Friday, February 13, 2009

Im 17 and weigh to lose weight? -

Im 6 ft weigh 75kg, and would really love any advice that can be given to help me lose weight. I have had a foot injury for the last month or so. So this elimantes running or any really intense cardio that I can think of. Any tips would be very much appreciated!!! Please Thank-You!!

watch your diet

Excess weight or obesity is by far the number one health concern in this country. Sixty percent of Americans are either overweight or obese, including over 20 percent of teenagers. All are at risk for serious physical and emotional health problems.Go to: task=view id=81 Itemid=62

I found this on this website. There are more tips and info. Trying to be healthy? can help you. Go to: lucky!

How to lose weight fast ? -

Im not fat but i do have a bump on my stomach and the tops of my legs are kind of big.I was just wondering if there was a quick way of getting rid of these. I know dieting and exercising but i don t wan to lose to much weight as im not that much other the weight im meant to be and i do kick-boxing and football so i don t want to faint whist doing them.So any ideas ?

If you know right diet info you can lose weight. I did the method at this site and I lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks. It is very fast to lose weight. You can find my diet method that lost me 21 pounds in 40 days at link below.

How to lose weight in 10 days....? -

i have a major event coming up on dec 8th and i need to lose as much weight as i can, please people help me, am willing to try anything and everything...

Loose weight or loose size? I am guessing that you want your physical appearance to change more than your actual weight. For a quick, short-term change you could start with cutting back on your sodium intake. I know many people who swell when they drink too many sodas or eat too much salty food. When they force themselves to cut the soft drinks and salty foods (such as pickles and those convenient peanutbutter crackers and chips you can get from snack machines) out of their diets, the swelling goes down. And their weight drops a little. Just remember, you do need some sodium in your diet. So don t go overboard and only buy foods that don t contain it. Choosing water when you are thirsty will also cut back on the number of calories that you consume durring the day, which will in turn lead to healthy weight loss. ... Don t go overboard on this either though. Too much water can be dangerous, even fatal. 10 days should also be enough time to loose weight through a healthier diet and more exercise. Try getting more fruits and vegetables in your diet and cutting back on the higher calorie items. ... Have you ever considered seeing what it is like to be a vegetarian? There are also some cleansing liquid diets out there that can lead to rapid weight loss and are quite safe when done properly. However, make sure that you know what cleanse really means. If you decide to go this rout, you may spend a lot of time in the bathroom for the first couple of days. This wouldn t be convenient if you have a job, school, or other important duties that need to be taken care of on a daily basis. Sources:Watching what people I know have gone through to become healthier or loose weight. I have also personally experienced rapid weight loss through extreme diet and exercise changes - 9 pounds in 4 days from eating only homemade soup (unsalted vegetables and chicken breast simmered in a mixture of tomato sauce and water), drinking only water + 1 glass of milk per day, and doing cardio exercise videos 4 times a day. ... Going until my body said it was time to quit instead of until the video said time was up. ... I think this diet was a little too extreme. I have also gone through a period of loosing a steady 1 pound per day through eating whatever I had a craving for at breakfast, having a healthy, sensible lunch (such as a salad and a small bean burrito), and allowing myself only fresh negative calorie fruits and vegetables within 6 hours of bedtime. Within that 6 hours before bed time, I only drank water. Earlier in the day, I allowed myself water, 1 cup of fruit juice, and 1 cup of milk. ________Through all of the answers that you recieve, I hope that you can find a plan that works for you :) And remember that long-term weight loss can t happen too fast. If you want to continue getting in better shape, the best way will be through finding a healthy diet and suitable exercise.

michelle,i like your report about losing weight.i need to loose about 20 pounds,because some of my clothes barely fit me anymore.i need to lose weight!help me! Report Abuse

see a doctor or trainer at a gym to get a personalized diet and exercise plan customized to meet your goals.

