Monday, February 25, 2008

How to lose weight off my face? -

Hi. I m 14 and really skinny. (I weigh 87 pounds) and no I am not anorexic. I eat and I am very healthy. But my face is kinda chubby. Like in my cheeks. They have always been that way but it annoys me. Help?

Other than attempting facial toning exercises, I think the only thing you can do (other than losing more weight which is not an option most likely depending on your height.) is wait for the baby fat some people call it to grow out as you grow older... I know my friend did in middle school and her face thinned out a lot as she got older (17+)

Sorry. You cannot spot lose, you can only target tone muscle. When you lose weight (fat) it comes from all over your body, and your body decides where to burn it from...there s nothing you can do to slim your face without affecting yourself all over. Unless you are REALLY short, you re terribly underweight. 87 lbs is only healthy if you are 4 9 or under (and have a small frame).

Please gurl gain weight! Do u really think dat u will look sexy if ur like a skeleton? And y do u wanna have a thin face? U will look sick and un healthy.

1. Exercise and diet to lose overall body fat.When we lose weight we tend to lose fat from over our whole bodies. If you are overweight, then sensible dieting along with a regular cardiovascular workout will burn fat from all areas, including your face. For some people the difference will be dramatic, for others less so, but all should enjoy some improvement in facial appearance. Remember: Spot fat loss through exercise isn t possible, but fat loss is.2. Drink more water.Drinking eight big glasses of water a day has been proven to aid in weight loss. Sometimes when we think we re hungry, our body is actually just thirsty. Drinking lots of water can take the edge off our hunger and keep us from overeating, thus helping us to lose fat.There s another reason to drink water, though. Sometimes a fat looking (or puffy) face is caused by bloating, the body s retention of fluid as a response to being water deprived. If you re a woman--especially if you ve just come through a pregnancy or are experiencing menopause--this could be part of the problem. So drink up! Good ol H20, that is.3. Firm up your face.Some people swear by facial exercise; others consider it silly and question it effectiveness. It won t hurt to try it for a few weeks or a couple of months to see if it works for you. Remember, your aim here is to tighten and firm your skin, not to try to spot-reduce the underlying fat (since that s impossible anyhow).Here s an old one for firming up a double chin: Using the back (top) of your hand, slap/tap the bottom of your chin rapidly yet firmly. Do this often, whenever you think of it.For cheeks: Sit. Relax. Smile, keeping your lips closed. Now suck in your cheeks and hold them in while you count 8 seconds. Relax and repeat at least ten times. This is a good one to do while driving, as it requires no hands to perform. Another exercise for your cheeks is simply to smile as wide as you can (lips closed) as you imagine you are trying to touch your ears with the corners of your mouth.4. Get older.This is the easiest way of all to lose fat from the face -- it only requires patience!If you re in your teens, twenties or even thirties, your roundish face might be caused by baby fat that has yet to melt. Give it some time, and meanwhile be sure to work on reducing your overall body fat if need be. As people age they tend to lose a lot of their facial fat. The drawback to this natural process is that by their fifties, some people end up with excessively gaunt looking faces. That s a problem to tackle another day, though.

How To Lose Weight and Get Slimmer Thighs/Butt? -

ok...i really need to lose weight! and im not just calling myself fat...i really am! and im like at risk for some diseases and stuff...and im just NOT HEALTHY!! so...i was wondering if you could answer some of my questions:1. is there any diet that really works that will help me lose weight fast? ((im a nothing that involves meat, dairy, or eggs products!))2. what foods should i stay away from while dieting?3. what foods should i eat more of while dieting?4. how many small meals should i have a day?5. what should my work out routine consist of? ((i have an elliptical, treadmill, bowflex, bike, etc))6. how long should my work out be?7. how many times per week should i work out?8. what is the best time of day to workout?9. what are some exercises i can do to slim my thighs/butt?10. how can i get a flat stomach?11. any other tips?thanks!! all answers are greatly appreciated!!! ?

Okie doke. Enough questions, don t you think?Question 1: Eating healthy. Eat healthy, eat healthy, eat healthy. Thinking of any of those special diets, like pills or pre-made meals? Just realize that once you re off those diets, your body still thinks that it can eat whatever it wants. You tend to gain the weight back, which leads to what s called yo-yo dieting .Question 2: Junk food. Chips, candy, sodas (even diet sodas; the aspartame in them can cause cancer), cookies, cakes. Just use common sense. You can eat one of these types of things around three times a week, about every other day. Just stay away from desserts that are over 300 calories.Question 3: Eat more fruits and veggies. And not just while dieting, always. You know, just plain common sense.Question 4: It is reccomended that you have six small meals a day. And when I say small, I mean--no, STRESS--small. Drink plenty of water in between and during meals.Question 5: You can do a combination of different machines in a workout. Try stretching for a few minutes, jogging in place for five, then go on the elliptical for fifteen minutes at a steady pace. Go on the treadmill for fifteen minutes, at a steady pace. Still going steady, switch over to the bike for fifteen minutes. Do a cool down stretch, and you re done.Question 6: It should be about 60 minutes for a good hard workout. This should include about 10-15 minutes of a stretches, warm-up and cool down stretches.Question 7: Try doing a cardio workout, like the one above about three or four times a week. You should do a strength routine (below) about two or three times a week.Question 8: Recent studies have shown that if you get your workouts out of the way in the early morning, right before or right after breakfast, you won t make excuses not to.Question 9: A whole strength routine, with emphasis on slimming thighs and butt:��Question 10: You can do a lot of excercises to flatten your stomach, so no need to stress about it. You can try a bellydancing DVD every once in a while, and try to do about 10-15 minutes of ab work every time you do a strength routine (��Question 11: Don t make this healthy lifestyle a temporary change. Make it permanent.

