Sunday, August 20, 2017

What is the best diet pill on the market so can I lose weight fast safe ? -

I have been trying to lose weight for over 2 years now and have not lost a pound. What is the best diet pill on the market that is safe and that I am going to lose weight by summer time?

well like the others said diet and exercise is the key. if you lose weight quickly on diet pills you are sure to gain every single pound and usually plus more back....the pills with effedrin are the only ones that i found to work. yes i lost weight quickly..but here 5 years later i gained all back. start walking and jogging at a park or even around your neighborhood. stay away from potatoes, breads and pastas. try eating lots of chicken (not fried) and veggies. fruit and drinks lots of water. no sugary drinks.hope this helps

There are many diet pills on the market; however, I have never used any of them. I am a male and I do eat fruits and green as well as fish. I also exercise (running and lifting) They can really help you depending on how often you are willing to do them. On the other hand, I do know of one diet pill that is approved by the FDA which is Alli and that is the only one to my knowledge that is approved. I urge you not to go for fast method of losing weight. If you start right now through exercise, you can be at your ideal weight by the summer. Good luck

Fast and safe are incompatible ideas. You either lose slowly and safely or quickly and with major risks. Moreover, if you go for the risk of a fast weight loss, you ll be certain to gain it back. There is no pill, as a matter of fact, that s ever been shown to help with long-term weight loss. They all can help you lose temporarily, but not permanently. And the yo-yo of having your weight go up and down, as always happens with pills, is less safe than staying overweight.

I m not sure if diet pills are safe but some work. I m not overweight, but have used hydroxicut (normal), and it made me jittery. I dont drink caffeine ever so that may be why. now i use hydroxicut MAX, which is specifically for women. i find that one to be the best. Only drawback i noticed is after awhile it kind of made me crash in the evening. with caffeine headaches and total lathargic. BUT it did get me down ten lbs when combined with diet and excersize. and i mean DIET! figure out your BMR (google BMR calculator ) thats how many calories you should eat a day while youre trying to lose weight. The MAX helped alot with the diet i noticed, because it helped keep me from being hungry and i only ate when i was supposed to and not feel snacky . I also tried Slimquick. It was alright if you d prefer a cheaper brand. but i totally dig MAX at the moment.

I m trying to loose weight, actually I have been trying for the last six months... I ve experimented with a lot of different things, but I think I finally found something that might work.I started with some cookies made by a doctor named Dr. Siegel. I ve started eating the cookies a little over two weeks ago and I ve already lost 10 pounds. The cookies taste good and they work the way they claim to. Whenever I feel hungry I just eat a cookie and I won t be hungry anymore. I still have a long way to go to reach my weight loss goal but with these cookies I think I can do it!

Hi...As we know,all reputable weight loss products can offer you successful weight loss. After all, Isn��t that what they are made for? But how many can offer you all over body results?Now we are not talking about a flatter stomach or thinner thighs. They too are a given, especially if consumers have also incorporated regular exercise into their weight loss management plan.What we are asking is what other natural health benefits/ support has your dietary supplement got to offer?Yup...we must ask about natural composition of the product.because the natural composition is match with your body structure.

I personally have used 2 different diet pills product with out any positive side effect and after long research i found proactol THE BEST EVER. They are the best belive me or not but in little over amonth now i lose nearlly 5 Kg

Please don t take pills. The best way and safest way to lose weight is diet and exercise.

How do i lose weight fast?? -

whats a fast, affective, healthy, good way to lose weight FAST!!!!!!

Hello. There is several ways to make it fast and very effective. But both of them cost money. 1. You should make every day morning exercises. It s my biggest advice to you. But it s not a very fast way)2. If you want to lose your weight really very very fast you should try medicines. I m a doctor and i can provide you with good advice about it.You can check phentrimine. This medicines are really great. Also you can check this online pharmacy: aid=3828this link will send you to the Weight lose category. If you have any questions fell free to ask me.Thank you

Just go to - they have a simple (FREE) 7 step plan on how to lose weight fast permanently and you can even get free help on losing weight fat

You know it s interesting, I was in your same situation about 3 months ago (during Christmas time), and it wasnt until a friend told me about that I was able to get a solid answer! Basically a group of people are reviewing all the different weight loss methods that ARE working, from herbal supplements to diet strategies. My mom (who is in her late 50s) lost about 20lbs over the last 2 months through a diet plan they recommended. I lost 45lbs!! Of course I cheated and went the herbal supplement pill route, but I chose the same one Oprah now uses, so to each their own right :)Good luck either way! Tons of information to success out there!

you have to run one or two hours every day . you have to eat more vitmains. dont eat fats or sugers.or you have to a doctor.

