Sunday, February 18, 2007

Weight loss please!? -

i dont think im fat but im kinda chunky ( mostly in my stomach) and i wanna loose some weight. i know i have to exercise and eat right but i want results!!! and kinda quick i know it will take some time but i need ideas that are honestly effective. im really insecure about the way i look sometimes and my bf tells me he likes me just the way i am but i don t. I don t want to be anorexic skinny but i want a flat tummy and be able to wear a bikini.....and just have better self confidence. any suggestions? i just want to feel good about myself! please help. = )

Eat less,move more.Drink lot s of water.Try to eat whole fresh non processed foods.It s calories in/calories out that s all there is to it really.Start of with going for a 40 minute walk each day and see how you feel.

workouts that work the heartrunning on a tread mill or outside is very good for loosing weight and you build up endurancealso side crunches help you loose love handles like magic!use a exercise ball when doing regular crunches and sit ups. have your knees against the wall if you use a ball it helps you balance.

Eat a lot of veggies, grilled chicken, fish, drink a lot of water and avoid sweets and fat. Don t skip breakfast. Eat 3 meals and 2 light snaks (yogurt, fruit...) a day.You ll find more tips in the following link:

The best way to lose weight and tone your body is to long distance jog. That really gives the body a workout and burns calories. Also, when you exercise, you will be able to eat more. How great is that?

If you want to get information that works and avoid the inevitable myths you ll be exposed to here, I would recommend Body for Life by Bill Phillips.

WELL I THINK FAT PEOPLE ARE SPECIAL !!!but if you really wanna lose weight just keep your mouth shut and stop inhaling the donut holes.

Can I loose weight by swimming? -

I m a 13 year old girl. I m approx. 5ft 6in tall and weigh 220 lbs. I just joined a local swim team that meets for 1 hour, three days a week. The season goes on until April. Can I loose a lot of weight by doing this?Also, some good weight-loss tips from anyone (teens especially) who has successfully lost a lot of weight would be very appreciated.Thank you! :D

in daily competitive swimming

YES. That is one of the best ways. Your muscles will also get very toned.

I tried this and was not so successful. I read that cool water like in swimming pool actually causes your body to try to stay fat in order to keep warm. Ever seen a skinny whale? Still, it is very good exercise but maybe not the best for weight loss.

this is a great calorie burning exercise! just don,t eat more food, and you will lose.

You may not be able to loose weight, but you could lose some by swimming every day.

Teen Needs Weight Loss Tips Please!!? -

I am 14 at an insane 217 pounds, possibly more. I am 5 6 . I want to loose weight quick, but I have a hard time saying Your a fat slob, go for a freakin walk . I have high self esstem. The reason why I ate so much is because I was addicted. My mother is a very good cook, and I had difficulty resisting cupcakes. I need to catch anorexica. I am not ignorant, I am fully aware of the risks. I tried throwing up 2 times, but it tasted gross and I heard about belly and eshphogas rupture. What is the normal weigh for my age and height? And please don t give me the crap about steady weight loss, diet, blah blah. I know some of you are worried. It s not the media this time. I wat to get down to a certain size. As much as I want to play with the guys in gym, I simply cannot keep up. HELP!!

