Saturday, March 17, 2007

I want to lose 5-15lbs for summer, any tips? -

I want to lose some weight for summer, between 5-15 lbs. Any weight loss tips?

I started walking 30 minutes every morning, I lost 5 pounds the first week.Now I am up to an hour.If you can t leave your house because of kids or other reasons. I bought the Denis Austin walk off the pounds video. I did it in the winter when I couldn t get outside.She also has a show on Lifetime every morning which is low impact and works if you stick with it. I don t like to exercise so I like the workouts where I can keep up and I don t feel totally exhausted at the end.If you drink soda, quit. You would be surprised what it does for you.Good Luck!!

Eat less carbs and sugar. Eat a lot more fiber.Eat less for dinner, but more for breakfast.Move a hell of a lot more. Done and done.

Drink water, and plenty of it. Eat a healthy breakfast.

Eat less, move more, drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies... and you will lose weight if you have the patience to see it through. No fad diet or magic pill will do it for you.And if you want to check out a method from the lady who ran The Biggest Loser on NBC, you might want to see if this method might help.

Weight Watchers for sure! Especially the Core program. I dropped 25 lbs in a very short period of time and have not gained it back in over a month!!I really recommend it to anyone wanting to lose weight the healthy way.

I need weight loss tips!!!!? -

im always snacking im never really full. im about 5 6 1/2 but i weigh a gross 137.5 pounds!!! i really want to loose like 20 pounds before mid august so i can go back to school looking good. what should i do. i cant go see a dietition or anything or talk to anyone i just want tips. or free websites :p w/e thank you!

Make sure you eat 1500 calories a dayDrink Green TeaDrink LOTS of waterDon t eat processed foodCut down on sugarTry to exercise every day (even just walking)Do sit upsGet more sleepEat lots of fruit and vegesDance for exercise (fun and you can work on your moves haha)Stay away from chocolate and lollies (if you go without them for about 3 weeks you won t want them anymore - worked for me)If you eat bread/rice eat brownFor snacks eat plain popcorn, wholemeal crackersBTW, you weight sounds fine, i wouldn t worry too much :)

have you tried the Shangri-la diet? it is working for me very well, i stopped having cravings for pizzas and hamburgers. And its very easy, you just have to take oil.

If u r indian then wake up early in the morning drink water from copper pot keep by whole nigh,t after fresh from ur toilet just drink pure honey mix up with normal hot watereat neem leaf just ear only 4 neem leaf

weight watcher cause it works amazing i started 2 weeks ago and have lost 5 pounds

Why do I always get the munchies in the late afternoon, even tho I still eat a healthy snack.? -

Mid afternoon and earlier evening are my worst times to snack. I was recently dx with Reactive Hypoglycemia and I m trying to lose weight. Any ideas as to why I m super hungery during these times or any weight loss tips would be great.No stupid answers please, Thanks :)

I hope you know about high and low glycemic index (GI) foods.Carbohydrates that break down rapidly during digestion releasing glucose rapidly into the bloodstream have a high GI; carbohydrates that break down slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the bloodstream, have a low GI.Good carbohydrates, bad carbohydrates. Low glycemic index, high glycemic index. A great tool to help you lower your glucose levels or lose weight. You might have heard all these statements associated with the glycemic index. What is this glycemic index all about? Is it worth considering as a way to help you control your blood glucose levels?High glycemic index foods include many carbohydrates such as these: * Bread * Pasta * Rice * Cereal * Baked goodsPlus any sweets I assume. Some sources put pasta and rice into category of low glycemic index food. Then I guess they are in the middle.Low glycemic index foods include these: * Fruits * Vegetables * Whole grains * LegumesI hope it helps, google glycemic index and research more!Hypoglicemia happens to me too, I think it s because when I eat sweets, my insulin goes up way too high. What insulin do to you? It lowers your blood sugar. In my case it lowers sugar way too much. I avoid eating sweets on empty stomach.