the best solution to lose weight fast is to continue eating healthy and nutritious food. I would recommend eating less of sweet food and concentrate more on eating things like rice and bread that fills your daily diet. Also get plenty of rest and exercise. That very important. In like a week or two u will definitely find results. i no u said fast!!! but in life things need patients. srry

The key is diet diet and exercise.You need to eat 5-6 small meals a day. Eat some protein with each meal! Cut out all refined sugar!!! Also add more fiber. The fiber and protein will fill you up, helping you to cut down on your unhealthy eating. Also by eating more than 3 meals spread out through the day you will kick your metabolism in high gear. Here is a general meal for a day:Breakfast: 2 poached eggswhole wheat toast1/2 cup fruitSnack: Cottage Cheese with veggieLunch: Turkey, lettuce, tomato, whole wheat bread sandwich1/2 cup fruitSnack: Protein ShakeDinner: Turkey Burger ( no bun )Side of brown riceSide of Broc.Then exercise regularly 4-5 days a week. Do both cardio and lifting. But on days that you do both. Do lifting before your cardio and you will maximize your fat burn. Cardio can be a sport: basketball, soccer, football, anything with losts of movement. Golf is a no no.So Example :Monday - 30 mins lifting then 1 hr cardioTuesday - 1 hour liftingWednesday - RestThrusday - 30 mins lifting then 1 hr cardioFriday - 1 hour liftingSaturday - RestSunday - 30 mins lifting then 1 hr cardioFor exercises check out:http://www.xercisefactor.comThey have hundreds of exercise video clipsAlso check out the Workouts tab. Members can now create your own workout routines from the exercise video database. You go to a video and just below it add it to an existing workout or create a new one.

if you really want to know a fast and effective way to reduce weight in a healthy way,u have to follow DOCTOR s s way safer than following our suggestions!

Need ways to lose weight fast? -

ok so i was trying on jeans i just got for school and they were fitting a little tight so i want to lose weight before school starts in about a week. im 16 years old and about 5 5 and around 113 lbs. i really want to get down to aroun 109 or 110 lbs. does anyone know a good crash diet i could try?

ELIMINATE RED MEATIf foods like burgers are basic to your current diet, cutting out red meat can go a long way in helping you make healthier meal choices.By building your meals around fish and poultry, you can more easily keep temptation at bay by eliminating many poor fast food and restaurant choices, which are over-sized and high in fat.To keep your shellfish, fish, chicken, and turkey diet-friendly, be sure to choose the right preparation method (see #2). Be wary of creamy, high-cal condiments that come with entrees, like tartar sauce or special sauce on grilled chicken sandwiches. CUT OUT FRIED FOODSKeep your healthier choices truly healthy by grilling, baking, roasting, broiling or boiling them.Keep things interesting by adding fat-free condiments to your usual fare. A tangy barbecue sauce will give boiled chicken a kick. Lemon-herb dressing will complement broiled fish deliciously. People love saying salsa and, if you ask me, it makes just about anything taste even better. Make sure your spice rack is always stocked with plenty of herbs and spices so you can doctor up your favorite dishes to your own taste without adding any additional fat or calories. Plant an herb garden and you ll never run out!If you often eat fast food, forget that combos even exist; they seem like a better deal, but they re just not worth the extra calories! Stick to a grilled chicken sandwich and a side salad when you re on the run.START WITH SOUP OR SALAD.Having a salad or cup of soup for starters can be an at-home habit that pays off in pounds-lost. They can curb your hunger, prevent over-eating, and help you stay in control of portions.Choose a broth or tomato-based soup like minestrone (rather than a cream- or milk-based choice). Vegetable soup made with broth, stock, or tomato soup is ideal, because the veggies will help fill you up and give you a fiber and nutrition boost.Top your salad with low-cal dressing or balsamic vinegar. An added plus of having a salad before every meal is getting more fiber, something we all need plenty of. Be sure to include lots of veggies and dark mixed greens like spinach in your salads.FINISH WITH FRUIT.Instead of reaching for the cookie jar or helping yourself to dessert after meals, make a point to finish off with naturally-sweet fruit instead of sinfully-sweet treats. Not only will you save fat and calories, you will also have the added benefit of extra vitamins, minerals and fiber. Few of us eat as much fruit as recommended.In time, you will become accustomed to foregoing sweets and you ll look forward to your healthier treat just as much

Hi As a qualified Dietitian I dont think losing weight fast is advisable. Healthy snacking is important to consider for more info on this you can visit my blog httt://healthwellnessnutrition�� Report Abuse