The only quick fix weightloss is A. catching a disease like milaria or something else terrible or B. going under the knife with lipo suction. The stomache stappling doesn t work that well and leaves you always hungry. Without getting in the company of people who seek to stay thin, you will never acomplish your goal. So my fat little friend. Let s knock you off your highhorse. How fat are you? You are grossly obess and I mean gross. But being mean will not get you thin or maybe it will, I don t know. What motivates you most in life? I think your parents are bad parents letting you become such a plump individual. Whether you love yourself or not ... your not healthy. Swimming is the number 1 way to lose weight. Being fat will actually make you float and it will be less difficult for you so you can gradually work changing fat into muscle and burning other fat off. Also exercise ... my wife has this new system: FLUIDITY ... it s a balay dancer/yoga/poloties style exercise you can do in your own home with a dvd player or computer. It comes with a foldable bar system that needs forces you to have about 6 X 6ft of space to work with. She also does yoga regularly. My wife used to be really thin then she started getting fat and didn t stop. Now she s losing weight and looking great at 32. She wants it bad to be who she was. How bad do you want to be who you never were? Slim, Healthy, Normal. I respect high confidence but when you can tango with an elephant and not look unusual there is a problem. Other things that will keep you losing weight ... singing and dancing ... you don t have to be great just do it all over the place ... wistle, hum, waddle back and forth in place. Movements of the body burns calories. Drinking ice cold water and taking ice cold showers cause the body to use up energy and forces your metabolism to speed up when placed into regular use. Also spicey food increases metabolism causing you to lose weight. Now when your eating moms deliscious food ... eat less off it and eat in the proper order. First start off with a large glass of icecold Milk. I ts good for you and will help you lose weight. Drink a few glasses of icecold water a day as well. Take your cold shower when you wake up and befor you go to bed this will jump start your metabolism in the morning and keep it burning food all night long. Sleep with less covers or even naked ... this can also cause you to burn weight if its cold out but make sure your dry after your cold shower so you don t get sick. Back to moms food ... eat less of it and eat a salid every night first. Speeding up your metabolism and using up more energy then you consume is the key to losing weight and looking great. If your gonna eat like a cow your gonna have to work out like an insaine workout nut. Eat like a 117 lb teenage girl who cares how much she weighs and you will only have to eat right and work out 30 minutes a day 3 days a week. If you work out every day for 30 minutes vigorusly jogging or preferibly swimming until you get your weight off ... you will lose most of your weight within a year. Also when you eat, eat your vegies and fruit first, then your meat, and lastly pasta and potatoes. You need carbs to keep up your energy but carbs are heavy and hard to digest ... try to eat more vegies and fruits and less pasta and potatoes. No bread ... bread is all crap food so avoid the bread and eliminate sweets from your life. If cupcakes are your curse then eat them and limit yourself to one a day and cut yourself back to say 2-3 a week. You ll thank me later. Snack throughout the day ...on nuts, fruit, veggies. Don t skip breakfast ... it s an important meal and should be your only big meal of the day. Some fruit, some oatmeal, some juice, and some eggs. Mix it up and eat some variation of this meal in the morning. Throw in a glass of ice cold water or ice cold milk and your off to the races on eating right, and feeling great. Good luck. This is a lot to take in and change as you feel. Also relize as you get thinner you ll have excess skin that you just can t seem to get rid of ... moisturize your body with vitamin E and aloe to reduce stretch marks being left on your body. The swimming, along with, The fluidity CD exercises, and maybe some yoga if you are willing will help tone your body and rid you of excess skin. You ll look AWSOME and feel great. Change your life and don t stop or it will all come back. Build yourself a Plan Book and set yourself small daily/ weekly goals and set large monthly/yearly goals. Make yourself a Dreamboard that gives you motivation to become whatever it is you want to be with words, pictures and place it where you will look at it every morning and every night to motivate you. Start the mantra I am apprieciative of myself now that I am thin healthy. say it 10 times in the mornning when you wake up and before you go to bed. Good luck.

Okay, first... DON T go anorexic because no duh it s tempting fast but you ll end up in the hospital with a feeding tube in your belly you don t want that!! So here s what I think you should do: eat cereal for breakfast. Pack your lunch with a sandwich, fruit, water, if you must eat ur moms food, eat it in very small portions. Oh, and try a treadmill. It burns calories while u watch TV after school. Best of luck!!

you can t lose weight quickly without killing yourself so get over it! you didn t gain weight quickly and won t lose it quickly. eat more fruits and veggies, less fast food and sodas and excercise. no magic. no pills. no powders.

I m an old fart compared to you, I eat what I want when I want and how much I want and have never gained any weight since I was in High School. 6 feet tall 175 pounds.I think some of it has to do with genes.

I know it is tough, but actually exercise can become very addicting. I LOVE running. Just PLEEEEASE don t become anorexic, you not only become a skelleton but it messes with your mind.

