Sunday, March 16, 2008

How to lose weight in 5 days? -

What is the best way to lose weight in 5 days?

This is not only a good way to lose weight in 5 days, but to lose however much weight you want to lose. Most immportantly... be sure that you are not throwing yourself into a yoyo by not eating! You need to eat! 1. Drink lots of water2. Drink Pineapple Juice before each meal. It has a natural digestive enzyme and will give you a fuller feeling though it is not heavy AND it reduces water weight gain.3. Remove all wheat and gluten products from your diet. That includes breads, crackers, pasta, etc...(Rice is a good alternative and if you must have bread...go to the health food section and get Ezekiel Bread. It is a sprouted grain bread that has destroyed the gluten in the sprouting process).4. Remove all corn products from your diet. That includes, corn starches, syrup, chips etc...5. Include in your diet high protien balanced with vegetables and something like rice for carbs and energy.6. Stay away from fruits that have a high mold content like melons. Enjoy grapes, figs (excellent), peaches, and pears.7. Remove all sodas from your diet! That will take 10lbs. off just by itself!8. Use only Olive or Flax seed oil to cook with. Canola is okay, but not as flavorful in my opinion.9. Use butter not margarine!10. Work out! Something like walking, skating, cycling, kick boxing, or something that makes you sweat for an extending period of time for 40 minutes or more working on lean body tissue and the heart. Remember that lifting weights burns a lot of fuel too, but also adds muscle weight so don t be surprised if you get on the scale and have added a pound or two if you choose to do that. Pay attention more to the firming and size of your clothing and how it fits. Your appearance! Not the scale!!!!A delicious meal might include broiled salmon ( I like to use old bay and lemon pepper with fresh dill on the top) with steamed vegetables (seasoned), and jasmine rice prepared with chicken stock or other seasoning. If you are interested in finding out more...go to my web here on yahoo and check out the sights I have listed.Good Luck!


dont eat, just drink

How much would you like to lose?In five days with regular diet you can use up to three pounds and that is risky, what you probably will lose is water, recommended weight lost in seven to ten days is two careful!!

Drink large amounts of water, watch your intake of foods and get some exercise. Good luck, it is doable.

I need to know the same question! Exercise is working for me... and staying away from pasta s

The most actual FAT you can lose in one week is 2 pounds. More than that, and you re losing water and precious lean muscle tissue (which is difficult to get back). Adjust your eating to include more vegetables and less breads and junk foods, exercise and increase your water consumption. You ll lose weight over time. Crash dieting just hurts your body, and when the pounds come back, they bring their friends.

Not sure , but if you find out can you let me know? ty

No carbs or sugar. No bread. Drink Only a lot of protein and Veggies. Also don t use salt, it makes you retain can actually buy pills to flush more water out of your body, just make sure your drinking a lot. The real way to lose weight is through healthy diet and exercise, but that will help you for 5 days!

diet, and exercise jog a lot

In 5 day s you will never lose weight.(IMO) Only if you won t eat anything. Then it s maybe possible.You can try by using pills, but it s not recommened And you can t be sure if it s even safe.

Eat air, drink water, exercise 4 hours a dayPrecaution: you might die.Addendum to the Precaution: highly unlikely, though too bad for your body

Eat special k cereal in the morning and then like at 5 eat a salad (small salad). drink alot of water. You should atleast drop 3 pounds. if you dont like jus plain water then squezze lemon juice into the water and add splenda. It tastes good!

Check this site out Sacred Heart It s has this 7 day diet to lose weight. It s for heart patience. It s safe and really works if you don t cheat. Try it!!

Check out the book Eat to Live, it is for loosing weight fast, but in a healthy way.��

You can lose weight by eating well and exercising. Though, this may take long.Other suggestions will be unhealthy. [pills, straving yourself...]

You might look into herbal and protein supplements. I lost 8 pounds in 10 days when I first started my weight loss system.If I can be of further assistance, let me know.pktull@yahoo.com

Eat nothing but vegetables, drink a lot of water and exercise at least an hour a day if not more.

get food poisoning. that way, you won t be hungry because food will just go through you anyway.....i have diarrhea right now and in the past four days i ve lost ten pounds.but i m pretty sick.i wouldn t recommend getting sick.but getting sick may be the only way to lose weight so quickly like that.......really, it s probably not safe to lose a lot of weight in a short span like that and even if you so, you ll probably not look that much different and you ll certainly have a lot less energy.i would recommend:1) don t put such a strict timeline on your weight loss2) find some type of exercise you like doing, and do it. or if you already exercise, find a different activity or exercise more.3) eat more meals and smaller portions. healthy types of food.

sauna. Although it only drain water from your body.

Start moving, walking, running, swimming, cleaning house, whatever. Drink lots of water and 6 small meals a day, only food that is good for you like a bannana with peanutbutter on it or yogert and granolla. Cut up a peach and put milk and splenda on it. Make two pieces of toast with butter and low cal jelly, or a gratefruit with spenda, Make sure and have some protein, like milk, meat, fish, eggs.Also take vitamins. Stay happy and moving....

