Friday, April 10, 2009

How to lose weight fast?before summer? -

how do u lost weight fast but fun and kinda easy besides running like what are some tips im 12 and weigh 150 im fat! 43inches around my belly! please i really need help

I hate to say it, but nothing works besides old fashioned exercise and eating right.Eat 5 small meals a day, be conscious of food labels. Don t eat a lot of processed foods. Replace chips or pretzels or any other snacky foods with fruit and vegetables and yogurt. SKIP the soda. Eat breakfast. Fill your plate with foods that contain fiber. It makes you feel full longer and cleans out your system.Exercise everyday, even if it s just for a little. Do cardio workouts like running, jogging, or biking. Supplement that with toning exercises like crunches, push-ups, and weight training.Whatever you do, be safe. Good luck.

It is possible to lose weight quickly but you should be realistic and accept that if you lose weight rapidly then you will probably put it all back on again just as rapidly. The one diet that really showed results for me was wu-yi tea, it can be viewed in the resource box below, they have a small number of free trials remaining, it has been highlighted in Reader s Digest and CNN. I worked off thrity pounds, it really does produce success!

Jump roping is really really good, it works every part of your body, and it burns a lot of fat. Did you know, that 10 minutes of jump roping=30 minutes of jogging? Also, hoola hooping will help tone the waist area. Take as much part as you can in your gym class at school, it will help in the weight loss process. Also, eat healthier. Hope I Helped!

Don t lose heart. You can lose weight. Here is a web site that I think will be helpful, . I hope this helps you out!

How to lose weight ? (20 characters)? -

Ok, I have fat on my theighs and Im curvy and I need to lose weight.I wait to become more curvyer

High Fiber multigrain breads are better than white breads. Remember how I told you to increase the fiber content in your food; well this is the answer to that. It is not only better in terms of the fiber content but also in terms of the protein content as well.

Don t eat anything like candy, rice, stuff like that after 6:00. I hope it helps.

Hi,After reading your question I saw you were interested in optimizing your nutrition [(-:] so I thought I would give you some pointers I have learned the hard way from my own bad uninformed choices so you could learn about good advice and bad advice. A ��reference�� diet plan is given below in PS1 that I had found to be the best possible nutrition for me to cure my heart disease problem from too many carbs for too long, but that diet was before my present health issues - that I know are cholesterol and calcium related because these foods are triggers for me now.I used to be an old advocate of Atkins diet before I knew what I now know, so nowadays I do not recommend Atkins high protein and fat diet for long term but would always recommend a high- nutrition VEGAN diet replacing the meat with lentils - but many people will not do this. Sooo even though I give a meat diet plan in PS1 below, let me share a little more to help you understand not only how to lose weight - but how to be stronger and healthier for the long term.You may already know this but if not let me first explain that keeping to a plan that fights against bad habits that might be on the verge of seriously tearing down your body is sometimes pretty tough - but being fit and strong versus being overweight and/or sickly is all about (1) how many calories you eat versus how many you burn and (2) IF your calories are primarily the BEST QUALITY PROTEINS or primarily junk sugar-carbs.Please consider that it is not just how few cabs and fats and how much lean protein you eat in order to become stronger, but how many absorbable non-toxic vitamin and minerals are obtained from the protein or fats you would eat.For instance, egg whites have 89% protein, but egg whites are similar in its nutrition per calorie as to eating sweet corn that usually has only about 15% protein. So even though the higher protein egg whites ��look�� good IF ALL you look at is the protein content, it is really not much better for you than sweet corn. Not good if you understand that they identified the pellagra problem in the 1930��s south was from a diet of primarily sweet corn. [See: ]The same is true of tenderloin versus spinach. Boiled spinach has about 56% protein to beef tenderloin��s 61% protein, but spinach has almost 700%, or seven times, the vitamin and minerals of tenderloin calorie per calorie. The problem with spinach is that the spinach calories would cost about ten times the cost of beef calories. Spending $50 per day to eat several pounds of spinach may make any animal as strong as a triple crown race horse, but few people can afford to spend that much for their food - so meat protein is what people typically purchase. Even so many longevity experts are encouraging that people would start to eat 200 calories of leafy greens a day.Take a few minutes to understand ��good�� nutritional advice versus poor advice and I hope you will have learned something from my ��mistakes�� that will soon help you along your way. My best to you and for your good health,A1[(-:]PS1 �C This was my diet plan before I became a 99.9% VEGAN:Your body s fat with no water in it has 9 calories per gram which is about 4091 calories per pound of fat. The number usually used is 3500 calories which ��assumes�� 14.4% water in an average person��s fat, but this would depend upon if you ate salty or spicy foods a-lot before you would start a new regimen. If it were me I would choose 2 pounds a week for two months rather than a pound a week for four months and start at reducing 500 calories a day and adding 30 minutes of exercise five times a week. - but that is me. You will lose a lot of water weight at first when you eliminate salt and spicy foods, probably about four to five to ten pounds a week for one to two weeks.IF I were you and I had to have ��meat�� I would eat home boiled skinless chicken or crock potted beef heart or round steak and also lentils and also spinach together as a meal to improve nutrition, absorption, and the foods passage through your gut to the stool. About 1200 calories a day total which consist of 100 to 200 calories of squeeze drained spinach with a light sugar_vinaigrette, 600 calories from 15 ounces of lentils, and less than 100 calories of tomato marinara sauce, and no_more_than 400 calories of ��meat�� which is about 8 ounces, especially when chicken has only ~68% the nutrition per calorie of properly grown lentils. Spinach has ~500%, five times, the nutrition per calorie of lentils and both together are also necessary for me to buffer my digestion/elimination. I never eat meat alone since it used to cause reddish stools for me.

