Sunday, March 25, 2018

How can i lose weight faster? -

I am 13. im 5 5 and weigh between 125-132 pounds. i skateboard, and go to the gym a little bit. i also ride my bike. but for some reason i stay around 125- 132 pounds. it never goes below 125. any tips on how to lose weight faster???

well, for one, you are on target for your height, but if you want to lose fat, then go low carb. Cut out caffeine, sugars (means no fruits), breads, grains, etc. keep below 20 carbs a day and it ll come off. Go on Atkins. It ll help you get where you want.

Hmm all i can say is that you probrally have a slow matabolism.Try doing exercises that are more pushing.Such as running,swimming (good becuase it tightens all your muscles up)Keep a balanced diet.Hope this helps

Run in place for 30 min, eat small portions, and do all the daily activites you do!

reduce your calorie intake. Weight loss results 80% diet and 20% exercise. Further if you are concerned about breaking a plateau you should bumb up against it than while there work out harder than you have before in your life and you will break it.

Whats the best laxative to take to really make you lose weight fast? -

Water is flushes out your system of all the bad toxins. Take your current body weight and half it. Half of your body weight is how many ounces of water you should be drinking a day. It might be frustrating in the beginning, because you feel like a baby going to the bathroom all the time, but that is just because your body is getting used to the water. After a while it will begin flushing out the stored water in your body because it knows that you are going to provide it with the right amount of water. It helps you drop the pounds faster. Couple that with better eating and a 20-30 minute walk a day, you should see results. Good luck!All a laxative will do is dehydrate your body, causing you to retain more fluids in the end, which means more weight.

You will lose a lot of weight if you take a laxative, but you won t lose fat. You ll just lose water and fecal matter. To look better you want to lose fat. Losing water doesn t make you look attractive at all. In fact it can make you look a lot worse.Reduce your calorie intake and exercise and keep a food diary. Research shows that people who write down everything they eat lose much more weight. Also eat more fruits and vegetables. They will make you feel full so that you won t eat too many high calorie foods.

The key for losing weight is simple - eat less and exercise more - the problems arise when we in reality try to put that into operation! There are lots of temptations in the big wide world aren t there?! The only thing which clearly worked for me is wu-yi tea, it can be seen in the resource box below, they have a handful of free trials in stock, it was highlighted in Reader s Digest and CNN. I lost twenty pounds, it clearly does produce success!

none. this is a dangerous way to lose weight. tips to help lose weight healthyeat high fiber ie.. shredded wheat, whole grain, fresh fruits and veggies, lay off the fat... no butter, no fried foods, no fast food. quit eating at mcdonalds so much or if you do get a salad and lite vinegerette dressing. drink more water. cut out the sodas and energy drinks. excercise 3 times a week for 30 minutes to an hour. watch biggest loser and do what they do each night. some have lost up to 17 pounds in one week on that show.

none... its called healthy food and excercise.taking alot of laxatives to lose weight is bad for your body and after awhile your bowels will become used to it and not function properly.being healthy is the most important thing, not being super skinny super fast.

You really don t want to do this. That messes up your digestive tract. Please, do it the right way. Trust me, I tried to get around the diet and exercise thing to lose weight quickly. It doesn t work long term and its just not worth it.

That actually won t help you to get thin... it will only make you go more and it will be uncomfortable. Once your food reaches that point it s already digested... I don t have any medical training or anything but I have delt with eating disorders before and I promise- you don t want to do that to yourself!

Taking laxatives to lose weight is a very dangerous thing. It can dehydrate you to the point that you wind up with heartbeat problems. they can cause major colon problems also.Never use laxatives for weight loss.

they don t help with weight loss at all. just drink tea and water and you shoud lose weight. laxatives and overuse can cause you to become dehydrated and have a heart attack. this isn t the way to me

none its a stupid idea like that. Is messes up your digestive system and makes you absorbe more fat in the long run to store to be broken down. Just eat right and exersize.

Laxatives aren t diet pills.... actually, nevermind. Take that tanning pill while you re at it, throw in some arsenic, that makes you loose weight too!


pepto besmo

I think exercise and a proper diet would be so much better!



How to lose weight fast? -

Im 15 years old and just about forever i have been chubby. Can anyone give me some good methods to lose weight fast at my age?

HelloLosing weight fast is not healthy and may not be the most durable way either.There are many good weight loss products - 100% made of natural ingredients - at Healthcare Boutique.��Good luck!J.I.

Everyone wants fast results, but nothing has been shown to do that without causing other problems. every quick fix pill that has ever come along has been shown to damage the heart or liver. also you cannot pick and chose where the fat comes from. you can t reduce your legs, stomach or hips by design. you lose weight, and your body uses its fat stores however it sees fit.Your best bet, and the only thing that has been proven to work is a lifestyle change. you have to begin eating right and start getting much more active. focus on healthy/whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains. avoid sugar, salt, simple carbs like rice, potatoes and white flour. limit dairy such as milk, cheese, butter, and watch fats like oils.

If you try to lose it fast, your results will be poor. You will lose muscle, which is vital to burning calories, or you will yo-yo, you will lose patience, etc.What you need is DISCIPLINE. Do not try to do it as quickly as possible. Try to do it RIGHT so it STAYS OFF.The answer is the same as it always has been. Healthy eating (4-6 small meals a day, complex carbs and unprocessed foods) and cardio cardio cardio.