Join a school sports team....... i joined cross country last quarter because i like to run and lossed like 10 pounds not even trying.... haha its fun too and you make a lot of new friends.

ok! you might not consider my answer since i am younger that you but here goes anyway! every night before you go to bed do 5 sit-ups and then when that gets easy do ten and then 15 and so on....also buy a set of weights and while your watching TV just lift a 5 pounder or something and also if you can eat more salads! they are sooo good! (trust me) i am proud that you have a high self asteem! i am a slight bit over weight even though all my friends highly doubt it! my brother calls me fat but i always know hes kidding so i dont really mind that much. anyways just take my advice if you wish and i hope it helps! good luck!!!

start working out. i mean 5 days a week cardio on tues and thurs and weghts and toning the other 3 days. eat what you want just make sure you actually work when you are exercising.

Hi there Blondie, You said it are addicted. There is a really good book, called: Food Addiction:The Body Knows by Kay Sheppard, a Masters level therapist and recovering food addict. I am a recovering food addict too and used to weigh an insane 430 pounds! I have been to treatment for it twice (if your parents have insurance and you tell the doctor or school nurse about the bulimia attempts and anorexia desire maybe you could go to treatment too!) The other person who lost a lot of weight said that she gave up grease and sugar. That is basically it...only if you are really sensitive you might also have to give up flour and even all added sugars because they trigger the phenomenon of craving. That has been my way to lose 255.5 pounds and keep it off. You might wonder what to have in place of bread...corn tortillas, rye crisps, oatmeal, quinoa (hehehe look it up!) and other whole grains. It takes about a week to get through sugar/flour withdrawal and you may have a headache and feel fluish and anxious but if you can hang through it the cravings will diminish or leave entirely!!I will put some links for you here under the source part. Oh, and hey, anorexia sucks...I tried that too and damaged my heart plus I was just as ugly, weak and worse, bony, so I couldn t keep up w the guys in gym. I could do my gymnastic routine better at 160 than at 120 when I was too thin and weak. I am not saying that binge eating disorder doesn t suck too, just don t add another problem.Peace, Joy

well i am 14 and 5 6 also..i weigh 120 and the doctor said i am average so i guess thats anorexia..idk!

lol, you dont need to catch anorexia, don t be silly. throwing up will only kill you if you keep it up, but if you don t it will still slow your metabolism. you need to take small steps. my best friend lost almost 110 lbs in 18 months just by giving up drinking anything but ice water. she still ate what ever she wanted. walking IS a good thing! that is a great suggestion. did you know 8 glasses of ice water will burn about 200 calories because you use energy to heat it to metabolize it? other foods like celery, pickles and cucumbers can take more energy (calories) to digest than you actually consume by eating it. my point is take small steps and make small differences with your diet and activity level and in time, you will see a big difference.

First of all you don t catch anorexcia. Please Please Please don t use the bulimic approach. Try walking. Just atleast 20 minutes a day. It will help a lot and try drinking lots of water. There is no way you are going to be able to loss weight if you don t exercise.

Drink more water. exercise, eat fruits and veggies, and lean meats like chicken. There is also this thing its a fast where you drink water mixed with cayenne pepper, and honey and lemon, you should look it up on the internet, its probably not the safest way to lose weight. A coworker of mine did it and lost about 10 lbs...but you probably gain it back when you start eating again. Also, dont use that much salt, keep tabs on your sodium in take, because the salt helps you retain water weight, and makes you bloaty. Ketchup, low-sodium soy sauce, everything has sodium so you have to be careful. Start buying those 100 calorie packs of snacks, to help you keep tabs on your caloric intake, also take the hard way, if you have to walk somewhere..walk it! dont be lazy. Water, excercise, fruits, veggies, fish and lean meats...sorry to be cliche but its true.

you have great attitude and thats the first step. If you like eating alot eat every 2 hours but only 100 calories a day and do alot of situps and muscle work evey day and run. not any calories at all and lots of fat loss

I weighed 210 pounds and im now 160went from a 18 to a 10I cut out all the grease and sugarthats it and I lost the weightit get discouraging when it doesn t go as fast as you want it to but YOU CAN DO ITGood luck

well i became anorexic and i stopped eating and started drinking alot of water and chewing gum it makes your body think wen ur chewing your about to swallow and then drink water so u do swallo i got from 315 ibs to 110 in 5 mo.

Weight loss tips? need to lose about 40 pounds? -

Exercise, and lots of it. Start out slow. You ll be able to push yourself harder each time and the weight will come off.