A lot of the answers you will see here will tell you to take some sort of supplement. Don t take diet pills. They are unnatural and dangerous. It is not the lack of pills that got you heavy; that is not the fix you need. It was (most likely) improper diet and lifestyle that got you the extra weight. That is the fix you need.The best way to lose weight is through the principles of balance and moderation. You need to eat good food and eat enough of it.Shoot to lose 1-3 pounds per week. No more. Don t go hungry, just keep yourself filled with good, natural foods.Don t worry about calories. Caloric science is flawed for several reasons. 1) it assumes 100% absorption, but we all absorb and excrete different amounts; 2) It assumes all calories are processed the same, but calories from natural sources are burned more slowly and evenly than from refined sources; 3) It assumes that the amount of energy released by combustion (burning) in a lab is the same amount of energy released when the food is broken down enzymatically in the gut; 4) It assumes that the same exercise done by different people will burn the same amount of exercise, but different exercises will be harder or easier for different people; 5) Correlation does not prove causation. People who are heavier eat more calories: did the calories make them heavy, or did being heavy make them need more calories? Maybe they are both symptoms of a deeper problem. 6) people in China consume 25-40% more calories; even the sedentary office workers have more calories and less obesity than we.Asian cultures have long ago figured out how we should be eating, Ever since we have looked to science to tell us how to eat we have seen more obesity and diet-related disease. If we eat like the Asians, we will look like the Asians. This doesn t mean you have to eat Asian food, just adhere to the principles that are common to the different cultures and cuisines.You should eat mostly vegetables, mostly cooked (cold and raw foods slow your metabolism because they need to be cooked in your stomach) and a wide variety, mostly fresh and in-season and local, simple grains (more rice, less bread), some fruit, a little meat, no dairy (it s for infants and grows tissue), and no artificial foods.Avoid artificial foods, including sugar substitutes. Don t worry about calories, fat, protein, carbs, nor any one component of food.There are several books that explain this strategy of eating. The Asian Diet: simple secrets for eating right, losing weight, and being well by Bussell explains the diet and its rationale. The Asian Diet: get slim and stay slim the Asian way by Tran has recipes that adhere to the principles. The China Study by Campbell has the science behind the recommendation.Get some exercise every day, but not too much and not always the same exercise. Start slow and work your way up. Calisthenics are great, as is Tai Chi. Walking and swimming are also great. All other exercises should be in a wide rotation.Follow the principles of balance and moderation and you ll be fine. Most diets in America are not balanced nor moderate.Source(s):http://www.theasiandiet.com

Exercise more often and drink a lot of water. Don t forget to cut back on the junk food.


50 to 55% of your diet should be carbohydrates. It is a myth that you should try and avoid carbohydrates when you are on a diet. Rather the other way round I should say. Carbohydrates are a ready source of energy and so 50 to 55% of your diet should be carbohydrates.

Reduce your intake of pork. Pork is not something that can help you to lose weight. So the lesser pork you eat the better chances you have of losing weight. And remember that pork includes the pork products as well, things like bacon, ham and sausages.

