Hi all, I have approx 5 stone to lose, and am currently on a healthy eating plan, my problem is excercise, I walk about 1/2 an hour a day and most days trampoline for about 10 mins, i also play football with my 5 year old twins at least twice a week, is this enough excercise as a start, this week I lost 2lb, I don t want to lose weight too quickly as I want to stay healthy. I would love to go swimming as I know that is a good toning exercise but at the moment am too embaressed. Do I need to do more or just build up as i lose weight.ThanksSam x
Exercise is always good for you ... your body will know if its too much. Try this website out for more information on avoiding exercises injuries. Pretty good information. You can also get great tips on healty food recipies etc from this site http://artcademy.bacarra.biz/How%20to%20��Have fun
I think you re doing great for a start. Build up as you go. You can also invest in a couple of hand weights for at home and do a little weight training. At the very least, it ll tone up your arms.
if you really want to lose your weight don t worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts,drink fresh jucies.if you want more details visit the below website.
Try this exercise routine to get where you need to be: Start your fitness plan with a good warm up. A warm up will increase your core body temperature and get you to break a sweat. After you are warmed up you can continue your cardio workout or you can begin your resistance fitness plan. Make sure you have a padded bench of some kind to use for the sitting and lying exercises.First, you will focus on the large muscle groups then progress to smaller ones. This fitness plan will involve a combination of exercises using dumbbells or your own body weight. Here is an example of a good fitness plan.SQUATS 3 sets/25 repsStart with legs wider than hip width, toes slightly turned out. Squat down until your upper legs are parallel to the floor. Keep you back as upright as possible with abdominals engaged.LUNGES 3sets/15 repsStart with a long stride keeping the front knee directly over the ankle when at the bottom of the lunge position. Make sure to pull up with the front leg without any push off of from the back foot. Perform the lunges in a walking manner.MODIFIED/FULL PUSH UPS 3sets/10-15 repsBegin with a version of the push up that is appropriate to your strength level. You want a diagonal line from shoulders to knees or shoulders to feet (depending on which form of push up you do). Only attempt the number of reps that you can complete with perfect form.DUMBELL PULLOVER 3 sets/10-15 repsLie on your back. Hold the dumbbell with your hands overlapped and facing the ceiling. Keep your arms straight and take the weight overhead and return it back over your chest.ONE ARM ROW 3 sets/10 repsStabilize your knee and one hand on the bench with the working arm hanging straight down. Pull the weight up in a rowing motion toward the side of the body.LATERAL RAISE 3 sets/10 repsWith weights in hands and arms at the sides, raise your arms out to the sides up to shoulder height and back down. Be careful not to shrug the shoulders.BICEP CURLS 3 sets/10 repsWith arms at sides palms facing up, flex elbow joint to bring weight up toward shoulders and return to full extension to complete each rep.TRICEP DIPS 3 sets/10 repsStart sitting on a bench perpendicular to it with hands on the edge of the bench.Straighten arms and bring hips just off the bench and bend the elbows to lower body down. Straighten your arms to bring body back to the start position. This can be done with bent knees to modify the movement.ABDOMINAL CRUNCHES 5 sets/20 repsThere are many variations of the crunch and you can change up the positions frequently. A basic version is lying on your with back legs bent, feet on the floor, and your arms reaching at your sides. Flex the spine to crunch up and keep your chin tucked in toward your chest with about a golf ball size space between chin and chest. Keep your eyes focused on the top of your thighs. Crunch up keeping the lower back in contact with the floor and always keep the abdominals engaged to protect the back and neck.This is a basic fitness plan that can be done in the gym or at home. You should start with light weights and slowly increase the resistance after you have completed the fitness plan several times without developing muscle soreness. In order to make it more challenging after several workouts you can either pick up the pace between exercises, add reps or increase the weight. Never make all three modifications in the same workout. This fitness plan can be done 3 to 4 times per week always leaving at least 48 hours for proper muscle recovery. By adding additional cardiovascular exercise you will be getting in a very well rounded workout. http://www.fitnessdiet.info/fitnessplan.��
Aerobic and weight training will raise your metabolic rate. In result, your body will burn more calories. Here are some simple suggestions:* aerobic exercising 3 times per week, conduct an exercise that keeps your heart rate elevated for at least 30-45 minutes (ex: walking, running, cycling, swimming, aerobics, ... check out following link for more details about good exercise choices to lose weight: http://www.weight-loss-choice.com/Exerci��* weight training Alternate days of aerobics with weight training. You will build muscles that will burn more calories, even when at rest!