Quick weight loss tips(legs, face, stomache)? -

i just need quick weight loss tips please-how to get it off my legs!-anyway to get it off my face?-stomach stomach stomach!please help me, its much appreciated

When you start getting fit and losing weight, you will lose weight throughout your body. As always, diet and exercise are the key.As for diet, try eating 6 smaller meals a day with a protein shake for breakfast and lunch. A single serving of fruit for mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack. Dinner should be a sensible meal- minimize rice and breads. Try this for a two-week period. Then, vary your meals accordingly. Workouts should have weights and circuit type of training. Free weights are great for toning and weight-loss. Try some of the powerlifts such as squats and deadlifts. You can try dumbbell squats with shoulder presses. Here is a great and effective circuit training using a treadmill. Walk for 2 minutes (as a warm-up), jog for 2 minutes, run hard for a minute, then jog for 2 minutes, run hard for a minute, this for about 20-23 minutes. This works great.By the way, do not be a slave to scale. Check the mirror also. It will show results. This is just a start. Keep working out and eating properly. The weight will come off your legs, face, and stomach- more importantly, you will will be more healthy.Good

Loosing weight is not the very big deal. You can easily lose your weight naturally, quickly and in healthy way. Here are some of the great eating tips, weight loss tips and the forms of exercises which will surely help you:http://lose-your-weight-fastly.blogspot.��

Remove all salt from your diet

How can I lose weight in my thighs? -

I m 13, and my thighs are very big..seriously...Also other weight loss tips would help! =)

Do leg exercises. Squats and lunges and stretches.


Dear friends i am 150 kg and 26 i am thinking of marriage will some one help me to loose my weight i am 5.7 tall will any one tell me how to do that , i reduced to 150 from 200 i just followed diet tips on this website they guided me to loose my weight from 200 to 150 its fine but i want more thanks to am going to marry in two months please tlem how

My dear friendi am to agree with you you should keep on following the weight loss tips provided on is a good website which provides good tips on weight loss you can control you r diet and and do walking every day morning you will definitely reduce your weight , so keep it up you are on right track , follow this website for reducing excess weight i have five peoples who were able to reduce weight about 20 kg in 1 month by weight loss tips provided on this website , they are proved weight loss tips ,

Losing weight is a personal issue that many of us are struggling with. If you ve ever felt like nobody understands what you re going through. read more.... Report Abuse

well lets put it this way walking for an hour burns no more than 220 calories, where as a kilogram of fat has over 7000 calories. So even if you were to walk for an hour a day it will take you almost 3 months just too loose 1 kg of fat. Also you can not take of fat from a certain body part by working out that part particularly. I am telling you all this from my own personal experience i was a little over 100 kgs , and trust me at that time in desperation i have bought anything and every thing that claims to make you loose weight. Non of them really did what they promised. I then learn t from my own research that then only way to loose fat quickly and permanently is by working out and eat healthy, that when i came across the X - MELT program from X attack its a in home based training program , with tons of fun workouts to do at home itself with out any equipment and also custom made nutrition plans by some hot shot nutritionist. Its highly effective healthy weight loss program. I came down to 78 kgs in 3 months of this program. The best thing i liked about this program is the amount of knowledge their staff has to offer, also how they weren t just interested in having to loose weight but also give my body a great shape for the first time in my life. I as a happy client of theirs will totally recommend this program to anyone looking forward to loosing weight. Here is their URL if you want to have a look at their website for more info. These guys even offer free fitness consultation to everyone, so if you want you can give them a call. Seriously give these guys a call they are really good at what they do if you are seriously about getting out of yor current situation.

Weight loss? -

i want to lose a lot of weight by august 20th or so. how can i do this? i used to be 120 pounds, but then i stopped exercising and started overeating and ballooned up to 160. i really want to get my old body b ack. any quick weight loss tips??

Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the daily calorie needs calculator This will give you an idea of how many calories to eat. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. To lose 1 pound per week you need to create a calorie deficit (burn more than you eat) of 500 calories per day. To lose 2 pounds a week, you have to double the deficit to 1000 calories per day. You can achieve this by eating less, exercising more or a combination of both.Beginner s Guide to Dieting - http://straightdiet.comif you have time also read this aah...just forget about what all go on diet.... eat less food bla bla bla!!! just try out the world s best solution that is Eat more,lose more!!!haha i am not joking..try this out!!9 WAYS TO REDUCE WEIGHT WITHOUT EATING LESS( ! ) Don t starve yourself.Lowering your calorie intake will make your body reduce the rate at which it changes calories into energy. In other words, reducing calorie intake slows down your metabolism and holds onto your fat. Starving yourself will actually make it harder for you to lose weight. Food is fuel or energy and when you skip meals, you are not working on energy hat can be burned off. As a defense mechanism, your body clings to calories and slows down your weight loss.(2) Get a breakfast boost.Connie Dickman, a registered dietician and nutritionist advises not to skip breakfast. According to her, breakfast gives you energy so that you are not starving as the day go on. When you skip breakfast, you become so hungry that you eat more than you should or eat the wrong foods.(3) Eat complex carbohydrates.Practice eating complex carbohydrates rather than simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are found in food such as candy, cereal, softdrinks and ice cream. They are easily absorbed by the body and they stick to the ribs, according to weight loss specialist Dr. Daisy Merey. Simple carbohydrates have a tendency to make you store more fat.On the other hand, complex carbohydrates which are found in pastas, potatoes, beans, whole grains, vegetables and fruits contain good calories that are easily burned.. In switching from a meat-based diet to the one tat is starch-based, you get the same amount of food with only 25% of the calories, says John McDougall, M.D., Director of the McDougall Program at St. Helena Hospital.Eat more fruits and vegetables, which are high in complex carbohydrates. You will eat more, but you will lose more, because the feeling of fullness will hinder you from eating high-fat foods that make you gain weight.(4) Eat Fiber.Kristine Clark, the Director of Sports Nutrition at Penn State University says that eating high-fiber foods can help people keep their weight under control. Because foods hat are rich in fiber help people to slow down their eating and foods that are high in fiber contain less fat and sugar.According to Nutrition experts, one should eat 20 to 35 grams of dietary fiber a day. There are two kinds of fiber in foods. The soluble and the insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers are those that dissolve and thicken in water. Foods that contain soluble fibers include broccoli, zucchini, barley, oat bran, beans and citrus fruits.Insoluble fibers include skins of fruits and vegetables and the external coatings of wheat kernel.Fiber is an essential ingredient in one s diet because the insoluble form prevents constipation. Studies revealed that the soluble fibers play an important role in reducing cholesterol.(5) Drink water.Water helps the body break down fat and process waste according to Dr. Denise Bruner, a Virginia bariatrician, describing how water as part of her diet, helped her to shed 62 pounds. One should drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day.(6) Exercise and be active in household work.T o exercise is one of the best ways to maintain your weight down. Exercise helps you to burn calories. According to Franca Alphin, Nutrition Director at Duke University Diet and Fitness Center in North Carolina, You can lose weight without exercising, but you won t maintain the weight loss. Exercise may not be a major player in weight loss, but it is the number one player in preventing weight gain, says Jack H. Gilmore, Ph. D.Inactivity burns fewer calories each day, which are stored as fat. Daniel Kosich, Ph. D., the author of Get Real: A Personal Guide to Real-Life Weight Management and an advisor to Jane Fonda Workouts, says regular activity is a critical part of successful weight loss. It doesn t have to be a strenuous workout. You can burn calories just by doing ordinary chores such as gardening and housework. Pushing a mop or vacuum across the floor increases your heart rate and creates resistance , says Barbara Baldwin, Information Services Director for the American Running and Fitness Association in Maryland. Raking leaves, stroveling snow, sanding, painting and waxing the car are calorie burners. According to Laura Gladwin, California-based exercise physiologist, gardening is a great exercise because weeding, pruning and planting require bending and stretching. You will burn 1,000 calories by doing three-and-a-half hours of garden or yard work in a week, she says.Ellen F., a crafter in Coral Springs, Fl, found out that dieting wasn t enough to help her shed 20 pounds of excess weight.. She joined a low-impact aerobics class at her community center. By doing aerobics excercises for an hour, three times a week, she lost 20 pounds much quicker than simply dieting.Walking is one of the healthiest, easiest and cheapest form of exercise. Stroll briskly through a park or around your neighborhood. Walking will be more pleasurable if you do it with a friend..Suzanne Rossa, an exercise physiologist at Good Samaritan Health and Wellness Center in West Palm Beach Florida says, Aerobics excercises improves your circulation , increases blood flow,allow you to have a better blood pressure and decreases the amount of fatty substances in your bloodstream. (7) Build muscle.Tufts University studies revealed that strength training - the kind that builds muscle will raise your metabolic rate, which enable you to burn calories. Strength training does not always follow that your muscles will grow bigger but they will certainly grow stronger.Daniel Kosich in his book, A Personal Guide to Real Life Weight Management says, when you make muscles stronger, they burn more calories. That means that for each pound of muscle you build with strength excercises, you burn 20 to 30 calories a day from your resting energy output or about 7,300 calories a year. You can strength train by using machines and free weights such as barbells.(8) Follow the Pyramid.The American Diatetic Association recommends a food guide pyramid that serves as a general list of healthful foods that must be eaten daily. The pyramid has four levels. The top of the pyramid is the smallest part , represents fats, oils and sweets. This group includes salad dressings, butter, ice cream, softdrinks, candies and desserts and foods that has very little nutritional value and can make your calories add up to.At level two of the pyramid are the milk, yogurt, cheese group, meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts. These foods provide you with protein, calcium, iron and zinc.. ADA recommends two to three servings daily of this group.The third level represents the vegetable and fruit groups, which are good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. ADA recommends three to five servings daily of this group.At the base of the pyramid are the bread, cereal, rice and pasta. ADA recommends 6 to 11 servings of this group. These foods are source of fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals(9) Stop taking the following food.ALCOHOL : a 12-ounce can or bottle of beer contains 150 calories. AnAlcoholic beverage can add 100 to 200 calories to your meal.Alcohol is stored in the liver as fat.COCONUT : An ounce of raw coconut contains 100 calories, around 77%Of which is saturated fat.CHOCOLATE, CANDY, COOKIES :They are full of simple carbohydrates, which means they areHigh in sugar and fats. The main fat in chocolate is cocoabutter which is approximately 60% saturated fat.WHOLE MILK : SWITCH TO SKIM MILKWhole milk has high content of fat.SUGAR : Softdrinks has very high sugar content.MARGARINES : Contain hydrogenated vegetable oils.This article is an excerpt from the book : EAT MORE, LOSE MORE