There s two ways you could go and I think either way will work for you. First of all, my best suggestion is to learn to eat healthy.��That means understand the food pyramid, the food groups, the recommended servings, etc. That is how you should eat for life! If you eat that way and have 3 small, healthy meals a day and 2 small, healthy snacks, you will lose weight. Each meal should be less than 400 calories and each snack should be about 100-150 calories. Eating highly nutritious foods is the key, so think in terms of lean protein, veggies, whole-grains, fruits, low-fat dairy, and heart-healthy oils. By the way, there s a page called Diabetic Weight Loss Diet on the site that you might want to check out.The second option (and perhaps too severe for a male) is to do a short-term drastic diet that is designed to last for 2 weeks max. This would take off the most weight rapidly. There are several on the site under Diet Plans but my favorite is the 5-4-3-2-1 diet.��You get to pick what you eat, but you re going to want to pick highly nutritious foods to keep your metabolism working efficiently. Again, the eat healthy page can help you determine what highly nutritious foods are, if you need help with that. If you go on the short-term diet, then once it s over, follow the guidelines on the eat healthy page. Make water your main source of hydration and save the sweet drinks (even diet) for special occasions. Eliminate as much salt and sugar from your diet as you can.The biggest component to fast weight loss is going to be your workout. You will want to make sure you do a good (30 minute minimum) cardio workout every day for weight loss (3 times a week is sufficient to maintain health). Activities that use the large leg muscles burn the most calories. These activities also tone the lower body quite effectively. Think in terms ofpower walking, jogging, biking, skating, swimming laps, jumping rope, dancing, racquetball, and jumping jacks. To make sure that you re burning fat, you need to be sweating and huffing and puffing. In addition, do some good stretches and some strength training.��You ll find some really good information on the website, including about five pages of weight loss tips, printable weight loss journal pages, printable exercise log sheets, motivational ideas, healthy recipes, etc.Good luck!

Cutting out all the junk food is the first step, and it is an excellent and wise choice. I would say that the best tips and information you could possibly receive however is from professionals - but there are so many out there claiming to be one that you have to be very careful. I know of a resource however that is becoming wildly popular with its success and backs up its weight loss guide with confidence by including a full money back guarantee if you don t like it. Check it out and put in the effort and you will meet your goal! See below :)

You can try the website spark It s a free website with weight loss tips, support groups and recipes. Also if you need help losing weight you can find a buddy for free. is also a free site with alot of the same things. You can also find people in your area that are trying to do the same as you. I hope this information helps you and good luck!

Honestly, it s best to go with a program or trainer.Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, that kind of thing. They re all good.Anyone want to help me?;��

if you really want to lose your weight.don t worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts and drink fresh juices.for more info visit the below website.

Go buy the book, The Coffee Diet . It is an awesome eating strategy that will help you lose weight and keep it off!

You might want to visit this blog. It contain some valuable information regarding your problem that you might be able to take away from

I need some weight loss tips ! Im active and eat balanced meals? -

hi i start school on sep.4 and i was wondering how much weight do you think i can loose. Im 4 feet 9 inches (yes veryyyy short) and i weigh about 110 pounds. I want to shed 5-10 pounds. is this possible and if so what are some tips to doings this?thanks

It is good that you eat well and and are active. That means you are already half way there.My suggestion would be to do some strength training (weights, dumbbells etc) to build up a bit of muscle.We need muscle in order to burn fat. Muscle is a very active tissue, so burns fat even while resting. You need to have a certain amount of it in order to burn fat efficiently. Every pound of muscle you have will burn 50 extra calories per day.If you burn more calories than you take in (achieved through a healthy eating plan), build up muscle through strength training and complete 30 minutes of solid cardio a day then weight loss is a certaintyThis following website gives you the tools you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for a lifetime.Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals

This informative website provides me with effective Fat Burning Nutritional Tips in a natural and healthy ways.The results was surprisingly impressive. Most importantly, I need not spend much money to the weight loss center anymore.Hope you find it helpful. All the Best.��

For the last 3 months I have been able to lose weight successfully.I was referred a weight loss program by a doctor at my hospital.Take a look at it, I didn t regret it, So won t You:

