor, arms across your chest, and lift your shoulders and upper back up as if your starting a sit-up) or sit-ups, as well as reverse crunches (where you lie on your back and lift/curl your legs up towards your chest) for your abs.For your arms, try push-ups or standing push-ups (arms against the wall, feet out a few steps behind you, lean forward like a push-up, and then push back out again).For more help - exercises, nutrition, tracking, support groups, etc. - try I found it pretty useful. They break their exercises down by what area is being worked (upper, core, lower) and whether or not you need equipment.

I dont mean to be rude but I don t think you need to lose weight but thats your decision so whatever,anywaysyou could crunches and pushups and exercises using couches there are lots of them on youtube. just type in ab exercisesif you ever go outside i would reccomend you run and most importantly you have to eat healthy and drink lots of water.

try ali or lipobindtry to eat healthy dont starve yourself just try to make healthy decisionseg if you go to mcdonalds go for something like a fish burger dont cut out the things you like cuz you ll just want them moree.g instead of going for a chocolate biscuit go for digestive biscuitsinsted of going for crisps try snack a jacks or rivita crunch ;) plus then your mom wont think you wanna lose wait she ll just think you want to start eating healthy cuz if i tell my mom i wanna lose weight she goes mental

Eat food pyramid diets.I confirm.I ve hit 10 pounds / 2 weeks.

u can swim.. swimming really helps in loosing weight..You can also stop eating much of chocolates..I liked ur answer on my Question that really helps..

I need to know how to lose weight fast!? -

i think im 25 pounds over weight and i get teased about it alot and i just wanna know how i can lose weight fast!

Crash dieting is never the way. How old are you? How much do you weigh?Start eating more lean meats like chicken (without the skin and not fried) and fish with serves of salads and vegetables (no potatoes). Do 20-30 minutes of walking or if you can running 3-4 times per week.Stay away from sugar, fried foods and drinks other than water and herbal tea. If you get desperate for sugar have a piece of fruit.

Eat nourishing food with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables being part of it. Chew each morsel at least 32 times. This will activate signal to the brain as soon as u have had enough. Besides this change in eating style, take regular light exercises and brisk walks every day. U will be able to gain/shed all extra weight gracefully and in a reasonable time span. No food or drink in between the food and not more than three meals a day, unless u r diabetic.

first of all don t loose weight to make other ppl happy, do it for yourself and for your own health. if you do it for other ppl youll find yourself not being happy trust me a slew of problems can arise from that scenario. Secondly do not try to loose weight fast do it right and get on a plan and change your habits and you ll keep the weight off for life if you do it right. Change your lifestyle habits and change your life.

You cannot lose weight fast. It just isn t possible. Get up and move. Do some sort of exercise and get on a healthy eating plan. I just started mine about 3 weeks ago and I have lost 7lbs so far. I use a treadmill for 30 minutes everyday (plus I play ice hockey once a week). I also have a food diary that I write in daily. There is no fast or easy way to lose weight. It is hard, but, you have to be commited and you have to do it the right way, or you ll just gain the weight back. Get on a healthy eating plan now! Good luck!

A friend of mine introduced me to an amazing health system that helped him lose 30 pounds in 6 weeks, gain a ton of energy, and lose his sugar cravings. I tried the system, and I absolutely love it. I ve been using it for 2 months now, and I��ve lost all the weight I wanted to and I have a ton more energy than I ve ever had before. The system is very convenient and affordable, and it has had a dramatic impact on my health and my life. If you are serious about losing weight, I d love to tell you more.-Geoff

I lost weight fast,by eating lean meats and veggies,turkey sausage,eggs,chicken,turkey,salads with oil and vinegar,give it a try for two weeks,you ll definitely loose 4-10lbs.No yeast,sugar or dairy,Take a multi vitamin also.

How to lose weight without exercising? -

I have had four kids and can t get rid of the bulge and thick thighs. How can I do this even though I walk alot?

