Thursday, February 15, 2007

Any ideas for quick weight loss? -

Does anyone have any good/fast weight loss tips. I want to lose 30 pounds, and as quick as possible. I know it wont be like 2 weeks like some ads say, just quickish, any ideas. what should i eat and drink daily? would it be enough exercise if i ran on a tredmill for an hour each day at 5 mph? please any advice. I would like to reach my goal by mid november for the marince corps ball. please help.... thanks

Do cardio and light weights with alot of reps. Eat right (vegs and fruits), also drink at least 8 glasses of water a day (more would be better). Just keep this up and you will be there.

Very simple, but needs real commitment. Walk one hour each day, alternatively aerobics and/or swimming. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Eat smaller meals, more frequently. Drink lots of water. The combination of diet and excercise will get you there, and perhaps it won t be as quick as you want. Don t know how much you weigh, so tough to say you will lose 30 lbs in a specific period of time.

I knew in both a well-educated and intuitive sense the diet that I needed, wanted, and believed in, but it hadn��t quite jelled in my mind until I saw it in The Fat Resistance Diet (Broadway Books, 2005), by Leo Galland, M.D. As soon as I did I knew it was for me and my family, not just for weight loss, but for life. I am very partial to the work of Dr. Galland, as he is dedicated to the leading edge science of healthy nutrition and holistic healing, and his other books have become bibles in my family. This one will be, too. I began the diet the day after I saw the book, and I am here to herald it far and wide as a disease-fighting diet that can bring vibrant health. Here is why: For more info read the article below.You need to live healthy eat better and excersice. There are no easy ways out.Good LuckPeaceGG

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If there was really such a thing as quick weight loss, everyone would know it and would be applying it by now. What i can advise you to do is go jogging everyday. I dont know how effective tredmills are but i personally prefer going for a jog by the park or something. An hour would be really good. Make sure u re all outta breath before u stop. Going up steps or slopes would be better. It would be nice if u could do some crunches/push ups/squats/etc AFTER your run. Its all in the mind. Diet wise, i really cant advise you but remember to take in lotsa fluid before and after your workouts!

I ve tried just about everything, and you can see amazing results if you:1. Drink lots of water (at least half a gallon a day)2. No sugar, no fruit, no starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn, etc.)3. No flour, no bread, or breading, no fried foods.It s incredible....15 pounds off in 2 weeks WILL see results....chew sugar free gum to help with cravings or late night hunger.If you keep going after 2 weeks you will continue to loose...if you slowly add back fruit, and bread in will loose weight, but not as dramatically.


Health/fitness/weight loss tips? -

I don t know what to do.I m a 16-year old male, about 5 10 ... I weigh 160~165 lb.I m not in shape at all, I feel fat and pretty insecure.What are some healthy foods that I can eat but still lose weight?+Any recommendations for exercises?

Make broccoli, cabbage, spinach and fish the mainstays of your diet. Add whole grain bread as a side at only 1 meal a day. Stay away from all white foods. Drink 8 glasses of cold water a day. Your body burns calories as it heats the water up.

Weight Loss Tips��--Drink more water----Increase your protein intake----Eat Negative calorie food -- --Eat slowly----Cut down the sugar intake-----Do not skip meals----Eat breakfast everyday ----Eat smaller, more frequent meals----Exercise(Aerobics and Strength Training)--Interval Training - great way to boost metabolism----Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products--����----------- Eat foods that speed up metabolism --- (Spices,High protein foods,High fiber foods)--Eat more fiber --Fiber is digested slower, keeps us feeling fuller longer and releases its energy slower which keep our blood sugar levels even and helps us avoid cravings. -- Eat more fruits and vegetables--Increase your protein intake-- Protein increases metabolism. It helps in building muscle tissue. More muscles burn more fat and increases your metabolism. Calories from the protein rich foods are much harder for the body to breakdown and process.Protein is a good appetite suppressant. --------- Spices-Spices boosts metabolism, suppresses appetite, reduce fat absorption and adds taste to your meal. Replace butter or mayonnaise with garlic, chili, mustard, ginger. Saute vegetables and chicken in hot sauce as opposed to oil.--Eat smaller, more frequent meals----Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products----Drink more water--Water helps to lose weight. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat.Most important-----Do not skip meals--��---Negative calorie foods are foods, which use more calories to digest than the calories the foods actually contain. Calories from these foods are much harder for the body to breakdown and process. In other words, the body has to work harder in order to extract calories from these foods. For example, if you eat 200 calories of a food that requires 250 calories to digest, then you ve burnt an additional 50 calories simply by eating that food.��

You could try different types of pasta.You still should avoid those with cheese sauces, and try to mix in some veggies if at all possible.I always try to cut back and eat half of what I would normally eat. I have come to learn that portion control is key.As for exercise, I would start out by walking, then work your way up. If you enjoy sports, the best way to get exercise is to do something you enjoy like playing basketball or tennis.

Lose Weight the Healthy Way? -

i am 16 and i gained a bit of weight in the past 2 months. The main reason is because i have been eating junk and overeating. i began to eat meat too. i gained five- seven pounds and i want to lose that weight so that my clothes will fit better what should i do to lose the weight? Should i jump rope? how can i stop overeating and eating junk? weight loss tips? P.S i want to lose the weight in a healthy way

K cereal worked for me ;I lost like 5 lbs in a week :)So like eat the cereal in the morning and dont eat any fattening foods for lunch or dinner. Lots of fruits and veggies. lol.

Weight loss tips for somebody with an underactive thyroid? -

Apart from the obvious eat healthy and exercise is there anything else I can do?

I also suffer from hypo-thyroidism and find it hard to keep my weight down. I try to limit sugar and carbs and eat veg in prefer to other food. Avoid bloating food like bread and wine.I recommend Mary J Shomon s book The Thyroid Diet , it had a lot of helpful info and tips for weight management as well as for general well-being. Take good care of yourself as you may find you are more prone to other illnesses, as I am. Good luck and feel free to email if you want to chat about how it is affecting you.

I hope Gary M reads this note: don t take Soya milk, because the phytoestrogens in soya depress your thyroid function. Steer clear! I take Lactofree, which is just normal milk (and tastes normal), but the milk sugar is removed by adding an enzyme to digest it. Much better for you and low in fat too. Report Abuse

you can take a iodine supplement and it helps

Drink alot of hot tea!!!! With NO sugar!!!There are so many different natural teas, if you drink 3 - 4 cups per day. Especially in the morning it cleans out your system. Dont purchase processed, look for natural tea leaf...There are some teas that actually can help heal an underactive thyroid.

I also have an U/T, had problems when eating healthily, (night cramps/muscle spasms and anxiety), try a high fibre cereal with chilled soyamilk first and last thing.

Well, go to a endocrinologist. (specializes in thyroid disorders) take the daily recommended prescribed dosage. It s important that you choose an exercise that will reeve up your fat burning, like aerobics. Good luck to you!

Yes, learn about the condition and lab values. Quite often doctors leave hypothyroid patients undermedicated, especially when only a TSH is done. If you are on T4 like Synthroid or Levoxyl, you d want the morning TSH to be around 1.0. If you are on a T4/T3 med like Armour or Thyrolar, you d want the free t4 midrange and the free t3 high in range. If your levels are not where they should be, wegiht loss will be almost impossible.Stay away from soy and fluoride, as they slow down thyroid function.

make sure you are taking thyroxine if necessary. this needs medical prescription and regular blood tests. too much and too little thyroxine are bad. apart from that , diet (try the pause diet on google) and exercise are the only real options.

Maybe there is some medication that can help along with a low-fat diet? I don t know but maybe your doctor can help

if you truly do have an underactive thyroid surely your doctor is giving you thyroxine etc to correct it. This means you don t need a special thyroid diet!

well really you kinda have answered this yourself! drink lots of water, cut out sugary items ect!!

There are no specific tips other than ensuring that your TFTs confirm your levothyroxine dose is optimum. I agree it will be even more difficult to loose weight if you are still biochemically under-active.

