Monday, August 19, 2013

How can i lose weight fast!?!? -

i really want to lose wieght help!!*what should i eat for breakfast lunch or dinner*what workout should i use?*i want to loose alot of fat on my thighs!please i will take any advice!

Eat anything you want and throw up. =D Good Luck!

1. dont bank on the words fast , easy , simple quick stay safe,you shoudnt lose beyond 4 pounds of fat per week2. start brisk walking 40-60mins a day...get a dog or 2 if you find your walking routine boring..or if you are at a gym,experiment all forms of cardio available and stick to all that you like3. drink only water,100% natural/fresh fruit/veggie juices,lowfat milk and lots of green tea4. severely limit carbs n fat but eat lean proteins and veggies very well..make sure you eat a good breakfast!foods generally that aid fat loss- fruits,oatmeal,milk,raw nuts,fish,beans,veggies, small chunks of dark chocolate and herbal teas.5. do lots of pilates/yoga/strength training to get the best from your cardio6. be smart when eating out or at events/functions(such as preparing your own meal eating in advance)7. dont trust myths like no food after 7pm have to stay nourished to lose fat,..the best you can do if you are scared to eat is perhaps drink a glass of ice chocolate lowfat milk mixed with a tsp of instant softened oatmeal... 8. Always push yourself n never give up!but get enough rest too...Stay focused on your goal and God bless you...

Losing weight fast is never going to be healthy, and there s a bigger chance that you ll gain it back. It s healthy to lost about 2 pounds a week. The best way to do this is to INCREASE your physical activity and DEACREASE your calories. I would suggest eating more fruits and veggies, brown rice, low-fat yogurt, etc in place of unhealthy foods. These foods will keep you pretty full because they re full of fiber and protein. For exercise, you can join a gym, buy exercise videos, or just go out and walk every day. Just as long as you re burning calories, you ll be OK. Elliptical machines are great for toning thighs.

cut out bacon fried eggs for breakfast, instead choose special k cereal or oatmeal. for lunch have a turkey sandwitch with mustard on whole wheat bread, then for dinner make skinless grilled chicken with a tossed salad. thats just an example. and go on runs whenever you have time. as for healthy snacks, if you feel like munching on something during the day eat pistacchio nuts theyre low-fat and crunchy and salty and help beat cravings for chips. if you crave sweets then eat frozen grapes. (it really helps) and whatever you do DO NOT skip meals, starve yourself, or throw up. for your theighs do leg lifts and squats. that really helps and run alot and try taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. good luck stay healthy! :)

okay, the way i went from 9 stone to 8 stone i ate only fruit during the day, and then had a healthy dinner like a salad or something light.and a work out to tone your thighs, easy go jogging for about half an hour in the mornings and half an hour in the evenings it helps.

dont listen to stacey she wants you to turn bulimic (an eating diorder) i have a friend who does that and it becomes addicting and then even if you want to stop it treally hard like smoking youshould eat healthy and exersice jogg around your block slowly incease the number of laps u run good luck

cardiono or little fatminirals and vitaminscarbohydrate and NSP (diatry fibre, found in cerelas and vegetabls)steping machinestay ounder 2500 Kcal

Don t eat anything, drink only your urine, beat up a hobo, move to Cambodia, and live a zen buhdist monk.

you can detox with raw garlic 3 cloves a day for a week that will get you stated with 10-15lbs weight loss if your over weight that is

Run, walk, ride bicycles. Cut out junk food, fatty food, candy, chocolate, red meat.

dont thats really unhealthy just drink lots of that for about a month and your body will drop your water weight because its being properly hydrated

Liposuction, my friend.

I lost weight doing a cereal diet and an occassional meal small

How can i lose weight FAST? -

i am over weight...i can tell by just looking at me...and i drop on the floor and cry EVERYDAY. i wanna lose weight fast, does anyone know how?��its free to sign up too. they tell u what u should eat and how much u should exercise and how long it ll take you. unless your 600 lbs, want to weigh 80lbs and only walk once a week for 20 minutes... u ll get ur goal in the year 2162!!! lol

Choose low fat substitutes or no fat substitutes. There are plenty of low fat or even no fat substitutes available in the market so why not choose wisely. It is much better for you heart too. Many people just go for shopping and pick up whatever they can. They do not bother to find out if there are nay substitutes for the thing they are looking for. In the markets of today, you will be astounded at the range of goods that manufactures have to offer. In fact with all the hue and cry that is being made about weight loss, low fat substitutes and no fat substitutes are hitting the stands faster than mushrooms that sprout after the first rains. So the next time you head for the stores instead of picking up what you have always picked up, see if there are better substitutes. Remember that our bodies need nutrients and not just calories. Fats give us nutrients but with more calories than what proteins or carbohydrates do.

Exercise out doors as far as possible. There are two advantages of doing whatever you are doing out side. One advantage is that it gives your body a chance to get a lot of the much needed fresh air and sunshine. The second advantage is that the surroundings keep you perked up and it is a break form remaining cooped up all day long

Don��t sit, stand. If you can stand, then do not sit. The golden rule is to choose a position that is less comfortable.

Instead of frying things try baking them without fat. Baking is by far a healthier method of preparing food than frying. Baking requires lesser oil or fat.

Losing weight wont/cant happen fast. You need to realize that until u start a diet plan. Expecting fast results is a sure fire way to set ur self up for failure.

Eat healthy and start *ruining*.When I do aerobics really helps me.
