Thursday, January 21, 2016

HELP ME!!! Can somebody give me advice on how to lose weight? -

Well, lately, I have been noticing odd things about the way people behave around me, like I get pokes in my belly and people squish my arms and stuff like that. Now, this morning, I decided to wear my favorite jeans that I have finally found in my closet after 4 MONTHS!!! I have always loved them because they are my tightest pair of jeans (all the rest are super baggy, especially around the waist) and this pair fit almost perfectly, even though they were a little loose at the waist and butt.Anyway, this morning, I simply could not get them further up than my butt. I thought they had shrunk a little in the wash, because all of my other jeans still fit the same (or so I thought). I finally got them on my lying down and sucking in as hard as I can, but when I sat down for breakfast and ate a few chocolate chip pancakes, the button popped off! I sewed it back on and looked in the mirror to see....AAH!!! My gut was hanging about an inch and a half over my pants!!! HUGE muffin top! I also had two fat rolls on each side and two on the front when standing up. I put on my next tightest pair of jeans that had been really loose before and they were snug, I still had a one inch muffin top. HELP!!! I used to be fit and athletic from swimming. I quit a bit ago, and now I am fat!!!I am a 14 year old girl; 5 5 and 178 pounds. According to my BMI I am borderline obese and my body fat percentage is over 40%!!! I am almost half blubber. Please help me!!!

Lose Weight FastIn this article we are going to show you some sensible PROVEN Ways to lose weight fast.1. Drink water2. Eat regularly3. Eat lots of fibre4. Consume more good fats5. Get plenty of quality protein6. Carbohydrates can help you lose weight- Healthy life every day!

Anyone looking for a weight loss pill should really consider the Acai Berry. Many people claim to have lost 40-50 pounds in a couple months while using Acai. 60 Minutes and Oprah have even featured it on their shows. Dr. Oz said it is a Super Food and is full of vitamins and anti-oxidents.

Find ways other than eating to express love, tame stress, and relieve boredom. For instance, you might make your family a photo album of special events instead of a rich dessert, sign up for a stress-management course at the local hospital or take up an active hobby, like bowling.

Well you could always try the water and gum diet. You drink water chew gum and that s it. Then you loose lots of weight really fast. But it s probably not safe.

try the lil jack workout�� it really works

Push aways...push yourself away from the every time.

The simplest and easiest place to start is by drinking lots of water 3 times per day.That one step alone with cause weight loss. Cut out the chocolate chip pancakes and opt for plain oatmeal with skim milk and half a grapefruit for breakfast. That would be step 2. Step 3 is to get disciplined to do active things like biking, take up x country skiing in winter, snowshoeing, jogging - 3 times per week. That should get you jumpstarted in the right direction and you will see results within 3 weeks.

Alright, here is what I think is best. Cut out all processed foods. Get rid of all the sugary snacks, replace them with fruit. Stop eating white grains (like white bread and rice), have whole grains or wheat. Cheese isn t bad for you, but a lot of it is! Try having cottage cheese or 2% cheese and skim milk instead of regular cheese and whole milk. Add in tons of veggies and maybe some tofu! Switch ground beef with ground turkey and cut back on having pork (like sausage and bacon). It may sound difficult to do at first, but have lots of vegetables with every meal, fruit too! For breakfast, have oatmeal with berries in it or an omelet with fresh vegetables.. yum!I would cut out all soda, diet and non-diet. Any type of fruit is best. Apple are high in fiber, berries are high in antioxidants, and all fruit tastes great. You should always be running, cardio is key. Swimming, running up stairs, or just walking work great. You ll also want to tone up or when you lose weight your skin will look flabby. You could lift weights, do crunches, pushups, or squats.Also, if you like sweet things a great natural sweetener is Agave Nectar, it s like honey and is most easily found at a health food store. You could even try stevia (my favorite brand is Truvia), it is a zero calorie natural sweetener! Don t be afraid to try new things, you just might like them!Good luck!

All the doctors and dieticians say targeted weight loss is unlikely, especially in the waist and belly zones, but I achieved it with acai berry. I know they say that pills don t work, nevertheless they sure worked for me, and they have been featured on the Rachael Ray Show too. There s a free trial going on at the moment at , why not try it, what have you got to lose?

practicing good eating habits at a younger age is very important..I m not that much older than youI m 17 and i know that exercising sucks but it doesn t hurt to take some time off each day and you don t have to run or anything. you can try something you like such as a sport or dancing to your favorite songs..also eating healthier foods is nice. you don t have to cut off every comfort food, just limit it to smaller portions. Just doing those things will help some.. but if you really want to lose wait and faster i suggest a stricter diet and more of a tough exercise regimen.hope this was good advice

How about changing your diet.1. No soda2. No caffiene3. No Diet Soda or Sugar Free stuff.. ( your body gets all confused)4. Eat a good breakfast, lil snack, lunch, light dinner5. No heavy meals past 6PM you don t want a lot of food in your belly when you re sleeping.6. No TV Get outside and PLAY7. Play a sport and feel challenged8. Try it workd i tried it.