I have heard that Michael Molloy is giving some nice tips on quick weight loss. These tips have been placed on Report Abuse

With all of the extravagant claims for weight loss products and schemes - whether they have to do with tea or not - a good rule of thumb is buyer beware. With that in mind, however, there is evidence that indicates that tea might play a role in weight loss.When it comes to losing weight, one of the simplest ways tea can help is by acting as a substitute for high-calorie sweetened beverages. Freshly brewed tea without milk, sugar or other additives has no calories and even small amounts of these add-ins typically contribute only a modest amount. By comparison, a 16-ounce Starbucks Frappucino may contain as much as 470 calories, while eight ounces of Coca-Cola contains 97 calories.Studies also indicate that tea itself may play a role in weight loss. A 2005 study looked at 35 Japanese men over a period of three months. Some subjects were given bottled oolong tea with a green tea extract that contained 690 milligrams of catechins. Others were given oolong tea that contained 22 milligrams of catechins. Though their diets were similar, the former group lost an average of 5.3 pounds, as opposed to the latter s 2.9 pounds. The men given higher doses of catechins also saw a greater decrease in body mass index, waist size, total body fat and undesirable LDL cholesterol. More recently, research conducted at the University of Connecticut over a period of six week, saw both lean and obese mice fed a green tea extract (GTE), in varying amounts. As noted in these pages previously, the study found that the extract might help ward off fatty liver disease. There are also indications that GTE might aid in weight loss as well as lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Other research examining possible connections between tea and weight loss include this study from 1999, which investigated whether green tea extract could increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans. Another study, whose results were also published in 1999, examined the alleged anti-obesity action of oolong tea. Yet another study, published in 2000, measured the effectiveness of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) derived from green tea leaves in reducing appetite and contributing to weight loss in rats.

Eat healthy exercise 1 hour dailyFocus on fruits. Eat a variety of fruits �C whether fresh, frozen, canned or dried �C rather than fruit juice for most of your fruit choices. For a 2,000 calorie diet, you will need 2 cups of fruit each day (for example, 1 small banana, 1 large orange, and 1/4 cup of dried apricots or peaches).Vegetables Vary your veggies. Eat more dark green veggies, such as broccoli, kale, and other dark leafy greens; orange veggies, such as carrots, sweetpotatoes, pumpkin, and winter squash; and beans and peas, such as pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans, garbanzo beans, split peas and lentils.Calcium-rich foods Get your calcium-rich foods. Get 3 cups of low-fat or fat-free milk �C or an equivalent amount of low-fat yogurt and/or low-fat cheese (1 1/2 ounces of cheese equals one cup of milk) �C every day. For kids aged 2 to 8, it s 2 cups of milk. If you don t or can t consume milk, choose lactose-free milk products and/or calcium-fortified foods and beverages.Whole-grain foods Make half your grains whole. Eat at least 3 ounces of whole-grain cereals, breads, crackers, rice, or pasta every day. One ounce is about 1 slice of bread, 1 cup of breakfast cereal, or 1/2 cup of cooked rice or pasta. Look to see that grains such as wheat, rice, oats, or corn are referred to as whole in the list of ingredients.Foods high in protein Go lean with protein. Choose lean meats and poultry. Bake it, broil it, or grill it. And vary your protein choices �C with more fish, beans, peas, nuts and seeds.Know the limits on fats, salt and sugars. Read the Nutrition Facts label on foods. Look for foods low in saturated fats and trans fats. Chose and prepare foods and beverages with a little salt (sodium) and/or sugars (caloric sweeteners).