yes, that is sensible exercise for a start, you don t want to hurt yourself do you.Build up as you lose weight and get fitter, you will know when you are fitter you will feel as if you can go on longer you are not breathing so heavy as before neither do you feel tired.
lost 30 pounds in three months. If you wanted to know how I did it, and how I intend on maintaining my current weight, then these 50 weight loss tips are for you. I��m not an expert, but I do speak from experience. If it helps you attain your own weight loss goals, then I��m happy to have helped (if only to serve as a reinforcement of knowledge you already possess). Most of this, I learned on my own or through close friends and family members. Ponzi��s been a great help through the entire process, being a model partner in the weight loss process. Feel free to add your own tips to this list, too! If someone wants to help me extend these points into a full-on eBook, I��m all ears.-----50 Weight Loss Tips----- for losing 50 pounds in 3 months.http://www.healthylifeday.com/index.php?option=com_content task=view id=182 Itemid=62
Hi Sam,Well done you are doing really well. I am a weight loss coach and I would love to hear what you are doing at the moment. I do programmes for people to help them lose weight according to their lifestyles as well. We are all individuals so should be treated as such.One of my ladies needs to lose 5 stones. She started on my plan and has lost 3 inches off her waist in just a week and feels great. I follow up every week to help motivate them too.(all free consultations) They never feel hungry, tired or lose energy.If you have a look at my profile and visit my website you can find out what your body fat reading is and lots of other info too.With regards to exercise, swimming is fantastic for toning up.With my plan also you lose weight and it stays off because you are educated about your body. That s the most important thing when you are trying to lose weight. Its all to do with balanced healthy nutrition.Keep up the good work.
Let me give you some bodily facts:Clearly 5 stone is a lot of body fat. You are most likely overweight (I am not trying to offend, just stating fact).Your weight, coupled with the fact that up until now you have probably done very little physical exercise will shock your body into shedding pounds of fat pretty quickly. Do not worry, this is a good thing and is a natural process of an overwieght body.Expect to lose quite a bit of body fat quite quickly but I would suggest you:Stick to your healthy eating plan like a trooper. Do NOT diet, they do not work. Do not starve yourself, it is dangerous and screws your metabolism.Up your physical activity. Why not go for an hours brisk walk?As soon as more lard starts dropping off, up the ante with the exercise. Start jogging for half an hour, slowly building up to an hours jog.The more fat you lose, the slower it will take to burn it off. Healthy weight loss is around 1-2lbs per week. Burning off that last stone will probably be difficult, but keep at it and it will eventually go.You are porbably looking at 14-20 months before all of the fat is safely burnt off.Keep at it - you are already half way their because unlike 99% of other women out there, you have realised to lose weight you need a healthy eating plan combined with exercise.Most overweight women seem to think some fad diet is all they need - despite scientists knowing that diets do not work!
get yourself a bicycle just get out cycle whenever you can. it s a great exercise to be done with the twins as well. I ve lost 7lb s in the past 2 months just by cycling 10 every day I haven t even cut my food intake down yet.
You need to try supplement your diet with something that is going to clean out your system at the same time that you are doing the excercise.I reccomend two options the first is something pretty drastic and that is Wheat Grass. Taking Wheat Grass will really flush out the system, it makes me go very soon after I drink the juice.The other option would be something called Prosit, it is made it South Africa and is something you should take every day. It is not easy to come by, try searching for African cures and Prosit together. Prosit also makes you feel healthier and younger.Good luck in your quest.