Sunday, March 19, 2006

Which is more important for weight loss...? -

counting calories or grams of fatand for someone 4 11 (lol short i know) with a small frame what would be a good number of either to cut down to for healthy weight loss

if you have lots of fat to lose, you actually want to eliminate your carbs until you reach your goal. so high protein. high fats. low carbs. Calories is just a measure of heat. its the actual combination of the macronutrients that is most important.good luck!

If you re looking to lose weight, then before you get suckered into any fad diets, diet pills schemes or any of the gimmicks, I highly recommend you download the free guide at http://www.dietreportzone.comIt shows you the healthiest and quickest way to get thin (and how to easily maintain that weight). The book is 100% free and is a big eye-opener to you if you re looking to drop some pounds.The book is 100% free - you just type your name and email in to the site to download it.

Weight gain with Splenda? -

I have been hearing rumors that splenda can actually cause a person to gain weight. Has anyone heard this, if so where can I find the medical report ? I gave up refined sugar 3 years ago and thought I was doing the right thing by using splenda as a way to help in weight loss program, but now this. Thank you

These articles may help:������One explanation is that your body anticipates something sweet and high-calorie, causing the brain to prepare the digestive system for that high-calorie food. When the body doesn t get the high-calorie food it s expecting, it compensates by making you eat more of other foods.Another explanation is plain old rationalization. I ll have a diet soda with my meal, so I can save calories and have that chocolate cake. Better to have water or tea with your meal and have half a piece of chocolate cake!Giving up refined sugar is supposed to be good for you. You re probably healthier for it. If using artificial sweeteners helps you lose weight, and if you don t have the headaches, muscle pain, body aches, and other symptoms that some people get from it, you shouldn t return to refined sugar.If you re losing weight by using Splenda, you shouldn t worry about it. If you re using Splenda and still struggling, you may want to consider stopping.

The way artificial sweeteners can cause a person to gain weight is by tricking your body into thinking that you re feeding it sugar, but you don t, so it starts to crave it and some people give in, thus causing weight gain.Personally, I don t think that splenda is the best idea because it s artificial. It s only calorie free because your body can t metabolize it. Does it do anything else to your body while your body tries to digest it? Artificial sweeteners don t really have a lot of research behind them.Giving up refined sugar, including white flour, is a great thing...just don t convince yourself to replace it with artificial ingredients.

Just like soda turns into carbonic acid. You really have to take things like this at face value. There is so much misinformation out there. I personally try to avoid artifical sweetners. It is like trading one evil for another. There are lots of things you can do to enhance flavor without using them and honestly once you really get off the sweet train you will be surprised how little you need sugar and or an artificial sweetner.Also you can by sugar that has not been as processed. That may be an alternative. It has a different texture but....

Yes it is true. Read this article:��Splenda is chemically altered sugar, so the body doesn t process it as sugar because it can t recognize it. It is very unhealthy.A good alternative to sweetners is stevia, it is an herb that is 200x sweeter than sugar but contains no sugars or sugar alcohols.

I ve heard of this, too. But I don t really agree. The only thing to be careful for is that each little packet has 4 calories, and that can add up fast!

Is my diet and exercise regime good for healthy weight loss? -

I have about 10lbs to lose.

Your present plan should give good results but try looking at yourself in the mirror more than worrying about the scales.If you can get someone to take some pictures of yourself now then every few months do so.Because nothing boosts the ego like some good progressive before and after shots and nothing is better at motivating you to persist.Good luck in your quest to perfection.

You should add some pasta/rice/bread/cerial into your meals somewhere as they are very important too as you need some carbohydrates in there.Also when exercising it is a good idea to have at least one days rest per week as it isn t good for you to do it every day.I also wonder at how long you re going to keep this up, surely it would be better to tone it down just a little so that you can maintain the regime. The best way to be fit and healthy is to changing your eating and excercising habits for good.