There is no way to lose it fast and it be healthy. Just start watching the food goes in and cut out the junk food and only eat fresh fruit and vegetables for snacks. Drink lots of water. No soda or fruit juice. Have a lean piece of meat and steamed veggies for dinner.

Losing weight is simple...1) Buy a quality rebounder (ReboundAIR) and use it as much as you can. it s the easiest, most fun exercise, and you can do it while you watch TV.2) Buy Kevin Trudeaus book... Natural Cures they don t want you to know about. It has 30 simple ways to lose weight. He also has a new book out specifically on losing weight. I highly recommend both books.

These other answers are right.Cutting back a little on carbs will help you to lose weight quickly. But dont cut out carbs all together. Carbohydrates are an energy source but most carb rich foods break down to sugar to use for energy. So if your eating a lot of carbs in a day, your putting a lot of sugar in your body. So my advice is to look up the Glycemic Index in Google. This will show you what types of foods break down slowly and doesnt convert to as much sugar in your system. Choices like brown rice or barley over white rice, brown bread over white bread, eating more beans and legumes and certain types of fruit are lower in sugar than others. And also watching your intake of some of these foods. I wrote an article about Carb Cycling, which means alternating and rotating the amount of carbs your body gets in a day so that you eat most of your carbs on the days that you are the most active and less on days when your least active, and including 1 cheat day a week. If you re interested in knowing more check it out. Thanks and hope this helps you.

If you want to lose the chubbiness, your body needs lean muscle mass. But muscle does weigh more than fat. For really quick results - losing many inches in just 4 days - try the T-Tapp method.http://www.t-tapp.comYou can just do the sample exercises and ones found in her articles on the site without buying anything. If you do 15 minutes a day for four days, you will see fast results because it is incredibly effective. I know. I ve done it. It works. Best wishes!

try to be healthy, pick more protein rich foods over carbs. cutting back on carbs causes pretty rapid weightloss as long as you stay active while doing it, and eating enough along with eating plenty of veggiesgood luck!visit this blog for more help too!

join wrestling team. Eat lots of celery with nothing on it. run alot. chew gum and spit as much as possible, fill bottles. sweat alot.

How do you lose weight FAST??besides going to the gym?? -

well,at school im going out for cheerleading and i weigh like almost 80 pounds how do i lose it FAST??i would appreciate all the help you give!!

Keep eating regular meals, otherwise your metabolism will slow down and your body will store everything you pass over your lips as fat.Cut down portion sizes and work out. Get a sweat up and make sure you do this every day. Also, if you consume fatty or sugary foods or drinks, cut them out completely. No more takeaways.!.

how old are you?

well dont eat after 6:00 pm. unless you do excercise after that hour. avoid carbs. drink alot of water do alottttt of excercise

read tips on weight loss and exercise programs to help you more on this site

girl, at 80 pounds, i think that ur already below wight avarage! keep your weight like that

I really doubt this is a real question but hey . . . if at 80 lbs you need to lose weight. . . release your ego.

Best diet? how to lose weight instantly? -

go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no foodafter 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending onyour initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. Ifyou don t eat wheat then you don t eat all those sticky, fatty goeycakes, you don t eat junk food, and you don t eat biscuits. But yourdiet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have tocalculate points or to buy special meals or plans.

I checked out everything to lose weight, and nothing worked until I checked out acai berry. I know they say that pills do not work, nevertheless they definitely worked for me, and they ve been shown on CBS News too.There is a free trial happening currently at , try it, what have you got to lose?

How can i lose weight fast? Really fast!? -

The fastest way to lose weight is to chop off a limb. If you re not up for that, then you probably want to diet and exercise.The healthiest, and therefore best, way to lose weight is to reduce your caloric intake to 1600-2000 calories per day (depending on your ideal weight), and also exercise three or four times a week for at least 45 minutes each session. Cardiovascular exercise such as jogging or swimming is ideal.Going on a starvation diet is not healthy, nor will it help you keep the weight off after the diet (many studies will attest to this fact). The way to keep weight off is to permanently change your bad habits by practicing good habits. Practicing unhealthy habits like starvation will not help you in the long run.

Really fast weight loss is usually temporary. Slow and steady is a much smarter approach. A healthy diet and regular exercise is still the best way. Do this and you can expect about 2 pounds per week (maybe a little more in the beginning).

It depends. If you have a fast metabolism, just don t eat anything after 6pm. If you re metabolism is slow go on a fast. Water fasting is the quickest way to lose weight. You ll start feeling it after 3 days.

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Eat less, exercise more. Eliminate fatty and sugary foods. A good diet to follow is that recommended for diabetics. It is healthy, fun, encompasses a wide range of food but is sensible. The quick and dirty answer, though, is eat less, exercise more.

You can t lose weight really fast or it ll throw off your system. Just gradually lose it.Cut out all sugar. Don t drink pop. No fast food at all! Keep your servings of carbs/grain down to 1-2 a day. Eat vegetables and fruits. Eat lean meats. Go easy on fruits with high sugar (grapes and bananas). Get at least 1/2 hour of vigorous exercise a day.

While there are ways to lose weight fast, most are not healthy. It takes time to put weight on and so it takes time to take it off. If you want to increase your motivation or success, I suggest you try Weight Watchers or the new product Alli, which is FDA approved. The other thing to consider is how much weight you need to lose. Sometimes just by including exercising or cutting out sodas or candy you can drop 5-10 pounds, depending on your size.