Monday, March 13, 2006

Is there any professional help for obese children? -

In a nutshell, my sister is 12 yrs. old, weighs 190 lbs., and wears a size 22 women s plus size. She is a natural vegetarian (she just loves vegetables! doesn t even like meat) but she has continued to just get bigger and bigger and my family and I are getting very scared. We think she may have a thyroid problem~ is there any way we can get her some medical help, maybe non profit organization or something that is minimal or no cost? We don t have any medical coverage and can t pay $1,000 s of dollars. If she doesn t have thyroid problem, is there any kind of professional weight-loss programs or help for children? (Gyms will not give memberships to minors). We live in Raleigh, NC. Any help would be great, thanks!


There is a federal insurance program called CHIP (Children s Health Insurance Program) that she can qualify for. It would cost your parents about $18 month. Call any hospital, the Medicaid office, or the school nurse and ask how to apply. CHIP is for people who are low income but not low enough to qualify for Medicaid. Then your sister can see a physician for a full evaluation. A dietician can help her. Many vegetables break down into sugar and can be just as fattening as candy!

You don t gain that kind of weight from vegetables unless they are all deep fried! I consider this child abuse! Why have you waited so long to do something about this poor girl??? It s disgusting to hear parents could abuse their child for so many years, and now wants free help!

Unless she is sneaking chips, ice cream, cookies, cake soda without your knowledge, she has a medical problem. Being so overweight could also lead to diabetes, joint problems, heart problems, etc...Your parents need to take your sister to a doctor immediately. This is the USA, free health care options are everywhere. That s what we pay taxes for!

Isagenix. Guaranteed results, even at her age. I am 55 and have lost 40 pounds (gone from a 14 to an 8). But when you visit the website below, you can see the success stories of people that have lost various amounts of weight. 7072538575. This program is endorsed by doctors, nutritionists, bodybuilders, athletes, famous authors (John Grey and Jack CAnfield) and hundreds of people like me. The program is incredible and I would love to help you.

its called a DOCTOR.have them put her on a excersize plan, but she has to stay commited to it!!if she really wants to loose.sometimes being a vegetarian isnt too good, because she might substatute fries for meat that kida thing.she needs protein so make her eat fish chicken every once in a while.

In a bizarre and unjust twist to the epidemic of do-gooders in the UK, children considered to be obese are being removed from their family home and taken into care (a children s home). How can it be right that you lose your kid (that you probably gave birth to) simply because he/she is a little overweight?

Healthy Weight loss? -

I ve heard people say it s absolutely healthy to lose weight at the rate of one pound a day and others one pound a week. Anyone have an opinion on this?

One pound a day is way too much. One pound a week, that s okay. But they ll gain it back. I think, the only reason to lose weight, if it s something life-threatening. Many models, and actresses are so skinny, and make other girls think that they need to be as skinny as them, possibly anorexic. Those girls are the ones who need to know what being thin means. Yeah, so it s pretty scary.

what is healthy is you need to eat food and not fast and get under nutrition. be careful of low carb diet that deprive you of energy or some diet programs that make one anorexic.try the calorie shifting system that allows to lose 9 lbs ever 11 days, about 1 lb a day. so that is fast because it is very tiring to wait and see results.try it at http://www.fatlossfast.orgall the best,jo

the only safe way to do it is like 1 pound and a half per week or it might be 2 weeks cause that means your not starving yourself and youll most likely keep it off and not get it back cause ppl make the mistake of not eating which is bad cause your body doesnt know when it ll get food again and then when you eat again itll store alot as fat cause it wont know when youll eat another meal again

definatly 1-2 lbs a week. unless you are really overweight, then there are exceptions. a pound a day is nuts.

one pound a day is too fast. it would be mostly water anyway, and you would probably gain it back quickly. a pound to two a week is a good rate of weight loss

Don t listen to those snobby think they know it all....this is all you need to live well, hun TRUST ME

I want to lose about 8 pounds and tone up before March? -

When should I start for a healthy weight loss. .

Start as soon as you can. Losing 8 pounds by march shouldn t be too difficult. If you want the easiest way and most effective way to tone your WHOLE body and lose weight, then try swimming. Swimming burns up to 600 calories every hour.Also eat healthy and avoid high calorie foods.

Start now! Getting into shape is a long process that will not happen within a week. For now, start out slow, then progressively intensify your workout as time progresses. Not only will you have lost your weight and toned up by March, but you will also feel better and healthier.

Start now!My fiance and I just started a diet plan a week ago and I ve already lost 8.2 pounds and he s lost 11. Keep in mind, we started this only a week ago.We ve joined a website called Spark People and it is SO helpful. Before I give you details, let me reassure you that it s 100% free and I ve never recommended a website (other than MySpace) because none have been worth it and this one is.They give you food plans and fitness plans based on your height, weight, and the amount you wish to lose. The food plan includes the amount of calories, fat, carbohydrates, and protein that you should consume daily based on your body. The food plans are created for you (they give you one, you can substitute any foods that you don t like, or you can make your own). Same with the fitness plans. They recommend that you do strength training and cardio three times a week. It s so easy. Plus, you can track your weight loss, inches lost, and more.The Spark People community is full of supportive people, so you never feel out of place. Plus, you can even create a Spark Page and find yourself a work out buddy! It s really cool and the site has given me amazing results. There is much more to it than I can begin to mention on YA but you can read my blog to review my progress and learn more about the site, or you can simply visit the site and see for yourself.Tell them that empressive referred you! - my blog - the site

A healthy goal is to lose 1 pound a week. To do that you need to create a deficit in your calories of 3,500. So, eat less and excercise more. Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep and drink plenty of water.

Start now, that way you don t try and do any crazy crash dieting at the last minute.8 pounds by March is a very healthy, attainable goal.

You could start tommorw or on Monday because mondays a new week and plus you don t need to face the urge to eat bad foods if you start today.

Start now! And stay consistent!

beat off for 6 hours a day, trust meit works

um... start now so you ll look amazing then

Simple Secrets? Simply Seven? -

I was watching an info-mercial this morning for a weight loss program that only takes 7 minutes a day. It had an older lady with long blonde hair who was the creator for it. I wanted to look more into it and now I cant remember the name! It was called something like Simply Seven, or Simply Secrets, or Seven Secrets or something of the sort. I have tried searching it many ways and still get nothing. Please help!

man i wanna know that too now lol sounds interesting

it s called shapely secrets Report Abuse