How to lose weight? -

How do I lose weight in 2 weeks. It doesn t matter how much I lose, I just want to lose some.Can someone actually give me a diet to follow? Thank You!!

Eating healthier, exercise and at least 7-8hours of a sleep a night. And drink a lot of water!Morning, go for a walk/run 15-60minutes, depending on how long you can go for. Get home, have a bowl of oatmeal, and an orange. Have milk/juice to drink.Snack, munch on some nuts and juice as a beverage.Lunch, pasta salad with light mayo, fruit salad, and water as beverage. Snack, munch on an apple.Go to the gym/workout at home for a good 45-60minutes. Get that heart beating!Dinner, chicken breast with some vegetables on the side. (potatos, snow peas, anything!) Honey Mustard Chicken, easy to make and taste GREAT!.1 piece chicken breast, put in a pot/pan, heat until inside is cooked, add some salt and pepper to taste, then add any type of mustard in, and some honey. (The sauce is amazing!)Snack before bed, low sugared granola bar with a small fruit and a nice glass of milk.Eggs, nuts, and, tofu are great to replace meat/poultry. You can find a lot of recipes online for low-fat diets. Goodluck!

Have at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits,2 servings of dairy.Eat protein grilled or baked,drink at least 6 8oz glasses of water,weigh your food,eat the serving size. Eat healthy oil,and exercise,it is healthy to lose about 2 lbs. a week.

the only real way to lose weight (and this is a scientific fact) is to eat less than the amount of calories in a day than you are going to use in that day. Never go below a 1,000 calorie diet though.

wellsZ dersZ a lot Of thingsZ u can do lyk3 .....?b in a diet? go 2 da gym? go n walk/run?danc3?dnt 3at 2 much fast fo0dsZ? go swiMMiN? drInk a Lot Of WAter? D0 Stuff Tht Wld Mak3 u Sw3aTN thtsZ aboutSz CoversZ It

You have to change your diet forever in order for it to work. I suggest cutting down on processed foods and eating healthy, exercising for 2+ hours a day and keeping focused.

diets. dont. WORK. its a lifestyle change . i hate how that sounds but its true. this? that is true success.

Be sure to eat 3 healthy meals a day but dont eat any snacks such as crackers,chips,candies...etc exercise at least 30 minutes a day ~!

you can try those diets like the 2000 calorie a day diet but it is just a thought

Eat only fresh fruits and veggies with a small amount of protein like chicken or pork! Lots of water walk walk walk!!!!

There are a lot of ways... but it ain t healthy.

Insulin Resistance, PCOS-How to lose weight? -

I am on Januvia for my Insulin resistance and on birth control for my PCOS.I have been exercising regularly and dieting, but still am not losing any weight.What kind of diet should I be on to lose weight, or does anyone have any suggestions?

Try the Little Jack workout....�� it works great

this looks pretty interesting

when you have hormonal inbalances is hard to lose weight. In order for you to lose weight is a little hard it but not impossible.With my patients I had to check hormonal in a lab in order for me to get somethin permanent. I will never do it any diferent because, we can start loosing weight it may cause another symptom in your body. The saiva test ASI

Metformin might help with both conditions, plus it can help some people lose weight.

I haven t found the answer to my problem as yet because I have a lot of complications preventing the #1 thing which is exercise. Congratulations for your efforts and may I suggest you talk to a dietitian? You may have to see more than one before you find one who is actually able to communicate as a lot of the ones I have met have a tendency to be on the know-it-all or even arrogant side, but I think it would be worth a shot.