I have a hypothyroid and put on loads of weight with my meds and everything. I tried all kinds of things and finally I got put onto a nutritionist guy who has helped to lose 36 pounds in the last five months. He has made sure the products I have used and my diet have been in keeping with my medication and ensured I stay healthy. His advice has been so good and so have the products I have used. He has done it all the way through and tracked my progress and all aspects of my health. Try, you can reach him through this. I didnt think that because of my problem I would be able to lose any weight but I have and he is going to show me how to keep off the weight in a couple of months when I have hit my target weight. the guy is real nice and helpful too. I hope this helps.

Are you taking thyroxine, which should help speed up your metabolism.

Check the following diet tips Diet and Fitness Search Engine��Download Diet Reminder Application it may help to have a diet Quiz to increase your diet Information use Diet Calculator Wishes,Have a Nice Day

Take thyroxine to bring your level to the normal range then eat less and exercise more.

Go for swimming easy and efficient way..and fun too....isn t it?

Need serious advice to lose weight? -

Okay, I have wanted to lose weight for the longest time. But every time I try, I lack motivation and its gets to the point where i have just given up because losing weight seems impossible. I start off everyday saying okay this is the day im going to eat right and workout and by the end of the day i thnk about what i have eaten and feel disgusted with myself. I am currently in the process of making myself a 4 week plan to jumpstart weight loss. I am making a workout calender and knocking certain things out of my diet. Ultimately though I need help. I need some good weight loss tips that have worked for you or maybe a sucess story to get me going. I want to know things like what di i do if i get a really bad craving for something? or what if i miss a workout? also just some basic tips work too. What gets you motivated and how can i motivate myself even at the worst of times? And for people qualified to answer when can i expect results? Thanks for answering everything you can or even just letting me know youll cheer me on!heres my body profile .5 9190 poundsfemale18 years of agemost unsatisfied with cellulite (BUTT AND THINGHSS!!) gained weight always goes to my lower body.also want to be thinner overall.( stomache, back, arms.)anything else you want to know just ask!thank you for everything.

Food:Stay away from white grains like pasta, bread, flour, and rice. When eating grains go for whole wheat, it��s a lot healthier and has fewer calories. When eating meat, always go for lean or extra lean if available. Also stay away from junk food �C of course! But, don��t demonize it, because if you are the type who loves their chocolate bars and you completely cut yourself off, you��ll only want them more. Cut down you junk intake to once a week, and on the day you have that chocolate bar make a mental note to get an extra 15 minutes of exercise that day.Make sure you drink lots of water; it helps your metabolism and hydrates your body (obviously). If you don��t drink enough water your body will think its going to be starved, and will go into ��survival mode�� �C this��ll cause your body to retain all the water you do drink and all the fat it can get because its preparing to be starved. Also, drinking green tea every morning increases your daily metabolism by 17%. You can take vitamin b complex to increase your metabolism as well. Try eating 5 small meals a day to keep your metabolism working, and never skip breakfast! Skipping breakfast will slow your metabolism for the day!When you snack only snack on fruits and veggies �C they��re nutritious and delicious! And low in calories. My doctor recommended eating a slice of cheese with a piece of fruit as a snack so your also getting protein with your fruit. Try to stop eating after 7 pm, and only drink tea, milk, or water after that. This��ll prevent you from going to bed with food in your stomach that won��t be burned while you��re sleeping; it��ll just get turned into fat that you don��t want.Exercise:For exercise, make sure you get AT LEAST 30 minutes a day, but I��d recommend 60 minutes. Do cardio exercise every day as well as strength exercises like push ups and crunches. Combining the two exercises will help to prevent having saggy skin once you��ve lost weight. Swimming can be a good strength exercise if you like going to the pool or lake �C it tones everything at once and its fun! While you��re doing cardio (like jogging or running) make a routine that��ll challenge you but not over work you. Try running for 5 minutes then walking for 5. If that gets too easy try running for 6 walking for 4 etc.Motivation:Think about what really makes you want to lose weight, what really bothers you when you see it and you re like wtf i wanna be like that. For me, I put a picture of the body I ultimately aim for as my screen saver on my computer because I m on my comp every day. Every time i see that picture when I m closing my comp (prob to go get something to eat) I get frustrated and instead of eating i have a big glass of water. It helps me. I also get frustrated when I see people I know that are sooo skinny and I m like wtf. When I m feeling really lazy and unmotivated I think back to when I felt like that and it usually gets me off my butt. I m also someone s fitness bud over texting. I motivate her and we share achievements through the week on exercise we ve gotten or when we ve cheated and had junk we tell each other to run like hell. It seems to help too so try finding someone that can push you and motivate you!Seeing Results:You probably won t see much results until you ve lost a fair amount of weight. This isn t because your not changing, but because your so used to seeing yourself every day so the little changes you don t see. Others will start complimenting you before you notice anything. Some people don t realise they ve lost weight until all of a sudden their pants are saggy or one day when they re walking they notice their inner legs don t rub together anymore. No matter what, don t let yourself get discouraged if you don t see results right away. Remember this isn t something temporary. In order to keep the weight off you have to change your eating habbits and your lifestyle.If you need anymore help let me know.