How to lose weight without exercising ....Hmmm.Isn t that how one *gains* weight?

Well, if actual aerobic exercise is out of the question, then you ll have to look at your diet. Start counting calories: don t go on a heavily restrictive diet, since that s bad for you, and will tend to make you binge. Record everything that goes in your mouth, either in a diary or on one of the many websites dedicated to this, such as It is often surprising how much people eat that they aren t aware of... especially if you eat a lot of preprocessed foods or restaurant meals. Going on a health-food kick may be good for you, and for your kids too!You may often be able to cut a lot of calories out by simple life changes such as stopping drinking sodas or alcoholic beverages, or switching from caramel lattes (for example) to plain old black coffee. Try to start the day with a bowl of high-fiber cereal and drink plenty of water.You may not be able to get all the way back to your pre-four-kids body, but you can take steps. Another thing (yes, I know it s exercise, but it s much quicker than aerobics) that s really good for you is to start doing some muscle training (weights). Building muscle strength will help you age more gracefully, and give you a more toned physique, even if your remain somewhat overweight.

eat less

Yes you can. To know how click the link below��

Drink a big glass of water before you eat. And drink water throughout the day. This will make you less hungry. You should try walking more, like up stairs and eat healthy, organic foods.

How to lose weight quick? -

I am very over weight 13 and 2** I been trying alot to lose weight but I cant seem to...If I eat about 1500 calories and burn 2400 how much weight can I lose in 3 months...and will that work

If you are overweight, you can t continue with your current eating habits.It s not possible to reduce body fat while eating lots of food, cakes and sweets. This doesn t mean you can never have any treats, but you need to learn how to limit these foods to small quantities - say, for special occasions.In terms of weight-loss, you can get your body to use up existing stores of fat by eating less and making healthier choices.This doesn t mean crash diet (anything less than 1500 calories), which usually ends up with you either getting weaker or giving up in desperation. Quick-fix diets can lead to a yo-yoing effect of drastic weight loss followed by weight gain, resulting in a vicious cycle.There are no shortcuts to losing weight in a healthy and reasonable way.Eating 300 to 500 calories less per day should lead to a loss of between one and two pounds per week. This is a realistic target. It may seem slow, but would add up to a weight loss of more than three stone in a year.Fat contains the most amount of calories out of all the food types (protein, carbohydrates), so a good way to achieve this is to cut down on fatty foods and eat more wholegrain bread, fruit and vegetables.Below are ways to reduce calorie intake without having to alter your diet significantly. * Replace fizzy drinks and fruit cordials with water. * Swap whole milk for semi-skimmed, or semi-skimmed for skimmed. * Eat less lunch than usual. For example, make your own sandwich and limit the use of margarine/butter and full-fat mayonnaise (store-bought sandwiches often contain both). * Stop taking sugar and drink green tea. * Have smaller portions of the food you enjoy. * Avoid having a second helping at dinner. * Cut out unhealthy treats such as confectionary, sugary biscuits and crisps between meals. * Cut down on beer and alcohol.All these things will influence your health in a positive way.Finally, don t be tempted to skip breakfast �C or any meal to lose weight. While skipping a meal will reduce your calorie intake for that hour, it will leave you much hungrier later on.Not only are you likely to overeat to compensate, but you ll often make bad choices to fill the gap: a cereal bar is not as healthy as a bowl of cereal or as filling, leading you to need something extra for lunch.Irregular eating habits also disrupt your body s metabolism, which makes it harder to lose weight in the first place.

I just sorta answered this question a while ago with someone else. obviously exercise is important. but don t strain yourself because if you exercise too much, your body will get used to it and your body will not respond well. try walkin a mile a day with your friends, play a sport that you might be interested, or just exercise at home. you should watch the number of calories you re consuming as well. If you really want to burn calories, take a maximum of 1300 calories and burn off as much as you can. also, try eating a bowl of fruit as a meal once every 2 or 3 days. try replacing fatty snacks with fruits or low fat food. also, after you eat, DO NOT SLEEP UNTIL ATLEAST 2 HOURS LATER!!!!! It will be stored as fat and will be hard to burn off. I suggest drinkin one more glass of water everyday as well.