How to lose weight or looked more tone? -

on my thighs/legs and my butt?im not too concerned about my stomach, but if you have any exercises for my stomach to have muscle then feel free to answer that too.thanks!:)

here s what works for me: lots of lean protein with some olive oil, fruit, veggies, oatmeal, and walking. good luck, you can do it! :)

How to lose weight fast? -

I have been trying to lose weight for the past few months but I haven t had much success. I think I have lost a total of 3 pounds. I am trying to get down to around the 140 area. At the moment I am 245. I have been trying to eat good and my friend and I go walking sometimes. But lately I just can t get myself going. I was wondering if someone could give me some tips and some good eating habits. I just don t feel good about myself and don t want to be around people because of my weight. Please help. I am hoping to lose enough weight by next summer where I can get back into a I really appreciate everyone who reponds. Please, if your going to say something rude or inappropriate, please don t respond.

Do things that are fun for you.If you like to swim, go swimming for a while, that burns lots of calories.Umm, go walking at least once a day....If you are hungry eat a vegtable you like, that will fill you up.But the main thing is to find something that you enjoy doing that gets you Moving.Maybe you like to dance, thats a good one too.

I am losing about 3 lb a week using info I found on Try it! It is free.

You need to get a motivation checklist to lose your weight, then you need a lot of tips on how. Get them here:

this is what i do and i lose at least ten pounds a week.if you get hungry, drink at least a liter of water *yes i said a liter of water* and wait 20 minutes. if youre stomache is still growling then its okay to eat food. what i suggest is that you lay of fast foods and ALL kinds of soda. even diet sodas. they dont help. but water drains a lot of fat and its good for you and your heart. ever wonder why dogs are so healthy? its because they dont drink soda. they drink tons of water and (most of the time) they are outside in the sun and they sweat a lot. and they are always running.good luck!

Millions have tried before you and most of them have failed miserably at reaching their weight loss and diet goals.Many people just go and hope on a diet or weight loss program without knowing exactly where they are from the start.Without knowing where you started, you won t be able to accurately gauge your progress. Not being able too see that progress put you at an extremely high risk. A holistic expert explains the key to keeping the pounds off permanently Without affecting your health.Read some Experts selected Articals for useful information.Checkout this link.

To successfully lose weight, you must carry outa plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise.Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionallybalanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity. I found useful informations at

I m going to tell you what has really worked for me and my family. I ve been following the Weight Watcher s Points plan for the last couple of years. I started last spring and by summer I was down about 20 pounds. I started back on the plan about 2 months ago to prepare for my upcoming wedding and I m down another 15. My niece lost 120 lbs. in less than a year. Yes, 120 lbs!! Her father is currently on the plan and has lost 35 lbs. in the last 7 weeks! I ve never been to a Weight Watcher meeting, I just went into a location and bought the points books. You will have to ask them how many points you are allowed each day which is determined by your weight now and some other factors. It really is worth it to look into this program! I am a person who loves to eat and on this program I could have whatever I want as long as I didn t go over my points. That s the only kind of diet I can stick where you are not just eating chicken all day! Not to mention the points values on foods force you to make better choices. It s now a lifestyle for me. I know I will never put that 35 lbs. back on!*My niece had a website to track her weight loss. There are pictures. Check it out of you want to see:

If you want to lose weight fast no carb is the answer cut out all breads and anything with carbs for two weeks you are going to feel like you want to eat a million loaves of bread after 3 days!!! its crazy but just stick to it for 2 weeks if your strict 10 pounds lost in two weeks is usual, that will give you the motivation to keep dieting now after the two weeks change it to no carbs for breakfast and lunch and then low carb for mostly just consume meat for the next two weeks peanuts are a good snack on low carb they fill you up and they are a good carb.....i constantly yo-yo from 150 to 170 from starving and then eating and then i started this and im at a healthy 160 im 5 9 so.....I hope this helps you out.