a healthy diet is extremely important in the weight loss process but its important to diet right dont go for starvation or fad diets like low carb diets just eat healthy its that simple we all know whats healthy and whats not . also exercise is VERY important if you want to lose your stomach or arm flab or any other fat in any other part of your body try running or walking or swimming, maybe bike riding or you can pick up a sport it doesnt matter as long as your active try exercising 30-60 minutes everyday and doing 100 crunches every other day will help too and i also recommend you drink lots and lots of waterhope this helpsgood luckyou should also try using this websitesparkpeople.comits really good

All the answers to your questions can be found in my blog. Except I am not a vegetarian. Change all meat found there to vege proteins like nuts and seeds, low fat cheese, low fat milk and eggs.Try low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein, and exercise. The foods are low caloried, and yet filling and healthy. Brisk walking is great for burning body and tummy fats.It is my lifestyle now. I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs/14kg and gained better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs/49kg for more than a year, with more fruits and complex carbs.Details such as my experience, meals, recipes, foods to buy, reading labels, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc, are in my blog.Xiaozhen

Get on the treadmill or go to YMCA look at directions Most show where to lose weight. P.S. I had huge thighs but they dimmed down in about 1 mouth I didn t really work out don t know why but I m happy with it!! Maybe it was going up and down the stairs? (New home!) Hope I helped, also you can go to a friend that has stairs and ask to work out! Possibilities!

How to lose weight without messing up my metabolism and ruining my training regime? -

I have a pretty good diet, and I run cross country and track, right now it is cross country season and i m on a training schedule, but i know running burns a ton of calories, and therefore i need to get enough calories, but i also want to lose weight, please help me! any advice and tips would be nice, i am 5 3 and 110 lbs last time i checked. Thanks~

FOOD is NOT the EnemyDid you know that your brain controls the release of Fat Burning Hormones after each meal? It s true.Every time you eat something there are 2 types of hormones released into your bloodstream, and together they control Fat Burning and Fat Storage.Also, did you know that these 2 hormones are controlled by the foods that you eat? It s true.Source: eight

What does this seem like? -

What does this seem like?This is a question I posted before but I accidentally posted it in the diet and fitness section so all I got was weight loss tips... :)So sorry! Please forgive!I ve had some odd symptoms for a while but I just thought it was all in my head, but for the last few days it s suddenly gotten a lot worse!Examples: 1. Usually tired when indoors but fine outside, but now just incredibly drained all day. It feels like I stayed up for 7 days straight. When I called out someone s name or yell something, what is supposed to be a clear yell comes out as a sleepy, deep, raspy, quiet whimper of my voice. Plus a sore throat.2. When I go to sleep, I just can t for some reason... Not like I just can t sleep, but it feels like I m about to throw up the entire time. I just keep tossing and turning to try to make it go away but it just isn t doing anything. It s that feeling of your bottom half nauseous but my top half is fine. I also have a mix of shivering and extreme heat and I just can t tell what is happening.3. I m having trouble swallowing for some reason. It feels like I m swallowing a sticky golfball every time I swallow something.4. When I go outside, I sneeze which is normal, but I m coughing up this weird white spit that very very sticky... 5. My main problem is my stomach and bowel regions. All day and night it just feels like I ate something foul and it just keeps grumbling and feeling terrible. Especially when my bowels are empty, it just starts to feel like a war zone in my belly.I don t have any time or money for the doctor, and I m only 15. What could this be? Thanks! P.S. I am not one of those lost teenagers that do drugs and do things with their body with others. I m a clean kid :)

That sort of thing happened to my great aunt because of a lot of mold in the vents of her house. You said you re fine when that may be your culprit. Mold allergies can be very potent and make people sick. Talk to a doctor or allergist for a second opinion of course. Good luck! I hope you feel better.

At 15 this does not sound normal. At 15 you need to make time and at 15 your parents are responsible for your medical care.......Talk to them and get in and see your family doctor. Could be nothing, but better to know for sure.

Why do people ask how to lose weight? -

Everyone born in the last one hundred years knows that weight loss is a result is a result of eating corrently and getting exercise. Parents, schools, television, magazines and health care professionals all repeat the same mantra: Eat right and move your body. Through personal experience, most people have also learned that there are no quick fixes, and that fad-diets don t work. So why do so many people continue to come to this site, asking how to lose weight?

well they have a desire to loose weight.they follow the plan start doing exercise and then after loosing few inches or few pounds.break away the shedule and return to old habits and then they weight more than what they where in start and they go asking again n again.they need strong determination and a step plan which should go on climbing not a flight take off and then landdown.

Why do people ask how to lose weight?Id i ot! Chatting! ~smiles Report Abuse

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I guess they want to lose weight very badly, anyway hey do u know voodoo, e-mail me about it okay

I agree with the last answer! It is people like you that put out the wrong info to people. There are many people that have real medical problems that cause them to have a weight issue! It is not always a diet and exercise issue! Are you really that lame?

because people like you are putting out stupid questions like this instead of taking the time to provide people with the right information.

boy you re judgemental!! give people a break jeez..yea they hear that stuff from people, but they come here for advice from people who ve lost weight..and for your information, it s NOT as simple at you say it takes ALOT of work to lose s not just about eating and exercise..there are also reasons why people overeat....I m glad i m not related to you or a friend of re definitely NOT a supportive person.

Its either they don t accept it or its too hard for them or they don t wanna do it

i ask how to lose weight because i get frustrated by doing something that i havent seen any work from it. it s their questions and they want to know better answers from other people than their own and from regular people they hear from. let them ask what they want . .dont be so mean and think that they can t

They don`t know how thats why they ask.