Thursday, April 26, 2018

Is it true that drinking lemon water will help me lose weight faster than just drinking regular water? -

By lemon water I mean either Dasani flavored water or just water with a slice of lemon juice squeezed into it.

I don t know if it s true but I supported my weight loss like that and I lost 55 lbs.The squeezed lemon slices are better, Dasani flavoured water is nothing more than water with artificial flavours and nutra-sweets(=carbs)Any bitter fruits like lemon slices will help your digestion to work better and make it easier for you to burn some extra calories.I also drank a lot of artichoke tea, disgusting but it helps.

I doubt it. There s nothing special about those, and plus they have some sugar so it might actually hurt.Regular water s always good! Ice water does burn some calories when you drink it, but not significant amounts.

no idea

You will lose weight from all the exercise you ll get by squeezing the lemons.

I ve heard that too...though not sure about the Dasani water, just squeezing a lemon into it is what I ve heard.

it will make you full so you won t eat that much


Not sure, but if it s ice cold, you will lose more weight

i wish

I don t know about weight loss, but I know that lemons are good for you.

i doubt it. lemon has acid and i don t think acid helps you lose weight. i would just stick to regular water.

only if your looking to lose water weight. It s just gonna make u pee more, and give the water a little flavor.

How the hell did you figure that one? LOL

those overzealous bottled water companies selling crappe is nothing more than advertising messages for people like you to buy flavored water! water should taste like water and nothing else. water is purifying. water is the gift of life.lemon, and i am being very vague, helps in a way that the citirc acid will actually work like laxatives. there s so much acid that it passes through the stomach faster, leaving very little room for digestion. i know, i fasted for 10 days prior to joining the navy. lost 16 pounds.

there is no difference between drinking flavoured water and plain water in weight gain.its just a myth.

That is the most ridiculous thing I ve heard all day. Just wear an onion on the left side of your belt.

A few people told me that it aids in weight loss because the lemon acidity cuts through fat. I plan on using lemon juice in my water on a consistent basis too so it doesn t hurt to try it. It just might work faster than plain water and be a tad better!




I don t think you got your facts right.

No.Eating less and doing more excercise will though.

cold versus hot water won t change anything. Lemon water will not help you loose weight faster, it is healthier for you, but it is not good if you are strictly trying to loose weight. Regular water is actually better for loosing weight. It also has other health benefits which you can read about here:��

No regular water is better! lemon also peels the enamel off your teeth making them less stronger.A good drink to lose weight is diet green tea.It boosts your metabolism and it tastes yummy.

Not necessarily true. Water weight can actually add more weight than you want. Just eat and drink heathily and you should be perfectly fine.

no its just for added taste

How can i lose weight fast? -

I weigh 135 and feel huge. how can i lose weight fast? cause i havent been eating properly and i think its messing up my period track.. is that normal ? .

To reduce weight. Check this site for use full information.

Google tummywatcher--it has a calorie calculator tool for various website exercises. Also you can find out what your ideal body weight is, based on your height, age, and gender.The website also has five foods to fight hunger and other helpful tips as well as ab exercise videos you can follow and other helpful tips to achieve flat stomach.good luck.

what is your height?well for me i stick to cardio, yes it does sound boring to do cardio but there are few easy ones such as running up and down your stairs(they are the best) it works out your thighs and calves and also burns calorie. but if you are really looking to lose weight fast i suggest you switch to a strict diet and devour healthy food like oatmeal!(is ok they got flavor oatmeals now a day)my summer diet:Morning:2 boil egg(Eat egg white only) + Oatmeal(W/ fat free milk)Lunch: Grill chicken cutlets(3 pcs)Dinner: pan fry beef(with Pam Spray)W/ broccoli.=) i hope it helps, if anything else you may message me.

You can eat the Foods you like as long as you do not eat as much as you do now, ( I used to eat 2 eggs, 4 slices of bacon, a large amount of Potatoes, Toast and of course my coffee, for Breakfast. Now I eat 1 egg, a table spoon of potatoes, 1 slice of bacon, and my coffee with only 1 tea spoon of Sugar instead of 2 1/2, and if I feel like Bread I will have only one slice not 2. If I want a Burger I will have one just not a Big Mac I no longer buy Fries, Soda I gave up over 4 yrs ago, So no big deal there, For dinner I will have what ever I want I just walk away once I feel the hunger is gone, for snacks I eat Pop Corn instead of chips, Jello, Fruit, salads etc. If I want a cookie I eat one or 2 but no more than that.