Eat prawns that have past their sell by date? (Ps don t!).....Ummmmmm just start running and don t stop until saturday.........I wish there were a magican cure..the only sensible way is to drink as much water as you can, lemon juice is a good one for helping get rid of waste small and often...

The easiest for me is to drink lemon juice in your water. Drink it with every meal and during the day, also try carb smart yogurt.

When my lady and I want to lose a few pounds before going on a trip or some major event. . . . we have a sex binge. . . we do it constantly for like a week straight. . . morning, noon, night, and everything inbetween! We do it a lot anyways. . . but we turn it up a notch and have constant non stop blistering sex!!! The shower, the bedroom, the kitchen table, the car, the patio, the pool, the sofa, the dining room table, the office desk, office chair (favorite). Yeah. . . that is the best way. . . fun and good for you! We are soul mates however and things get better and better each day so that has a lot to do with it! BOO YEAH!

pushaways, push yourself away from the table before you eat too much, and pushaway those snacks, and get outside or on a machine and burn some calories.

Listen, you have to eat/ You didn t gain this weight in 5 days. Be active, don t eat fat, and I think you are fine!

How to Lose weight fast and easy? -

i want to lose weight for school.which is like in a month.But im not that fat.and i just want to be skinny?? i weigh like 125 pounds but i guess i weigh that much cause im tall..but is there anyway that i can lose weight easy and fast?

Hi Oli,You are definitely not fat but I can give you some great tips to losing weight easy and fast before school starts.There is so much false information going around about weight loss. Some is decent advice but most of it is horrible(like starving yourself or other harmful things)The most important thing for fat loss, is that your diet is as natural and unprocessed as possible. It almost always comes back to the over processing of food that makes it bad for you, and makes it totally destroy your metabolism and hormone balance in your body. For example, why eat refined grains, when you can eat whole grains. Why eat refined sugar, when you can get natural sources of sugar from a high nutrient whole food like fruit. Why eat highly processed, refined, and hydrogenated vegetable oils (these are THE worst thing in the modern diet), when you can eat natural sources of healthy fats like nuts, avocados, fish, eggs, coconut milk, organically raised meat, and so forth. The point is to not fall for some gimmick like low carbs, low fat, high protein, or any other combination that has you focusing on one macronutrient vs. another. Your body needs all macronutrients to thrive and obtain a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. Trying to cut an entire food group out just works against what your body needs.Just be persistent, set goals, make little changes and stick with them. Don t count calories, it will drive you crazy. Just stop eating when your satisfied. You will get to where you want to be. You really have to want it, I did, and I m at my goal weight now. Please check out my blog, I think you will enjoy the information and my weight loss story. The link is below and best of luck hon.

You can lose weight if you tried correct program. I tried many program, but could not lose weight. I found the best program that works just amazing for anyone. I lost my weight fast using this weight loss program. You must have look correct information that works. I lost 22 pounds after 35 days with this weight loss program. I highly recommend you. You can find more information from

Hi ,You can not lose weight by taking some special drink. You have to work on it. Do not waste your money and life by taking pills for losing weight. Read some books having real suggesstions on how to lose weight. It will not even cost you equal to one day pills you use to take for weight lose. Watch this out for the books you need to lose your weight. cat=5 start=0 Best of luck

How to lose weight in less than a month? -

I m going to a wedding next month, (I weigh 120lb and I m 5 1/3ft tall)and I want to loose 20lb. How can I loose them?I need to look fabulous.Plzzzzzzzzzzzz help me!

This really isn t a good idea to lose so much weight in such a short amount of time, but it is possible to do by placing yourself on a strict diet. This is how I lost 15 pounds in one and a half months last summer...Print out a Food Guide Pyramid.Choose the smallest amount of serving for each group except the fruits and vegetables groups (for example, the bread and rice group has the option of 6 - 11 serving, chose 6).For the fruits and vegetables groups, choose the highest amount of servings.Take a 30 minute walk or jog daily and do 15 minutes of abdominal workouts (crunches, situps) and 15 minutes of leg workouts (leg lifts, donkey kicks.)I took off 15 pounds in one and a half months this way!!Hope it helps!

I think 100 pounds and 5 1 is really too skinny.There s no way to lose 20 pounds healthily in a month, unless you re immensely overweight (And you aren t!) but you could probably lose 5-10 pounds of waterweight.Eat a lot of vegetables and fruit and drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Do NOT drink alcohol, any kind of soda (including diet), coffee, etc. Basically water, maybe some herbal tea, maybe some juice if it is fresh and not mixed with sugar.Eat lean protein with your veggies, tofu or white meat chicken, nuts, lowfat or nonfat dairy.If you fill your diet with veggies and fruits and water you ll lose 5 pounds of water weight and I m sure you will look fabulous. Just don t starve yourself, eat as many vegetables as you want. Also berries are best fruit choice, they are higher in fiber than otehr fruits and its summer so it should be easy.