Im a former bulimic (ya i know) but im recovered now and very healthyHere s sum simple tips besides the obvious of pills, exercises and eating healthyI used to eat from paper plates/napkins to absorbs any extra oils or fatstake a multivitamin, to make sure you ain t missing out on Essential nutrientseat plenty of chili as it increases your metabolismGive yourself treats as rewards eg a facialwater before meals to fill youdrink iced water as ur body uses Cal s to warm it upeating celery burns more cals, dan whats in d actual celery stickand eat from a small plate, wit a small spoon, and put in down between mouthfuls, and not in front of the tv, tricks your mind you ve eaten loadsGood Luck and remember be healthy!

I agree with Bangle. Think you just need to add some carbs to your diet and your good to go. Your exercise regime is really impressive so well done and good luck!

Please help me, im on the edge of giving up, its a long question but i really need your help, please.? -

I have been trying to diet for over a year now and its getting to the point where its leading me to depression, and i have done everything like starving myself, detox crash dieting ...everything accept a healthy weight loss diet because i wanted to lose loads of weight straight away(bad idea, yes i know) and in the long run i ended up putting on a stone and a half extra weight than what i started off with a year agoBut now i have finally got my head round the fact that the only way i am going to lose weight is by healthy eating, a balanced diet, exercise patience... even though i have been attempting to lose weight for over a year i have done a lot of research on dieting and actually know a lot about it and how to do it...sort of, even though i never listened to the advice myself until now...I have finally come up with the perfect balanced diet that SUITS ME!!!!...and all the food in it is something i enjoy and is healthy which i think is key to a good diet and i have stuck to it for about 10 days now (which is amazing for me!!!) and i have lost 5lbs (which is even more amazing for me!!!!)This is what my diet plan is:Breakfast (alternate every 3 days)- Cherrios with skimmed milk- Good for you jam and extra light butter on 2 wholemeal toast- Raspberry oatmeal made with skimmed milk- All with a glass of orange juice and food supplements and vitaminsThrough the day snacks ( Every 3 hours roughly)- Apple- Banana- Shape yoghurt- Pack of Walkers baked sour cream and onion (low cal and low fat)Meals (changes daily)Mon + Thurs - Piece of coley fish, boiled rice and peasTues + Fri - Tin of lentil soup and 5 crackerbreadWed - Beans on extra light butter wholemeal toastSat - 2 fishcakes, good for you chips, peas and a small amount of ketchupSun - Good for you frozen ready meal cooked dinnerIn the evening- Options hot chocolate (the low cal one) a good for you bakewell sliceAnd I drink plenty of water through the dayAnd have the occasional cup of tea with skimmed milk and sweetenersAnd to beat cravings I have some sugar free gum when neededAll the good for you things i have mentioned are low in calories and fatAll this usually averages from 1100 calories - 1300 calories daily(which is a hell of a lot more than what i use to try and diet on, and i never feel hungry and i have energy which is a first)Exercise -I either do a Kathy smith ultimate workout video (lots of good toning and stretching techniques plus cardio)Or I do about an hour on the cross trainer(love both and im seeing small results already)I do exercise at least 5-7 days a weekDo you think this is a good diet and exercise plan for me to stick to lose the weight i have been trying to lose for over a year, and get myself healthy, happy and fit?????I am 17 - female - 5 foot 2 and at the moment I weigh 125lbs/8stone13 and my goal is 108lbs/7stone10And don��t tell me i don��t need to loose weight, i know im in the healthy range for my height, age ect but im not comfortable with myself okay so please do not bring that up or criticize me for wanting to lose weight, just because the internet says im in a healthy weight range does not mean i feel happy with it and feel and look good, i just want to lose that extra fat that keeps me down, tone up and give myself that confidence boost i really need! okay. Plus i know the diet is not 100% absolutely perfect, but to me its good enough and seems to be working and keeping me happy.After i lose the weight (fingers crossed) i want to start eating more healthy food, learn to cook and make healthy meals and snacks, and look after myself in general as well as try different types of exerciseWhat i need your help in is... i just want to know what your opinion on he whole thing is... do you have and tips or ideas for me to make this diet a bit better, or if there are things that are really wrong with it (bare in mind i have created this to suit me and my likes)Is there any advice on me to boost my confidence and feel positive and stick to this diet for even longer and make sure i don��t give up?Any advice, tips, opinions etc would be gratefully receivedThanks for taking the time to read and help :)x