First, start watching what you eat. Try to eat a lot of fruit and less things that are high in fat and sugar. If you drink a lot of soda, you should seriously consider quitting. I used to drink at least 5 sodas every day. I haven t had one in about 4 months now, and I ve lost over 10 pounds. (I ve also been eating healthier as well.) Second, you need to do a lot of cardio exercises. You could simply go jogging 4 days a week. Also, you could develop your own ab workout, and do it every other day.

How to lose weight fast? -

exercise daily,go on diet(dessert once a week optional)

HI. I m a 13 year old boy. And I used to be very overweight. I used to weight 221 lbs!! I ve lost 80 lbs now in lat 6 months. What I did was I cut out ALL the pop all the sugary snacks and junk food such as: pizza, chips, cookies, pies, cakes, doughnuts, and all pop. I just stopped cold turkey. Then I started walking at the local high school with my dad. 10 laps each nigh. I lost 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks. And I kept it up and kept it up. Then about 3 months ago I joined the gym with my dad. I workout. I do the bike, tred mill, weight lifting, and all the good exercises. Do crunches to build your muscle! And for your meals heres what you eat. Breakfast: Have some oatmeal very good for your heart, egg beaters, 100% whole wheat bread for toast. Lunch:Have some good meats like, tuna, chicken, and all the good lean meats. Dinner, get all the fruits and veges and protein you can. Drink A lot of water. Don t freak out if you weigh more after drinking water. It s just water weight and will go away when you go the bathroom. So I hope I could help you in your journey to weight loss. GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS YOU! (:

simply reduce your calorie intake for example my goal weight is 165 when I type this in the computer I must eat 1717 instead of 2000 to get to this weight by august

If you lose weight fast, you have a lesser chance of it staying off. Do it the old Fashion way, eating healthy and exercise. It s not like it will take forever.. but it certainly won t take only a week :]

Allot of exercises, determination to NEVER give up, be and stay strong throughout your daily diet. Intake less or smaller portions of food, eat healthy greens. Absolutely no colored water, except water, let water be your best friend. Also,exercise about 2hours a day with at least 4, 10 minute breaks in between. Mostly exercise and healthy eating.

How can I lose weight fast need help!!!!!!? -

I need real help. I m 13 almost 14 and I m 5 8 and 212lbs I think I m obese but wutever. I need to now how to lose wieght fast I can t run In the morning. But I m free after school and I don t have any tredmills or anything like at my house sooooo I just got the park and my bike. I need real pro help

Do NOT read silly BS online articles about losing weight fast. They are at best apocryphal and at worst damaging to your health.Here s the best weight loss diet (an opinion based on several years of research):Eat fewer calories than you expend.That s about all there is to it. Eat less than you burn, and you will lose weight.Now there are some nuances to all this.Some people will tell you to avoid carbohydrates (e.g. the Atkins diet people). This is not necessary, though it is an option.Others will tell you to avoid fats (e.g. the standard party line among medical circles.)Bottom line, you need a balanced diet with carbs, protein, and fats. There is no scientifically identified ideal combination, so you (and all of us) are on our own to identify what s best for us.As a general rule, you need at least 1 gram per kilogram of body weight in protein. For a 212 pound person this is 53 grams of protein. This is a MINIMUM.Also as a general rule, you should eat carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index - there are many internet resources that will give you the glycemic index of foods, just google it. Keep up the biking. This is a great aerobic exercise that will help you burn calories while toning your abs and lower body. Try to add in some weight training or similar exercises that will build muscle mass. You cannot lose weight fast - at least not healthily. It took many years for you to gain weight, it will take months to years for you to regain an appropriate body mass index. What is your goal weight? Evaluate this goal in comparison to your current weight. 3500 calories is one pound of fat. Burning that many more calories will reduce your weight by that much.Set a goal diet that is appropriate to your gender, age, and weight - if you re a male, 2200 calories per day is probably a good heuristic for what you need to maintain your weight. If you re a female, at your age, 2000 calories is probably about right.Reduce your caloric intake by 250 or so calories per day (from the stated baseline), then increase your exercise, and you ll be on the road to a healthy body.It WILL take some time, but anything worth doing is worth doing well - which means time and commitment.Best of luck to you,Adam S

