Friday, May 25, 2018

I want to lose weight fast but i still want to eat burgers and all that good food what do you recomend? -

listen you cannot lose weight fast in any healthy and exerciseyou must burn more calories than you take in.if your running or jogging 10 hours a day you can eat all that stuff otherwise you need to eat soda, drink water

Athletes eat enormous amounts of food due to high exercise regimes. The more you exercise the more you can eat. However the healthier you eat the leaner you will become.

i m not just saying this because you need to eat healthier, but this is so true..... you ve got to get your taste buds used to better food. it s hard at first, but you can train your mouth, your stomach, and your brain to actually like the lower fat, lower calorie foods. it s all about what you have allowed your body to become accustomed to. do it gradually. start by reducing the fat % of your milk gradually until you can enjoy the fat free. if you continue in this way with other foods as well, then before you know it you won t even like the taste of the fattier foods. this really works, I promise. cut back everywhere you see that you can. use no calorie sugar substitutes, drink diet drinks, wheat bread and pasta instead of regular, so on and so on...good luck. YOU CAN DO IT.

Burgers are good tasting, not good for you. Ya can t lose weight fast in a healthy way anyway, and sure are unlikely to do it eating fast food/junk food (I love that stuff too, but it s not conducive to weightloss or good fitness).Eat lean meat/protien, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grain products, healthy fats, and drink lots of water. That s a lifestyle change to get the weight off and keep it off, especially if you pair it with regular exercise.Good luck!

I m in the same boat. I lost weight once before but I gained it back because I got lazy. Anyhow exercise is the key. You usually can eat what you like in moderation as long as you exercise. Get your heartrate up and keep it up for extended periods of time will burn a lot of calories.

I am sick amp; tired from those asking about how to lose weight, folks its easy: eat less amp; exercise more,.? -

People are always hoping for a magic pill or a magic wand. Everyone knows there is one way to do it, but they all want the easy way out. BIENG LAZY IS WHAT GOT YOU FAT IN THE FIRST PLACE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! Get off you lazy butts and put some effort into it.

Lose Weight by ExercisingIn case you cannot change your eating habits and still want to lose weight, you can surely lose weight with exercising. But it will take much more time for you to lose weight.Steps to follow 1. Decide the time you will give to exercising. 2. Make a decision on your aimed weight. 3. Approximate the amount of weight you must lose the first week. 4. Figure out your main form of exercise- walking, treadmill, running, etc. 5. Do this exercise every day around the same time. 6. Start out slowly, your sessions will get longer as your body adjusts to the exercise. 7. To prevent you from getting depressed, give yourself a small reward at the end of each day (non-food, of course). 8. Move around every chance you get- climb stairs instead of taking the elevator, park in farthest spot in the lot, clean house more. 9. Get a stability ball and bounce or just sit on it (making sure to keep your back straight and abs firm) while watching TV, working at the home computer, etc.Tips of help * Set a target weight for a specific occasion, i.e. a friend s wedding in which you re a bridesmaid. * Drink lots of water. In addition to making fat more soluble, the water provides much needed sustenance to the muscles as they become accustomed to exercise. Choose water that is fortified with minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium. These minerals, important to maintaining electrolytes in the blood, are depleted from sweating during exercise. They also aid in keeping blood pressure down which is important to any healthy person, especially one embarking on a serious exercise regimen. * Avoid caffeine and diet pill supplements containing caffeine. Although it will often decrease appetite and cause a greater initial weight loss, caffeine merely strips off water weight and dehydrates the body. If you are a coffee drinker, try to gradually reduce your intake or substitute half of your usual coffee grounds with chicory to decrease the overall caffeine per cup. * Lift weights. Adding muscle to your body increases your metabolism, which in turn helps your body s natural ability to burn fat.Things to remember * Don t be too hard on yourself. You won t lose ten pounds the first week. Expect a gradual weight loss. * You will have soreness and muscle aches if you haven t vigorously exercised in awhile. * Don t worry. The more you exercise the more you ll stretch your muscles and the pain will greatly decrease. * You can lose weight just by exercising only if you keep a moderate eating pattern- not a diet, per se, just eat sensibly three times a day with healthy snacks. * Watch for overall body condition changes, not just weight. * Watch for overall body condition changes, not just weight.

B/c its not that easy and just like you people have no clue about what they need to do

Actually if you eat less, your metabolism lowers to a conservative mode. You need to cut back on foods with a high fat content and exercise more.

most people are just lazy and want to try and find an easier way, but the way to do it its like you said. eat not only less, but healthy, plenty of vegetables, cut the breads and sugars out of your diet, no junk food and excercise.