The key to a good weight loss program is Diet and Exercise, Even though your diet may have a few issues ,The important thing is your making a sound effort to make healthy choice s and as long as your satisfied with the food s your eating and still managing to lose weight , your doing fine.Try not to lose more than 1 to 2 pound s a week , This rate is healthy.People who try to lose more almost Always regain the weight rapidly. They also risk health problems such as gallstones and chemical imbalances. Think of your decision to lose weight as a turning point in your life. The healthy changes you make are not temporary measures--- They are a whole new way of life for you. You are creating a whole new you.

Hello Shelly,Well here is something you might like to try for a change in your diet. Go and get yourself a little rice cooker. You can find them every place that has cooking stuff.( pots,pans,toasters,etc..). The benefits of steamed foods are endless!!! I see you eat fish. Yet not much in the veggies department. Well not to sound like an old far_, you need them to give yourself a little change up on your weight loss Quest.You can also start to cook different things that you may like and THEY WILL BE VERY GOOD as well. Hope you meet your goals in life. Remember to have fun with it or it will come back to get you when your not looking. Remember IT IS UP TO YOU!!!! BE HAPPY.


You need to calculate your basal metabolic rate in order to determine how many calories your body needs in a day. You then need to calculate the Harris Benedict equation to find out how many calories you are burning so that you can eat the right amt. of food. A good site for this is: what it sounds like, you won t be eating enough calories to actually lose weight, your body will go into starvation mode which is not beneficial. You need to make sure that you are getting enough protein, as the best way to lose weight is to replace fat with muscle. I would recommend adding a protein shake in throughout the day or after your workout. Also, follow the food guide pyramid, eat veggies and fruits and simply, don t be afraid to eat!!! I would also try taking a fiber supplement before big meals or if you know you are going out to dinner, this helps keep you fuller longer and will prevent you from over-eating.You must do weight training! I know your only 17 and that may be out of your comfort zone, but even doing some light weights at your house will be beneficial (You can get 3-5 pound weights at target for around 10 bucks). If you go to many women s magazines websites, they have examples of weight training workouts that you can do in your home. Try focusing on arms/back/chest 2 days a week and legs/butt 2 days a week. Do not waste an hour on the crosstrainer/elliptical...I used to do this and after a while it stopped working! I have since been doing intervals on treadmills and cross trainers and the results are great. Spend 20-40 minutes switching between walking and running/going fast. I typically do 1 minute walk, 1 minute run or 1 min walk, 2 min run. This burns fat more effectively and even though it may seem like your wasting your time walking, it really does work!!! You want to challenge your body and trick your muscles. Switch up your workouts so they don t become boring or ineffective. I would also try running stairs, even if it just for 10 mins a few times a week. Its a great cardio workout that targets your legs.Also, don t be afraid to take a day off every once in a while. Without my occasional slice of chocolate cake, I would be a mess! Allowing yourself to cheat every once in a while allows you to stay on your diet longer and keeps you from going crazy!!if you need motivation, take a picture of yourself in a swimsuit when you start the diet and keep looking at it week to week to see the results. and don t expect the results to be huge immediately, it takes time!

Good for you. i see you have a long thought out plan. Don t make yourself sick or get depressed though. it s not worth it. Be happy with who you are and meet your goal. Your not really overweight now either. I m trying to lose 8 lbs by the end of the month. Just a goal I set. But it s real hard now with how bad the stock market is and nervous eating. Keep up on the exercise and keep the junk food away.