Hmmm... running in the morning really gets your metabolism going, but since you can t, don t worry, there are still tons of other ways. If you re not eating breakfast, than start right away-- just make sure it s a healthy breakfast-- because that gets your metabolism going. Eat healthy food and avoid sugary/oily fatty foods. Replace unhealthy snacks with more vegetables and fruits and drink water. Make sure you get exercise, so continue biking and try to take some jogs. Don t overwork yourself. Keep a positive and optimistic view at things too. It ll relieve stress, and stress is a factor towards weight gain. You re a pretty tall person, so a lot of that weight is from your bones too :) Remember-- eat healthy and exercise!

The only thing that concerns me is that you are so young. I advise not to try anything drastic and to be sure you discuss your weight loss efforts with a buddy or more importantly a parent so that someone knows what your goals are. You may even be able to gain some support in this area. At your age, your goal should be healthy and not necessarily skinny. Continue working out but don t overdo it and keep up with healthy food choices. Most importantly don t let this strive for weight loss deprive you of being a normal teenager!

Check it out here. It��s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look.

eat all healthy foods find run/walk at least 30 mins everyday get at least 60 full mins of exersize everyday and drink lots of water, most importantly stick to a plan


eat a lot of produce

I had good success here, highly recommend it.

What diet can i do to lose weight fast?? easy 10 points!!!? -

i m around 15, 5 2 and 127 pounds. i m not really fat but i need to lose some weight (i want to get down to 110) i want to lose the weight as soon as i can, i don t have much time to exercise so mostly diet will have to do, please help me? thanks!!xoxo,jules

If you have terrible sweet cravings (like i do), check out the 100 calories packs- everything from Special K bars, Oreos, Oreo cakes, Little Debbies, Lorna Doones, graham can also get 100 calorie popcorns and yogurts. If you get a particularly bad craving, drink a mug of fairly warm water first- the warm water makes you feel fuller, and your stomach thinks that its being fed. If you re still hungry after that, eat a snack pack.It s not the healthiest way, but i m assuming you don t really care about that :D as much exercise as you can (even tho you don t have a lot of time, it ll boost your metabolism), eat around 1000 calories/day...honestly, i found that Diet Pepsi Max- has a lot of ginsing and caffeine- helps cure my appetite. Eat SOMETHING, whether its a 100 cal snack pack or what, as soon as you get up in the morning- this will jump start your metabolism- and eat every three to four doesn t make much sense i guess, but it ll keep your hunger level low. Stacker 2 s (make sure Yerba Mate is one of the ingredients) work really well too. Drink lots of flavored water or teas throughout the day.

Try the Weigh Down Diet(there s a book on it). Its not so much a diet, simply a way of life. Only eat when you are truly hungry, and stop when you re full. If you want some chocolate, go ahead and have some because that is what you re body truly wants, but don t eat five chocolate bars! Just have a few pieces. Just be balanced with what you eat, but don t give up the foods that you enjoy. and of course drink lots of water. Stay strong and you CAN do it :)

try drinking a lot of water, and eating more veggies than meat, and try to avoid junk food.i hope i helped. =]

stop eating

What exercise helps you lose the most weight fastest? -

i dont want to turn my fat into muscle(weight lifting) but i want to lose weight fast and be slim...what is the best exercise that targets every part of your body to lose fat??

The best way to loose weight fast is to obviously lower the amount of food you eat in a day, and no snacking if so eat fruit and to exercise by sit ups and they tone your stmach but not into mussle. Gradually build up doing sit ups as doing to many sit up can casue bad stomach mussles start with 10 the first day then build it up to 20 the second day...etc... then no more then 50 a day. Exercising before dinner is also a good way as you will not gain weigh from eating your dinner

Muscle is more metabolically active - it burns more calories than fat, even while you are at rest. Alternate cardio with weight training. You can t target a specific part of your body, weight loss will happen all over very gradually and you will lose fat from random parts of your body at different times.If you are a woman, you don t need to worry about being too bulky - your body is not built to look like a man s, you won t have GIANT muscles.

Cardio (jumping jacks, jump rope, jogging, etc.) activities that keep the heart pumping. I usually pop in a cardio dvd and do a 20-30 min. workout. Goodluck!

Running via interval training... I have lost inches everywhere

running everday with light weight lifting I believe will help you lose the weight the fastest.

chest deep in water ... walk or jog while swinging your arms ... it effects most muscle groups

sit ups, or 45 min. of running...helps alot im going to try that =]