I wish i could tell you a quick fix answer but that is not practical!! Find somthing you enjoy doing, treat yourself with things other than food!!! take a picture of yourself, stick it on the fridge door!!! dont deny yourself food just be strict as to the amount you eat!!! somtimes we are thirsty and not hungry, try drinking a big glass of water wiv every meal, this will fill you up, eat slowly also so your brain engages wiv ur belly!!! and most of all go for a walk, cycle, run, swim watever u enjoy doing, use exercise bike or do some sort of exercise when watching telly. And finally love yourself and believe in yourself!!!!! I know you can do it!!!!!

Simple.Only eat fruit and veg. No meat, no dairy, no bread etc.Keep it simple and go for a vegetarian diet, and also stick to plain water. Avoid things like salad cream etc too. Exercise as normal - but avoid anything really strenuous for the first week or two... oh and when you do get an urge for a cream cake, grab a peice of thigh and that s normally offputting enough for me! lol!good luck!

I would recommend - exercise;- lots of water;- green tea for a faster metabolism;- hoodia gordonii for less cravings / feeling hungry.

whatever you do dont go on a diet ur stomache will think your starving yourself (wich u kind of are) and turn every little peice of food into fat so go out and excercise and eat healthy try not to go crazy on sugary foods hope this helps

When I diet, I eat a lot of oatmeal for breakfast and low-fat soup for lunch. Both are filling and low in calories. That s what always works for me =)

lost 18 lbs in 4 days

16, M, 185 lbs, relatively no muscles (except for legs). Weight loss tips? -

Let me give a bit more information. I take Grade 11 gym, which is every other school day for an hour and 15 minutes. Im pretty sure that I have hyper-hydrosis (I sweat a bit more than others do). I do hardly any exercise outside of school. I do a lot of eating after school (KD, chips, other foodstuffs). I want to lose weight to help prepare for a school production. Can anybody help me out? It would be greatly appreciated.