Try this, its a gud way to lose 3-5kgs in 7 days. It��s a start, the rest is upto you after this with help of 1 - only fruits (avoid bananas milk)day 2 - only veggies (avoid any kinda oil or fat)day 3 - mix of fruit veggies (avoid any kinda oil or fat or bananas milk)day 4 - only bananas milk nothing elseday 5 - u feast on a cup of rice six tomatoes 12 glasses of waterday 6 - only veggies 1cup of riceday 7 - 1 cup rice, fruit juice and the vegetables you care to consume. Tomorrow morning you will be 3-5 Kgs lighter than 1 week ago.Things to remember (strictly) follow during the seven day program:?No smoking or drinking during this period?Drink a lot of water during the diet period (minimum of 8 to 10 glasses per day)?Strictly no oily food or in-between junk food during the diet period?No tea or coffee during these 7days with milk or sugar, if required u can have a cup a day of black tea or coffee?No sweet food during the diet period?Any cooking done needs to have less salt, less oil but can have condiments to make the food taste better? Do not continue this diet after seven days. This can be done only once in 3months.?Trust in your diet, it will show you the difference

For your height, your ideal weight is 97lbs and 155lbs. You re well within range. energy balance is the key to losing weight successfully.Calorie intake Calorie use == Weight GainCalorie intake = Calorie use == No change in body weightCalorie intake Calorie use == Weight lossLosing weight does not mean avoiding food. Instead, eat less food that is high in fat and added sugar. Eat a variety of plant-based food like whole grains, fruit and vegetables. These food provide bulk and promote the feeling of fullness.Eat regular meals and avoid skipping meals as it may lead to overeating at subsequent meals.Move more - ExercisePhysical activity is an essential part of any effective weight loss programme. It helps burn calories and builds muscles.

Ah to be a teen again :) Enjoy these years my dear. They will go fast and you might wish you were 113 lbs. again. LOL You sound like you might be thin already but you could try dropping some water weight to get back into those jeans. I do this myself by cutting carbs, drinking lot s of water to flush toxins, and exercise. You can fit into your jeans quick this way, just continue to eat healthy afterwards, not too much bread, pasta, sweets, etc and stay active.

for a workable diet here is what my dietician suggests . follow a practical diet. start your meal with a soup or a huge salad. this fills u up. Make sure your plate has this ratio - 50 per cent veg, 25 per cent carb.remember potatoes, corn and peas come in carbs category, 25 per cent protein.this will prevent cravings too.have a protein shake if you like occassional treat is OK. have a snack every three hours. fruit ideally berries, or soy nuts. just 2 tbsp of soya subsides hunger pangs. switch from white rice and bread to brown. eat 900gms of veggies a day.Lose a kilo a week. that is permanent loss. pick an exercise regime you like. get a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps everyday.

crash diet=no goodwhen people do that, they gain the weight right back because they aren t committed to a healthy lifestyle. just a fad. you re only 16, and to be honest, you shouldn t focus too much on that. just focus on being healthy and taking in anything natural.

try the hcg-diet you may lose weight very

Cycling and swimming! and, do yoga and meditation, and keep regular hours and stay healthy with good dietary and sleeping habits! good luck!


lots of exercise,healthy food, do not eat fast food(while watching tv)will really help you

Low sugar and low carb.You need some carbs for energy.Eat salads and fruits.

i suggest a low salt diet, low fat and more have to do some exercise too, to tone muscles.tae bo works great!

gym and dont eat =)

How to lose weight in one month? -

the most effective way of loosing weight is by using will help you control your appettie and since its a herb it will have no adverse effect..however choosing hte right hoodia product is very important, for that please read more on hoodia ...i found this site very helpful..check out��

run a mile+ everymorning and eat healthy.. lots of fruitsand try smaller meals, but more proteinexercise with ensure that weight stays off

Flush your system Try this site

Please follow this method and i GUARANTEE you will lose quite a bit of weight in a month. Start off by cutting out un nutritional snacks, any snack that is packaged . ALWAYS eat a healthy breakfast. Eat 5-6 small meals a day, instead of 3 huge ones. This will boost your metaboulism. Eat things like nuts, tuna, chicken, celery, eggs and so on for great nutriton. I recommend on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, that you do bodyweight workouts ( pushups , lunges , bodyweight squats, crunches, situps). Or do those excersizes any day of the week but not consecutive days. Try to do this about 2-4 times a week based on your fitness level. on the days that you don t do bodyweight workouts ( or on the same days if you want ) do cardio. Either 30 minute jogs, or like 5 minute jog-5minute sprint-5 minute jog- 2 minute spring- 2 minute walk- all in one. You will guaranteed lose weight. I estimate about 10 lbs + if you stick to it