You should have right info if you want to lose weight. You can use program that I lost 19 pounds in 6 weeks. It works fast and It will work for you too. You can get more info from

Nearly 6 years ago, I started Atkins low carb way of eating to just quit gaining weight. I had to get my out of control appetite under control. I never imagined I could LOSE weight without hunger or exercise, since I ve become disabled. I never bothered weighing or measuring til I d noticed that my clothes got huge quick. When my health improved dramatically also, I knew this was my new way of life and since it s eat all you want (of low carb foods) I know I can do this for life.My personal carb level is low. I am older disabled don t move much (or cook much) but I eat all I want of meats, eggs, cheeses, yogurt, fats, green vegetables, almonds, berries, flax seeds, chia seeds, shirataki noodles and other foods. Someone active would have a MUCH higher carb level can usually include all fruits, beans, whole grain products but not sugar highly refined carbs in unlimited amounts. As long as you have 9grams carbs per hour, you will maintain insulin control shouldn t gain weight, no matter the calories.Overweight obese people have blood sugar insulin dysfunctions and can NEVER eat carbs as someone with a functioning body can. They make the mistake of going back to the way of eating that made them fat and that is not possible and yes they will gain all weight back if they eat what they ate that made them obese originally. Insanity is defined as doing the exact same thing, in the exact same way and expecting different results. Many people can return to moderate carb levels but very few can really eat all they want of sugar maintain weight or health.You can lose more body fat eating protein fat (don t eat protein alone) than not eating AT ALL. To lose weight fast, eat all you want, but nothing but meat, eggs, healthy oils, mayo, butter half an avocado a day (for added potassium). Keep the calories high the fat percentage high, at least 65% of calories. Green vegetables some cheese will continue weight loss but at a slower pace.The first 2 weeks eat several cups a day of (mostly) lettuce celery, cucumbers, radishes, mushrooms, peppers more vegetables thereafter - add 5 grams per day additional every week (20 grams day first 2 weeks, 25grams 3rd week, 30grams 4th week etc) til you gain weight, then subtract 10grams. That will be your personal carb level (everyone is different depends on how active you are.)Start with meat, fats salads for 2 weeks and then slowly add in more green veg, wk4 fresh cheeses, wk5 nuts seeds, wk6 berries, wk7 legumes, wk8 other fruits, wk9 starchy veg, wk10 whole grains. You will learn how your body reacts to different foods. The first week is just water weight but fat is lost thereafter if you keep your calories high enough. Otherwise the body will strip it s own lean tissue for nutrition. Although that may look great on a scale it will make it MUCH easier to accumulate fat in the future (since all that pesky lean tissue burning up calories will be gone). The body won t release fat stores if you lower calories below what it needs. It will slow metabolism to compensate store every spare ounce as fat. If you continue lowering calories, it will continue lowering the set point, til it can survive off nothing store fat on anything. The body will only release it s fat stores if it knows there is plenty of nutritious food.Eating carbs while trying to lose body fat is terribly inefficient. When in glycolysis (burning glucose as fuel) you have to lower your calories (which slows your metabolism) exercise heavily to deplete your glycogen stores before burning body fat.The core of Atkins program is converting the body from glycolysis (burning glucose as fuel) to ketosis (burning fat as fuel). Dietary fat levels need to be at 65% of total calories, if not, the body will still remain in glycolysis by converting 58% of excess protein into glucose (via gluconeogenesis).It takes minimum of 3 days to convert a body to ketosis, (but only one bite to convert back to glycolysis). People feel sluggish the first week but most feel better than ever thereafter.Simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour, bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice) trigger insulin which can store the calories eaten into fat. The more protein the more the fat burning hormone glucagon is released. The more carbohydrate the more the fat storage hormone insulin is released.High insulin levels promote inflammation, weight gain, hunger unbalance other hormones. Controlling insulin levels will balance out other hormones allow human growth hormone (HGH) to be produced naturally so lean muscle will be gained even without exercise. Any exercise will greatly increase muscle mass with high HGH levels.Ground flax seed (2 Tbsp) 1/4 cup water, artificial sweetener, mix in a raw egg - let sit 10 min. to absorb liquid, put some cream cheese in the middle nuke 2 minutes. Suggested for daily fiber needs.