I am really overweight and i need weight loss tips Please!? -

I am 5 4 and weigh 155 pounds.I would like to weigh around 125 pounds by the end of the summer.I am currently consuming around 1800 calories a day. I do moderate biking everyday for 30 minutes in addition to about 20 minutes of strength and toning exercises. Do you have any tips for me, and can you tell me how I can complete my goal?

Oh dear. I am trying to lose some weight too. This is an easy way to think about it; (my health teacher taught me this one), a pound is equal to 3500 calories. if youd like to lose a pound a week, you must lose that many calories out of your diet. an easy way to do this would be cutting out 500 calories a day, burn 250 and eat 250 less. 500 calories less a day for 7 days = 3500, so a pound gone :) eat lots of fruits and veggies, out to eat once a week. and try carrying a water bottle with you everywhere. no more soda either!!! try a walk before breakfast, and after dinner. make sure to stretch too! otherwise your muscles will get super fun.if you have any questions, dont be scared to talk to talk to me, im only 15 but i know a lot about losing weight. i wanna be a weight loss trainer when im older. answer muh question, would you??

The only real key to weight loss that works is simple math. You needto eat fewer calories than you burn. That s it. So the less you eat orthe more you exercise, the more weight you lose. And one pound equals 3500 calories. So if you knock 500 calories per day out of your diet (say, 4 soft drinks, or a desert,) x 7 days per week= 3500 calories, or one pound per week for each 500 calories you eliminateper day, on top of whatever else you do.

Just keep at it. There is this diet I heard of. It is only for a week and supposedly you loose 10+ plds at the end of it, you could try this for one week and see how it goes. I want to loose ten pounds by august. School starts in late August but I��d have to go school shopping and such, so I��d rather have ten pounds gone by early August. I don��t care what anyone says I am going to do it.��

I am trying to lose weight too. It has been 1 week since I started doing Tae-Bo and I did it 4 times already. I feel great. The work-out video is on youtube. It is AMAZING!!! It works on your love handles and abs too. I don t know if you have heard of Tae-Bo, but that is what it is. You don t even have to go out and buy it. When I am doing it, I sweat until I drop. My shirt is literally soaked in just 45 minutes. I used to go to gyms and swimming but I never saw results fast enough. Be patient and add Tae-Bo (Aerobic) and (Abs) total of 45 minutes a day for 4 times a week and you will notice a difference for sure!For my diet, I am eating a lot of veg/fruits/nuts and protein - chicken/eggs/fish. I think that if you stick to this, you will lose weight/inches pretty fast. I have lost inches already and it is only my 4th time doing it. I m getting comments about how I look, already!The video is 5 parts, plus, it is really fun to do. And if you actually look it up, Tae-Bo burns more than 600 calories/hour. You will lose those pounds in 2 months for sure. Find out how much calories you need to lose weight (using a calorie calculator). So if the calculator says you need 2000 calories intake to maintain your weight, subtract 500 from that and intake only 1500. On top of that do the TAE-Bo work-out. So any additional calories you lose from excercise is like a bonus.Here is the link. Use the full screen so that the time doesn t distract you. You get so into the movements and the workout that you don t even realize how long it has been...Good Luck

I need tips for some quicker healthy weight loss...? -

I don t want people on here saying, just diet and exercise . Duh. I have a wedding coming up in exactly 3 weeks and I wanted to be down a good 10 pounds for it, but I keep yo-yoing back to square one. Is it possible to lose that weight in only 3 weeks? If not, are there any specific toning exercises or aerobic that I can do to at least APPEAR smaller for this event without wearing a body-shaper? lol thanks!