WELL, so many ppl have given u soo many suggestions. Do this eat this but can u design sumtin for urself ? Now this is called help i wud suggest you those ppl who made me come down from a 85kgs to a 64kgs in just 3months where i had no pills, no creams. I just did workouts and followed the nutrition plan of these experts and it is no joke im surprised my family is surprised dat how did sumthing actually bring down my weight dat too at such a time ! im very happy XATTACK did actually good to me :) u may visit thier website it is

Probably not.You need to consult a health professional. They can help advise you on a healthy diet and exercise regimen, so you don t hurt your body.You also need to get your thyroid and adrenal glands checked. If they are run down, you won t lose any weight. Your thyroid is responsible for your metabolism, and how fast your body turns your food into energy.You can take natural supplements to get your glands into working condition again.For excellent advice, I recommend two doctors, Dr. Bruce West and Dr. Julian Whitaker. They are both in California, but they have websites and toll-free numbers.You can call Dr. West s office with questions - 1-800-231-8063. His Health Alert Store link is listed below.Dr. Whitaker s number is - 1-888-886-8213, 24 hours, 7 days a week. His site is also listed below.

Hello, Sweetie first of all don t stress out , i have sister of your age. And a ma tell you what i told her from my own experience. Cut the soda completely,pizza, pasta and all of the junk food. i know it will be hard for you in start but you have to be positive and think positive to achieve your goal. Drink lots and lots of water. Eating 3 meals a day in big portion is not very good, as eating 5 small portions a day is recommended and is advised by health professionals and doctors too. Eat lots of green veggies and fruits, cerial and oatmeal, take wheat bread. And WALK with your Friends or siblings. Sleep @ least 8 hours. Keep doing these things and don t believe in taking any diet pills or diet supplements or shakes. Those things are not good for you and has many side effects. Best of Girl.

Your Answer:my friend was really over weight when he was in college, you know how college people are, they drink and eat fast food, well when he came back, he went on something called RESET. he use to be 200 something pounds. he is now 140 and i cant believe the change in him! he lost 10 pound on his first week.Here is the website:http://www.future.usana.comclick on shop onlineMacro-Optimizersand the reset is 2nd to lastthese products are GREAT! im currently on there ginkgo-PS and it helps with my memory. im currently taking it cause of finals i have this week. it helped me out alot. i hope it helps you out.

well you ll kill yourself, screw up your metabolism and proabley end up hospitalized, so unless you want to go to the hospital then no. just eat healthy things and get active! go outside have carrots and rasins whole grains and pasta and lean meats!

if u eat 3 meals a day dont eat 6 small meals exercise for like an hour every day and then youll be how you want to be

How to lose weight this Week? -

Is there a way, or is it possible to lose 3 lbs in a week? if so, how? and how would i do this in a Healthy way? please let me know

3lbs in a week isn t that hard to do. Most of our bodies weight is water. If you do cardio work for an hour a day along with stretching and healthy eating, this should be a very attainable goal.Our bodies digest carbohydrates for the first 15 minutes of a workout then fats for the next 45 minutes. This gives us an hour, at a cardiovacular rate, that we are burning off unwanted materials from our bodies. Your diet for the week shouldn t be filled with lots of fruits, since some fruits are high in sugars. A healthy amount of these is needed, however, to promoted the lean muscle to keep off the weight. Turkey, chicken, and poultry will add protein which will make you gain muscle mass. Fish is a healthy source of protein that has a low fat content. Try to adjust what you eat, stay away from soda, carbonated drinks of all type and even coffee.Best of luck to you

it deppends for what but a really easy way is to puke

don t eat

Substitute fruits and water for a portion of your meal. ie. instead of a cup of rice, have 1/2 a cup with a banana. You can also try exercising, even if its taking the stairs instead of the elevator!