How to lose weight fast? -

i wanna know of a good diet to lose weight fast?? i don t want tablets, just a easy to stick by diet.

I know it sounds cliche and annoying, but:Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, lots of water, making sure you have some lean low-fat protein (fish, chicken without skin, nuts) and a lot of exercise.The best possible exercises are running/jogging, brisk walking, getting stretches in, and pilates. Green tea and spices are great for boosting the metabolism - the rate at which the body burns calories. Speaking of which, calorie counting is not going to help. All it does is actually slow the metabolism. Not good, when you want a fast one.Also, great for not wanting the pills - the sad truth is that they do not work. Lastly, if you re under 16 years old it is a very bad thing to diet, because you could still be growing a bit and dieting stunts the growth.

First if you already haven t, switch to diet soda. That made me lose at least 10 pounds in the first month because i drank so many! Diet Dr. Pepper is my favorite, that s the only one i found that doesn t taste diety. But water would be a better choose. Then i eat lean cuisine meals. Around 3 a day and i give myself set times to eat. Just because i found that i eat out of boredom, not hunger. So you don t really have to that. They aren t that expensive, at my walmart they are 2 for 4$. For snacks i eat those 100 calorie packs, pickles, almonds, dried fruit, cereal bars...i mean the list goes on. There is tons of food/snack food that are low fat/calories you just have to look a little bit harder. Ive just now started walking on the treadmill too, usually about 1 or 2 miles a day. That s all for work outs, haha. I limit myself to 1000 calories a day. So far i tend to lose round 5 LBs a week.

Do you eat junk food? Soft drinks (soda pop)? Or eat out at restaurants?If so, you can start by cutting these things out entirely. Cook for yourself at home using fresh ingredients like fruit and vege, meats, whole grains and dairy. And stay active. Even a 30 minute walk around the block is ok.

How to lose weight?????? -

Hi. I m 13 year old girl who is 168.8lbs, and i m trying to lose weight down to 102.4lbs before summer. If you know any websites that don t involve pills, buying a product off the internet, (because my mom doesn t want any off those things). Then can you please help me. I want to look good down at the beach. So boys can ask me out and stuff like that.

Well, it depends on your height.. but if you want to lose weight then the goal is to EAT healthy and to EXERCISE.You want to have a goal, and your goal is to lose weight before the summer. SO, first things first. Cut down on the sweets and pick up the vegetables. A lot of sugars can cause you to gain weight because they store it as fat. Meaning cookies and cake. If you take out soda of your diet and drink a bunch of water since water has 0 calories you can see smaller results already. Also the average daily food consumption of calories are 2,000 calories. So you want to eat only up to 2000 calories and if you want faster results you eat less than 2,000 calories. Cookies and cake can contain up to over 300 calories for only about two of them so you get what I m saying?Next is exercise. You want to BURN the calories you ate. Cardio is the best. Meaning walking, running, biking, dancing, etc. Do about 3-5 times a week for about 30min-60min. If you combine the two you can lose weight very healthily per week. The healthy range to lose weight per week is about 2-3lbs. Soon you ll see good results. :D Good luck!

Hello anonymousFirst step is to eat healthier food. Eating healthy, balanced meals is the first goal we must strive for. Pay attention to what you re eating to make sure it s not filled with additives. Include lots of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Stay away from too many sugars and sweets, and drink plenty of water.Exercise is the second key ingredient if you need help to lose weight. Aerobic exercise is something you should fit into your schedule a 2 or 3 times per week. Keep your heart rate up for 30 minutes - 3 times per week to start. Increase the length and intensity of your exercise, as you feel more comfortable and energized. Some light weight training and resistance exercises a couple times a week can be very beneficial also.