My husband has tried to lose weight for months with no success on his own. I have to say that he joined Weight Watchers online and has dropped 7 pounds in his first 3 weeks. The main thing about it is that you keep track of what you are eating online, and all food has a number of points to it, and you are given a total number of points you can have for the day (plus some bonus points for the week), and you monitor your points as you eat. It REALLY helped him understand how much he was eating and how to make better food choices. He also read package labels and eliminated foods that were high in fat/calories such as mac and cheese, olives, ice cream...yes, there is a fee but he feels it is well worth it. You may be able to access some of the info without paying, not sure though. And of course, a biggie is to just eliminate high fat foods from your diet. For myself, I lost a lot of weight when I eliminated chips, cookies and soda from my diet. Good luck

I would suggest getting or using a treadmill and just walk, you don��t have to run, just move. Make sure you do that every day though, keep going for longer and faster as time goes by. Just do this for a week straight and you will want to do this more. If not a treadmill, Just take walks around, or do stuff that involves moving. You must stop eating all those fattening foods though to actually see improvement. I just go off one simple rule, and that is to only eat low fat foods. There are a lot of low fat foods out there that are amazingly good. Go out to the grocery store and just buy a bunch of foods with low fat. For example, Skim Milk is a must for losing weight. Veggies and Fruits, etc. What gets most people motivated is after a week or couple weeks of seeing improvements, you get motivated to do more since you are actually seeing improvements, it keeps you going. Play your songs loud when exercising. How to get rid of a craving, This works for me, I don��t know about other people. But when I have a craving for pop, I just drink a glass of water and my craving is gone. Keep in mind, when you stop eating all those fattening foods you will have LOTS of cravings. It will be really hard to resist. Just wait it out. be strong. Day 1: 30 Mins of cardio (exercise Bike, Treadmill, any kind of cardio machine, Walking fast, running, etc..)Day 2: 40 Minsof cardioDay 3: 50 Mins of cardioDay 4: 60 Mins of cardioDay 5: RestDay 6: 35 Mins of CardioDay 7: 45 Mins of Cardioif that isn t enough, do 1 hour + cardio workouts, that should get fat burnin. As days progress try to push yourself, do cardio workouts till you sweat, work hard, and don��t give up. Just move those legs! Make sure you push yourself. You will see results in less than a month if you eat healthy and do cardio every day.But most importantly, Put the fat foods down, you will lose weight by just simply having a better diet and doing daily cardio.

Get rid of all temptation. Trust me from expierance if I have to pick between ice cream and an apple, the apple will always win.What worked for me:1 month diet (anybody can do 30 days right)Rice, chicken broth, vegitables and fruits that contain high water content. Almonds (for protien) and Slim Fast. Oh yeah and water. Have as much as the above listed but nothing else. Helps if you get rid of the other stuff. After 30 days your stomach has shrunk and you can now start incorpeating lean meats and full salads. Stay away from sugar for another 30 days. During this time a 4 day a week 1 hour a day excersise regiment should be incorperated. In 6 months you will be looking your best!

Diet tips anyone? -

Does anyone have any good weight loss tips?I only want to loose about a stone, I m already doing little things different now like i walk to college instead of taking the bus and im *trying* to cut down on sugary food ect. What else could i do that doesnt include spending money?Thanks

try some special K cereal in eat it for breakfast and lunch and have any diner you whant im 2 weeks you loose 6 ponds

Everytime you feel like eating something sweet brush your teeth or suck on an extra strong mint.....even if you still wanted something sweet it would taste horrible.