yep def possible u should lose weight at league 2 to 4 pounds a week if ur on a right diet just replace ur breakfast with fruit and drink milk.. lunch have an aplle a turkey sandwich and water dinner... have a sub sandwich or a grilled burger grilled stuff isnt fatining... jus thave a lequesine or however u speel it squeeze in 50 abs in the morning afternoon and at night then when the day is over drink a half a jug of water then save the other half for tomorrow

Am I fat? How to lose weight off my legs.? -

I`m 5`6 and 160 pounds- that last time I checked (about a week ago) and I think I`m fat. I lost 20 pounds in like 2 weeks, because I was sick with the chicken pox, and a fever and sweated it all off. I have fat thighs. I want to get rid of the fat. Is there a way to get rid of the fat on my thighs- any machines, not to expensive, small, easy to use-

I don t know of an machines, but you can do some excercises to help. (Hope you feel better from having the chicken poxs)#1. You lay on your side, on the floor. Your legs right alined, atop each other. Lift the leg on top, up,down, you get the idea. Around fifteen-thirty times. Thsi realy works the thighs,butts, and leg muscles. It ll help toned and burn fat.#2. Of course, try to eat a hitn less if you want faster results. But never go without eating somthing.#3. Run!Run! Treadmil time. For fifteen minutes a day, it ll help.

There is absolutely no way to target fat loss on any specific part of your body. Fat is lost uniformly on your body so sadly the only way to lose fat on your thighs is to lose fat all over your body by exercising and eating healthier. Report Abuse

At least with exercise and muscle gain your metabolism kicks up a bit and burns more calories a day so the more muscle gain the better. If you gain muscle mass the fat on your thighs will just stick out more. Maybe target other muscles on your body for building to help you lose the fat. Report Abuse

Your in a healthy range if you have a larger frame.

You should try walking more and doing leg lefts

How to lose weight in a short time? -

Drink water with honey. It help detoxification. Honey provides energyorApple and low fat milk.

QUICK WEIGHT LOSS-Drink your 8 glasses of water a day-No more sugary and fizzy drinks (this includes sugary iced teas and so on!)-Eat 3 meals a day -No eating after 6pm (when your body s metabolism slows)-No exercise after 6pm too. (when your body s metabolism slows)-Exercise in mornings tummy crunches, dancing in the arcade (DDR helped me lose 7kg!), dancing in clubs (no alcohol!), jogging...or if you re too lazy for that, LOTS OF WALKING!-Take lots of steamed food, grilled food. 2 servings of veggies for every serving of meat!-No oily food. No junk food. No burgers and pizzas and all that crap.-No in between snacks!GOOD LUCK!

Drink lots of water!

You cannot lose weight safely in a short time. Don t try any fad diets. Reduce your caloric intake, do NOT eat between meals, and drink lots of water. Don t forget to exercise....walking is good.!

Eat 5-6 SMALL meals a day. Actually they all should be the portion of your average snack - but more healthy of course. Reduce simple carbs (sugar, cookies, donuts, white bread) and control saturated fat. Eat your carbs early in the day. You last carb should be 4-5 hours before bedtime.Exercise regularly. High Intensity Cardio for 20 minutes or interval training for 30-45 minutes combined with weight training will raise your metabolism and burn fat, preserving the muscle.

join the football team i lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks if you dont wanna do that i advise you to do what Jenova said

Low carb diets work really well for quick weight loss, especially when coupled with exercise!

My advice would be to definately increase the water intake to 2 x 600ml bottles at least throughout the day plus a glass before bed. I also know that the most effective way to lose weight is by eating 6 to 9 small meals per day and not leaving a gap of more than three hours between those meals. Stick to around 1200-1600 calories per day for the first month but make sure that you have food from all the groups. In terms of exercise, the most effective way to lose weight is to combine cardio routines with light weight training. Don t push it though as you will end up run down.