Beauty comes from within. You shouldn t judge yourself from your weight. Are you tall? Your weight may be perfect for your height.If you really want to lose weight, I think you should just go outside and take a nice jog, take a dog for a walk, bike around the neighborhood. You ll feel great, and you may gain confidence. Confidence is all you need. Never let your weight get you down. Focus on your cute smile, talents, and your kind heart. You ll go so much fartherGood luck.xoxoSimplyKawaii

hun, lets be realistic. You want to lose 66.4lbs by summer. You have like 22 weeks and it will be mid june. That s 3lbs a week. You ll have to monitor everything you eat and exercises daily. That requires a ton of self control and discipline. I think you should aim for a more reasonable goal, but if you can do this: the more power to you: Good luck :)

why do you need a website? just work out!!!! pay attention to what you eat. stay away from vending machines, meaning STOP drinking juices and sodas, those have a VERY BIGGGGG affect on weight. i mean there s nothing wrong with drinking those here and there, but don t make it a habit. try going to the park and just jog, run or walk.

ok im 12 im going to turn 13 soon and i weigh like 84 pounds i know weird right anyway im short and that s why i weigh so little i think im fat so like at home everyday do some exercises at home like crunches push ups lift weighs and then try to eat healthier like eat some veggies and every once in a while, eat like some chips or whatever...

How tall are you?Don t do it by restricting the basic 4 food groups from your diet because you are still growing it will stunt your growth. Exercise a lot, eat mostly fruit and vegetables. And get different parents.

Eat less and exercise more. can REALLY help you get started with a weight loss plan :)

How to lose weight the fast way?? -

does ne1 kno the fastest and quickest way to lose weight??which tablets or pills are the best

If you want to reduce your weight, you need to do a lot of exercise to accelerate your metabolism. It s better if you do cardiovascular exercise, because this kind of exercise helps you burn fat...You should begin with a good eating plan, combining fats and sweets with fruits and vegetables. It will be better if you drink at least eight glasses of water daily to control your calories and your cholesterol.If you want you can use some pills to control your weight and to accelerate the process of burning fat.I know some pills which you can use to reduce your weight. Those pills are Xenical. Its results are excellent and fast.

Atkins....but you will probably gain it back.

I personally do not believe in taking pills to lose weight. The quickest way is to drink lots of water and eat healthy along with a good exercise program or even just walking about 30-40 minutes per day.

Any fad diet will get the results you want. Just remember these are not good for you body and once you come off the diet you will gain the weight back.

Run - Running is the best way to lose weight.

I take Zylene, made and sold in the US. All natural and it gives me tons of energy, decreases my appetite and decreases my cravings. Better than ephedra!

coca tea aloe��it is great! you can see results after 2 weeksyou can get the tea at amazon��and the aloe at walmart

Don t Diet, Eat less Run, Jogg and Swim More.Don t Sit around Do some Exersise I am Perfectly in Shapetrust me I don t Do Anything but Exercise

This is the best diet:1. day- only vegetables2. day - only meat 3. day- only milk4. day- only fruits5. day- only - only only only meat(again) only only potatoes(again).. u should repeat it 3x..u will lose 7kg at least

this is a great diet i use before a photo shoot or a great nite out---for three days all i eat is Salmon (fresh or canned) and only blueberries or blackberries. it freshens my skin and trims me up-- and I looovvvveee the food anyway. it just taste fresh and clean. dont limit yhourself on the amount, i eat it often it just seems to do so good for the body --- use diet wisely.I have taken Phentermine to lose weight but it seem to lose lean body tissue--and it doesnt feel healthy and vigourous,. the food diet feels great - your gut gets emptied-- your energy soars----try it

Eat one or 2 apples before eating a meal. I am slowly loosing weight, but I won t gain it. Also, walk as much as you can and eat good food.

Fat chicks: dont you hate it when naturally skinny girls try to tell you how to lose weight? -

and they dont practice what they preach? they tell you to diet and exercise three times daily, while they havent worked out since recess in grade school and are chowing down on a double cheeseburger?i just recently found out im 150 lbs, which i think is FAT for me (i have a small build, and im short).I used to be that girl, i apologize.

yess!I know a girl who was adopted and has always been chubby but eats fairly well and exercises. Her adoptive family is all thin, and they lead healthy lifestyles, but a few months ago she met her real mother, and she had the exact same build as her, though slightly more overweight and carried the weight in the same places. Sometimes you just can t fight genetics, and (thin) people always assume overweight people lazy and eat poorly. I also hate when I m at the same table as a thin person, eating the exact same thing as them and I get looked at like I shouldn t be eating it, even by people who I know, and who know that the thin person always eats badly and is just thin by luck, whereas I m fat because of bad genes. It s really upsetting how a lot of thin people look down on slightly chubby or fat people for being that way when the thin people have never even have to deal with a type of struggle with their weight. Many people are overweight because of addictions to food, health problems, or genetics, as I mentioned above. It s a lot harder to lose weight than they make it seem.

+apology accepted