It s very difficult to lost weight in just diet alone, you need to exercise too. Get running. It s the best cardio work out, it s the most effective. Try going out for run early in the morning before work or what ever, and I promise you ll see results very soon.For diet tips, try eating a fruit salad for breakfast. And also carry a bottle of water around with you all the time with a lot of sugar free gum... Chewing a lot of gum while drinkig a lot of water stops you from getting hungry.

dust anybody ....

Without wishing to seem impolite Type weight loss into the search for questions box and you will see the answers to the 20 questions like yours that clutter Answers every day, together with their standard answers.Type in also Answers swamped with weight loss questions!? and you will see what regular contributors thing of this problem.As far as weight loss is concerned I will give my stock answer I am afraid, however it is interesting to see how close this is ( I have been using it for over 2 months), to a recent paper from University of California. They did a meta-analysis of all the work on weight loss over the past few years. ( summary) It showed that 2/3 of people who diet yo-yo to a higher weight, none of the faddy diets of diet pills work and that rapid weight loss doubles heart attack risk!They seemed to suggest the only hope was modest calorie reduction + EXERCISE.This is a news report of the article:��I have to admit I have a stock answer for this question, since if you look it appears 20-30 times every day!!!Type guaranteed weight loss into google, you will find 1 1/2 million sites!Look around you if ANY of these things worked would we be getting so overweight?We are what we eat, but we are at least as much what we don t do. Calorie intakes in 1900 and 1950 were higher than they are now, we just don t use them up!Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg. Drop to about 1,500 calories.Take a healthy amount of exercise 30-40 minutes of vigorous exercise per day 4-5 days a week. I hate to think what percentage of the UK population does that 2%? 5%?I have seen hundreds of questions with this same pattern :- I am fat, tell me where on line I can get this super diet or herbal/dangerous/illegal drug that I hear will fix it for me in 10 minutes without the need for me to get off the couch!No fixes pal , less in more out, its the only way!

your gonna have to exercise honey oh yeah ...cut out crap food..

The most cool one around is GM Diet.No side effects.Its free and loose 7lbs in 1 week ......Try it its worth it and see the testimonials also��

Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the calorie calculator�� This will give you an idea of how many calories to eat. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. To lose 1 pound per week you need to create a calorie deficit (burn more than you eat) of 500 calories per day. To lose 2 pounds a week, you have to double the deficit to 1000 calories per day. You can achieve this by eating less, exercising more or a combination of both.Guide to Dieting -��The 9 Week Straight Diet - http://straightdiet.comHealth, Exercise and Diets -

Am I at a healthy weight? Im 17 years old, 56quot; and 133 pounds.? -

I m not sure whether my weight is good...i m just wondering. If its not, what are some weight loss tips. I have a tendency to eat when I m bored or stressed. Thanks!!��

Your weight is perfect right now! Instead of eating when you re stressed, take a walk or run to get some energy out.

sounds good

youre perrrrfect! however, when youre bored call a friend or go exercise even if u dont feel liek it youll feel great afterwards. find something to do wether it be a flirty text to your crush or bf!

I Need Weight Loss Tips, Tricks and Thinspo!!!! (10 pts)? -

i really need some help because i Really want to lose weight because i ve been getting quite big lately. and im not being melo dramatic like most people are when they post this stuff.i want some tips on how to curb hunger and lose weightany tips and tricks you have are very very welcome to be posted really desperate for some thinspo :)thanks and please don t send me any links, just type out ur advice or copy and paste stuff here :)