How to lose weight?????????????? -

Im 16, almost 17 and im about 5 7 , and 206lbs.I used to play football and then I quit because I wanted to lose weight, and football didnt really offer much for that, just put us in shape, and I really didnt like it that much.Well, i was gonna run and lift that summer, and got too lazy and now i have lost alot of muscle, and i gained about 15lbs.It makes me kind of mad that I did that and just got too caught up in summer stuff that I didnt even attempt to accomplish my goal..My goal is 160-165, but I have absolutely no idea how to do it..Its hard to keep a good diet becuz my family just gets a bunch of stuff, and not much of it is too healthy, and i tend to eat alot of it, and eat when im bored.How is it possible to lose about 20-30 lbs by atleast Next summer? Or atleast somewhere around there????Like what are some foods that I could eat all the time that will help me lose weight, and whats the best exersises? I have an elyptical machine, ab lounge, and a resistance weight bench that goes up to 100 lbs.

The best way to loose weight is by doing aerobic exercises.

If you are serious about losing weight, have a look at the list of sites. LUCK!!

Just exercise a lot and run.

Get a calorie chart and study it to see how many calories are in everything you eat and drink. It s the calories that put the weight on and there s more in food than you may think. Eat small portions, no seconds, have small doable goals like no junk food for 3 days and drink only water.Then you can keep adding days til it s 4 days, 5 days etc.Do cardio on the elliptical at least 3-5 days a week building intensity that will burn fat. Then do weight training 3-5 days a week as well working all major muscle groups along with the ab lounge. If you are consistent you will lose 2 pounds a week. Try to eat 1500 or so calories a day for weight loss.

1. Change your diet. Try and obtain most of your calories from complex carbohydrates (this will give you energy and keep you feeling full). Remember, you lose fat by burning more calories each day than you consume. Example: If you burn 2000 calories each day just by existing, and burn 300 more through exercise, eat less that 2300 calories. Never skip breakfast. Snacks are fine as long as they are healthy. Examples: fresh fruit and veggies, rice crisps, peanuts, yogurt, etc...) Also, little things will help tons! Like, switch to skim milk, eat low fat yogurt, use cooking spray instead of oils, opt for the low fat foods, eat whole grain bread... All these things will help a lot. 2. Drink AT LEAST 8 (8oz) glasses of water each day. The more water you drink the better. Especially if you are working out.3. Try and do 20-40 minutes of continuous cardio exercise (jogging, speed walking, elliptical, biking) every day, at least 3 times per week (the more days you can do this, the better).4. Create a weight training schedule. Try to do some general strength training exercises at least 3 times per week. Remember, muscle burns fat. So, the more lean muscle tissue that is on your body, the faster you will burn fat.5. Stretch! This will help to lengthen and tone your muscles. Some studies even show that it can help to prevent injury. It also feels awesome!It sometimes takes about 8-12 weeks after starting a weight loss regime to see results (depending on the intensity of your fitness plan). So be patient, and keep with it! It will pay off.You can do it!

try this u need to change ur diet. eat six times a day. ea of ur 3 main meals needs to combine a lean protein such as chicken breast ground turkey turkey bacon also combine that with a complex carb such as a baked potato or sweet potato wild rice brown rice oatmeal or girts. also add fresh fruit and vegies to lunch and dinner. pick fruits low in sugar like pears and berries. if u get canned vegies get ones with low sodium. eat every 3-4 hrs keep ur metablism moving.also the most important part is water drink at least 64oz. no soda or juice. water will curve ur cravings. ur need to hit cardio 3 times a week also add weight/strength training 3 times a week. plan ur meals ahead of time. make time to work out start out with 30 mins then inscrease. ur diet alone can help lose weight but working out makes ur body look good. shows muscles and tight skin which is sexy and beautful. stick with it ur body will amaze u!!! to be healthy and look great u need both in ur life. good luck