Wednesday, September 27, 2006


hi im 13 yrs old 5 3 124lbs and i want to lose weight. I lost around 34 lbs and put 20 more on cause i am food sensitive.(i gain weight easily) So my dad put me on a diet but he starved me and i lost weight tht way. But i dont want to do tht again so plz help me

Don t starve. Just eat sensibly. You could try apple cider vinegar. It naturally raises your metabolism which will allow your body to loose weight. You should also start morning exercises. It will allow your body to burn calories from the previous day.I lost 4lbs in 2 days. I also gain weight quickly. I was really surprised!!!

What can I do to gain weight? -

I m tired of hearing about all these miracle weight loss programs. I want to gain weight. For two years I was taking this stuff called Serious Mass, 1630 calories per shake, four times a day. I m just curious if anyone can help me out. I want to gain weight. And please, I m serious about this, please keep opinions and comments to yourself.

Yea, I get sick of those commercials as well. Try and just eat 5 - 6 mini meals a day. That would overall be your best bet. Eat lean protein meals, protein shakes, and stay away from junk foods they only make your body unhealthy. People come on here and say go get a Big Mac which is a bad healthy choice. There is a big difference between gaining weight in a healthy matter and a way to just jack yourself up. Good luck :)

hey...I really don t think you need any extra supplements or medications, just to gain weight. Get on a solid high-calorie diet, and you ll have no problem putting on the weight. I d suggest checking out this fitness site that I follow:weight-gain-plus.blogspot.comthe-muscle-gain-truth.blogspot.comhealthy-food-plans.blogspot.comgud luck!!!

Become good friends with your couch and a bag of chips.

beer, soda and mcdonalds helped me gain 50lbs in 5 months :)

Weight loss supplement quot;Acaiquot; endorsed by Oprah? -

I have been seeing and hearing about this supplement for weight loss called Acai. Apparently you mix it with your water/juice and you start loosing the pounds. (44 in 3 months was her example) I have done fad diets, used weight loss supplements, had meals delivered to my door and ordered weight loss programs from infomercials.These didn t work for long. NOTHING has worked better than the traditional diet and exercise and have recently lost 35 pounds already. So it seems that Oprah is endorsing this product called Acai . You would think since Oprah is one of the most powerful women in America that she wouldn t put her name on something that wouldn t work, right? I mean, she doesn t need any more money! So you think it really works then??? I need to get rid of this dang little bit of tummy fat, and that s where it works, on your love handles. Hmmmm......

What can I say, Oprah is right this time. Acai really is an awesome food supplement that everyone should be using.You have made a good choice by looking into acai. Especially if you tend to look towards building a healthy future rather than immediate gains. I mean, you will still benefit from acai s fat burning effects immediately, but acai should be taken more for its long term antioxidant properties than for its fat loss potential.I recommend you get a free trial of Extreme Acai from the source link below. This is the product I use, and honestly I feel better every day. If you don t like it, just don t reorder it... but you ll like it.Now let me tell you why I recommend Extreme Acai over all other acai supplements...Firstly, Extreme Acai is a 100% acai capsule (pill) type supplement. Capsules are superior to juices, cleansers, and detoxifiers. Juices are diluted and are filled with sugar, cleansers and detox supplements tend to promote abdominal discomfort, and they are all way overpriced. Most likely you will only find sugar filled acai juice supplements at your local GNC.Two weekends ago I attempted to find a good acai supplement at GNC, Vitamin World, Hannafords, and Shaws, but I was unable to find something that was cheap, high quality, and not filled with sugar and other fillers. I am going to keep getting Extreme Acai for now.Secondly, Extreme Acai ranks in the top 3, usually at #1, of all acai supplements in most acai product polls that I ve found online.How good is acai for your health?Acai berries have far more antioxidants than any other fruit. Even more than blueberries! Besides that, the nutrients in acai berry supplements help many other diseases and maladies, from diabetes to arthritis to blood clotting. It really is a worthwhile supplement to add to your daily nutrition.Acai can also be a great weight loss aid. The berry��s natural concoction of essential fatty acids, fiber, phytosterols and amino acids work together to help your body burn fat more efficiently, process food more quickly and shed the unwanted pounds that you��d like to lose.The fatty acids and amino acids aid in both muscle development and proper digestion, both of which are essential to fat loss. The fiber helps your body to move food out of your system quicker and also to help you feel full, as do fatty acids. Phytosterols help fortify your digestive tract, moving waste materials out and absorbing nutrients more efficiently.Acai has great anti-aging benefits, will cleanse and detoxify you, and has destroyed cancer cells in recent studies. You really can t go wrong by adding an acai supplement to your daily vitamin regimen. So far it s working for me by helping my digestion, curbing my appetite, and by giving me more energy each day... I don t even get sleepy around 3pm anymore.Remember, just stick with a regular 100% acai supplement in capsule form like Extreme Acai, you can try the free trial at the source link below.

Well, I ve tried the free sample of Acai from and I have to say it s been really successful for me! I ordered it a couple weeks ago and have been taking it since.. so far my energy and metabolism is through the roof and I m starting to see some small changes already. I don t know about the Oprah thing, but from personal experience, I d definitely recommend it.

yeah the acai berry product does a full body cleanse to flush the rubbish out your system.a friend of mine done it with a pomegranate product and lost a few pounds. best thing was she got it for free, only had to pay $3 shipping. heres their site:

Hello, it is commonly known that fad diets are 95% certain to fail. I advise that you have a look at [lose-inches_info] its an awesome place with some great free help and support. I shed 8 pounds in three weeks by using their methods