To lose weight successfully,you should know the food that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT!!!Yes,it is really important.You should know the truth:1.Low Fat Foods DON\ T always WORK...2.Low Calorie Diets DON\ T always WORK...3.Low Carb Plans DON\ T always WORK...I followed the guide above and I lost 7 lbs in 11 days and then 30 lbs in less than a month.I followed the guide on: ---http://www.fitnessreport.infoHope it can help you.

I found this on this website. There are more tips and info.Search:;_ylt=A0oGkjF5rhBInvQAUfFXNyoA? y=Search fr=yfp-t-501 ei=UTF-8 fp_ip=CN rd=r1 meta=vc%3Dcngood lucky!

Eat smart and walk, around walk around

The best and healthiest diet , although it s more of a way of living. I follow this diet if you call it that. s called the Paleo Diet, and all it is is eating the foods our bodies were designed to eat. Exercise and eat only fresh fruits, vegetables, seafoods, nuts, and lean meats. Nothing canned. A lot of fresh vegies and fruits. It s surprising how easily you can lose wait, even without exercising eating this way....I recommend it to all. We should all be eating this way, instead of candy and sodas all the time.They also have books on this, which go into great detail why the foods we eat make us fat and the damage they do to us. The reason we have so many health problems, and what certain foods cause. It s very very interesting. I m sure you can find it in your local library I recommend you read it....and I recommend it to everyone who reads this.I hope this helps.

How to lose weight for wrestling? -

I m at 175 and i need to drop to 171 in one week. They moved up the date and i need to drop it quick. Can t sweat it all out cuz they re also doing a hydration test. Suggestions?

Understand Food Claims and Labels A product labelled with a fat-free claim does not mean that it is low in calories. Similarly a product labelled as low-sugar or low-carb does not mean it is low in fat or calories. Always read the nutrition label on the packaging.

eat only nut like walnuts put paper on fridge i want to be what ever weight class state champion so you look at it when you go to eat and sleep in trash bag then layers i lost 5 pound in 1 1/2 and hydration test if its in bathroom put water in it not alot then they will know it will be to hydrated just enought to look a little clear but not to much trust me many have don it i am in a bag as i type this i got the test saturday

I had to drop weight to enter the military, I was not fat, just really built (dumb huh) so try a combination of things:1. use a good laxative and colon cleanse, your colon can have up to 25 pounds of crap in it (and I don t mean poo) plus the cleanse can help you have more energy too for your match :)2.drink a gallon of water a day until the day before, and sweat some of it out, water speeds up the metabolism and is proven to help weight loss.3.2 days before drink this shake 8 oz five times a day: 6 oz apple juice, 1 bannana, 1 apricot, juice from 1 lemon, 2 tbs maple syrup, and add amino acids (liquid form, available from any gnc), this recipe gives your body simple sugars, protiens, potassium and so forth while adding the least amount of weight possible, I had to drop 4 pounds to pass my exam and I dropped 6! I garuntee you this works.


How to lose weight without gaining muscle? -

I recently started working out to hopefully lose ten pounds and I ended up gaining weight due to all the muscle I d gained in my thighs and buttocks. i m not complaining, but that wasn t the problem in the first place. What can I do to lose these unwanted extra pounds without seeing the scale continue to rise????

i advise you to drink green tea 1-3 glasses per day green tea speeds up your metabolismdrink lots and lots of water 8 glasses each not snackgo on the half off diet only eat half of what you would udually eat and give or throw the rest awayif you are really hungry and you ve had all your daily meals snack on fruits ( oranges, apples, bananas )exercise more try and run for at least 30 minutes a dayget more active get more sleep it prepares your bodystretch, yes it works and it doesn t just help you lose weight it helps with you re growing to make you a little tallercount your calories try to stay under the amount of 1300 calories per daychange you re lifestyle it makes a differencedo not eat candy or chips eat more greens or protein barsavoid fast food and cut out fried food when you cook your meal oven cook your food do not fry itchew gum because when you chew gum you do not pick at food for example if theres some chips in you re cupboard you go to them a think good damn they look good then you would say no i cant pick at them because i dont wanna throw my gum awaydo not eat after 6pm because before 6pm you can burn all you re food off and if you eat after six it will lay on you re stomach as you not eat before you go to sleepdrink a glass of water before you go to sleepeat spicy food, if you can because it speeds up you re metabolismdo not weigh you re self everyday because it torments you,weight you re self once a week ( every Monday )good luck!you can safley lose 2 to 3 lbs. a week

Running. Running has been shown to actually decrease muscle growth and deteriorate muscle. If you run after weight lifting you will negate the effects unfortunately