I understand your problem, because it s just really common, a very important occasion, lose weight to look fit and sexy. The following will be harsh and tough, so be are some tips and info:post your request at and you will get very quick reply from our certified diet and fitness experts for 1:1 Live video consultation and email reply1st, Get a personal trainer, tell him/her your goal2nd, Get a dietitian, and STICK STRICTLY to the plan, here are some tips on what to do:1. exercise, what i mean is make it as many times as you can (without getting injury or noxious), AT LEAST 30 minutes/ session, preferably 45-60 minutes CONTINUOUS movement (e.g. jogging, swimming or cycling) that keeps your heart rate at 65%-70% of (220-age).exercising not only burn off excess fat from your body, but will also increase your metabolic rate and keeps your output higher even when you re walking or sleeping.2. Eat CLEAN! it s not what you don t eat... it s about what you eatkeep it light, lower your meat intake, keep the protein level and cut as much as oil as you can. lower carbo if you know you re taking too much too. Yes, your body needs fat to do lots of metabolic work but then you have too much.... so don t worry about the deficiency side.soya products, steam fish, plain salad, steam vegetables (fat free dressing only!), steam rice, chicken brest (no skin please), fruits, tuna or some light pasta with little bit of olive oil is acceptable. and fat free milk, (not low fat!) nothing creamy nothing high in sugar, no desert or anything fancy! 3. PillsReductil - which seriously hamper your daily apetite, only ask for that if you re sure you are eating too much. otherwise you will get rebound and sick and every other effects you don t want to see.NOPAL - a vitamin + fibre pill that has no side effect. It basically soaks up the extra oil you take from food inside your stomach.if you would like to get a real solid plan, please visitwww.qualifo.comhope these help, enjoy!

Well, if you knew it s diet and exercise and you say Duh, you wouldn t be yo-yoing, would you?Continue to eat healthy food, don t have snacks or dessert for three weeks. Just control yourself for that long.Add two miles of walking every day. YOu ll lose the weight.Duh!

If you know correct diet info you can lose weight. I use the method at this site and I lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks. It is very fast to lose weight. You can get my diet method that lost me 20 pounds in 8 weeks at

if u wana loose weight at home by just changingyour eating habitsu may refer to n paste the above link in browser to open it)and u can loss weight successfuly byrefering to these tips and diets

1.Avoid any carbohydrate that is �� or can be �� white. The following foods are thus prohibited, except for within 1.5 hours of finishing a resistance-training workout of at least 20 minutes in length: bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, and fried food with breading. If you avoid eating anything white, you��ll be safe.2.Eat the same few meals over and over againThe most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat loss, eat the same few meals over and over again. Mix and match, costructing each meal with one from each of the three following groups:Proteins:Egg whites with one whole egg for flavor Chicken breast or thighGrass-fed organic beefVegetables:Spinach AsparagusEat as much as you like of the above food items. Just remember: keep it simple. Pick three or four meals and repeat them. Almost all restaurants can give you a salad or vegetables in place of french fries or potatoes. Surprisingly, I have found Mexican food, swapping out rice for vegetables, to be one of the cuisines most conducive to the ��slow carb�� diet.Most people who go on ��low�� carbohydrate diets complain of low energy and quit, not because such diets can��t work, but because they consume insufficient calories. A 1/2 cup of rice is 300 calories, whereas a 1/2 cup of spinach is 15 calories! Vegetables are not calorically dense, so it is critical that you add legumes for caloric load.Some athletes eat 6-8x per day to break up caloric load and avoid fat gain. I think this is ridiculously inconvenient. I eat 4x per day:10am - breakfast1pm - lunch5pm - smaller second lunch7:30-9pm - sports training10pm - dinner12am - glass of wine and Discovery Channel before bed3.Drink massive quantities of water and as much unsweetened iced tea, tea, diet sodas, coffee (without white cream), or other no-calorie/low-calorie beverages as you like. Do not drink milk, normal soft drinks, or fruit juice. I��m a wine fanatic and have at least one glass of wine each evening, which I believe actually aids sports recovery and fat-loss. Recent research into resveratrol supports this.