Healthy weight loss tips * Take one pound at a time Don��t get overwhelmed by how much weight you need to lose. Try to remember that losing 15 pounds in two weeks is nothing to celebrate. It is important to realize that the more quickly weight is lost, the more likely the loss is coming from water and muscle, not fat. Since muscle tissue is critical in keeping our metabolism elevated, losing it actually leads to a decrease in the amount of calories we can each day without gaining weight. Fat loss is best achieved when weight is lost slowly. Strive for a weight loss of no more than 3-4 pounds per week. One pound of weight is equivalent to 3500 calories. * Set Reachable Goals For instance, if you know you need to get more exercise, begin with a manageable goal of, say, walking 10 minutes a day that you know you can achieve. Then build your self-esteem by achieving the small goals you set yourself. The same logic applies for losing weight. * Stay off the scales Don��t get discouraged when your progress seems to be slow according to your bathroom scales. They do not provide a true measure of what is going on with the body. If exercise levels are adequate (5-7 days a week), you may be putting on muscle but losing fat, thus losing inches even if you are not losing pounds. It s always a good idea to do several body measurements to have a second objective way to monitor progress. * Stay focused on being healthy, not thin # Many people become more successful at long term weight loss when their motive changes from wanting to be thinner to wanting to be healthier. Change your mindset to think about selecting foods that will help your body s health rather than worrying about foods that will affect your body s weight. The Food Pyramid offers a basic outline of the types and amounts of food you should eat each day to give your body the nutrients it needs for optimal health. * Fat Free? We ve known for some time that limiting high fat foods in the diet can be helpful with weight loss. That s because fats pack in 9 calories per gram compared to only 4 calories per gram from proteins or carbohydrates. To many, the message to limit fats implied an endorsement to eat unlimited amounts of fat-free products. Just to clarify, fat-free foods have calories too. In some cases fat-free foods have as many calories as their fat laden counterparts. If you eat more calories than your body uses, you will gain weight. Eating less fat will help you to lose weight. Eating less fat and replacing it with excessive amounts of fat-free products will not. * Drink plenty of water Drink eight glasses a day. Water is a natural appetite-suppressant. Nettle tea is a great weight-loss tea as it supports metabolism and has diuretic properties. * Reward yourself # Each time you reach a goal, such as losing 5 pounds, reward yourself with a gift or a massage. * Seek help if you need it # A big key in long term weight control comes from receiving encouragement and support from others. Find a friend to lose weight with or you can check to see if groups such as Weight Watchers, or eDiets offer programs and resources in your area by clicking the links. You may also wish to check with your local hospital to see if their registered dietician conducts group weight loss programs. * Watch your portions With the advent of supersize meals and increasingly huge portions at restaurants, our concept of normal serving sizes is a distant memory. Be mindful of the amounts of food you consume at a sitting. When necessary, divide your food in half and ask for a take home bag. It is all too easy to be a plate cleaner even when served enormous portions. Learn to pay attention to your hunger level and stop eating when you feel comfortably full, not stuffed. * Eat your food slowly Did you ever notice that thin people take an awfully long time to eat their food? Eating slowly is one method that can help take off pounds. That s because from the time you begin eating it takes the brain 20 minutes to start signaling feelings of fullness. Fast eaters often eat beyond their true level of fullness before the 20 minute signal has had a chance to set in. The amount of calories consumed before you begin to feel full can vary significantly depending on how quickly you eat. So slow down, take smaller bites and enjoy your food.

joey felco diet.........stop eating you fat boy

eat better. veggies, fruits, whole wheat, fish/white meat. Also, don t overeat. Eat what you need at the moment, and stop eating when you re not hungry anymore. Exercise outside of school, like say, if you have class MWF, workout after school Tuesday and Thursday. :D good luck! And good luck with the production!

i think ur fine the way you are

Weight loss tips for yr 10 student? -

im in yr 10, im not overweight but ive put on a few kilos in the last couple of months, what can i do to lose them? please help thanks

Its a simple answer.....and will always be the same. DIET and EXCERCISE are the best way to lose weight.You should use an online calculator to determine the ideal weight for your size and height and your BMI (Body Mass Index) could be perfectly fine.

Since you re young, you shouldn t try making any major changes to your diet. Instead, cut out the junk food and live a more active lifestyle.

I have started this Diet (lifestyle change) in the middle of November at 140lbs, and now at 117lbsA DIET IS WHAT YOU EAT....there for we are all on a diet....THINK LIFESTYLE CHANGEYou got the change the way you think and feel about foodTRY THIS, and stick to it.The first 3-4 weeks are the hardest until your body adjusts to the change.Results will be in about the same timeFruits and VeggiesEat more plants and keep away from stuff that was made in plants.Don t eat anything that comes in a can, box or package.........THEY HAVE ADDITIVES IN THEM THAT MAKE YOU ADDICTED TO THE FOOD.....If man made it, don t eat itNO white BREAD or SUGARNO PIZZA, I am in the pizza business, and it is not good for you, very high in FAT and CaloriesNO FRIED FOOD...Stay away from FAST FOODNO POP, SODA or FIZZY DRINKSWalk your dog, or walk a friends dogDon t think of it as a diet, but think of it as a lifestyle changeI have lost 20.5 pounds in 2 months, drink lots of water. I usually eat a meal of what ever I want once a week....controlled portion....this really works.........Write down every thing you eattake a multivitamin at night

go jogging at nighti am in yr10

I recommend joining or investing some cash in their small pocket sized book. The website is great for keeping track of how many calories you are consuming, but it also has recipes and recommendations on what to eat when trying to loose weight, sustain weight or gain weight. It also tells you how many calories you burn when you do a particular exercise. It s all healthy and it will inform you of what you are putting in your body before it goes in there! By the way - the website is free, and the book costs about $8 and has nearly every possible food listed in it with details of how many calories, fat, sodium, calcium, protein, iron etc. particular foods have. Check out the website! It s really easy to navigate and it is really motivational!