My ideas? Try to do 200 minutes of cardio a week. Remember fat does not turn into muscle, so you need to lose your fat while putting on muscle. Work hard, but don t over 60 minutes at a time. Do planks and other abs exercises on alternate days.On training days, do 5-10 minutes of cardio to warm up, then do your weight training. Do 30 to 60 minutes more of cardio, then go home.The best time to eat is just after your workout within an hour when your metabolism is raging. For your muscles, incorporate some isolated soy protein or whey protein. Whey is more potent but the soy tastes better!Don t look at your scale as the be all and end all, but get a measuring tape to check your progress, and that will show more tangible results.Read magazines like Shape, Womens Fitness, Fitness, etc to get tips and to stay motivated.Good luck and stick at it. This plan has lost me 20 lbs in 12 weeks so far, just go for it!

A lot of people truly want to become skinnier but they lack the mindset and resources to do it. They see the healthy food that they now must eat instead of their greasy, fat food, and they complain. They complain during the exercise, and they re upset when the results are not instant. Even then they sneak food that tastes good and is unhealthy for them. It s an addiction they can t stop. Their want to be skinny is not in alignment with what they re doing to make that happen, so it will therefore never happen, until they change that.

ok, so you re tired of it, and..?

i agree. eat, like, one meal a day. thats what i do, and i m plenty skinny now. it s easy...just don t eat a lot. i see too many people shoveling food into their mouths at the mall, and then complain about weight and dont know how they got it. well, uh, duh!!!

Why are people asking you this anyways?

Which will help me lose weight faster? -

Would proper diet and lifting weights be better for losing weight or diet and exercise bike. Those are the options I m considering but if anyone has another idea I m willing to hear it.

Diet and Exercise Bike for losing weightDiet and Lifting weights for gaining muscle.

If you want to lose weight, then healthy eating and exercise are the go. Weights will help tone the body and bike will help burn calories and build endurance. Both are good and will help with weight loss. Walking is also a good exercise. A combination will give variety and make it more enjoyable.

i would suggest you go with the second option... exercise bike lets you burn a lot of calories...where is lifting weight will only built ur muscles...i think u should start with the diet and exercise bike ,, once ur at ur goal then start healthy diet and lifting weights

Having a balanced diet and run for thirty minutes for at least 3 times a week will make u lose and mantain that weight without bouncing back easily

cutting off one of your limbs. that s probably the fastest way. and your hair too.

What are some good low calorie foods that would be good to have to lose weight faster...? -

i am tired of salads and granola bars lol

Reduce your fat intake and have about 1000/1200 calories of the right foods.A healthy diet does not mean starvation or tasteless foods. Yet a corrective diet does not mean either starvation or the grim necessity of eating unpalatable foods. Moreover, a little experimenting in the kitchen will soon produce meals that, from the standpoint of taste and esthetic appeal, will be equal if not superior to, the high-fat dishes to which you are accustomed.You do not have to lose energy��good diet increases vigor. Neither does it mean a loss of energy or a sharp reduction in poundage, unless you are overweight, in which case the excess fat is melted off. In fact, if you adhere to the low-fat, low-cholesterol diet recommended, you will feel better; have more vigor, and firmer muscles than before. If you have a faulty fat metabolism, the diet may substantially prolong your life

You are what you eat try some Lean Kean Cuisine Eat more turkey .Turkey has those smart B vitamins and a good source of lean protein. I love a fresh baked turkey sandwich. Have you tried the NEW Butterball LiL bird? It s small cooks fast and is cheap. I Love this turkey .

celery, bananas or pretty much any kind of fruit (in lower quantities), peanuts (for the protein, which makes you feel more full)

How can i lose weight fast? -

hello :D i wear a size medium-largeish in juniors and i was wondering how to get to extrasmall-small before school starts. it starts around august 28th. its the 9th now. please give me any ideas you have. thanks!

If you are serious about LOSING WEIGHT, have a look at the list of

Pump some iron. Resistance training, (weight training), can help both sexes stay lean by building muscle and raising metabolism. The fact is, hours and hours of aerobic exercise won t help most people lose weight fast because your metabolism drops back to normal fairly quickly after stopping the exercise. If you gain muscle, however, your body s resting metabolism, (the amount of calories you burn when you re just sitting still), increases, because muscle requires a lot of calories to maintain. Studies have shown consistent weight training to raise the body s metabolism by 15%. This means an average woman might burn 200-300 more calories at rest every day! Resistance training is the gift that keeps on giving! Although, keep in mind that muscle mass weighs more than fat (don t be surprised if you gain weight but look slimmer).