Ok if you exercise in the morning or whenever drink a cup of coffee and eat a banana, one of my ex s was all obsessed with working out and eating right and he would do this every morning something about it gives you that extra boost to get through the exercises.___________1. drink water, diet soda, coffee/tea, skim milk anything low/no calorie to basically take up most of the space before you eat.2. use the saucer size plates when you eat, I do this all the time so I don t put too much on my plateor if you really love something eat half of it for lunch and half of it for dinner split the normal amount you would eat in two,some of that idea is about training your stomach to get used to smaller portions at each sitting after you do it for so long you won t miss it3. look at everything you can cut calories with diet soda instead of reg., skim over 2% or whole, equal instead of sugar, 4. compare: i can eat ____ for ____ calories or ____ for ____ calories and be more fullwatch out for little premade snacks that seem all healthy but are full of fat/calories5. don t skip meals if you are a person who is hungry all the time this will just get worse if you skip meals6. usually people dont realize that the average person is supposed to be on this 2000 calorie diet but the average person goes over that every day, which would be fine if we then worked off that many calories alsoa)start looking at calories for an example you grab a soda it says 120 calories but if you look at the serving size (8oz/120 calories) compared to how much is actually in the 24 ounce bottle you have to multiply it by 3 so now it is 360 calories!!b)either start exercising or cut down on food or boththe trick is working off whatever you take in, if you dont do much then dont pig out cuz its gonna stay on youc)you could eat 6 times a day (if you like to eat, some people just feel like they are hungry all the time, this is fine just count your calories then) example: you cut yourself down to 1500 calories (because you are the average person who eats 2000) hahaok so you want to have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snackyou can do it like this: 8am, 10am, noon, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm thats eating every 2 hrs!!then you just divide up you calories you have 1500 calories to work with divide by 6 times you want to eat that is 250 calories at each meal or 3 times just breakfast lunch dinner thats 500 calories each meal 7) also people will tell you just drink water, yes water will fill you but if you are hungry drinking some water isnt going to make up for wanting a big fat juicy burger or something so there is nothing wrong with drinking diet soda, skim milk (yes there are calories but they are low/there is nutritional value in milk so its not empty calories) also teas, coffees, even broth (a container of broth cubes or those lipton envelope soups are really good, low calorie and have some good flavors/depending on whats available at your local store)cuz its something nice and warm in your belly. im not saying that you suddenly wont want a burger but these things have flavor!! and are more satisfying when on a diet than just water all day all the time (although yes you should also drink water, lol)8) look for freebees, foods so low in calories that you can snack on them if you really just needed something so you dont throw yourself at the pizza guy like sugarless gum, celery, carrot sticks, sugarless or check the calories on hard candies, even cough drops (anything with taste that you can stick in your mouth, lol)

Okay, a really good way to lose weight is to go bike riding or get signed up for spin classes. I prefer spin classes, because you are more likely to keep going because you don t want to get embarrassed. That way, you won t stop. Another thing: the grapefruit diet works really well. I would explain it on here, but I don t want to give you any false information. If you want to learn more about the grapefruit diet, I suggest you search it on google. That s where I heard of it, anyway. Hope I could help, and good luck! :)Oh, one more thing, if you want to curb hunger you should drink TONS of water.

1. Drink 16oz (2 cups) of plain water before every meal. Every snack you have drink 16oz (2 cups) of plain water too. 2.Stay away from any white foods. For ex white sugar, white flour, etc.3. Start every meal or snack with raw fruits and vegetables. (After the water of course)If you still can t curb you appetite increase the plain water by one cup.You may go to the restroom a lot, but water is a great miracle that too many people take for granted.Best Wishes

3 Tips To Speed Up Weight LossTip #1) Walk As Much As You CanWhen you are trying to lose weight, you will find that the fastest and easiest way is to walk. You should do this as much as you can handle so that you are getting some movement throughout your day. This can be as simple as getting up to turn on the TV or change the channels instead of using the remote, now I know that sounds ridiculous, but lets be honest you basically need to move, this helps your body to perform better, resulting in better health all the way around.Tip #2) Be PositiveThis may seem silly, but it really will help you to lose weight. If you have a positive attitude though your day, you will be more likely to get the weight lose that you are looking for. You may think that you are being dingy but trust me it really does help you.Tip #3) Eat Your BreakfastWhen you start your diet, you should make sure that you are eating your breakfast. When your body feels like it s getting the right amount of foods in it, it will let more weight go off of your body.Starving your body makes it harder to lose weight instead of easier. This may sound like a contradiction in terms, but it s the way that your body works on a normal basis. Take the time to get a breakfast bar or have a bowl of cereal before you go to work and you will feel so much better.