Step 1:Cut out all sodas. The carbonation will make you bloated so switch to water or tea. Step 2:To lose one lb of fat you need to burn 3,500 calories. So start by cutting 350 calories off your daily diet.Step 3:Switch to lean proteins like chicken and fish because they will keep you fuller longer and are less in calorie.Step 4:Cut carbs out for the next 2 weeks, you ll definitely understand at the end of the 2 weeks how many extra calories they give you.Step 5:Eat lots and lots of vegetables.Step 6:Work out at least 1 hour a day. Go for a walk, ride a bike, lift some weights.

Lessons tips: Really, only 4 ways:1. Get really sick for a long time2. Stop eating3. Exercise beyond belief4. Get clinical depression and/or anorexia nervosa

How To Lose Weight Fast? -


There is NO way to lose weight fast and be healthy too. It all comes gradually by diet and exercise. If you do something drastic, like starve yourself for a few days, and then decide to eat again all the weight will only come back on and more.Screw all the kids calling you fat, they are insecure about themselves. Don t let them pull you down with them.

My daughter is your age. She started playing DDR on PS2 and lost a lot of weight and had fun doing it too. Ask your parents if they will buy it for you (that is if you have a PS2) and a dance pad. Other than that eat lots of Veggies and Salad and stuff like that. Lay off the sodas and drink a lot of water, like 6-8 glasses a day at least. Talk to your parents too that you would like to loose some weight and if they will pick up some healthy food for you when they go grocery shopping. Good luck.

exercises and eat healthy...

You can lose any amount of weight you want, you just need to set some clear goals and some commitment to stick out your plan. Check out for a great weight loss site. It helps you track all your calorie intake and expenditure to take the guess work out and on track.

don t listen to those people you can lose weight fast and be healthy i do 200 jumping jack every morning and night and monday thru friday i go and work out at my local rec jogging and jumping jacks are the best way to lose weight you can lose 14 pounds in two weeks but also you still have to eat healthy vegatables every meal a banna or apple for a snack water with everymeal and if your hungry later peanut butter toast its good for you and has protein but do that and youll lose quit a bit of weight., it teaches you everything, gives you support with people doing the same things, and keeps track of stats and everyday food intake and has all the things you need to get started like a BMI calculator and an allowance calculator, so good luck! and stick with it!

It takes the following:Mind over matter.I was in the same predictament when I was your age. You have to do the following:Eat healthy 1200 -1500 calories a day.A regular exercise regimen of cardio and strength training. Cardio 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes. Strength train every other day.Try this website:www.sparkpeople.comYou can record all the food you eat and it will show you how many calories you consumed that day. You can also record your exercises and see how many calories you burned for that week. Remember 3500 calories are in one pound.Good luck to you.

Emily S is cant lose weight fast and be healthy.if you want to lose weight and not be healthy i saw an article about Kimkins, but she ended up being a hoax.

If you want to lose weight some weeks.You can try Lose weight a week plan first!Day 1:Eat the soup accompanied with watermelon and melon for your main food all day long. Consume a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice before you go to bed.Day 2:Stop eating fruit at all! Consume your soup and you are allowed to eat green salad. Make sure the salad contain no dressings, peas and corns.For dinner you can consume roasted potato or baked potato with butter (don��t ever think to fry it)Day 3:Consume the soup, salad and fruit but no potato today.Day 4:Eat the soup accompanied with a glass of skimmed milk. Consume 8 pieces of banana to provide your body enough energy. Your body now need carbohydrate and protein also calcium to lessen body need for sugar.Day 5Eat your soup again. Today you should consume salad and salmon fish. Make sure the salmon fish don��t exceed 10 ounces.Day 6You should consume maximum 10 ounces of meat along with your soup. You need the protein here.Last DayConsume 4 table spoons of rice with vegetables. Drink fresh watermelon or melon juice without sugar and eat your soup also today.Go to: task=view id=130 Itemid=62Please enjoy it!