1: Get your workouts done quickly. Start using Supersets if you aren��t already. You��ll get more work done in less time and truthfully, you��ll bump up your metabolism and increase your rate of fat burning while working out with weights. #2: Interval training. There��s some strong evidence to show that doing interval training can help burn more fat in less time. While I do believe that, I mix my workouts up to have some cardio sessions at a moderate intensity for 40 minutes and other sessions will be high intensity styles. It��s definitely something to look into if you are trying to strip away body fat. I��d even go so far as to say if you are advanced, you do add 2 sessions per day for no more than 30 days. I��m a firm believer in the less is more approach but sometimes when you are doing less, you have a lot of areas when you can tweak your cardiovascular program and use it as a fat stripping tool. #3: Make weight resistance your #1 priority. As you build more muscle, your metabolism will increase. This means, if you put on a pound of muscle, you��ll burn 300 extra calories per hour because of that. That��s like a 30 minute cardio workout for doing nothing! The more muscle you can build, the leaner you will become. If your goal is to build muscle or burn fat, weight training needs to be the foundation of your program. #4: Dial in your nutrition. Make your meals at home and ensure you are eating 5-6, smaller but frequent performance meals. There��s quite a lot you can do when it comes to nutrition from carbohydrate cycling, nutrient ratio manipulation or just generally tightening up your diet to eliminate processed foods. All too often people have so-so nutritional habits and immediately look to a fat burner, some diet tea or detoxification formula when all it really would take it a few minutes analyzing your current eating plan and making some minor adjustments. Sure, there��s a heck of a lot more to it than just these 4 little tips but let me leave you with this.The ONE thing that literally saved me was something Dave Draper said in his book, ��Brother Iron, Sister Steel.��Consistency!��There are no secrets. You simply have basic God-given genetics, body chemistry and bone structure. And provided the attributes of discipline and determination, you apply yourself full bore, and your body potential emerges, slow and sure.�� - Dave Draper

I need some weightloss advice? -

its so hard for me to lose weight!!!! i ve been trying so hard but nothing seems to be working for me!!!! i need some weight loss tips that will help me lose weight fast!!! at least 40 lbs in like a month is what im trying for.

don t count on 40lbs in a month. At MOST possibly 10-15 which is still a lot of weight. You can tone up a lot to make it look like you lost more than that though. Do you know what I mean? I mean..someone can lose 15lbs and they can make it look like 25 by toning up areas.

40 lbs in a month is a ton of weight, but do a lot of cardio and try to eat healthier!!just limit yourself on what you eat!good luck!

you could lose like 50 if you really self dicipline your self this diet REALLLY worked for me i lost 40 pounds in like 24 days do your best!�� OH and where it says like 2 tble spoons of lemon juice thats wrong you need half a lemon and you have to drink about 10 glasses a day if your serious do it for 11 days first and youll lose 20 - 22 pounds and dont eat in between the lemon will full your stomach you can drink water in between it might taste awful first but youll get use to it hold your nose and drink it if you have to

40 pounds in a month? Dream on. Completely unrealistic and shortsighted.

Weight loss tips??? -

Hi im 12 and 5 foot 4 and i weigh 140 Ib. I don t think that is a very healthy weight so I want to loose it. I want to be about 100-110 Ib soon (if thats a healthy weight). Can you give me some exersizes to do that would help me loose weight??

im 12 too and i know being a kid and losing weight is soo hard i try almost everyday so what i do is find healthy snacks um go play outside with friends eat healthy and remember breakfast and lunch is very important but eat dinner still ok

Walking on a treadmill is a great way to burn calories. Any cardio vascular exercise is good. Eat sensible and drink plenty of water. Exercise at least 5 times per week, more if you feel like it. Once you start seeing results it motivates you to stick with it. Good Luck

Yes, start a walking program, start out gradually and work your way up to a brisk pace. You should be able to achieve a mile in fifteen minutes. Try walking five miles a day six or seven days a week. Stop drinking sodas, sugary or diet, drink at least sixty four ounces of water a day if you can. Water is the best weight loss thing that there is. Before you eat a meal, drink a glass of water, that way, you won t be as hungry and you will eat less. Put more fruits and veggies into your food program. Lay off of processed foods such as lunch meats, cheeses and sugary products. Eat more whole grains .which will give you more bulk in your diet and will be more fulfilling.