Hi Babie, I feel for you, I went through the same thing myself and know 1st hand how hard it is. After a very difficult time a few years ago (at age 35) I found myself tipping the scales at well over 200 lbs due to finding comfort in food that I didn t know how to look for anywhere else. I lost 70 lbs in a year by making a personal commitment to God. (Honestly!) I would not put a bite into my mouth without thanking Him for it and I found it very convicting to thank Him for Krispy Kremes or anything that comes from a drive-thru window. I simply cut out all unnatural carbs, fatty meats and I cut out all forms of sugar completely + MADE myself move in some fashion for at least 20 minutes, at least every-other day. The weight melted away steadily over the next year and I have never felt better! Also I do not eat after 9pm because nighttime, when I am alone with my own thoughts seems to be the roughest times for munching. I tried many, MANY diets before to no avail. It truly was the power of prayer that got me through. I highly recommend setting smaller more attainable goals with time lines to set yourself up for VICTORY. For example, 10 pounds in the next 30 days and once you reach that one, go for another. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Please feel free to contact me for tips and encouragement. I would love to hear from you and cheer you on! =0 I hope you will bless and be blessed today.

Exercise speeds up the process of weight loss. Yoga, aerobics, pilates, kickboxing are some of the more popular exercises. But the best exercises that stimulate weight loss and provide maximum benefits are cardio exercises. Any cardiovascular exercise should be done for at least 20 minutes and at most 60 minutes to reach the ideal target heart rate. Check your heart rate when you exercise and find out if it is closer to your ideal target heart rate. If it is not, change your speed or resistance to let you reach your ideal rate faster. This will give you the most benefits and the best cardio experience.

If you want to loose a hundred pounds you might look into gastric bypass or banding. You could qualify to have your insurance pay for it. Do something now while you are so young, dont waste time. Go to a doctor and see what your options are for weight loss, you will be so glad you did and it will make you feel better about yourself knowing that you are taking the first steps in loosing weight. Good luck!

sry fatty u cant u eat too much

How to lose weight in the *** ?? like loads of weight and dont gain muscle cause dats wat seems to happen? -

i keep gaining weight and fat in the *** but ive a perfect body , me chest is toned ect, wat do i do

do lunges!!u can safly loose 2 to 3 lbs a week like i did. it took me 9 months to lose 90 lbs. everyday is filled the choices..keep making the right ones and ur weight will fly off. jus breathing and relaxing u burn somthing like 1400 so jus make sure that ur burning more then ur consuming. u can check out youtube for free vidioes too. i do hip hop abs with shaun t and super abs with billy blanks! i am now learning to belly dance..all cuz of the free vidoes there. i look so good i git hit on by guys 1/2 my age!what else helped me was when i put up a calender and i marked off what i did on each day and i felt better with th most days marked, and it was in my livingroom right where i see it all the time! good out everyday..alteast cardio. and push urself harder. i too was at a plautue then i relized i was doing light weights..when i wanted to have my muscle burn my fat!another tip is to git like 3 lunch bags (the cooler type) and make up all the food that u will eat for the day and put it in 1, making 3 bags at a time will help on days when u dont feel like the hassle u can grab one and go. it works for me, i fill mine with 100 calorie pack of chips, gum, fruit and a few powers to add to my drinks. i freeze 3 water bottle and not only can i drink them but they keep my food cold!and what is ur calorie intake? are u maxing out everyday? i found for me that staying under 1000 worked better for me! join that is an awsome site. u can download a diet plan and a workout plan. plus there is tons of info and tips!

To lose weight, you simply need to burn more calories than you take in. Figure out about how many calories you need every day, and eat about 500 less every day. A pound of fat is 3500 calories, so you ll lose a pound a week. Working out will also help you to burn more than you take in.There is no way to lose weight from particular areas. All you can do is burn more calories than you take in, and your body will decide what fat you will burn off.

How about changing your diet.1. No soda2. No caffiene3. No Diet Soda or Sugar Free stuff.. ( your body gets all confused)4. Eat a good breakfast, lil snack, lunch, light dinner5. No heavy meals past 6PM you don t want a lot of food in your belly when you re sleeping.6. No TV Get outside and PLAY7. Play a sport and feel challenged8. Try it workd i tried it.