anyway many such programs and diet plans go overboard in their attempt to make people lose fat rapidly. Fad diets or starvation diets are a definite no-no. There are so many harmful effects of starving yourself and not eating properly. And many times, you would not lose body fat with such fad diets, instead you will lose water weight. Similarly , low carb diets, low protein diets etc. that make you eat only a certain kind of food and not others are also not a very good method of weight loss.The fastest way to weight loss is by taking weight loss pills and supplements. Our own metabolism system play a vital part in controlling the amount of body fat burned in the process of providing energy to the body. Knowledge about our own metabolism function is the mother to all weight loss programs. With the knowledge you not only reduce your weight but able to maintain an ideal weight and living a healthy life. Best of all you can eat what you most enjoyed without gaining any weight. Previously everyone tease me because of my egg-shape bodyFinally in 2007 a friend introduce me a new concept of weight loss program that change my life since if you REALLY WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT AND FAT then you should remember and do this:Workout (EVERYDAY RUN or FAST WALK) + L-Carnitine + TAKE LESS CALORIES + LIPO-6 = 100% SUCCESS1) if you dint have then buy scales!!! that is the first thing to do!!2) workout or/and run every 2 days for at least ~40 minutes or/and walk every day at least 5 km!3) L-Carnitine!!!L-Carnitine is a nutrient that helps the body turn fat into energy. It is produced by the body in the liver and kidneys and stored in the skeletal muscles, heart, brain, and sperm. Usually, the body can make all the carnitine it needs. Some people, however, may be deficient in carnitine because their bodies cannot make enough carnitine or transport it into tissues so it can be used. Some other conditions, such as angina or intermittent claudication, can also cause insufficient carnitine in the body, as can some medications.L-Carnitine is made in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine. It increases the use of fat as an energy source by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are ��burned�� to release energy for body functions. It is available in several different forms including propionyl-L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine. Propionyl-L-carnitine, through its enhancement of metabolism has been proven to prevent ischemia-induced heart dysfunction, and acetyl-L-carnitine has been suggested to delay the progression of Alzheimer��s disease. L-carnitine is found naturally in avocados, breast milk, dairy products, red meats (namely lamb and beef), and tempeh (fermented soybean product). L-carnitine should be taken one hour before you will exercise! (Also you can take L-carnitine with meals or 1 to 1-1/2 hours after meals!) L-Carnitine boosts energy by stimulating the body s burning of tryglycerides as fuel, and sparing the supply of glycogen stored in the liver for heavier exertion. During exercise, the body will burn fat at a rate of 75-80% of maximum exertion, thus less glycogen from carbohydrates is burned. L-carnitine allows the body to burn more fat, save more glycogen, and ultimately boost stamina and endurance. By providing more fat to the muscles, carnitine makes accessible an otherwise unavailable energy source. FAT + OXYGEN + L-CARNITINE = ENERGY 5) you MUST change your diet!! start to use products with less fat, less carbohydrates! start count your calories! do not eat more than ~1500 per day and if you feel that you can reduce this number then do it! because if you will use L-Carnitine - you will get calories from your body fat too!! so better is to eat 2kg fruits then 1 cheeseburger...and drink more and more water!! REMEMBER - NO rice, NO pasta, NO pork, NO mayonnaise, NO sweets, NO candies, NO alcohol!!!!!MORE fruits, vegetables!!!AND DO NOT EAT AFTER ~8:00PM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6) also you should use some fat-burner! I had tried many of them but only one worked for me as fast as I wanted to! it was Lipo-6! I lost ~80 pounds in 3 months! No starvation!! only Workout (EVERYDAY RUN or FAST WALK) + L-Carnitine + TAKE LESS CALORIES + LIPO-6 = 100% SUCCESSI do not know if any store carry Lipo-6 but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here��It worked for me and my wife! and this method is working for my friends too!!just try it and I guarantee you 100% that you will lose wight!!!good luck!!!

Weight-loss tips for 15 year old girl? -

I am about 130 pounds and would like to lose 10 pounds safely and look awesome in a bikini.. any ideas to do this easily?

Suggestion. Eat frozen banana for brekkie. Snack on fruit. Walk at least 3 miles a day and let out all your energy by dancing like a mad woman around your room.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx